As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 105

Chapter 104

After winning the championship, everyone in R.H did not return home in a hurry, but took a shallow tour of Spain.

In addition to Spain’s capital Madrid, Barcelona is also a city worth visiting. They shuttled through the streets full of Gothic buildings, looked at ancient Roman-style cathedrals, enjoyed the sunset by the sea, and even watched a football match.

Although most of them don’t even know the rules of football, they have a strong sense of substitution in competitive sports. They are quickly assimilated by the fans and immersed in the fun of competition.

After watching the game, they found a nearby restaurant to eat.

After the food was served, Cheese guarded and took several photos before allowing others to move their chopsticks. He sent the photo to the group, regretting: “It would be great if the captain was here.”

This time in Barcelona, even Lu Youshan was in the team, but the captain and younger brother didn’t come. Shi Du said that they were not interested in traveling, and it was more fun in the hotel room.

Cheese couldn’t understand: “What fun are there for two people in the hotel?”

Stone guessed: “Maybe they are reviewing the game?”

“I don’t think so. Even the coach has come out to play. The captain’s enthusiasm for the replay will not be more exaggerated than the coach.” Cheese became more and more curious, “And my brother is always a playful person.”

Jiang Di said, “Will Tiless prepare breakfast for the captain?”

“It’s hard to say,” Qi Xian said with a smile, “You are so curious, why don’t you ask the captain and younger brother what they are playing indoors?”

So Cheese went to ask. He didn’t want to bother the captain with this idle curiosity, he was asking Tiless.

After more than an hour, Tiless replied to him: [Take care of yourself]

Xu Lanzhi guessed wrong, Yu Zhaohan was indeed replaying, but this replay was not the other replay.

Cheese and the others played in Barcelona for a few days, and he and Shi Du only played in the hotel for a few days. Various ways of playing made him discover that it is so cool to the sky that it really exists, and at the same time, the time of the sage also exists. Shi Du’s sage time is obviously much shorter than him.

After taking a shower, Yu Zhaohan was in a state of complete emptiness, nestling in his boyfriend’s arms.

Shi Du wiped his hair with a towel, and listened to him replay the melee on the bed in a tone of desire and desire.

“In the wave just now, my head almost hit the head of the bed several times, Shi Du, do you know?” Yu Zhaohan said, “You don’t know at all, you only care about yourself.”

Shi Du increased the strength of his hands and rubbed Yu Zhaohan until he shook his head: “If I didn’t know, your head would have hit you, you idiot.”

Yu Zhaohan looked up at him with difficulty: “How should I say it?”

Shi Du said: “There is no replay video for you to watch, you can recall it yourself.”

Yu Zhaohan’s memory is very good, he can remember such a chaotic situation in the game, but when he and Shi Du went to bed, his mind was not very clear, and many details had to be recalled carefully to notice.

Why does he just almost bump his head every time? It seemed that every time he was about to hit him, Shi Du would either hold his waist and take him back, or protect his head with his hands to prevent him from hitting the bedside board or the bedside table.

Thinking of this, Yu Zhaohan took Shi Du’s hand and turned it to the back of his hand to see that it was indeed a little red.

“I’m sorry, I misunderstood you.” Yu Zhaohan rubbed the back of Shi Du’s hand and apologized earnestly, “Let’s do it at the end of the bed next time.”

Shi Du smiled: “Good idea.”

Yu Zhaohan asked again: “What about you? Do you have any suggestions for optimization.”

Shi Du pretended to think: “Well… don’t you keep pinching me? Sometimes I want to play a little longer.”

Yu Zhaohan explained: “You misunderstood, I didn’t deliberately pinch you. I did that because I was…” The voice stopped abruptly, and Yu Zhaohan felt shy during the replay for the first time in his life.

Shi Du raised his eyebrows: “Just what?”

Yu Zhaohan collected himself, and said expressionlessly, “Tight.”

Shi Du: “…Pfft.”

There is no one else who can say such things so academically except Baby Yuyu.

Yu Zhaohan turned on the tablet, recorded the content of the replay just now, and then clicked on Weibo.

In the past two days, he was so addicted to Shi Du that he didn’t even take a look on the intranet. According to Lao Tan in the WeChat group, on the day R.H won the championship, several of them took turns to be on the hot search:

Cloe is finally out of jail

tiles show

You can always trust Shine’s sniper rifle

R.H won the championship, R.H global championship, 4:0

Tiless kissed Shine

tiles and shine are real

Report—Jiang kissed R.H manager

Report—cheese kissed a lot of people

Once the case is solved, kissing is the corporate culture of R.H.

Two days have passed since the finals, and the topics related to R.H’s championship are still hot. There are R.H’s videos at the top of the popularity rankings on all major platforms—[Brilliant Operation Collection], [R.H Team History], [Shine’s debut is the peak , and has maintained a legendary career at the peak], [tiless is not only a superb ninja game, but also delicious to cook] and many c-c videos, everything you expect.

Today, the official announced a blockbuster news that everyone expected, making Shine’s personal popularity reach the peak again.

[“Destination” Global Professional Gaming League: What is the essence of human aiming, and what is one shot? Watch out, Shine’s scope is pointed at you – he never misses. This year, he executed one of the most flawless sniper missions in Europe.

Congratulations to R.HShine for winning this season’s International Invitational fv! 】

[Congratulations to Shine, fv deserves its name! 】

[I’m a tiles fan but I want to say something: My brother is good, this fv really has to be your captain, let’s get a regular season v first this year [touch head]]

[fv’s skin is Black Swan’s, right?]

[When will the skin appear? My wallet can’t wait]

[Blindly guess a black swan in a pure black evening dress? I feel that Shine should like this Yujie]

[I want to buy a full set of champion skins from R.H! 】

R.H’s players performed very well in the finals, but Shine is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one, unless the official is blind, fv must be him. The official is not blind, so fans are not surprised to get this news, they are more concerned about what kind of skin Shine will design.

In addition to Shine’s personal fv skin, all R.H members can also get a set of champion skins in the team’s theme color scheme, which makes each hero’s wardrobe have a new pink dress.

About Shine taking fv, the official notified R.H one day in advance. Lao Tan also said in the group that his teammates congratulated him a long time ago, but the young couple was a bit busy at that time, and Yu Zhaohan only found out now when he saw Weibo.

“Shi Du!” Yu Zhaohan held up his mobile phone to show Shi Du, “I got fv.”

Shi Du’s joy was far greater than his shock, and he smiled and said, “Congratulations Yuyu, is your cold and **** big sister going to be dressed in a sailor suit by you?”

Yu Zhaohan said: “I did think so before I was with you, but now I have a new idea.”

Shi Du asked, “What do you think?”

Yu Zhaohan smiled naturally, not stiff at all, as if he was used to such a smile: “You will know when the time comes.”

After playing in Spain for three days, R.H and his group boarded the plane back home. After more than ten hours of flight, they finally returned to Shanghai.

Because of the jet lag, they experienced a long day. After getting on the familiar pink bus, everyone was already very tired and wished they could go back to the base and go to bed immediately.

The boys were drowsy on the bus, Lu Youshan suddenly said, “Can we go to the cemetery first?”

Cheese immediately sat up straight: “Okay, okay, I’m not sleepy at all.”

Shi Du said, “I have no objection.”

Lu Youshan looked at Yu Zhaohan: “Shine?”

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “Yes.”

This is the second time Shi Du has come to Wan Feng’s tomb. The last time I came to worship, it was raining lightly, and he was not yet a member of R.H.

This time it was a sunny morning. In the posthumous photo, the man’s young face was kind and easy-going, and his small eyes looked at them with a smile in the warm winter sun.

They came in a hurry and didn’t buy flowers, but they had champion cups in the shape of bullets. Lu Youshan didn’t babble like Xianghui, he held the champion cup and said, “Wanfeng, we won.”

After six words, he was already choked up.

Yu Zhaohan hoped that Lu Youshan would talk to Wanfeng more, Wanfeng would definitely like to hear them talk, but Lu Youshan was busy crying, so he could only say it in his heart.

Captain, we won the global championship. The all-China class won very easily, I was not nervous, and I didn’t even wear dinosaur pajamas before the game.

Qi Xian had an operation, and the doctor said he could play for another year or two; Cheese trained even harder, and his face was not so round anymore.

You don’t know Shitou and Xiaojiang, but they are great teammates.

After the game, Lu Youshan finally went on a trip instead of resuming the game immediately. The captain must have never thought of this, right?

One more important thing – I’m in love! The boyfriend is Tiless Tototo! Although he sometimes slobbers, likes to eat and sleep late, and is still a scumbag, but he is very handsome, he is very good at playing games, and he likes me very much.

I also like him very much.

In short, I think I am a good captain. What do you think? team leader.

After saying this, Yu Zhaohan was the first to turn around and leave: “Let’s go.”

Back on the bus again, everyone lost their sleepiness, and a group message from the bank made them completely refreshed—their prize money for the finals had arrived, and each person was 500,000 U.S. dollars, equivalent to 30,000 RMB.

“Here it comes!” Cheese exclaimed, “A suite from my hometown is here!”

Shi Du said: “I can buy a house in my hometown in three years, I’m envious.” It may not be enough to decorate him.

Shi Shi excitedly said: “It turns out that I have it too. I didn’t even play in the finals.”

Qi Xian said with a smile: “But you are playing the whole playoffs, you are winning.”

The small boss not only gave them bonuses, but also gave them a half-month vacation. The offseason of the league, including the transfer period, lasts for three months. Everyone in R.H has worked hard for half a year, and it is worth a long vacation.

Shi Du asked Yu Zhaohan what his plans were for the holiday.

Yu Zhaohan said, “Come out to the family.”

“Okay.” Shi Du put on an attitude of accompanying him to the end, “When you go to Beijing, let’s renovate our wedding room by the way?”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Okay, I’m going to buy two oversized space capsules, and I’ll be in the double row with you in the wedding room.”

Shi Du said: “You can also do other things on the space capsule.”

Yu Zhaohan’s eyes lit up: “Shi Du, you’re lustful, you know how to think.”

Everyone was discussing their vacation plans, Lu Youshan yelled abruptly: “Quick, check your mailboxes, hurry up!”

Yu Zhaohan opened the mailbox and saw an invitation letter from the “Des League China League”.

[The new World Cup will be held in the Bird’s Nest in Beijing next summer. 32 teams from all over the world will represent their countries in the competition and jointly pursue the highest honor in the e-sports field. Are you willing to accept our invitation to participate in the trial training of the national team? 】

Yu Zhaohan pressed “Accept” without hesitation. He looked at the boy beside him, and Shi Du did the same thing as him.

— No matter how wonderful the journey is, there is an end, and a new journey is just around the corner.

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