As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 22

Chapter 21

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and we just won another game. The atmosphere in the R.H base is joyful and relaxed. Cheese added a hot head failure group on the Internet, was healed by a sand sculpture netizen who was worse than him, and finally reconciled with the meat floss mushroom, and went home happily for the New Year.

R.H is a law-abiding club. The country gives seven days off and they also take seven days off. On the night of New Year’s Eve, the base was basically empty, leaving only Yu Zhaohan alone. Yu Zhaohan’s home is in Shanghai, so there is no need to be stuck on the road during peak hours. In the early morning of the New Year’s Eve, when the entire mall was at least half empty, he drove home with the New Year’s goods bought with the prize money from the competition.

Yu Zhaohan’s parents are both university professors, and their home is also in a community near the university. His mother is a professor of history who specializes in the history of the Ming Dynasty. He has been obsessed with it since he was a child, and he knows the 276-year history of the Ming Dynasty by heart. Yu’s father is a professor of mathematics with thick hair and a dignified face. He doesn’t communicate much with his son at ordinary times. He almost severed the father-son relationship with Yu Zhaohan because he wanted to play e-sports, but after agreeing to his son playing e-sports, he secretly rubbed He built a game data analysis model, and his wife was not allowed to tell it. Unexpectedly, his wife turned around and told her son.

This year, the family of three went to Yu Zhaohan’s grandmother’s house to celebrate the New Year. At her grandmother’s house, Yu Zhaohan met her cousin, Luan Cai, who had just entered college. Luan Cai also plays “Destination”, she is good at playing and loves to play, Yu Zhaohan usually hides from her online, and only brings her a couple of them during the holidays.

As soon as Luan Cai saw him, she asked, “Brother, do you have a good relationship with Mimi?”

Mimi is the tournament host of the league, and she interviewed Yu Zhaohan in the last friendly match of the carnival.

Yu Zhaohan said calmly, “Why do you ask this question?”

Luan Cai turned over a Weibo post for him to read: “Some people say that you are a good match.”

The Weibo is officially posted. An ordinary event interview was full of blood in the comment area because of the appearance of the person involved, and someone said they were stunned on the spot.

Yu Zhaohan snorted coldly: “It’s nonsense.”

Luan Cai wrinkled her nose: “Brother, why are you talking to me like this? Are you okay?”

“Do I have it?” Yu Zhaohan thought for a while, it seemed that he really did. He looked into the distance and said deeply, “I’ve worn the mask for too long, and I can’t take it off.”

Luan Cai had a sore nose and said distressedly: “Brother, actually you…”

Yu Zhaohan suddenly turned around and asked, “How was my pretense just now? How would you rate it out of 10?”

Luan Cai was speechless for a while, and said: “Anyway, so that you don’t fall in love in the future, I specially prepared the love chapter of the second part of “Code of Pretending to Be Pretentious”. Thank you for sending you on WeChat.”

Yu Zhaohan clicked on the rules, and saw that the first article read: [The name of the heroine must be different from others. You can choose a nickname for the heroine, or you can use pet names of the “little” generation: such as children, children, primary school girls… and so on. 】

There was disgust in Yu Zhaohan’s eyes: “I don’t need this.”

“Eh? Why, aren’t you afraid of collapse?”

Yu Zhaohan said calmly, “You ask too many questions, woman.”

Come on, he’s all in love. Even if he has a girlfriend, he’s not allowed to kiss and hug her like a clingy man, is he worthy of his hard work in the base.

Luan Cai was dazed by Yu Zhaohan’s uncertain personality, and murmured: “Is it you or me?”

After the New Year’s Eve dinner, the family sat in front of the TV and watched the Spring Festival Gala. Yu Zhaohan was wearing the pajamas his mother bought for him, slumped on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, and was criticized by his father for not caring whether he was sitting or not. Red envelopes were being given out in the group, as usual, he distributed a big red envelope in the team group for the children to grab.

Mother Yu peeled an orange and fed it to her son, as if chatting, “Honey, Mom saw online that your team has recruited a new player, isn’t it?”

“You mean Shi Du?” Yu Zhaohan squirmed twice on the sofa and leaned against Mother Yu. “We usually call him younger brother. Once he comes, I won’t be the youngest one. But although he I am young, but I am very tall, 1.87 meters. My brother is a foodie, he likes to eat sweets, and he can cook by himself…”

Mother Yu smiled gently: “Does my baby like him?”

Yu Zhaohan was taken aback for a moment, lowered his head to confirm his intentions, and then said, “I like him, I like him.”

Mother Yu asked again, “Do you like it more than cheese?”

Yu Zhaohan was not sure of his own mind again, hesitantly said: “I have been on the same team with Cheese for two years, I should still like Cheese better. Mom, why are you asking this?”

“Mom thinks that you must have a heart-to-heart friend in the base. You, the captain, are under too much pressure, and no one can say that you are a spoiled character, and you have to live like your father. It was really hard work.”

“But you can’t control them otherwise.”

“That’s why mom asked you to find a friend who can tell the truth at the base. You don’t have to be afraid to expose your true nature in front of him, and you can confide in him when you have grievances and troubles. Someone will share with you, and you will be much more relaxed.” Mother Yu patiently Said, “At least when you have a mouth ulcer next time, there will be someone at the base who can help you with the medicine. If you feel that Cheese is unsteady and not suitable, can this new teammate do it?”

Hearing the words “oral ulcers”, Yu Zhaohan’s mouth started to hurt, and he wished there would be no oral ulcers in the new year. He shook his head and said, “No, I’ve already succeeded in pretending in front of him, and he praised me as an ice sculpture.”

Mother Yu’s understanding of ice sculptures is the same as her son’s. She sighed, and ran her hands down the baby’s hair: “It’s really hard work for you at the base like this, and my mother loves me so much.”

Father Yu couldn’t take it anymore: “He is nineteen years old, not nine. He is an adult and must shoulder the responsibilities on his shoulders. He chose this path himself, and it’s not your turn to feel sorry for him.”

Mother Yu glared at her husband: “My son became the captain of the team when he was seventeen and represented the country in competitions. What were you doing when you were seventeen?”

Father Yu said stiffly: “When I was seventeen, I also represented the country in the Mathematical Olympiad.”

Yu Zhaohan’s ears have been getting calloused from hearing similar topics for the past two years. He opened the team group and saw that his big red envelope had been robbed. Cheese grabbed 222, Qi offered 69, Shi Du… 50 cents.

Timeless: [. 】

cheese: [Hahahahahaha what about the handsome white-haired guy, he’s only worth fifty cents! 】

Yu Zhaohan entered the information: [It’s not white hair, it’s called smoky gray]

The message was not sent, and he deleted it again.

Shi Du didn’t say anything, he just sent a photo to the group – a standard photo of a failed cheese blanching.

【cheese quit the group chat】

Yu Zhaohan saved the photo of Cheese, and re-sent a red envelope in the group.


Yu Zhaohan waited for a while, but didn’t wait for the reminder that the red envelope was accepted, but waited for a friend request with an attached message: [I just found out that I haven’t added your WeChat. Happy New Year, Shine]

Shi Du’s WeChat profile picture is a white and tender pig’s trotter, and the pig’s nails are still pink.

…How can there be a handsome guy with this kind of avatar, what a shame.

Staring at his ID, Yu Zhaohan suddenly realized that Shi Du seldom called him “Captain”, either “Shine” or “Team Yu”.

There is actually another reason why Shi Du can’t be chosen as a bosom friend. He always felt that he hadn’t completely subdued Shi Du yet. Shi Du didn’t completely surrender in front of him.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, students from Yu Zhaohan’s parents came to pay New Year’s greetings. Normally at such times, Yu Zhaohan would use invisibility to keep himself as far away from those talented students as possible. When he was playing games in the room, the team group suddenly exploded.

Lu Youshan sent a link, everyone took a quick look, followed by a series of exclamation points.

Yu Zhaohan clicked on the link, and the web page jumped to the new season update announcement of the “Destination” internal test server. The internal test server is one version ahead of the official server. The updated content of the game will be tested and adjusted on the internal test server first.

There are a lot of updates and optimizations in the new season, and Yu Zhaohan saw the one that made Lu Youshan break the defense at a glance.

[Hero Mechanism Adjustment: Black Swan

When the black swan opens the scope and enters the sniper state, the crosshair will enter the micro-shake mode due to the adjustment of the hero’s breathing, and the duration is 05 seconds]

Yu Zhaohan watched this announcement repeatedly, from the beginning to the end, and from the end to the beginning, his blood pressure rose higher and higher, and he almost exploded on the spot.

The pace of team battles in “Destination” is very fast. In many cases, snipers don’t have enough time to hide and attack. Instant sniper is a compulsory course for top snipers—the moment you see the enemy, open the mirror to aim and shoot. Although it is extremely difficult, as long as the head is locked, a crispy skin can be killed in seconds.

But now the plan is to forcibly increase the reaction time of the sniper by 0.5 seconds. 05 seconds is enough for a professional player to do too many things. The nanny can escape, the short gun can counter-kill, and the tank can crush him with a charge.

Yu Zhaohan stayed in front of the computer. The WeChat group is still bombarding messages:

: [There was news in the morning that the plan was to cut the black swan, I thought it was a cut for damage, but I didn’t expect to cut the mechanism directly]

cheese: [Officially, this is not cutting the black swan, just report the ID numbers of the captain and Chao Chao directly]

Old Tan: [I see people in game forums always say that if there is a sniper who knows how to fry fish on the opposite side, the novice game experience is extremely poor, and he dies instantly as soon as he shows his head, and he can’t play at all [汉手jpg]]

Shan: [The sniper will probably not be able to play next season, and the tactics will have to be rearranged. 】

cheese: [Fortunately, the captain’s hero pool is deep, and other spears can also be played. 】

Shan: [Shine, if you practice other spears these days, the era of snipers is probably coming to an end. 】

Shan: 【Shine? Are you there? 】

Shine: 【Yes. 】

Timeless: 【Are you okay? 】

Shine: [Version adjustments are normal, as expected]

After sending this sentence, Yu Zhaohan dropped the phone and ran towards the kitchen: “Mom—you don’t even know what disgusting thing that **** planned to do!”

Mother Yu said softly, “Baby, how many times have I told you not to say such vulgar words. How did you promise Mom back then?”

“I promised you that you won’t get any bad habits when you play professionally, including but not limited to smoking, swearing, and swearing…well, I was wrong.” Yu Zhaohan was forced to change his words, “You don’t even know how much that idiot planned. Damn, they nerfed my favorite natal hero! Too much!”

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