As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 37

Chapter 36

The baby koala hugs the tree trunk vertically, and its four paws tightly hold the tree trunk to prevent itself from falling. Yu Zhaohan didn’t need to hold on so tightly, because Shidu held him tightly, and he only needed to wrap his arms around Shidu’s neck.

Yu Zhaohan’s chin rested on Shi Du’s shoulder, he couldn’t see Shi Du’s face, but he could clearly hear the boy’s breathing. Although he is not fat, but given his height, he must not be too light. Shi Du’s breathing has been steady all the time, Koala seems to have no difficulty in hugging him.

Passing by the mirror in the living room, Yu Zhaohan saw that he had a huge body on his younger brother. He obviously has a delicate and cold face, but he has a coquettish and clingy personality. If he can look a little more cute and upright, just like Cheese, won’t he be so outrageous when he acts like a baby to his younger brother? .

Shi Du carried Yu Zhaohan up the stairs: “Why is it so quiet all of a sudden.”

Yu Zhaohan has used the pretense mode for a long time in front of others, and it is too hard to hold back, so he will turn on the straight-talking mode as soon as he is in front of him. But since the koala picked up Yu Zhaohan, the fish hasn’t spoken.

Let’s talk about it and divert his attention, otherwise he will be an idiot again if he keeps focusing on his hands.

Yu Zhaohan hugged Shi Du’s neck tightly: “Tiless, I’m very lucky now, glad you transferred to R.H, lucky to come to my side.”

He was even glad that Shi Du saw him wearing dinosaur pajamas to decompress. Although at that time he wanted to disappear from the earth from the bottom of his heart, but now he has a harbor in the base for him to swim around. This wave is not bad. .

“Speaking of it now, I don’t know who kept saying that I’m not suitable for R.H.” Shi Du didn’t dare to walk too fast on the stairs, “Okay, let go, I’m about to be strangled to death by you.”

“I just relax a little bit.”

There was a smile in the boy’s breath: “Then you are loose, you are still so tight.”

“If you didn’t hug me first, Cheese wouldn’t dare to ask me for a hug.” Yu Zhaohan said sincerely, “At the base, you are just like my mother.”

Shi Du almost lost his footing, he lost all worldly desires: “Why don’t you just be quiet.”

“I’ll be quiet if I say the last sentence—I will…can I act like a baby to you in the future?”

Shi Du deliberately said in a embarrassed tone, “But I’m very busy.”

Yu Zhaohan was quiet for a while, and said: “I won’t take up too much of your time. When I want to act like a baby, I will first find my mother. If she is not free, I will find you again.”

Shi Du hugged Yu Zhaohan as he stepped up the last step, annoyed and funny: “After a long time, I thought I was your mother’s spare tire.”

“Oh, don’t swear.”

Yu Zhaohan’s room is at the back of the stairs. When Shi Du passed a door with him in his arms, he suddenly heard a slight noise. Before the two could realize that it was the sound of the door opening, a tall and mighty shadow fell under their feet.

The wall lamp was on in the corridor, Yu Zhaohan sat on Shi Du’s hand, turned his head in his arms, just in time to meet the sight of the hunk Xiao Jiang.

Time Du: “…”

Yu Zhaohan: “…”

Jiang Di: “…”

The three of them faced each other with six eyes, and the scene couldn’t be said to be a bit embarrassing, it was quite embarrassing.

Yu Zhaohan had to admit that Jiang Di’s aggressive style was indeed superior to his. Waking up in the middle of the night, seeing Captain Gao Leng hanging on his teammate like a koala, Xiao Jiang was able to remain calm, and his reaction was not as great as when he stepped on his foot yesterday.

Yu Zhaohan’s first reaction was to play dead. If he died, he couldn’t walk, so it was reasonable for Shidu Koala to hug him.

—What a ghost, his eyes are so wide open, it doesn’t look like he’s dead.

Shi Du patted Yu Zhaohan’s back, and said calmly, “The captain accidentally sprained his leg, I’ll carry him back to the room.”

No, this logic is incorrect. It’s just a sprain. With Shine’s character, at most, Shi Du can help him upstairs, but the koala hug can’t explain it no matter what.

But Jiang Di didn’t seem to care about this, he stared at Yu Zhaohan’s ankle and asked, “Is it serious?”

Yu Zhaohan, who thought he had escaped, put a sullen face in his younger brother’s arms, and said to Jiang Di, “It’s not serious.”

Jiang Di said, “I’ll go to the pharmacy to buy medicine.”

“No need,” Shi Du smiled, “The captain will take care of me.”

Shi Du carried Yu Zhaohan into the room, put him on the chair, and moved his slightly sore arms.

“It’s a bit troublesome.” Yu Zhaohan said worriedly, “One lie often needs countless lies to complete.”

Shi Du raised his eyebrows: “Then what should I say? Said the captain’s leg is fine, he just wants to be hugged?”

Yu Zhaohan pondered: “For the present plan, we can only continue to act.” He walked to the safe, blocked Shi Du with his body to enter the password, then took out a strip as long as chopsticks from it, and pulled it into a Two-thirds of the cheese is as high.

“Why do you have a crutch?” After Shi Du asked, he felt that he was asking too much. There are even ducks in Yu Zhaohan’s safe, and it is quite normal to have a crutch.

Yu Zhaohan corrected him: “It’s not a crutch, it’s a scepter.” The top of the scepter is shaped like a snake’s head, which is super handsome.

“Is there a difference?”

“The scepter sounds a bit aggressive, and the scepter is magical.” Yu Zhaohan pressed the switch at the bottom of the scepter, and the snake’s head emitted a dark green light, “Look.”

Shi Du clapped his hands and smiled, “Amazing.”

Yu Zhaohan didn’t fall asleep until dawn, and when he woke up at noon, Lao Tan called him several times in the group and told him to go down for dinner.

[Old Tan: Auntie asked for leave today and ordered you your favorite private dish Shine]

Yu Zhaohan replied “Yes” in the group, got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face. In order to match the scepter, he specially wore a black windbreaker, the kind that would float back when the wind blows.

Just as he was about to leave the room, Shi Du’s WeChat message came.

【Tiless: Xiao Jiang told everyone about your lameness】

【Shine: (=oДo=)】

【Tiless: But he didn’t say anything about the koala hug】

【Shine: Oh oh】

There was a knock on the door. Yu Zhaohan asked: “Who?”

The voice of the visitor was low: “It’s me.”

Yu Zhaohan opened the door and saw a pink hunk, and lowered his voice: “You came just in time.”

Jiang Di: “Huh?”

Yu Zhaohan adjusted the cuff buttons on the windbreaker, and said slowly: “There are some things that I don’t want others to talk about, understand.”

Jiang Di nodded: “Understood. Your legs are inconvenient, so I’ll carry you down.”

Yu Zhaohan was slightly taken aback, before he could say “no”, Jiang Di bent down in front of him and motioned him to come up with his eyes.

When Yu Zhaohan spoke again, his voice was much softer: “I’m much better now, I can walk by myself, thank you.”

Jiang Di didn’t insist: “I’ll help you.”

Yu Zhaohan curled up and opened his fingers, and finally raised his hand slowly in front of Jiang Di.

Jiang Di helped Yu Zhaohan go downstairs. The combination of the flower of the high mountain and the strong and strong man is like a mighty general helping a beautiful emperor to court. The whole team looked at Yu Zhaohan, with the same concerns on different faces.

splendid: “I heard from Xiao Jiang that the captain’s leg is sprained, are you okay?”

Qi Xian: “After dinner, I will take the captain to the hospital.”

Old Tan: “Do you want me to talk to the little boss about installing an elevator in the villa?”

Cheese: “Does the captain hurt?”

Lu Youshan: “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not the hand that’s sprained.”

Shi Du also thought about it: “The captain is so miserable.”

Yu Zhaohan sat down in his seat, and said a lot of words in a rare and gentle breath: “It’s okay, I won’t go to the hospital, and I won’t use the elevator. It doesn’t hurt anymore, please don’t worry about me.”

“Are you really okay?” Shi Du said with a smile, “It’s okay, take two steps.”

Yu Zhaohan really wanted to bite his younger brother. In order to prove that he was really okay, he got up and wanted to pour water. Jiang Di discovered his intention, took the water glass, and ran this trip for him.

Cheese frowned, feeling that things were not simple. He and Qi Xian whispered: “Xian, why do I feel that Xiao Jiang is very kind to the captain, is it my illusion?”

Qi Xian said: “I also think Xiao Jiang looks like a fan of the captain.”

“But Xiaojiang doesn’t seem like someone who can chase stars.”

Qi Xian smiled and said, “Do you know what this means?”

Cheese asked, “What does that mean?”

Qi Xian’s squinted eyes were full of appreciation: “It shows that in front of absolute beauty, people’s aesthetics will be highly unified.”

Cheese suddenly realized.

After dinner, everyone trained as usual. Every time Yu Zhaohan took a step, he would get other people’s eyes confirming that he was fine, which made him almost unable to walk. Seeing that he was walking so stiffly, Cheese said to Shi Du, “Isn’t the captain really trying to be brave?”

Shi Du said, “Shall I let him run 800 meters for you to see?”

Maybe Shi Du is right—everyone in R.H is afraid of the captain, but at the same time they are pampering fish in their own way.

Although his lameness is fake, everyone’s concern for him is real. Yu Zhaohan felt a little guilty, and even thought about telling the truth, the face control people liked him so much, so what if he collapsed.

As soon as Yu Zhaohan had this thought, when he turned around, he heard Cheese smiling and saying to Qi Xian: “Today’s captain looks much gentler than before, you said if I was lazy and skipped practicing for an hour, wouldn’t he Won’t you scold me?”

Yu Zhaohan: … Heh.

Yu Zhaohan decided to ennoble Xiaojiang and Splendid as nobles, and Lao Tan as the secretary of the household department. As for Lu Youshan, he should continue to be an unknown counselor.

Lu Youshan flipped through Yu Zhaohan’s record and asked, “Shine, why did you fight so many viruses yesterday?”

Splendid, who was playing solo queue, couldn’t help looking up at Yu Zhaohan.

The coach can see the training record of each player, and there is nothing to hide. Yu Zhaohan said truthfully: “Help Tiless train his ninja.”

Splendid gritted his teeth and forced himself to focus on the rankings.

Lu Youshan said enthusiastically, “It’s been a long time since I saw you play virus, how is it going?”


“You play a game, let me take a look.”

There are not many chances to watch the captain play short guns. Cheese, Qi Xian and Jiang Di all stood behind him to watch him play. Yu Zhaohan entered the game, entered a game ladder, rushed to select the virus before his teammates, and locked it in a second.

I saw a beautiful girl with double ponytails, a sailor suit, and a bunny ear bag slanted across the screen—the game will automatically save the last outfit the player wore, and it cannot be changed after it is locked.

Yu Zhaohan looked at his well-matched fashion, which cost RMB199, and his hand holding the mouse froze.

Cheese asked confused, “Am I blind?”

Qi Xian: “This little bag is quite cute, a bit like a little kneeling ear.”

Jiang Di said in a low voice, “Have your account been hacked?”

Lu Youshan had a serious face: “It’s possible, you must check it out. Shine, you should change your password or something first, and it will be troublesome if hacking dogs use your account to do disgusting things.”

Qi Xian said with a smile: “I remember that Cheese has the captain’s number. Did Cheese go up secretly and change the captain’s outfit?”

Cheese yelled wronged: “It’s not me! I don’t like sailor suits. Even if I change the fashion, it must be Lolita style! The coach also knows the captain’s password, why don’t you doubt him!”

While the few people were talking, Yu Zhaohan’s excellent brain had already figured out a countermeasure. This matter is not difficult to handle. For professional players, everything depends on the feel of the hand. He just needs to say that this outfit feels the best in his hand, and everyone will understand.

Yu Zhaohan cleared his throat and said, “I put on this outfit myself, because…”

“Because I like it.” The boy raised his hand and spoke after seeing enough excitement, “I like to see beautiful girls in sailor suits, so I forced the captain to show them to me.”

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