As a Captain, You Must Be Cold

Chapter 98

Chapter 97

il’s departure was unusually quiet. They also want to say goodbye to their brothers, but R.H and dsd are busy preparing for the next game, time is precious. We are old friends now, so we don’t care about it for a while, it won’t be too late to get together after everyone returns to China.

Last year, il was the runner-up in the world, and this year it is only the top five. Some fans are not satisfied with this result. In e-sports, only those who win have the right to be free from scolding. Several players in il have been greeted more or less by their families. Xu bears the brunt, followed by the other side.

At the age of three, he is used to being retired every time he loses a game and goes to work in the factory. After returning to China, he responded to the rumors of retirement by posting on Weibo.

[il The Other Bank: Thank you for your concern, I have arrived in Beijing. Take a few days off and see you in the national team. s: R.H, dsd come on (in no particular order)]

There are two more games in Berlin, the semi-finals and final of the lower bracket.

Dsd was put into the loser’s group by Z before. Now the two teams meet again in the loser’s bracket, dsd fought a beautiful turnaround, succeeded in revenge 4:2, advanced to the final of the loser’s bracket, and kept the top three in the world.

Due to the arrangement of the competition system, dsd will play z first, lose and be eliminated, and win to have a chance to compete with n for the remaining place in the finals, so dsd puts more energy into training for z.

The second day after dsd played z, he had to play n to rest and wait for work. He was well prepared and played dsd a 4:1.

So far, dsd has been eliminated, and the third place in the world is confirmed. R.H and n entered the global finals as the first place in the winner’s group and the first place in the loser’s group, and will soon stage a peak battle again in Madrid, Spain.

Ever since n changed his previous high-profile style. After the game, the host of the Western Division wanted to interview them, but they all turned away the microphone handed over by the host with cold faces, as if they were not the ones who caused them to lose, but other people.

In the past, let alone winning an official game, even if they abused their opponent in a training match, they would beep a few words on Twitter. u

a even has a table on twitter, at first it was used to count n’s small round map winning streak, and then il scored a point in their hands, u

a Changed the form to the overall win streak. Later, the winning streak was also interrupted by R.H, u

a suddenly turned off the microphone on Twitter.

Now it may be that they have entered the finals, and n’s overly inflated self-confidence has revived; or it may be that they have to show fans their confidence in revenge in the finals, and several people cheated on Twitter again.

【: This time, Lady Luck will no longer be on R.H’s side. 】

except u

a, aradox also tweeted an “apology”.

[dox: After losing to R.H, I blamed myself very, very much, and couldn’t sleep for several days. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d be able to play a better game if I wasn’t sick. I’m so sorry… I will never make the same mistake in the finals]

Cheese saw these two tweets and scratched his head: “I always feel u

What a and aradox said was weird, but I’m not sure what was wrong, anyway, it sounded uncomfortable. “

Qi Xian explained: “u

a is saying that we can win n depends on luck. “

Shi Du added: “aradox echoed u

a, and produced evidence. “

Most of the people who can comment on Twitter are fans of n, and the painting style is completely different from that on Weibo.

[aradox ate bad food before the game and had a stomachache, and his condition is definitely not as good as usual. Without this matter, how could R.H win n】

[There is obviously a problem with tide, otherwise how can he explain that he is in full condition when playing against other teams, and when he plays against the Chinese team, he is so stretched. Isn’t he really playing fake games? 】

[Also in the sixth game of that game, Shine even took out Tide’s virus stealth status. Shine also said in the post-match interview that he was able to blow Tide’s head due to luck]

[R.H’s luck is so good, it’s as good as opening and hanging]

[Hacking is impossible, I trust the referee of the league. But R.H’s luck is indeed so good that it is not normal, you will win the lottery if you buy a lottery]

[I remember the pre-match trash talk session, Tiless said that he would pray to Buddha for survival and fortune-telling. I don’t know if it has something to do with metaphysics]

[Don’t tell me, some things in the East are really mysterious and hard to understand with common sense]

[Is this the mysterious power from the East [panic]]

“It was really hit by Tiless.” Old Tan had an expression of seeing the big world, “Aradox’s wave of pretending to be sick before the game was a foreshadowing!”

Cheese read the translated comments, and the word “outrageous” was written in his eyes: “The key is that there are still fans who really believe it! Are they stupid? If metaphysics is really useful, wouldn’t the teams in the Eastern Division be champions every year?” ?!”

Shi Du sneered coldly: “You also said that those are fans of n.”

Jiang Di’s clenched fists rattled: “It’s unreasonable.”

Shitou said angrily, “Is it that difficult to admit that others are excellent?”

Shi Du was not surprised at all: “It’s n’s corporate culture that I can’t afford to lose.”

In the past two years, there have been more wins than losses, and many people have almost forgotten how they used to look when they lost games. To sum up, they win the game based on their strength, and lose the game because of various external factors—the player is sick, the environment is not suitable, the opponent is lucky, and so on.

The so-called Great Demon King of North America likes to find fault with others. In Lu Youshan’s words, this is a crime of arrogance.

“What are you doing with them?” Lao Tan snatched Cheese’s phone and locked the screen for him, “Don’t go to the external network to block yourself during this time, isn’t it good to listen to fans blowing rainbow farts on the internal network?”

Yu Zhaohan was sullen in his heart. He said that his shot was pure luck. Isn’t that pretending?

He does not deny that it is luck to shoot an invisible virus with 80% of its head, but first of all, he must be able to judge the approximate direction of the tide, and have an accurate judgment on the height and head position of the virus hero, in order to have the 20% possible.

Besides, isn’t luck also a kind of strength?

No matter how angry Yu Zhaohan was, he couldn’t show it, and he still said calmly: “Don’t worry about it, the training will continue.”

Lao Tan glanced at the time and said, “We’ll go to the restaurant on the fifth floor to gather when we’ve almost practiced. There are some distinguished guests coming today. Let’s spare an hour to have a meal with them.”

The training has been tense these days, and their meals are settled in front of the computer, which takes no more than twenty minutes.

Yu Zhaohan’s voice carried the chill of winter: “What kind of distinguished guest, you still want us to accompany you.”

“Little Boss and Madam Boss.” Old Tan said, “They flew all the way here to cheer us on. A meal isn’t too much.”

Yu Zhaohan was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Shi Du, who was also looking at him.

Obviously, Shi Du wanted to go with him.

If it wasn’t for the timely appearance of this young couple, which opened the door to a new world for them, with the degree of emotional bluntness between him and Shi Du, he would probably have to use Shi Du only as a base to divide his mother for a long time.

To them, the little boss and the boss’ wife are not just the father of the gold master.

Yu Zhaohan said: “Yes, but not too much.”

Qi Xian joked with a smile: “The captain also wants to bow down for the capital father?”

“It’s not about bowing down.” Yu Zhaohan said, “The little boss and the boss’s wife are the life mentors of Tiless and me.”

Everyone except Qi Xian and Shi Du: “…What?”

Shi Du suppressed a smile so that his shoulders trembled: “Indeed.”

Yu Zhaohan didn’t understand why his younger brother was laughing, and asked, “What are you laughing at?”

Shi Du said honestly: “It’s nothing, I just think you’re exaggerating a bit?”

It is true that the little boss and the proprietress have opened the door to a new world for them, but at most it is only a catalyst. He still has confidence in his IQ, even if there is no guidance from the little boss and his wife, sooner or later he will find that he likes Yu Zhaohan.

It was so obvious, and he was not blind.

So the life mentor really can’t be ah Yuyu.

Yu Zhaohan couldn’t hear Shi Du calling him Yuyu in his heart, and narrowed his eyes dissatisfied: “So, are you questioning me?”

Seeing that their twin cs were about to quarrel, Lu Youshan and Shitou suddenly became nervous, as if they were facing an enemy.

Everyone knows that Tiless has a bad temper, if he still doesn’t change his temper in front of the captain, then…

Shi Du smiled and said, “Don’t dare.”

Yu Zhaohan sneered: “Yes, I think you are very courageous.”

Lu Youshan broke into a sweat. The finals are coming soon, he is willing to be single for 20 years, in exchange for Shine and Tiless’s love and love, the tacit understanding will not change.

“Then I was wrong, okay?” Shi Du acted like a younger brother who admitted his mistake, “Captain, don’t be angry.”

Shitou and Lu Youshan both breathed a sigh of relief: That’s right, that’s it, well said tiless!

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