As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 14

Chapter 13

Yu Zhaohan didn’t specifically inquire about Shidu’s background. He only knew that every time a game started, the commentator would thank several sponsors, including Shidu’s brand. When Shi Du said that he could help R.H, he wasn’t just pretending – he could really help.

The current situation of R.H is: the competition results are above average, there are star players, and the number of fans is also quite large. If the owner is willing to sell the club at a reasonable price, most of the money owners are willing to take over. But the stupid boss relied on the fact that the core members of R.H would rather be owed wages than leave the club to make a fortune, and made other interested sponsors stay away.

Due to the confidentiality agreement, the club members cannot take the initiative to expose this matter, unless they don’t mind leaving R.H, which was created by Wanfeng. Therefore, only some people in the circle know the real situation of R.H, and even the fans are kept in the dark.

Ke Shidu and R.H did not have a confidentiality agreement. The young master has money and background, he can do whatever he wants, and he is not afraid of offending anyone.

Back at the base, Shi Du posted a Weibo: [I envy R.H’s brothers who can eat takeaway every day. Unlike me, I can only eat meals cooked by my aunt in IPL]

As soon as Weibo was posted, the rhythm of comments changed again and again:

[Hahahaha, did my brother go to R.H to learn tea art?]

[A lot of takeaways are unclean and unhygienic, it’s not good to eat every day. Doesn’t R.H have his own cooking aunt?]

[I suspect there is really not. Throughout the season this year, R.H hasn’t even seen a substitute. The last time I went to Busan to play a game, I let my wife stay in a cheap hotel [Draw out the knife]]

[R.H’s boss is bankrupt? Otherwise, why are you so picky]

[I just went to the stock market to take a look at the stock of R.H’s parent company. It’s growing very well. This is [smile]]

[So the boss of R.H has money, but he doesn’t want to spend it on the team? 】

All kinds of speculations are flying all over the Internet, and the more rumors become more and more outrageous: Cheese wears women’s clothing as a training partner in order to eat meat, Qi Xian sells jokes every day to pay Internet fees, Yu Zhaohan commits himself to Timeless for the rent of the base, and runs errands for the young master in the middle of the night to deliver chargers .

Many fans flocked to the R.H player’s Weibo, hoping that the player can give an explanation whether it is a rumor or a true story.

Yu Zhaohan edited Weibo and was about to send it out, but Lao Tan stopped him: “Shine, you signed a long-term contract with the club.”

“It’s okay,” Yu Zhaohan said, “I can still afford the liquidated damages.”

Yu Zhaohan’s family background is good, his parents agreed to suspend his studies and play e-sports, and gave him a lot of financial support, plus the money he earned from live broadcasting, although it can’t compare with Shi Du, but he still has a little vault’s.

Old Tan: “It’s fine if you lose money, aren’t you afraid that the club will terminate your contract?”

Yu Zhaohan has also considered this point: “If they still want to sell R.H at a high price, they dare not terminate the contract with me.”

Old Tan was still worried: “But…”

“Captain Captain!” Cheese screamed, “wings tweeted!”

Wings’ Weibo is a small composition with a length of 1,000 words. There is no logic in his writing, it can be seen that he wrote it improvised, without skills, it is all emotion:

[This year has been a nightmare year for R.H. The youth training team, the second team, the substitutes, and the coaching team were disbanded one after another, and in the end there were only six of us left. We moved into a loft apartment downtown and turned the living room into a training room. The sound insulation of the apartment is not good, the neighbors are always arguing, and we are like listening to a series every day. We don’t have an aunt, so we do all the cooking and cleaning by ourselves.

We are too busy, there are no assistant coaches, no data analysts, and a lot of coaching work is done by the players. After the regular season, the management intensified and began to default on salary. Even when going to other cities to play games, the air tickets and accommodation expenses are all paid by the captain. We don’t have time to live broadcast, to participate in commercial activities. We thought that as long as we could get results and get the money from The International, the bosses would change their minds and R.H would be back on track.

But we still lost in the end, sorry…]

Old Tan said anxiously: “Why didn’t Wings say anything in advance, I’ll give him a call.”

“No need,” Yu Zhaohan looked down at the phone, “He’s looking for me.”

Wings: [Captain, I’m sorry for not discussing with you first. Don’t worry, I’ve already retired, and I won’t be engaged in games and e-sports related work in the future. I can bear all possible consequences. I’m really happy to be able to do one last thing for R.H. 】

After reading the wechat, several people looked at each other in blank dismay. Qi Xian smiled and said: “As expected of a person who wants to be a father, he has such a responsibility. Cheese, you learn.”

Cheese sniffed: “Xian Xian, I feel like crying, what should I do…”

Qi Xian said softly: “You don’t cry once or twice, just cry, we won’t laugh at you.”

Wings has a restrained personality. He used to speak less at the base, and more often he trained in silence. However, it was such a team member who typed out this long article word by word for R.H.

Yu Zhaohan’s Adam’s apple rolled, and he wanted to cry too, but Zhishi could cry, but he couldn’t. He can hold back this level of wanting to cry, and he can control the eye circles from redness, but his voice will definitely be hoarse, so he can’t speak.

Cheese looked at Yu Zhaohan with red eyes: “Captain, what should we do now?”

Without any hesitation, Yu Zhaohan reposted Wings’ long post. Subsequently, R.Hcheese, R.H, and R.H Shan forwarded the Weibo one after another. At this moment, they seemed to be back on the field again, fighting side by side with the prefix of R.H.

Old Tan, who was always looking forward and backward, also went all out, gritted his teeth and forwarded Weibo: “Fucking non-disclosure agreement!”

Shi Du stood quietly in the corner, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart. He vaguely understands why these people are still reluctant to leave R.H when the management is so disgusting.

Of course, he has no problem with IPL, the club is good and his teammates are good. He chose IPL at the beginning because IPL is an all-Chinese class, and the home game is in Beijing, which is close to his home. He suddenly wondered if he should look at something deeper when choosing a team.

Xu on the side said disappointedly: “I really wish I was still in R.H.”

Xu’s family was in a difficult situation. He had to support a large family and support his younger sister to study. At the beginning, it was Yu Zhaohan who facilitated his transfer to IPL.

Shi Du put his hand on Xu’s shoulder: “At least you used to be.”

The topic of R.H’s bad behavior quickly became a hot search. Fans of the major teams, like in the finals, united front and pointed their finger at R.H’s parent company:

【Let my celestial wife eat takeout every day, I’ll be your ancestor】

[Since you don’t want to worry about it, why don’t you sell the team and delay so many people for a whole year! How many years can a professional player have? 】

[It is said that someone wanted to buy it, but the boss of R.H didn’t sell it because the price was too low [vomit][vomit]]

[R.H still has eight quarter-finals in this situation. If the club operates normally, not to mention winning the championship, at least the top three]

[Report – R.H parent company’s products have been listed, brothers boycott! 】

As the “instigator” of this incident, Shi Du was bombarded by various WeChat accounts. The IPL manager reminded him not to interfere in the internal affairs of other clubs. The league official asked him about the details of the incident, and his father’s assistant in charge of this area also came to ask him what kind of handling he wanted.

Shi Du replied uniformly: [Relax, wait until I return to Beijing]

Before you know it, it’s early morning. Lao Tan urged everyone to go back to sleep: “The parent company’s PR composition must not be that fast, and the league officials also need time to investigate. Go to sleep, there is still a tough battle to fight tomorrow.”

Shi Du said, “Xu and I won’t bother you, we’ll go back to Beijing tomorrow.”

“Have you booked a plane ticket?” Lu Youshan asked, “What time is the flight?”

Shi Du said: “Nine o’clock in the morning, we will take a taxi then.”

Shi Du had just returned to his room after taking a shower when he heard someone knock on the door. Lu Youshan stood at the door with a laptop in his hands, and said with a serious face: “Timeless, as the head coach of R.H, I formally invite you to come to R.H for trial training.”

Shi Du raised his eyebrows, then turned sideways, motioning for Lu Youshan to go in and say.

Lu Youshan opened his carefully prepared ppt: “This is the game between you and ppz the day before yesterday, and I called up your personal data.” He turned a page, “This is the data of your official match between IPL and ppz, I put the two made a comparison.”

Average data every ten minutes

Damage to heroes: 94009820

Last hit: 153116

Big move hit rate: 7575

Hero deaths: 12

“Although your damage has decreased, your ability to harvest has improved significantly. This shows that the other c position has shared a lot of pressure on you, allowing you to better fulfill your assassin’s responsibilities…”

Shi Du looked at the dense data and said: “There is no comparison between the training match and the official match, the mentality of the environment is different.”

“But there is a certain reference. How to play the official game depends on the performance of the players in the training game. This is just the data of your first time with the three of them. If you train with them for a long time, your personal The stats can definitely go up another notch—I bet you my life.”

Shi Du laughed and said, “Why do I want your life?”

Seeing that Shi Du was unmoved, Lu Youshan became anxious, and when he was anxious, he started to think wildly and use any means. He remembered a joke made by Qi Xian a while ago, and blurted out: “Are you a face control?”

Shi Du didn’t react for a moment: “What?”

Lu Youshan asked: “Do you think Shine is pretty?”

Shi Du replied honestly: “Pretty.”

Lu Youshan took the opportunity and said, “If you come to R.H, you can see Shine every day.”

Shi Du couldn’t help laughing out, “You’re so hardworking, Coach Lu, you even pulled out a beauty trick.”

In order to get the short gun he wanted, Lu Youshan wished he could do it himself, what is it to sell Shine: “No one can refuse Shine’s beauty, no matter men, women or children.”

Shi Du half-truthfully said: “Really, it’s a pity that my sexual fetish is a cute and coquettish little beauty.”

Lu Youshan: “…”

“I want to win the championship. I can’t let Lawman win three consecutive championships, I can’t let Chao Chao win the championship next year and return to China, and say in front of Wanfeng that the four Chinese can’t win the championship…” Lu Youshan murmured in a low voice, as if talking to himself “I want to win, I promised Wanfeng, I will lead the whole Chinese class to win…”

Shi Du looked at Lu Youshan for a long time, and said, “I understand, I will consider the trial training, but the most important thing right now is to solve your boss’s problem.”

The next day, Shi Du and Xu got up early to catch the plane, and R.H’s people hadn’t woken up yet. Shi Du went downstairs to call a taxi, but saw Yu Zhaohan who was waiting for them.

Yu Zhaohan half leaned against the hood of the black suv, with a slender waist and long legs, and an indifferent expression, more eye-catching than the car models at the auto show. Regardless of whether Yu Zhaohan likes to pretend to be aggressive or not, as far as appearance is concerned, he is definitely not a “little” beauty, at least he should be of the “big” generation.

“Get in the car,” Yu Zhaohan said concisely, “I’ll take you to the airport.”

“Thanks.” Shi Du got into Yu Zhaohan’s co-pilot again, “Shine, have you had breakfast?”


“We didn’t eat either, let’s have breakfast first.”

Yu Zhaohan was worried that he would not be able to catch the plane, so he said, “Go to the airport to eat.”

Shi Du yawned and said, “But I’m hungry.”

Yu Zhaohan: “…”

The younger brother who got no response repeated: “Shine, I’m hungry.”

A kid who is still growing is troublesome. If in the past, the dog would not care. But for the sake of Shi Du helping him… okay.

Yu Zhaohan pulled over and stopped: “After buying, return to the car and eat, speed.”

Shi Du soon returned with a pile of bread and milk. He was a bit greedy for the freshly baked steamed buns at the breakfast shop, but he was a beauty who was obsessed with cleanliness. He shared breakfast with Xu, and handed Yu Zhaohan a piece of whole wheat bread: “Should you not like sweet food?”

Yu Zhaohan glanced at it: “Just give me something to drink.”

“Then it’s just chocolate milk.”

Yu Zhaohan’s ears twitched: “Is there nothing else?”


“Really do not have?”

“Really do not have.”

Yu Zhaohan held his reserve: “Then bring it.”

Shi Du suppressed a smile, opened the cap of the milk bottle, and put it next to the driver’s seat. While waiting for the traffic lights, Yu Zhaohan took a sip reluctantly: “Very greasy.”

Shi Du propped his head on his hands and looked at him, with a smile in his breath: “Next time, I’ll buy something you won’t get tired of.”

Yu Zhaohan drove at the speed limit all the way, and the two of them had plenty of time when they arrived at the airport, and swiped their phones in the waiting hall after completing the formalities. After a night of fermentation, the R.H incident intensified, and more and more insiders revealed inside information. The hammer is like a mountain, unless R.H’s parent company announces that it has discovered a cancer vaccine, it will basically not be cleared.

Xu scrolled through Weibo, his homepage was full of discussions about this matter. He saw Xiaoyu spitting bubbles and posted a Weibo, but he said something else:

[In a good mood, the chocolate is so sweet (●°u°●)]

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