As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 102

Chapter 101

During the intermission between the big courts, the players of both sides stepped off the stage from both sides, and the wonderful replays of the previous two rounds began to be played on the big screen.

Almost all of them are shots of R.H’s side – the horrific assassination of Cheese Gundam Eless, and the skull symbol that symbolizes death that appears on the screen every time Shine fires a shot.

The North American Demon King, who was able to fight back and forth with R.H last time, was completely reduced to a background board to set off his opponent.

The rattler cursed all the way, still having doubts about Shine’s operation. grumpy u

A has always been impatient with his Korean teammates. He suddenly stopped, turned around and said, “Shut up, what right do people who cheat teammates have to shout here? Get out.”

Rattler is not a good-tempered person either, which one of the players who can make it to n is not the top player in the league. But whoever has the strength is more or less arrogant: “You—”

Rattler took a step forward and said aggressively, “What do you want to say?”

Gunner stopped Rattler, and said sharply, “The cameraman is following the film, you all pay attention to me.”

aradox grabbed the rattler of the same nationality and persuaded them a lot in Korean. Rattler refrained from arguing, and said as soon as he returned to the waiting room: “Coach, there was definitely something wrong with that round just now, Shine…”

“Enough, don’t you think it’s embarrassing enough?! You want to know how Shine found you?” The blushing and thick-necked coach n pointed to the screen, which was playing Shine’s first-person perspective, “Go and see for yourself!”

In Shine’s perspective, there has never been an invisible virus figure, only n and the other three people. Whenever the three of them deviate from the original track, Shine will start to scan the virus—sweeping around himself, scanning next to cheese, and scanning on the fastest way from the resurrection point to the target point.

Shine is predicting, through the operation of three people, predicting the location of the stealth virus.

Rattler’s eyes gradually widened, and his clenched fists loosened weakly.

He shut up.

Not only him, but everyone was silent. Anxiety and unease spread silently among players and coaches in these leagues.

In the end, it was the tide of substitutes that broke the silence.

“R.H’s discipline is too strict, each of them is under Shine’s command.” Chao Chao stared at the head of the big sister who was acting recklessly on the screen, with complex emotions hidden in his eyes, “It is impossible for us to play a match They operate better.”

n’s coach took a deep breath: “R.H can’t get 3:0, absolutely not.”

In a bo7 match, 2:0 is a watershed. If you win the next game, you only have one point to chase; if you lose the next game, the opponent will hold four match points, and they have to play under high pressure every game.

Letting three chase four is too rare, and it may not happen once a season.

Tide said in a deep voice: “We can’t be led by the nose by R.H, and give up what we are best at for them.” N’s best skill is to rely on the player’s personal ceiling to play star balls, cooperate with teammates to focus fire, kill one first, Then use more to fight less to quickly control the situation of the battle. “Let me play, coach.”

The coach looked at Tidal, and said mockingly: “Have you overcome Shine’s suppression of your bloodline?”

Chao Chao was taken aback, and immediately said: “I’m not afraid of Shine, I can confront him.”

The coach shook his head: “I gave you a chance, tide, you let me down.”

Tide said unwillingly: “Coach…”

The coach made up his mind: “Don’t say it.” He raised his hand and signaled to the referee: “N apply for a substitution.”

In the lounge of R.H at the other end, everyone ate a banana to replenish their energy. Although the atmosphere is not relaxed and comfortable, it has nothing to do with nervousness and anxiety. Even the most nervous and anxious one is barely calm.

Lu Youshan said: “The lost things will not be used again, and they will not deal with us anymore.”

Yu Zhaohan pondered: “In the situation of 2:0, n will definitely strive for the third game, and they will make substitutions.”

Qi Xian asked: “Change the tide?”

After eating one banana, Shi Du took another: “Tide’s stats against us last time were too ugly, n’s coach may not give him a chance.”

“It doesn’t matter who he replaces.” Cheese said arrogantly, “Let’s die and struggle.”

Lu Youshan nodded: “Indeed. Once a team changes players frequently, they are not far from complete defeat.”

Cheese was so shocked that the banana in his hand broke off: “You didn’t say that we committed the crime of arrogance! You are not Lu Youshan, who are you?!”

Lu Youshan said loudly: “I’m telling the truth!”

Frequent substitutions when falling behind proves that n can’t grasp the optimal lineup and system, and can only keep trying to find possible ways to break the game. But their problems obviously cannot be solved by changing players or systems.

“Brothers, I have an idea.” Shi Du steadily threw the banana peel into the trash can in the corner, “N doesn’t know how to play double short, why don’t we teach them?”

In the third game, R.H replaced cheese and ttler.

As soon as the substitution list came out, the commentator hesitated and said, “Is this… is there some kind of strange trick hidden?”

Both jiang and cheese are nurses, and the rotation is normal. But the rattler is a short gun, but the tank is a tank—n needs to play two tanks, one c, and one nanny system. Combined with the map they chose, Yu Zhaohan came to a conclusion: “They want to fight positional warfare.”

Shi Du smiled: “What a retro system.”

Battlefield is a lineup that relies heavily on maps. Find the most suitable position on the map and set up a formation, and the four of them are firmly in a group. The two huge front row tanks were strictly guarded, and they shielded the rear row without letting go. One shield was shattered by R.H, and there was another.

The burden of output falls on the shoulders of the only c-bit. u

a chose the fortress with the highest ds (damage per second). The fortress has the highest firepower machine gun, which can deal amazing damage per second, but at the same time has a fatal flaw-the fortress’ machine gun cannot be moved, and can only be fixed in one position for output. When the assassin comes to cut, it is very difficult for him to run, he will either be killed or counter-kill.

But now there are two tanks that have built iron walls around the fortress. The bullets from the long guns can only hit the shield. As soon as the assassin enters their position, they will face a collective beating of four people.

The commentator couldn’t help sighing: “u

a is so well preserved that even gods will not be able to cut him! How should R.H break this situation? “

“Shine really didn’t choose a long gun. He used the virus that was useless in Rattler’s hands in the previous game, and Tiless chose his signature hero ninja. It seems that the two are going to work together to infiltrate the invasion.”

The firepower of the fort’s machine gun is too high, and if he sweeps it for a second or two, a crispy skin will be gone. R.H tried an attack, but after being pressed into the bunker by the powerful firepower, he had to replenish the blood line first and prepare for the next attack.

It is impossible to attack from the front, and you can only rely on the displacement skills of the two assassins to climb the wall and find opportunities from the flanks.

Shi Du: “Two shields are kind of annoying, can the captain destroy one?”

Yu Zhaohan: “Yes. But even if I destroy a shield and create an opportunity for you to enter the field, you still have to face a one-on-four situation—can you do it? You don’t need four kills, as long as you cut the fortress , leave the rest to us.”

Shi Du laughed: “If you trust me, I can do it.”

Yu Zhaohan said without hesitation, “I believe in you.”

In the second round of attack, Jiang Di provided the milk line and some fire support from a distance, and Qi Xian was responsible for protecting him; Shi Du climbed the wall and came to a hidden position, waiting for an opportunity.

Yu Zhaohan’s virus stealth approached N and kept shooting around, trying to sweep out the virus, but all they swept was air.

Yu Zhaohan waited patiently, counting silently, until the machine gun in the fortress ran out of bullets and had to stop to change the magazine, which took about a second.

At this second, Yu Zhaohan’s virus took the initiative to cancel his invisibility.

Gunner was the first to spot him: “Shine is about to zoom in, spread out!”

In order to avoid the ultimate ultimate move of the virus, n’s formation has slightly loosened. Yu Zhaohan extended his invading claws to the tank closest to him.

There was no time for the tank to react—the invasion was successful!

A hero invaded by a virus cannot use skills, and tank’s shield is one of his skills. When the invasion was successful, his shield disappeared. n Only one shield is left.

a reacted, his eyes turned red with anger: “Damn it, Shine doesn’t have ultimate skills at all, he’s just fake!”

Yu Zhaohan: “Shidu, now. Let’s offer Jiang Di together and go straight to the front.”

The Tokito ninja rolled over from the wall and landed smoothly—in the middle of the enemy’s position.

The damage from the C position of the virus tool man is not to be feared, and the n immediately changed the target of the fire. It takes time for teammates to break the shield head-on, and Shi Du fell into a one-on-four situation as expected.

He has a rebound skill that can reflect enemy damage, but this skill has a cooldown time of up to ten seconds; he also has a pillar on the ground, which can be used to avoid part of the damage.

But there are four people in n, and the difference in the number of people can overwhelm everything.

The firepower of the four of them poured all their firepower on Shi Du. The ninja himself is also a crispy skin, and a shuttle of bullets from the fortress is enough to send him back to the resurrection point.

The commentator worried: “Can Tiless wait for the support of his teammates? His rebounding skills have been turned in, and now he can delay the time as much as possible by relying on body skills and positioning.”

“Tiless only has one-third of his health left, so he should be gone. But it doesn’t matter, Tiless successfully opened up the situation for R.H, and the rest can be left to his teammates.”

“Wait—tiless dodged aradox’s sleep needle, and then dodged the gunner’s charge…he moved too fast and weird, u

The aim of the machine gun can’t keep up at all! “

On the big screen, the juvenile ninja’s body was smooth and smooth. He kept using the cover to block the firepower of the whole team.

“I can’t die, I can’t die! Tiless just can’t die! N is going to die!”

“Tiless is not dead yet! He can still show!”

“Tiless’ health bar has almost bottomed out—his bounced cd is ready, and he’s still showing!”

Shi Du went deep into the enemy by himself, and under the strict defense of the two tanks and one milk, he took the head of the fortress, and even used the damage of the rebound to cut off the nurse.

[R.Htiless kills]

[R.Htiless killed dox]

“One hit four and took two away, and I survived!” The commentator seemed to forget that he was still in the commentary booth, screaming like a fan: “Ah, ah, tiless! The most handsome brother!”

R.H smashed through the 3:0 that n least wanted to see.

[[All] R. Htiless: Want to learn how to play double shorts? We teach you. 】

No one can refuse the operation of a top assassin. The audience was cheering for this eighteen-year-old boy, no matter which team the fans were, no matter which player they supported, they were all brought into the carnival of e-sports by Tiless at this moment.

“Tiles, tiles, tiles—”

Shi Du couldn’t hear the fans’ screams, he just wanted to hear Baby Yuyu’s praise: “Captain, am I handsome in this wave of double kills?”

He was so handsome, so handsome that Yu Zhaohan wished he could rush up and kiss Shidu: “Yes.”

Shi Du laughed lowly: “It’s so cold.”

Yu Zhaohan thought for a while and said, “Jiang Di, Qi Xian, take off your earphones first.”

Qi Xian smiled and said, “Oh my god, is there something Xiao Jiang and I can’t listen to?”

Yu Zhaohan: “Take it off.”

The two did as they were told.

Yu Zhaohan raised his head to cover his lips, and gently puffed out his goldfish mouth: “…Boom.”

Shi Du’s heart skipped a beat, his body was still hotter than when he had the **** double kill just now. Just as he was about to speak, Lu Youshan’s voice cut in: “Here I am! What’s Shine thinking about the next game?”

Yu Zhaohan’s goldfish mouth was flattened back, he signaled Jiang Di and Qi Xian to put on the earphones, and said, “See what you do, and adapt to the situation.”

The right to choose the map is always n is the party that makes the question.

For nurses, operational warfare, and positional warfare, they have tried them all. If he is the coach of n, he will choose to use his best system to fight back when he is behind by a big score of 0:3.

In n’s lounge, Chao Tide volunteered again.

“Coach, it’s time like this. Do we really want to play those lineups that haven’t been proven?” Chao said earnestly, “Give me another chance, and I will prove it to you.”

n’s head coach frowned and remained silent.

“I used to be Shine’s team member, and I know him well.” Chao Chao paused, his tone became difficult, “Even if I can’t beat him, I can still guess some of his layout.”

In R.H before, he lived in Shine’s shadow, and he could only look up to the cold, beautiful, distant and taciturn captain.

Why when it comes to n, he still can’t get rid of Shine’s oppression on him? Even in last year’s playoffs, even if R.H lost to n, Shine’s data still crushed him.

Obviously, he can shoot headshots at the same rate as Shine when facing up to others, and he has always been the number one sniper in the West.

It’s just a psychological barrier, his strength is not weaker than Shine. Just give him one more chance…one more time.

Every map n play could be their last.

“tide is right.” u

a said in a rough voice, “It’s 0:3, what kind of lineup do you want to play? You can play whatever you know. If you fight alone, we will lose to R.H? Oh, maybe except for the long gun position. Shine fucking… next season Can you buy Shine?”

Gunner said coolly: “Do you think the management hasn’t tried it? Like Tiless, he only plays in the all-China class.”

Tide held his breath: “But besides me, is there anyone else in the team who is worthy of facing up to Shine?”

At this time, even if the head coach has other tactical arrangements, the players under high pressure may not be able to listen to them, let alone implement them. Coaches have to admit they have no choice but to give it a go.

The head coach said: “Let tide replace tank.”

Tidal stood up straight: “Don’t worry, coach, I’m not afraid of Shine—I can play it.”

“It’s best to be like this. If you still can’t play to your due strength…” The head coach snorted coldly, pointing on Chao Chao’s shoulder, “Go back to the Eastern Conference next season.”

In the fourth game, R.H’s first match point game, the map came to the Egyptian temple.

Golden deserts, mysterious statues, pious whispers of believers, unknown and powerful gods. This is a map in the style of ancient Egypt, the terrain is relatively simple, and there are not too many bunkers. It is the basic skill of shooting games – marksmanship.

R.H’s cheese reappeared, nk, Yu Zhaohan knew he had guessed right.

“They want to compete with us and kill them.” Yu Zhaohan said, “Take out your best heroes.”

Cheese: “Got it! Here I come, Little Lingmagpie—”

After the selection of heroes, the four of R.H attacked with the whole army in their most comfortable posture.

cheese, magpie with wings

clo, the girl in the armor

tiless, masked teenage ninja

Shine, Black Widow with Flaming Lips

The commentator said excitedly: “The two teams suddenly ‘returned to their original intentions’ and stopped playing the so-called lineup and system! Showdown, stop pretending, I like to watch this kind of simple and rough fights!”

“N’s players are singled out and all of them are from the Western Division. In fact, this is the most suitable style of play for them! If they played like this in the first three rounds, they might not be forced to 3:0.”

“But R.H has the number one ninja and black swan in the league, and the cloe magpie is a pure nurse who doesn’t hurt. Does he hold Tiless or Shine?”

Yu Zhaohan: “Cheese and tiles.”

Shi Du said that he didn’t need it: “I’m against u

a still need a nanny to follow? “

Yu Zhaohan: “Then do you think I need to match Tidal?”

Cheese was hurt: “Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, I’m disgusted by my double c! Don’t you all want me?”

Qi Xian smiled and said, “Follow me, Cheese.”

Cheese smiled for a second: “Deling!”

When Yu Zhaohan pulled the hook and flew into the sky, he keenly detected a trace of strangeness. He instinctively controlled the black swan to lower its head slightly in mid-air, instead of flying to the height it should have been.

A bullet is fired from n’s spawn point and hits his body. This shot cost him a third of his blood.

Hearing the sound effect of the sniper rifle hitting the enemy, Tidal seemed to see flames in his eyes—he hit Shine, but unfortunately he didn’t get a headshot.

Qi Xian said: “Captain Tidal Counterpoint, your hands finally stopped shaking.”

Yu Zhaohan smiled lightly: “Yes.”

He is also looking forward to a real strength duel with the No. 1 sniper in the West and his former teammates.

Yu Zhaohan ate a blood bag on the map, and his health bar was full.

Shi Du: “Shall I cut the tide?”

Yu Zhaohan set up a sniper rifle on the high platform, aiming at a path that Chao Chao would most likely take: “No need.”

Five seconds later.

【R.HShine killed ntide】

Shi Du smiled and said, “It’s really not necessary.”

Chao Tide was stunned, he was so familiar with this scene that he couldn’t get rid of it even in his sleep.

From R.H to n, from him looking up to Shine to being Shine’s opponent.

He lost again to Shine.

Tide bit his lip hard, using pain to ensure his calm.

It doesn’t matter, the game has just begun.

Sniper duel is always the soul of shooting games. The black swan hidden in the shadows, like a ghost, monitors you from countless possible corners. Once she casts her eyes on you indifferently, it means that the threat from the **** of death has come.

You may not even have time to feel anything. You were still communicating with your teammates to report points one second, and you were shot dead the next second. And when you want to tell your teammates where she is, she gracefully closes the gun and turns around, and once again escapes into the quiet darkness that you can’t see.

The director generously gave Shine and tide the most shots. The task of these two snipers is to find each other in the sniper scope and mark each other. Every shot they fired was accompanied by exclamations or cries of regret from the audience, and it also touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of players around the world.

“Tide seems to have gotten rid of Shine’s ‘blood suppression’ on him. He has exerted his due strength as the number one sniper in the west. Even if the opponent is Shine, he can still show his true marksmanship! Fight with gods!”

“Real-time broadcast for everyone, so far, Tidal’s hit rate is 775, while Shine’s hit rate… is still his stable 80.”

“How can Shine’s hands be so steady? Is this the hit rate that humans can hit?”

The commentator made a harmless joke in the tense atmosphere: “In fact, Shine doesn’t look like a real person. I have always suspected that he was made out of him—Nuwa’s most proud display of skills.”

The black swan relies on the spider’s silk hook to hide and disappear on the battlefield, and most of the time it judges her position by the gun line.

Yu Zhaohan has a habit of playing snipers. He rarely shoots, which is far below the average of the league. He rarely shoots uncertain shots.

Yu Zhaohan didn’t expose the line of the gun for a long time, and Chao Chao lost his vision, temporarily aiming the sniper rifle at the frontal battlefield.

A slender spider’s thread fell from the eaves and came into view of the tide. In the sniper scope, he met a pair of cold eyes, and a bright red flashed in front of his eyes.

The black high-heeled shoes lightly stepped on the edge of the window, and the deep and **** contralto said in Italian: “ciao.”

Tidal’s spine shivered, as if the Italian “hello” didn’t come from the earphones, but actually sounded in his ears.

—Yu Zhaohan came to look for him.

The black swan was close to the tide, facing his eyebrows—bang.

【R.HShine killed ntide】

It’s a blockbuster, perfect murder.

“Here we come, Black Swan’s assassin style – who said snipers have to output from the far end?”

“Sorry, I have something to say! I know that Shine is an all-around free man, and his big sister in the second game is also very bright and awesome. But only the black swan—I prefer to call it the ‘black widow’— Only Black Widow is the hero engraved deep in Shine’s soul!”

“Please, there must be a Black Widow fv skin belonging to Shine—Okay, the director is reminding me to be objective, sorry brothers and sisters, I lost my shape in a moment of excitement, kowtow to everyone, let’s continue to watch the game .”

Tidal was killed, and R.H successfully won the target point a by playing more and less, and the battle situation came to point b.

From point a to point b, the alignment between Yu Zhaohan and Tide has never stopped. Although Chao Chao was at a disadvantage, he was enough to make Yu Zhaohan half of his attention on him. Even if he can’t kill Yu Zhaohan, he can reduce the pressure on his teammates by half.

Shi Du and Qi Xian’s tank c linked to help R.H occupy the next point b. It will take a certain amount of time for the occupation progress to go from 0 to 100. n must organize an effective attack within this period of time.

Yu Zhaohan estimated the power of n four people’s ultimate moves, and said: “u

Both a and aradox are big, be careful. “

Cheese was a little uneasy: “My ult is not ready yet, can I take over the group?”

As soon as the words fell, a bullet passed Yu Zhaohan’s side – Chao Chao hadn’t given up on his marking, the hit rate was good, but not enough.

Shi Du: “The captain is here, that’s fine.”

Cheese: “But the captain didn’t want to stare at the tide…”

The battle situation didn’t give them much time to discuss, Cheese didn’t finish talking, u

a is eating the hormone milk that the nanny can increase damage and defense, and uses his big move, pointing directly at R.H’s back row. Aradox and gunner followed him, making sure he had shields and milk, and doing the highest burst damage possible.

At the critical moment, the tide sniper’s crosshairs were still looking for Shine. He found it.

Yu Zhaohan also found Tidal in the sniper scope.

“tide played too high, he only had Shine in his eyes, and almost forgot that this was a team game.”

“But Shine didn’t forget! He didn’t forget!”

Shi Du lured the enemy into the range of Yu Zhaohan’s gun line. Yu Zhaohan turned his sniper rifle without any hesitation, and fired three shots in the direction completely opposite to Chao Chao, and at the same time exposed the back of his head to Chao Chao.

【R.HShine killed the unner】

【R.HShine killed dox】

【R.HShine killed】

“Three kills! Shine got three kills! Only Chao is left, and R.H’s occupation progress has reached 90!”

“No time to return, R.H is only 10 away from victory, from their first global championship, and from a prize of one thousand and one dollars!”

“But Shine can’t survive!”

“What’s the point? R.H is already winning!”

After Black Swan scored three kills, he was shot in the head by the enemy behind him.

Holding a sniper rifle and wearing goggles, she knelt on the ground on one knee, with her head down and her eyes closed tightly, her long hair covering her side face, as if she had just fallen asleep peacefully.

【ntide killed R.HShine】

Chao Chao stared blankly at the grayed-out portraits of his teammates, and his mind was in chaos. His teammates swearing, choking, screaming… He couldn’t hear anything.

He finally beat Shine once against the sniper, and then what?

Cheese’s magpie flapped its small wings and flew to Shine’s corpse, with a devout expression like serving a god, raised her healing gun—

“heros never die!”

Amidst the splendid golden special effects, the figure of a tall, long-haired girl looms, her whole body exuding a faint light.

【R.Hcheese revived R.HShine】

She picked up the sniper rifle and slowly closed one eye. The icy blue eyes were close to the sniper scope, her fiery red lips were slightly parted, and the blue earrings on her earlobe were shining brightly in the afterglow of the desert sunset. Hui.

Yu Zhaohan locked onto the target’s head in 0.3 seconds.

In front of the screen, he decisively pressed the mouse.

In the game, she lightly pulls the trigger.


【R.HShine killed ntide】

【R.HShine Four Kills】

[n group off]

[Occupation progress of point b: 97, 98, 99…]

The score of the two sides [3:0] is displayed on the big screen. At the same moment when the occupation progress reaches 100, the word “3” changes:


A wave of pink swept across the audience in an instant.

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