As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 42

Chapter 41

Shi Du was very thankful that he was woken up by the phone. Yu Zhaohan never came to hug him when he was sleeping, unless he couldn’t help it.

Seeing Yu Zhaohan’s WeChat, Shi Du woke up for a second, without his shirt or slippers on, and rushed out in a hurry. Then he was thrown into the arms of the big beauty unexpectedly.

Shi Du picked up Yu Zhaohan and walked into the room. Yu Zhaohan was so uncomfortable that he still remembered not being able to be seen like this by others, so he lay on Shi Du’s chest and said, “Shi Du, close the door.”

Shi Du couldn’t move his hands, closed the door with his feet, and put Yu Zhaohan on his bed. Shi Du just got up from the bed, the bed was still hot. Yu Zhaohan consciously got into bed and wrapped himself in the quilt, only showing his head.

Shi Du also went to bed and sat cross-legged beside Yu Zhaohan. He looked at Yu Zhaohan’s slightly red eyes, and was inexplicably angry: “Who misunderstood you? He even misunderstood you to the point of crying.”

Yu Zhaohan stretched out his hand from under the quilt, and patted the place next to him: “Sit down a bit.” When Shi Du sat up, Yu Zhaohan lay down on him, and told Shi Du all about what Splendid had misunderstood. .

He almost repeated Splendid’s words to Shi Du verbatim, and also imitated Splendid’s tone at that time. The more he said, the colder Shi Du’s face became.

“I didn’t ignore him.” Yu Zhaohan buried his face on Shi Du’s abdominal muscles, both angry and sad, “He just talked nonsense without knowing anything.”

Shi Du took a deep breath, suppressed his unhappiness and anger for the time being, and said, “Splendid is just—idiot, why don’t you ignore him.”

Yu Zhaohan said in a muffled voice: “He is my team member, and the captain is responsible for the team members.”

Shi Du sneered: “Not everyone is worthy to be your team member.”

“I’m really angry. I haven’t cried because of the team for a long time.”

Shi Du smiled calmly: “Really? Then who was killed and cried by me last time?”

Yu Zhaohan said softly: “Not the same.”

Shi Du squeezed the back of Yu Zhaohan’s neck, and moved gently: “Okay, you cry first, and we’ll find a way after crying.”

Yu Zhaohan raised his head from Shi Du’s abs, and said, “I’m done crying, I’ll find a way.”

No matter how expressionless the beauty who had just finished crying was, she couldn’t be more cold – her eyebrows were slightly frowned, the corners of her eyes were flushed, and even with a world-weary face, I could feel pity for her.

Shi Du suddenly felt a little dry in his mouth.

“So soon?” He smiled to cover up, “Stop crying for a while?”

“No.” Yu Zhaohan shook his head. Crying is a way to vent emotions. After crying, he is not blocked, so he can calm down and think about countermeasures.

Shi Du asked: “Then can I go and get dressed?”

Yu Zhaohan was slightly taken aback, only then did he realize that Shi Du was not wearing a shirt, and his abdominal muscles were wet from his crying. He lived for nearly twenty years, and for the first time he felt embarrassed about the body of the same sex: “Yes.”

Shi Du got out of bed and opened the wardrobe. Although the aunt will clean every room, she generally does not touch the boys’ personal belongings. Shi Du looks like a cool and handsome younger brother, but inside the closet is like a bird’s nest, with his clothes turned into a mess.

It’s a pity that the current Yu Zhaohan doesn’t have the heart to educate his younger brother. He said with a dull face: “I can’t let Splendid misunderstand me like this. He can think that I’m cold and scary, but he can’t think that I’m not worthy of being the captain of R.H.” Yu Zhaohan said, his tone gradually became firm, “I’ll prove him wrong in the right way – I’m a good captain, I never ignored him. I want him to apologize to me.”

“How do you want to prove it?” Shi Du took out a T-shirt from the closet, flipped it over and put it on, “If you still want to explain to him nicely and tell him that you are a clownfish and not ugly, then I’m really sorry.” I will thank you.”

He is not against Yu Zhaohan getting along with everyone in R.H with his true face. On the contrary, he thinks this is good, at least Stupid Fish won’t hide in the quilt and cry in the middle of the night because of being too uncomfortable. But if Yu Zhaohan only exposed his true nature in front of Splendid just for this matter, there would be no need for it.

—Why, they don’t even know about cheese, and Splendid also goes with it.

Yu Zhaohan used his brain: “I’ll think about it.” Yu Zhaohan lifted the quilt and got out of bed, “I’ll go back to my room and think about it.”

Shi Du reservedly said: “If you want to spend the night here, that’s fine with me.”

“No. Excuse me, you go to bed early.”

Shi Du watched with complicated emotions as Yu Zhaohan left without hesitation. The ancient concubines could at least sleep with the emperor for one night after serving their bedtime, so what is he?

Teenagers with Internet addiction sleep late, most of them wake up at lunch time, and start training at one or two in the afternoon until the early morning—except for Yu Zhaohan and Jiang Po. Yu Zhaohan also practiced for an hour or two in the morning, and Jiang Po was even more terrifying, he was the kind of person who would get up early and run in the morning. After Shi Du knew that he would spend at least two hours a day on sports, he didn’t bother to worry about his chest muscles being inferior to others.

Shi Du didn’t fall asleep in the middle of the night, and the young master didn’t bother to restrain his temper the next day because of lack of sleep. After lunch, Yu Zhaohan and Lu Youshan went to a meeting. When Shi Du walked into the training room, he saw that Splendid’s seat was vacant, and asked, “Where are others?”

Cheese looked around and made sure that the captain, manager and coach were not there, so he lowered his voice and said, “Splendid went to his fan meeting yesterday. He drank a lot, and he probably hasn’t sobered up yet.”

Qi Xian asked, “How do you know?”

“A fan posted a photo of the meeting on Weibo, and a group of people scolded him and his mother, saying that he went out to drink during training and was not worthy of playing professionally. Some people played the rhythm of R.H, saying that R.H abused him so he used alcohol to get rid of it Worrying, I don’t know if these people are tired of pushing their heads and necks like pigs every day.”

At four o’clock in the afternoon, the others had been practicing for two or three hours before Splendid came late. His lips were pale, his eyes were black and blue, and he was a little slow to turn on the computer. Shi Du only looked at him and then withdrew his gaze.

Splendid logged into the game and saw Shi Du sent him a private message.

[Timeless: solo? Unlimited heroes]

Splendid was taken aback, then looked up at Shi Du. Shi Du stared at the screen with no abnormal expression on his face. Splendid took a swig of cold water.

【Splendid: come】

Obviously, Shi Du wanted to come to the show on purpose, and he would definitely use his best ninja, so he should choose a virus to restrain him. But he held his breath and would rather choose Ninja and Shidu solo. He wanted to tell Shi Du that he was not the only one in the team who could fight ninjas.

Solo begins. Splendid controls the ninja to flash the resurrection point—

[Timeless killed Splendid)]

No assassin can kill a crispy skin with just one shot, and only snipers can kill the enemy instantly.

Timeless didn’t use ninjas, he used black swans—black swans restrained by ninjas. He is humiliating his opponent.

Splendid’s hand holding the mouse was bulging with veins. Timeless specializes in the assassin position, no matter how good he can play in the sniper position, he will lose because he has no defense.

[Splendid: continue]

In the second round, Timeless still used Black Swan. With the lessons learned from the past, Splendid moved a lot more carefully to prevent himself from being exposed to the sniper’s field of vision. He circled behind Timeless, and was noticed by Timeless as soon as he made a move. Timeless was sliced to the point where only a trace of blood remained, and the hook pulled away, and he only needed to make another normal attack to take the head.

The Black Swan of Timeless is indeed only mediocre, ten cheeses behind Shine. But he is too familiar with the ninja’s style of play and position. He can accurately predict every operation of Splendid, and he relies on the last trace of blood to deal with Splendid.

Timeless wanted to imitate the captain’s instant sniping, so he opened the mirror five times and only succeeded once. But as long as it is done once, it can be counter-killed.

[Timeless killed Splendid]

Splendid gritted his teeth until his gums were bleeding.

[Timeless: Your ninja can’t even cut a spear like me, who else do you want to cut to death]

[Timeless: It is recommended to play what you are best at, don’t make it too ugly]

Splendid couldn’t care less about decency. He wants to kill Shi Du, no matter what hero he uses, he must kill Shi Du.

When he saw that Shi Du had chosen the gladiator, he chose the virus without thinking. The virus is the hero he has practiced the most during this time, and in the arena, like the ninja, he is an assassin who relies on skill output, and he is defeated by the virus to death.

Shi Du didn’t even bother to try his virus on the hero of his life. He will make Shi Du regret it.

Splendid approached skillfully in stealth without making a sound of footsteps. He successfully released the skill, and he only needs to wait two seconds before he can silence Timeless. However, Timeless moves out of range of his ability in less than a second.

The virus implant was interrupted, and it was time for the gladiators to fight back.

[Timeless killed Splendid)

Splendid’s forehead and palms were covered with sweat, and his hands were shaking when he wiped the sweat with a tissue. Virus is his most proficient hero, there is no reason why he would lose.

In the last round, he continued to use the virus, while Shi Du… had a nanny.

The nanny has no movement skills. Facing the assassin, his only life-saving trick is the sleep gun. The moment Splendid appeared, the nanny’s kind voice triggered: “Sleep well.”

Splendid was lying on the ground, and Nanny alone wasn’t enough damage to kill him. As soon as the sleep time was over, Splendid stood up again and took the nurse’s head.

[Splendid killed Timeless]

He finally killed Shi Du, and then what? In the arena, as long as he is hit by the sleep gun, the opposite C position and the tank will definitely come to make up for the damage, and he will undoubtedly die.

And Shi Du didn’t bother to resist at all, so he just stood there and let him kill him.

Splendid stood up unbearably, and said coldly: “What do you mean?”

Qi Xian and Zhizhi took off their earphones and looked at them, only Jiang Fu was still focused on training.

Shi Du sat on the gaming chair and turned around: “What do you think I mean?”

“Don’t you just want to play with me?”

Shi Du readily admitted: “Yes.”

Splendid – when speech is blocked.

Cheese asked: “What’s the matter, what’s the matter, why are you so noisy?”

Shi Du was arrogant and contemptuous: “Maybe it’s because I can’t beat me in solo, and a certain substitute broke the defense.”

Splendid squeezed out words between his teeth: “I’m not in a good state today.”

How much better the day after a hangover can be. If it is normal, other heroes will not say, at least his virus will never be like this.

Shi Du smiled: “You also know that drinking can affect your state?”

Splendid was stunned for a moment, then turned into anger from embarrassment: “You are not the captain, nor the coach, why should you say me?”

“Okay, then let’s not talk about drinking. Your ninja can’t cut my black swan, the virus can’t silence my gladiator, and you can be hit by a sleep gun from an amateur nurse of mine. Where is your face here and mine? Forced?”

Qi Xian saw that the young master was serious, and quickly persuaded him to fight: “Okay, if you have anything to say, wait until the captain and the coach come back.”

Shi Du ignored it, and sat on a chair, looking at Splendid from bottom to top: “You are so good, the coach asked you to sit on the bench, is there a problem?” The boy pulled his lips, “Brother, this is e-sports. The food is Cai, you are still a dish after working hard, understand.”

Splendid’s chest was full of blood, but he couldn’t refute a word.

Splendid’s chest was full of blood, but he couldn’t refute a word.

“You’d better pray that I’m sick or injured.” Shi Du said, “Otherwise, as long as I’m here, you won’t be able to play in R.H for the rest of your life, and you’ll always be a substitute.”

Cheese couldn’t help but said: “Timeless, what you said is too harsh, Splendid is our teammate after all. Splendid, please ignore him, the young master speaks—he has no quality.”

Shi Du said: “You treat him as a teammate, but they may not necessarily treat you as a teammate.”

Splendid was stabbed by the disdain in Shi Du’s eyes so much that he wanted to punch someone. Everyone in the training room was laughing at him, Qi Xian and Zhizhi, who were pretending to persuade the fight, and Jiang Di, who pretended not to hear anything—no one thought highly of him. What’s the point of him staying in R.H?

“Enough, Timeless.” Qi Xian frowned, with the corners of his eyes slightly open, “Everyone has seen Splendid’s strength in the training match, and it’s not as bad as you said. If you practice again, you will definitely be able to play.”

Shi Du nodded: “I don’t deny this. I watched the video on the clownfish, and his virus is indeed good, but if he didn’t drink alcohol yesterday, he wouldn’t be labeled like this.”

Splendid’s eyes widened in shock: “Clownfish. Who?”

“Do you really think that Gaowan is willing to be your training partner?” Shi Du sneered, “The clownfish is not ugly, it is a training partner that the captain knows. The captain has watched and studied every solo match between you and him .Sometimes, he even joins you on the clownfish’s account to fight twice.”

Splendid was so dazed that he had to hold on to the table to get his footing. He heard himself say, “You, you lied.”

“Am I lying? Why don’t you send a message to the clownfish and ask him if the captain asked him for your ninja’s data and videos. Or you can go to the coach and see if he has received the data that the captain helped you sort out.” Du shook his head, “Unfortunately, you are useless yourself.”

Splendid was dazed for a long time, and murmured: “I’ll go to the coach.” He rushed out of the training room and bumped into Lu Youshan head-on. Lu Youshan’s face was very solemn: “Splendid, come with me to the meeting room. The others will continue to practice.”

After Splendid left, Cheese waited for a long time before recovering: “What the **** is this?”

Qi Xian sighed softly and said: “I guess, this is probably a story about Du Wei① who thought he couldn’t get the attention of his idol, and because of love he hated him, so he turned off fans and turned back.”

Time crossing: “.”

Squinting eyes are **** monsters.

Cheese thought of his substitute, and hurriedly asked Jiang Di: “Xiao Jiang, as my substitute, will you be psychologically unbalanced? If so, you must say it, and don’t hold back.”

“No,” Jiang Toad said with a stern expression, “We each shine, and we don’t have to blow out other people’s lamps.②”

Shi Du raised his eyebrows.

Cheese wondered, “Why do I feel like this is something the captain would say?”

Qi Xian agreed with a smile: “Xiao Jiang really looks like a captain.”

Splendid chatted with Lu Youshan for a long time in the meeting room. The next day, Splendid took the initiative to find Lao Tan and proposed to terminate the contract with the club.

The author has something to say:

① Du Wei: Irrational fans who only like their master, hate and hurt other artists around him (from Baidu)

②: From the Internet

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