As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 58

Chapter 57

After Qi Xian finished his physiotherapy, the four returned to the base by car. Yu Zhaohan drove his SUV, Lao Tan sat in the co-driver, Shi Du and Qi Xian sat in the back seat.

Shi Du looked at Qi Xian opening and closing his right hand non-stop, and asked, “How do you feel?”

“It’s pretty good, it’s much more comfortable, and it’s better than what I found before.” Qi Xian asked Lao Tan, “The price shouldn’t be cheap, right?”

“Money is not a problem,” Old Tan said in a wealthy tone, “Our boss has plenty of money.”

Qi Xian laughed: “It’s not easy for you to say such things.”

Lao Tan has experienced a year when R.H was put on the back burner, and he has long been afraid of poverty. The word “thrifty” has been engraved into his DNA. Even though the father of the current R.H funder treats them like godsons, Lao Tan still does not change his original intention, he is still the same “Tan Shu (shu, for example, he refuses to book Captain Gao Leng alone when they go to other cities for games a room. Fortunately, the captain only raised objections for the first time, and then acquiesced in his approach.

Only when the players are tortured by injuries, Lao Tan will say the words “there is money”.

While waiting for the traffic light, Lao Tan suddenly thought of something, and looked at Yu Zhaohan hesitantly.

Yu Zhaohan stared straight ahead: “Say.”

Lao Tan moved his buttocks, fidgeting and said: “Shine, what score did you get in your subject test?”

While swiping his phone in the back seat, Shi Du raised his eyes: “Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

Old Tan’s eyes dodged: “Aren’t you going to take the driver’s license test? I just ask if I think of it.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “Full marks, of course.”

Old Tan said “Oh” dully. “100 points” and “full marks” obviously mean the same thing, how come it comes from Shine’s mouth, it feels so different.

Back at the base, Yu Zhaohan drove the car into the garage. Qi Xian saw the light blue car that came out recently, and said, “My younger brother didn’t even get his driver’s license, so he bought the car first. To be honest, the first time I saw this car, I thought it was bought by Cheese. “

Shi Du laughed: “Don’t you guys think cars are cute?”

Old Tan said: “How many people can fit in that car of yours, and the co-driver can’t even fit a Xiaojiang. You buy a car for performance and convenience. What’s the use of being cute?”

Shi Du didn’t take it seriously: “I just like cute things. Don’t worry too much, thank you.”

Old Tan had an epiphany. As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, Shine’s mental age suddenly became younger, and it is most likely Timeless’ fault.

Before walking out of the garage, Yu Zhaohan couldn’t help but look back at the blue car.

—Sorry about the car, I didn’t drive you today.

The four of them came to the training room, where Cheese was lining up with Jiang Di. Jiang Di is playing with his nanny, and Cheese is chasing his ninja dream. Seeing them coming in, Cheese said while operating the ninja double jump: “Xianxian, where did you and the captain go? Wait, I’ll come to interrogate you after I finish this round!”

Shi Du drank Coke behind Cheese, watched him operate by the way, frowned and left after just one glance, leaving only the word “dish” cool.

Yu Zhaohan said to Lu Youshan, “Come to the meeting room.”

After Lu Youshan knew about Qi Xian’s injury, his mentality collapsed as expected. He is bound to win this year’s International Invitational Championship. Shii and Jiang are his ideal dream team. R.H is not complete without either of them.

Lu Youshan sat on the chair, covered his face with his hands, and his lips trembled uncontrollably: “Why is it so difficult…There are accidents every year, and every time it is only a little bit… This is the most promising year for R.H. Shine, this is our most hopeful year.” A year close to the championship…why is it so difficult?”

Old Tan hugged Lu Youshan’s head: “Okay, old Lu, things are not too bad. No professional player these days has any occupational disease.”

Lu Youshan’s mentality has always been his shortcoming. The head coach cannot be the pillar to stabilize the team, only Yu Zhaohan, the captain, can come.

“Enough,” Yu Zhaohan said, “Even if Qi Xian wants to reduce his training time, R.H will still be the champion this year.”

Lu Youshan’s eyes were lost, as if he didn’t listen to his words.

Yu Zhaohan emphasized his tone: “Lu Youshan, raise your head.”

Lu Youshan raised his head and looked at him with red eyes.

“In the future, in Qi Xian’s training, I will take him to review more games, understand the opponent, and study the map.” Yu Zhaohan paused, “Also, bring a substitute tank to the first team.”

Lu Youshan stared at him blankly, then wiped his face abruptly, and replied in a hoarse voice: “Okay.”

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “Now go wash your face and go back to the training room to continue training.”

Witnessing the big beauty’s strong control of the field, Lao Tan, as Shine’s face fan, felt great satisfaction in his eyes and heart. What did he say, Shine’s mental age is definitely above thirty.

Lu Youshan mentioned the tank of the academy team to the first team, a small boy with the ID of Boulder, everyone called him Stone.

When Shitou was brought to the training room by Lao Tan, he kept his head down and said very little. Yu Zhaohan was still wondering if the first team was going to be the third Gao Leng, and then he saw him take out the keyboard, mouse… and Shine’s q-version standing card from his backpack.

Shi Shi took out his mobile phone and said shyly, “Captain, can I add your WeChat?”

There is a conclusion, this is not aloof, this is a shy little stone.

Yu Zhaohan: “Yes.”

So far, R.H’s first team has returned to the size of six people. Three are over 1.85 meters, and three are under 1.85 meters.

Cheese came to Qi Xian’s side and whispered to him: “Xianxian, I’m not talking about you, you’ve been too lazy recently, and you’re the first one to leave every day. The coach and captain can’t bear to find you a substitute.”

Qi Xian smiled and said, “What’s the matter? Don’t you also have Xiao Jiang? It’s just a tactical adjustment, don’t think too much.”

Silly Baitian is so deceitful: “Oh, I see that the coach often discusses tactics with you. Are you going to transfer to the command position?”

Qi Xian followed his words and said, “Yes.”

Cheese happily slid back to her place: “I’ll just say it.”

Yu Zhaohan glanced at Cheese calmly.

Cheese is an R.H who has advanced for two years. At that time, Wanfeng was already sick, and Yu Zhaohan was busy getting rid of his bad habit of being coquettish and coquettish, so he didn’t have much time to bring Cheese. It was Qi Xian who took Cheese and gradually adapted to the unfamiliar environment and the rhythm of professional players, so the relationship between the two has always been very good.

Yu Zhaohan always felt that Cheese resembled him in some aspects, otherwise he would not have chosen Cheese to be his spokesperson and face representative. But Cheese is just like the side of him when he became Yuyu in private. Yuyu was mature and stable when he was in the team. Cheese can’t learn it. He is likely to be affected by Qi Xian’s hand injury.

Of course, what he said seemed to be referring to character, and Cheese’s face was completely incomparable with him.

On weekends, R.H flew to Guangzhou to play games. This time they are going to play against the morning tea team that is ranked last, has a record of 0 losses, and has never won a single map. In the pre-match prediction session, all the commentators were on R.H’s side, predicting that they would win the game 3:0. Some black fans joked that if the morning tea team can score a point from R.H, then the men’s football team will also be able to play in the World Cup final next year.

Some guests speculated that R.H will make a substitute, or use this opportunity to practice the new lineup. But as soon as the starting lineup was announced, the two aces double c, tank, and jiang were on the healer.

Jiang is no longer considered a substitute in R.H. He and cheese have two styles of play, and they should be rotated according to tactical needs. The commentator joked that R.H wanted to give fans steady happiness.

In the first two rounds, R.H crushed all the way and won the game within ten minutes. The second round also broke the record for the shortest single round time this season. After the two maps, zc didn’t win a wave of team battles, and only got two kills. Many viewers couldn’t bear to watch it.

[I’m an R.H fan and feel like I’m bullying [cover my face]]

[One thing to say, the tactics arranged by the alligator are acceptable, but the players are not at the same level at all, so there is no need to fight]

[I really like zc’s attitude, and the younger brothers are also working hard, but why can they be like this? 】

[Because zc’s boss is learning from last season’s R.H. I heard that zc’s base is in an urban village in Guangzhou. It’s been a long time.]

【Can I wait until zc’s first victory in my lifetime…】

During the intermission, Cheese handed the captain some water and couldn’t help but ask, “Captain, do you want to play like this in the third round?”

Yu Zhaohan said, “Why do you ask that?”

Shi Du laughed and said, “Brother Cheese is full of sympathy, and wants to give zc the first win in a small round?”

Jiang Diteng looked at Cheese.

“That’s not what I mean! I just think it will definitely be a 3-0 win anyway, so let’s not let them lose so ugly at home, at least let them win a wave of team battles and give them one or two kills…” Cheese Before he could finish speaking, he shut his mouth in shock from Jiang Di’s cold eyes.

Jiang Di said coldly: “What’s the difference between this and the fake match?”

“How can this be called a match-fixing match!” Cheese argued angrily, “It won’t affect the ranking and score, it just doesn’t make it too ugly for them to lose. Isn’t there a saying of handing over a ball in table tennis games? It’s not in the game Play 11:0, in case the score is too ugly or something…”

“It’s not enough to fight fake matches.” Shi Du said, “But if you were zc, would you want this kind of charity?”

“I…” Cheese was dumbfounded.

“I’m hungry, and I don’t want to delay too long.” Shi Du said bluntly, “Finish the fight early, eat early.”

When the break time came, the referee reminded them to get ready to play. Yu Zhaohan stood up and said, “Hit as you want.”

In the third round, zc didn’t get a single kill. They were overwhelmed by the firepower of R.H. They were often killed by bullets from all directions before they could get close to the target point.

This is a dimensionality reduction blow.

After the game, zc’s players all looked ashen, and they didn’t even have the energy to force a smile to say hello to the R.H members in the background. Only their coach, Alligator, took the initiative to step forward and said with a wry smile, “R.H is the team that plays us most seriously.”

Cheese was very embarrassed, and when he was about to speak, Shi Du took a step ahead of him.

“I’m sorry, coach,” Shi Du said with a smile, “I made you lose a bit ugly.”

“If you fall behind, you will be beaten. What’s the matter?” the alligator sighed, “I also want to thank you for treating zc as a normal opponent.”

“There is progress,” Yu Zhaohan said, “Keep going.”

After the match against Guangzhou zc, the first half of R.H’s regular season schedule came to an end, and he ranked first in the Eastern Division with a record of six games. After that, they will go to South Korea to complete the second half of the regular season in a foreign country. Lao Tan was busy helping them apply for visas, book air tickets, rent villas, and rent cars. They will stay in South Korea for two months, and they must not be careless about basic necessities of life.

Two days before going to Korea, Lao Tan told them that the little boss would treat them to a big meal as a practice for them. When playing games in China, the little boss will go to the scene to cheer them on whenever he is free. It is not so convenient to play games abroad, after all, their little boss is still a college student.

Before departure, Yu Zhaohan specifically asked Lao Tan what the little boss wanted them to eat, and Lao Tan told him that it was a Japanese grocery store. So, on the way to the restaurant, Yu Zhaohan rejected Shi Du’s invitation to play mobile games with him: “I have to hurry up and catch up on the knowledge of daily food, and then I’ll find a chance to pretend.”

Shi Du thought of the fear of being dominated by Yu Zhaohan’s comments on Huaiyang cuisine and kissing scenes, so he shuddered and said, “Don’t pretend, I’ll call your wife if you pretend, and burn your ears off.”

Yu Zhaohan complained angrily: “Listen to yourself…are you a human being?”

When I got out of the car, I saw a Japanese-style courtyard. Two girls in kimonos were standing at the gate of the courtyard, receiving two guests who came a little earlier than them. Yu Zhaohan recognized one of the guests as their little boss. He had never seen the other tall boy before, but he couldn’t help but take a second look.

This boy looks pretty good, and he seems to be a cool beauty, but his skin is too pale and his body is not in good shape.

Cheese shouted, “Little Boss, here we come!”

The little boss turned around to see them, and smiled happily: “Long time no see, brothers.”

Yu Zhaohan asked, “Who is this?”

“Oh, this is my senior, Nan Xu.”

Shi Du said casually: “You don’t bring the proprietress, but the senior? The little boss really knows how to play.”

The little boss said: “The senior is the boss’s wife.”

Shi Du was stunned for a moment, and Cheese and Shitou were also stunned, but Shi Du was not so stunned. Old Tan knew that the proprietress was a man, so he was not surprised at all. Qi Xian narrowed his eyes even more, while Yu Zhaohan kept calm habitually.

Nan Xu looked at the little boss helplessly: “Li Yuexi.”

The little boss smiled and re-introduced: “The senior is my boyfriend and your boss’s wife.”

Qi Xian said with a smile: “The lady boss and the little boss are a good match.”

Yu Zhaohan agreed: “Indeed.”

The little boss said: “Then shall we go in?”

Several people walked into the courtyard one after another, with Shi Du and Yu Zhaohan walking last. While others couldn’t see, Shi Du grabbed Yu Zhaohan’s wrist abruptly: “Yuyu…”

Yu Zhaohan was taken aback, and said in a low voice, “Yuyu is here.”

Shi Du’s voice trembled slightly: “Did you see it?”

Yu Zhaohan asked, “What did you see?”

Shi Du murmured, “The proprietress is a man.”

“Well, I see it.”

Shi Du continued to mutter: “The little boss is also a man.”

“Yes.” Yu Zhaohan was a little surprised, “Is there any problem?”

Shi Du’s Adam’s apple rolled, his lips moved, and he couldn’t hold back a word for a long time.

Yu Zhaohan: “?”

Faced with the world-weary face’s question, Shi Du was forced to choose to smile: “No problem, no problem at all. Just don’t talk to me right now, I’m a bit messed up.”

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