Arslan Senki

Book 3: Chapter 3 (5)

The duel was to be held in front of the main gate of the capital.

The boundary was a circle with a radius of seven gaz (about seven meters), if measured by Parsian standards. A trench was dug around the circle, filled with firewood and doused with oil. Once the duel started, the firewood would be ignited and the circle of fire would block any escape attempt of the duelists. Moreover, ten large stakes were driven on the inner side of the circle, and hungry wolves were chained to each of these stakes. They had been deliberately starved for two days and were ravenous.

The fire barrier and the hungry wolves made it impossible for either of the duelists to escape.

Daryun, dressed in black, stood in the middle of the circle of death. Armed with his longsword, he waited for his opponent to appear.

The nearby city walls were set up with spectator seats. On the left of King Karikala were Gadhevi and his men, while on the right sat Rajendra and his companions. Arslan, Narsus, Gieve, Farangis, Elam, Alfreed, and Bahman, along with fifty other soldiers, were seated there. Originally, Gadhevi was against letting the Parsians enter the city, but, after Rajendra's plea, King Karikala finally agreed. However, there was really no excuse for the gathering of some Sindhuran soldiers so closely around the Parsians.

Bahadur, who finally appeared, far surpassed Daryun in height and weight, and was simply a giant. His height was more than two gaz (about two meters), and he was heavily muscled. He wore Sindhuran armor, but it gave the impression of a beast wearing human clothes. He had long dark hair, and a pair of small shining eyes.

After one glance at Bahadur, Arslan could not help but feel a cold chill down his spine. He had absolute confidence in Daryun's bravery, but now after seeing Bahadur, he felt that he might be forcing a task that was too dangerous onto Daryun. He peeked out from the audience and called to the brave man who couldn't be more important to him.

"Daryun ……"

Somehow the voice reached Daryun's ears over the noise of the crowd. Daryun looked back up towards the spectator seats. He looked at Arslan and the companions guarding him, smiled very stoically, and gave a salute. Then he turned back to face Bahadur, using his sword as a staff, and waited for the signal to begin the duel.

The great drums of Sindhura sounded from a corner of the city walls.

The lower half of the setting sun was already touching the western horizon.

The duel was about to begin.

Daryun took up the rectangular shield that lay at his feet and regained his grip on the large sword. Bahadur, the giant of Sindhura, did not carry a shield, but only a huge battle axe held with both hands. His face was completely expressionless.

Though he didn’t know why, Arslan could not help but shiver. He turned his head to ask Rajendra.

"Prince Rajendra, that man named Bahadur is quite strong, isn’t he?"

"No need to worry. No matter what, he can't defeat Lord Daryun."

Although he answered Arslan with confidence, an unsure expression surfaced on Rajendra's face. Arslan cast his eyes a little farther away, and saw the light smile that graced Gadhevi’s face. Gadhevi's eyes then shifted to meet Arslan’s gaze. A mocking look of superiority slowly spread across Gadhevi's face.

Feelings of unease and regret began to seep into Arslan's mind. Azrael on his shoulder seemed to sense the change in his mood and let out a small chirp.

Daryun had called Arslan his most important person. He felt that he was still undeserving of such a title. To Arslan, Daryun is truly important and an indispensable retainer. Was he wrong to let Daryun participate in such a duel?

Elam whispered to encourage Arslan.

"Please don't worry. Lord Daryun will not lose, Your Highness, because he is the strongest and bravest man in the world."

The left half of Elam's face suddenly glowed with a red copper color. The firewood had finally been ignited.

The flames made a violent bursting sound as they spread around the entire ring-shaped trench, forming a red-copper and golden circle of fire.

Mahendra stood up from his seat.

"The duel before the gods to determine the next king of Sindhura will now begin. The outcome of the duel is sacred and inviolable, and neither side may disagree."

Since King Karikala did not stand up, Mahendra acted in his place. Rajendra cast a mocking and distrustful look at the vizier; however, he said nothing out loud. He became disgusted even with his father.

Suddenly, Bahadur opened his huge mouth. An appalling roar burst from his throat.

His voice overpowered the howls of the wolves and reached the audience, causing almost everyone, as well as the wolves, to fall into silence in a moment.

When the echoes had completely faded, the duel began. The huge body of Bahadur advanced forward. Although it was a duel for the fate of his country and his own life, his direct advance gave the impression that he had not even given a thought to that significance.

The huge battle axe reflected the flames as it came towards Daryun.

Daryun backed up while raising his shield to take the blow. He felt a numbness in his left wrist, yet still struck with the longsword. It was a strong chopping blow, however, it was blocked by the opponent's battle axe.

Bahadur's brute strength was truly unimaginable. The moment it was blocked, Daryun lost his center of gravity and swayed, and his boots made a violent grinding sound. After stabilizing his feet, Daryun's eyes again reflected the opponent's swinging battle axe. This time the opponent attacked from the right, and Daryun tried to block again.

A strange metallic sound resounded all around.

Daryun's longsword had broken. The silvery shards flew into the air, and only the broken hilt remained in Daryun's hand. Arslan, who was holding his breath in the audience, saw the third strike of the battle axe swing again.

Daryun's black helmet flew loose. The cracked helmet flew into the air and fell back down into the ring of fire. Daryun's black hair also fell down, and his head and feet were now completely exposed.

The battle axe swung once more towards Daryun who stumbled on his feet.

Shouts rang out from among the Sindhuran people.

In the audience of the Parsians, Alfreed let out a small scream of agony. Arslan could not make a sound, he just watched the deadly fight with wide eyes the color of a clear night sky.

Daryun swung his shield.

The battle axe shattered the shield and struck Daryun's shoulder. However, the blow wasn’t serious. Daryun dodged, then turned away and slammed the shield into the side of the unbalanced Bahadur’s face.

The blow should have shattered a normal man's cheekbone. However, Bahadur stood firm and slashed down toward Daryun again.

Daryun jumped back, making the opponent's blow miss. At the same time, Daryun thrust out his broken sword. The shortened blade swept across Bahadur's wrist and blood splashed out. If the sword had not been broken, it would have cut off one of Bahadur's hands.

Bahadur shouted, raised his battle axe high above his head and slashed down towards Daryun’s neck.

The defensive shield made a loud bang and cracked in half. Daryun beat Bahadur on the nose with the narrow side of the remaining half of the shield, and Bahadur only took a half step back. A hungry wolf, dragging its chains, bit him on the foot. Bahadur lifted the foot bitten by the hungry wolf, grabbed its upper jaw with his left hand, and lifted it into the air.

In the next instant, the hungry wolf's head was torn apart.

Blood and slime flew everywhere, leaving the bloody wolf carcass dangling in Bahadur's left hand. Screams of fear came from the audience. Bahadur laughed maniacally and dropped the corpse, which fell right in front of the other hungry wolves. Immediately, they swarmed over the corpse of their companion, all the while making bone-crunching, hair-raising sounds.

"That thing isn’t even human. Although it stands on two feet, it is not at all like a human being.”

Gieve muttered, and Farangis couldn't help but wipe the sweat from her pale forehead with her hand.

"There are beasts in human skin everywhere, but he's simply an outright beast! If this was a duel with a human, there is no way that Lord Daryun would lose, but ……"

The words stop here, as she did not want to make Arslan more upset. Arslan found it increasingly difficult to breathe. Farangis caressed Arslan's shaking back.

"Bahadur, fight! Tear the Parsian into eight pieces, just like that wolf!"

Gadhevi encouraged the giant, a fervent and cruel gleam in both his eyes. Rajendra staggered and looked at Narsus as if to ask: Is there nothing that can be done?

There was nothing that Narsus could do either. Not only that, but this wise man, who was known as a hero of his country, could also only watch with a pale face as both sides continued to fight to the death.

Alfreed held his hand as if to give him strength, but he didn't seem to notice it either. Rather, Elam saw it, and he frowned and deliberately cleared his throat.

"Wow!" There was another sound of horror from the people watching the battle. Daryun bravely jumped to Bahadur's side and swung his broken sword once again. The blade, shorter than a short sword, pierced into the side of Bahadur's face, reaching deep into the bone and causing it to crack. Blood spurted out. Cheers rang out from the seats of the Parsians, however, this excited tone immediately changed to a shocked groan.

"Damn it! Why hasn't it fallen down yet?"

Farangis and Gieve couldn't help but shout in unison. Even if the beast didn't fall, its movements should have been slowed down by the severe pain. However, Bahadur only slightly swayed his huge body. Even a brave man like Daryun had to be surprised by such an unusual situation. Originally, he also predicted that Bahadur would fall down like a giant tree that had been struck by lightning. However, his prediction was wrong. Bahadur fiercely struck back at Daryun's body with a violent grinding sound, and a crack appeared in Daryun's chest armor. He barely dodged the second blow and stepped back. At that very moment, a wolf bit into the warrior's boots. Daryun twisted halfway around and slashed at the wolf's face with his broken sword. The wolf's eyes protruded and it fell down, rolling on the ground in pain. The other hungry wolves then began to swarm its body as well.

Bahadur did not even look at the wolves fighting for food, he raised his battle axe and swung it down. The fierce weapon carried a strong blow to attack Daryun. At that very moment, Daryun flipped his body over and fled to the center of the dueling arena. Sweat dripped down the face of the brave knight in black.

In the audience, Rajendra saw Arslan's intense gaze, and knew that he could no longer hide it. Only then did he reluctantly open his mouth and confess.

"Bahadur is not a normal person. That man is like a shark, no sensation of pain. So no matter what kind of injury he receives, he will continue to fight until he’s dead. His only goal is to kill whatever is in front of him."

Eyes the color of a clear night sky burned in Arslan's face. He suddenly stood up from his seat and scowled at Rajendra.

"You ……You deliberately chose Daryun to be your proxy in the duel before the gods even though you knew this? You let Daryun duel such a monster?"

"Please don't get worked up, Prince Arslan."

"Don’t get worked up?!"

Arslan shouted, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword and gazing into Rajendra's eyes.

"If Daryun is killed by that monster, I swear to the gods of Pars that I will hang your head along with that monster's on the gates of the city here. I swear that I will do it!"

This was the first time in Arslan's life that he had threatened someone like this. Rajendra could not help but feel scared, and for a moment could not offer a defense. He remained sitting to avoid starting an outright fight.

"Please be calm, Parsian guest."

King Karikala stopped the teenager with a stern and powerful voice, unlike that of a sick person.

"Gadhevi's choice of agent in the duel before the gods came after Rajendra. Perhaps the guest's warrior possesses unparalleled bravery and no one in the world can beat him, and that's why Gadhevi went to such drastic lengths for this. As a sovereign, you should trust your retainer who is so feared by his enemies."

Arslan was silent, and with a red face he saluted and sat down again. With a smug smile, Gadhevi, who watched the scene, whispered to his father.

"Father, it is surprising that the crown prince of Pars would show such panicked and rash behavior!"


King Karikala’s voice and expression held a faint sorrow in the dusk.

"If you were even half as concerned about your men as he is, I would have made you the crown prince long ago. A king cannot be a king by himself. It is only due to the assistance of retainers that a king can exist!"

"Understood, Father."

"…… Good."

King Karikala seemed to shut his mouth wearily, and he cast his eyes to the ring of fire.

If it had been an ordinary duel, Bahadur would have been defeated long ago, and Daryun would have won triumphantly. However, without his longsword and shield, Daryun could only keep dodging Bahadur's never-ending slashing attacks.

Narsus exhaled heavily and sat down again. The conversation between Arslan and King Karikala seemed to have restored him to his old-knowing nature. He stretched out both arms and crossed them over his chest.

A low voice flowed from his lips.

"It's almost over."

In his eyes, Daryun had prevailed. Perhaps it was only in his eyes? In the eyes of the others, Daryun seemed helpless before Bahadur's beastly strength and life force. Gadhevi even had an expression of complacency. Rajendra turned his face to the side as if he was vomiting.

Daryun used one hand to unbutton his cloak. He swung the cloak in his left hand to the rear and swept it through the ring of fire. The cloak caught fire and immediately burst into flames.

Daryun struck the cloak, which had turned into a thin sheet of fire, at the upper part of Bahadur's body. The cape curled around the giant and the burning flames enveloped him. The giant made a roaring sound and grabbed the cloak to throw it away, however, his turban and clothes were already on fire. As the upper half of his body burst into flames, Bahadur still swung his battle axe in his hand and slashed towards Daryun.

At this time, the light of the short sword shone on Daryun's right hand for the first time.

Everyone had forgotten that Daryun had a shortsword in addition to the longsword, perhaps because Daryun seemed reluctant to give up the broken sword. Of course, it was Daryun’s intent to make people feel that way.

Daryun calculated the timing and situation perfectly and flashed the short sword in his hand, and in that instant, the winner was decided.

Bahadur's head was cut off. Red and black blood shot out like a fountain and began to form a small pool at his feet. The huge, expressionless head was enveloped in a sea of fire, shaking violently from side to side. It looked as if he didn't know which way to fall.

When his head fell forward, the huge body seemed to be pulled by its weight and fell forward with it. After a loud bang, Bahadur was lying in the center of the ring of fire.

For a few seconds, silence fell over the area and no one made a sound.

Breathing heavily with his upper body, Daryun turned his eyes to the audience and gave a deep salute to Arslan. The silence was broken in that instant as wild clapping and cheering erupted from the audience.

Arslan was no exception. He stood up and clapped his hands until they hurt, while calling out Daryun's name as if he were in a dream.

"Daryun wins. That means Rajendra wins. With the testimony of the gods Shiva, Indra, Agni, and Varuna ……, the next king of Sindhura is Rajendra!"

Over the audience’s cheers, King Karikala announced thus, his voice spreading like a wave all around. "Rajendra! The new king!" The cheers rang out once more.

Just at this time,

"I don't accept it! I'm not accepting it!"

Gadhevi stood up. His two eyes were full of hot light like lava, and his voice, though loud, had a tremor. His whole body seemed to sway with the wind like a tree in the wind.

"Who would listen to such an improper trial? Let’s do it again! I deny it!"

Rajendra also stood up, but his voice trembled with a different kind of excitement.

"Gadhevi, you of little faith! How dare you disagree with the judgment of the gods?"

"It’s the gods who are wrong!"

Hearing Gadhevi’s words, a commotion arose among the Sindhuran people, who feared the wrath of the gods. Gieve sneered and whispered.

"That prince seems to have finally realized that the gods are always wrong, always blaming humans for undesirable results."

Some of the Sindhuran people stood up, while others sat and looked up at the sky. Chancellor Mahendra scolded his daughter's husband sternly.

"Your Highness Gadhevi, there can be no disagreement about the result of the duel before the gods. What's more, this is an order given by the king."

"Shut up!"

Gadhevi yelled.

"Bastard! How dare you betray me! You must be colluding with that Rajendra guy in private, aren’t you? Are you so reluctant to give up your position as chancellor?"

"Your Highness, what are you talking about?"

"Shut up! I don't trust you anymore! The throne of Sindhura is mine!"

Gadhevi's gaze was so intense, yet it had also lost its rationality, as if it was going to spurt blood from his eyes, and he looked up at his father.

"Father, please give the throne to me! In the name of this sword!"

"Gadhevi, you are mad!"

Rajendra shouted. There was a faint but obvious joy of victory in his voice. Gadhevi had made himself a conspirator of rebellion by blatantly disobeying the will of the king in front of the citizens.

"All generals and soldiers, kill Rajendra!"

"Protect the King! Kill Gadhevi!"

The audience surrounding the dueling arena was immediately engulfed in a chaotic roar of rage.

Swords clashed around King Karikala, bursting into sparks. The two princes fiercely fought for their father, not out of the love of children, but to legitimize their throne.

"Your Highness, we must not be drawn into the affair, please come this way!"

Narsus walked in front, with Farangis and Gieve flanking the right and left, taking Arslan away from the whirlwind of chaos. Bahman stood guard behind, while Azrael spread his wings and flew into the air. The Prince of Pars and his party tried to avoid the chaos and leave the audience.

A group of Sindhuran soldiers blocked their way. Of course, these men were all Gadhevi's men.

More soldiers arrived one after another, and the blades crisscrossed around Arslan. Narsus, Gieve, and Farangis spewed a foam of blood with each slash, opening up a path.

More Sindhuran soldiers also appeared behind them.

"Your Highness Arslan! Please hurry up and go!"

Before he could finish his words, Bahman unsheathed his sword and cut down the attacking Sindhuran soldiers in a cloud of blood and smoke.

Although he was already over sixty years old, his skillful swordsmanship showed no signs of decline. However, just as he cut down two more enemy soldiers, Gadhevi picked up a spear, aimed it at the old general, and threw it.

The spear made a whistling sound as it flew towards him, stabbing hard into the area between Bahman’s left shoulder and chest. Bahman let out a short groan and fell down.


Arslan shouted wildly and tried to run over to help Bahman, however, Gadhevi once again picked up another spear and tried to throw it at Arslan. At this time, the group of Sindhuran soldiers instantly retreated. After fighting the fire and crossing the fire circle, Daryun, who had taken a sword from one of the Sindhuran soldiers, had run to the audience.

Daryun's sword roared and cut down the enemy soldiers around him one by one.

Smoke and screams of blood spurted into the darkening sky as the Sindhuran soldiers fell, trying to escape from the power of Daryun's sword. Now that they knew of Daryun’s strength, no one dared to stand in his way.

"Fierce Tiger General!"

Cries of fear and awe erupted from among the Sindhuran soldiers. Daryun, who was known as the "Warrior of Warriors" in Pars, was given a new title by the foreign soldiers.

Blinded by disappointment and anger, Gadhevi picked up his spear again. Mahendra held both hands in front of him to stop him; however, Gadhevi could no longer distinguish between friend and enemy. He thrust the spear down, and in the next instant, pierced Mahendra's body.

Farangis's bowstring made a high-pitched, crisp sound, and the arrow sliced through the gloomy sky. Gadhevi's right hand was pierced by the arrow. The spear fell from his hand, and he removed the arrow with his left hand. Farangis nocked a second arrow, and by now, Gadhevi's figure had disappeared into the tangled mass of people.

"Gadhevi has defied the divine will. Those who follow him will be complicit in the crime of high treason! Lay down your arms and follow the law of justice!"

Rajendra shouted after making sure his father was safe. As a result of this change, the chaos subsided. Gadhevi’s men dropped their swords, knelt down, and hung their heads to King Karikala.

Mahendra was left with his last breath. It was incredible that he was stabbed all the way through with a spear and did not die instantly. In the midst of his agonized gasping for breath, he whispered to Jaswant who was desperately tending to him.

"…… Don't be sad, Jaswant. I deserve my fate. I have followed the wrong sovereign and chosen the wrong son-in-law. Such a downfall is but the most fitting end for a foolish man. Oh, Jaswant, I have nothing to give you ……"

The conversation was cut short here, and Mahendra died.

Jaswant was ultimately unable to ask the one thing he most wanted to know. He had not known his father. He had wondered if Mahendra was his real father. However, because of Mahendra's death, he now would never have the answer.

Bahman was also on the verge of death. The spear had reached deep into his gut. All other aspects aside, Gadhevi seemed to be quite talented at spear throwing.

"…… Your Highness Arslan, please make sure you become a good king!"

With only these words, Bahman spurted out blood and lost consciousness. His lungs were simply too injured.

Narsus was also quite knowledgeable in the art of healing, and soon declared that Bahman had regained consciousness. Arslan looked a little panicked. He grabbed the old general’s shoulders with both hands and shook them hard.

"Bahman, tell me! You must tell me before you die! What kind of man am I? What am I?"

Arslan's retainers exchanged wordless glances. Bahman looked back into the prince's eyes and did not say a word.

    Arslan's armor flickered for a moment, reflecting the last glow of the setting sun. Bahman's pupils also lost their focus forever at this time.

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