As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 96

Chapter 95

Only Lao Tan knew about Qi Xian’s early return to the team, which was indeed a great surprise for the others. The most surprising one was not Cheese, nor Yu Zhaohan, but—Coach Lu Youshan.

Lu Youshan pounced on Qi Xian, hugged him and burst into tears, crying loudly: “Qi Xian, you came at the right time! We played too hard against Lawman, and we almost lost. I I pray to God every night for your safety, I don’t know how to live without you.”

Qi Xian patted the coach on the shoulder, and said like coaxing a child, “Okay, it’s all right.”

Shitou was surprised and said, “It turns out that the coach and brother Xian have such a good relationship, I didn’t realize it before.”

Shi Du smiled and said, “He’s not hugging Brother Xian, he’s hugging the mecha in the game.”

In other words, Qi Xian was gentle and patient with his own people, otherwise he would have patted people away by pressing Lu Youshan’s forehead.

Yu Zhaohan asked, “How is your hand recovering?”

“I just finished a round of reconstruction, and now it can take two to three hours without any problem.” Qi Xian took off his double-breasted windbreaker and wore a V-neck sweater underneath. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing the thin scar on the back of his wrist.

“Is there a training match?” Qi Xian said while moving his wrist, “It’s been a long time since I played, my hands are a little itchy.”

Lu Youshan hurriedly said: “Yes, yes, I made an appointment with PPZ to start at nine o’clock, just in time for Shine and I to evaluate your current state.”

After Qi Xian had the operation, he had almost no training for a period of time, and only recently began to recover his hand feeling. Whether he can play or not depends on his state in the training game.

Old Tan remembered one thing, grinned and said, “I almost forgot to tell you that Lawman wants to ask us to play a training match.”

Cheese broke out into a vengeful laugh: “The way of heaven is reincarnation! Back then they said they wouldn’t make an appointment for a training match, and if they didn’t make an appointment, they wouldn’t make an appointment, and now they took the initiative to ask us out—come and see, Los Angeles Lawman doesn’t want any face.” La!”

“You can make an appointment.” Shi Du said, “But there are too many teams that invite us to play training games, and they can line up from here to France. You ask Lawman to get a number plate and line up.”

Yu Zhaohan was stunned by her boyfriend: “We are currently in France.”

“Oh, sorry, I forgot for a moment.”

Lao Tan asked the captain: “Then I rejected them?”

“Reject, just follow what Timeless said.” Yu Zhaohan said, “Remember to change ‘France’ to ‘Korea’.”

In the training match with PPZ, RH played the Tanfu combination of Qixian and Cheese.

Lu Youshan didn’t intend to let too many people know about Qi Xian’s return to the team, hiding tricks is also a common tactic off the field. When the opponent thought that their tank position was stable on the stone, the previous Qi Xian blinded them and caught them off guard. To this end, Qi Xian used the number of stones to play the training match.

For a team like RH that pays attention to teamwork, the substitution of one position is enough to cause earth-shaking effects. Lu Youshan looked at the four people sitting in front of the computer – Shine, Timeless, Clown, Cheese, this was his original ideal dream team.

This is also the four people who have fought side by side for the longest time in RH. Regardless of whether Qi Xian’s operation can return to his peak level, the tacit understanding between these four people will not be affected by an operation.

On the first map, a linkage between tanks and snipers quickly opened up the situation for RH.

PPZ knew the importance of marking Shine. Their tanks set up shields in front of their back row, which perfectly blocked Shine’s gun line.

Until Clown rushed in with his mecha, accurately found the nanny and knocked her into the air. The moment PPZ nanny flew out of the shield, Shine’s gun line landed firmly on his forehead, killing him with a shot.

In the second map, PPZ copied Lawman’s tactics against Cheese, but after a game, Cheese didn’t die even once.

Clown’s nanny is really good at protecting her. He can always put Cheese with a life-saving photon shield at the most critical time. Cheese narrowly escaped death several times, frantically feeding his teammates, the bloodline of the four of RH couldn’t be suppressed at all.

On the third map, Timeless plays the female assassin Light Hunter. The Lighthunter’s ultimate ultimate is to throw a sticky bomb at the enemy, which can only cause devastating damage if it sticks to the enemy.

The higher the damage, the harder it is to hit the skill. Even the top-level light hunter’s ultimate move has a hit rate of only about 60%. The Timeless light hunter’s data ranks second in the league, with a 59.8% hit rate of the ultimate move.

In order to fight the last wave of key team battles, PPZ used three big moves on Cheese and Shine, and they were killed, leaving only Timeless and Clown two-on-four.

Timeless’ ult has not been released yet, and the Light Hunter’s sticky bomb is their only bargaining chip to win more with less.

But even Timeless can’t guarantee that it can fly teammates every time. He dodges into piles of enemies and throws sticky bombs. It’s a pity that the bomb missed the distance and didn’t stick to the enemy.

At this time, Clown’s mecha with blood remaining rushed over and smashed the three crispy skins into the bomb.

The bomb exploded in a single shot, Timeless scored a triple kill, and every kill was assisted by Clown.

After three small rounds, RH led by a big score of 3:0, but PPZ said that there is something temporary, so they will not fight for now.

The training match should have played seven games like the official playoffs, but PPZ has already been beaten, and if the match continues, it will be 4:0, and the mentality of the players will collapse.

Lao Tan asked the manager of PPZ when to arrange the next training match. The manager of PPZ said in not-so-standard Chinese: “Sorry, we have decided to temporarily blacklist RH for the training match.”

Old Tan: “Why?”

The PPZ manager said bitterly: “Because after we finished playing with you, our children suddenly felt that they couldn’t play games anymore.”

Old Tan smiled and said, “I’ll take it as you are praising us, hahahaha Thankyou.”

PPZ Manager: “Don’t say ‘Thank you’, just say ‘Thank you’.”

Old Tan hung up the phone and said with a smile: “This new manager of PPZ is quite interesting, much better than the previous one.”

Yu Zhaohan asked Qi Xian: “How are your hands?”

Qi Xian smiled and said: “It’s pretty good.”

The training match only lasted an hour, and his hands were in good condition. But he knew in his heart that if it was a game of more than three hours like playing Lawman, he might not be able to maintain his form all the time.

Shi Du seemed to have thought of this as well, and said, “If you still have to fight Lawman in the final, it would be a shame to play 4:3 again, brothers.”

“That’s right!” Cheese, who had an extremely low death rate today, was full of air, “Don’t talk about 4:0 and 4:1, let’s play 4:2!”

Shi Du laughed at him: “Pretend to be so aggressive that I dare not talk too much, I love you to death.”

Qi Xiancai returned to the team, and Yu Zhaohan didn’t want him to be too tired, so he postponed the replay of the training match until tomorrow, so that everyone could go back early to rest.

Stone took the initiative to stay and practice. Yu Zhaohan was worried that Shi Du was unbalanced, so he asked Shi Du to go back first, and he wanted to chat with Shi Du alone.

Shi Shi seldom spends time alone with the captain, and he is a little apprehensive when he is happy: “Captain, isn’t Timeless waiting for you?”

Yu Zhaohan didn’t know why Shishi asked this question: “I let him go back first.”

“Oh…then he will wait in the room for you to go back.”

Yu Zhaohan gave a “hmm” and said, “With Qi Xian’s current state, if he can maintain it, he might be in the finals. You…

“I know, captain.” Shitou said hastily, “I was originally Brother Xian’s substitute, and he played better than me. Every team is like that whoever is better.”

Yu Zhaohan was quite pleased.

He knew that Shitou was not that kind of person, and he was right.

Yu Zhaohan sent encouragement at the right time: “Qi Xian spends a lot of time cooperating with us. If you get in touch with the team more, you may not be as good as him in the future. We will not ignore your training. You need to practice more, and I will accompany you in double row.” , all night is fine.”

Shitou was flattered and said excitedly: “Can you be captain? You and I lined up all night and stayed alone in the empty room. Will Timeless be jealous. But jealousy is another kind of sugar.”

Yu Zhaohan: “.?”

What is this silly boy talking about?

The next day, everyone in RH packed their bags and prepared to go to Berlin, Germany to play the third week of the competition.

Shi Du sat on the sofa in the lobby and watched the video of yesterday’s training match, waiting for Lao Tan and the others to complete the check-out procedures. Suddenly, he smelled a faint scent of men’s perfume, and there was only one person in RH who knew how to use perfume.

Shi Du took off his earphones without looking up, “Brother Xian.”

Qi Xian stretched out his hand in front of Shi Du, holding a list in French between his index finger and middle finger: “Last time, someone told me that he and the captain pay attention to the spiritual aspect of love, which starts with passion and ends with courtesy.”

Shi Du didn’t follow Qi Xian’s example: “Don’t act like someone, just tell me what you want.”

“Yes, it’s you.” Qi Xian said, “Then do you know what preservetif means in French?”

Shi Du’s English and Korean are ok, but he doesn’t know French at all: “What do you mean?”

Qi Xian told his younger brother the meaning of preservetif in the attitude of a big brother, and he still did not forget to tease: “RH’s youngest brother has also grown up. This is not a bad thing, why don’t you admit it – shy?”

Shi Du glanced at the list, and smiled confidently: “Who said that if you use these, you will definitely grow up? If you use them, you can’t be in love purely, just be polite.”

Qi Xian, who is responsible for RH’s EQ and IQ, rarely showed a puzzled expression: “.What?”

“Give up, brother Xian.” Shi Du patted Qi Xian on the shoulder, “You won’t understand what happened between me and the captain.”

Qi Xian: “…I really don’t understand.”

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