As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 56: Firepower is the confidence, the ability of the Immortal Heart

What is that?

The several divine monks who were standing on the roof were a little stunned, because...the divinity was fluctuating violently, as if to warn them that there was danger...

There is great danger!

However, this bull demon... was only a martial artist in the early stages of Tongmai, so why should he bring danger to them?

That weird mechanism, several metal pipes tied together...

What does this bull demon... want to do?

Using hidden weapons... you want to deal with these powerful cultivating monks who "nourish their character like a river"?

A warrior may not necessarily be a divine monk, but a divine monk must be a warrior!

And he is a senior martial artist, his body is not weakened by constant training and blood exchange, and his inner strength has reached the fourth heaven...

Therefore, their physical bodies are not weak, and they are not helpless against hidden weapons.

Coupled with the divine perception, the mechanism became extremely ridiculous in front of them!

The Bull Demon wears a mask, his eyes are bright, and his firepower... always makes people crazy!

The vigorous black hair danced wildly, and the deep voice drowned out the violent storm, blasting across the sky and the earth.

"Watch a brilliant fireworks!"

Reward enough!


Boom boom boom!

A terrifying explosion of sound exploded, sound waves swept across, shattering the wind and rain!

The mechanism carried by the Bull Demon suddenly burst out with a powerful roar, and the air waves continued to surge in all directions, causing the water on the ground to create thick ripples!

Countless screams, countless fireworks, countless shock waves...

From the five metal tubes of the weird mechanism rolling at high speed, they spurted out like crazy!

One after another golden thunderbolts shot out like lightsabers, tearing apart the violent rainstorm in an instant and splitting the rain curtain into two!

Da da da da da da!

The speed was so fast that every wooden raven was squeezed and pushed forward by Li Che's surging blood. In addition, coupled with the powerful driving force ignited by the raven itself, it shot out!

A thousand crows roar together!

Golden flowers blossom in heaven and earth!

The expressions of the six divine monks wearing masks all changed drastically, and they frantically stirred up the surging divinity!

However, the wooden raven ejected was so fast that it rushed in front of them in almost a blink of an eye. They could only use their own divinity to mobilize the chaotic divinity everywhere in the world, freezing the air and forming a divine air wall. !

The wooden raven hit the wall of air and seemed to be stagnant for a moment!

At this moment, the eyes under their masks became much calmer.

See clearly!

It was a wooden bird made of ebony, and the wood grains on it were lifelike. In the moment of stagnation, fire burst out from the body of the wooden bird. In an instant, the fire rolled and rose in the wind!

The moment it exploded, countless surging shock waves formed!

The tearing power and impact of the explosion were enough to make Tongmai martial artists' skin and flesh rip open!

"That's it?"

They exhaled, feeling an inexplicable feeling.


The next moment, what made their hair stand on end was...

In the mechanism that the Bull Demon was looking at, tongues of fire kept spitting out, and one wooden bird after another cut through the rain curtain, carrying brilliant golden light, and continuously impacted towards the wall of air that they had condensed with their divinity.


Too many!

Bang bang bang...

Countless golden lights exploded, thick smoke filled the air, and air waves surged back and forth in the air, rolling and surging!

Every attack that is enough to make Tongmai martial artists' skin and flesh go to pieces, almost dozens of times in one or two breaths, even if they are divine monks who have nourished themselves like a river, they all have the feeling...

Suffocating feeling!

It's like a seducer crawling out of hell, a bull demon wearing a bull hood, strangled the throat of life, and wants to have his neck cut off and his soul harvested!


The divine monk wearing a smiling girl mask stopped laughing and cursed.

The wall of air in front of him suddenly burst.

Countless golden wooden birds, as if screaming, pounced on his body and engulfed him.

Under the thick rolling black clouds, clusters of golden fireworks are dotted with the artistic beauty of explosions.

The rainwater was blasted away.

Several other divine monks soon followed in his footsteps.

The heat wave is rolling, and the thick water vapor is hazy between the sky and the earth.

When the firelight disappeared, the round raindrops falling from the sky continued to crackle.

The entire area was in a mess.

When a touch of divinity came to life, several figures stood up unsteadily at the same time. Their masks were shattered, their clothes were in tatters, and some had only a few cloth strips hanging on their bodies.

The skin on his body was torn, and a strong burning smell permeated the surroundings.

Even the heavy rain that washes away can't cover up this...meaty aroma...

"it's over……"

"Where's the Bull Demon?"

"Fuck, you've run away! What is that thing? Shooting so many wooden birds can actually explode with such a terrifying explosion. What mechanism can blow up monks like us, who are at the peak of their cultivation, like this?"

"I finally understand why the members of the Lingying Sect don't call the Bull Demon a hero. Can this guy's methods be called a hero?"

Several divine monks no longer have any thoughts of hostility and confrontation.

after all……

Simubai's Qiankun Jade is gone, and the bull demon has escaped.

What are they arguing about?

Is it because of loneliness?

Everyone knew each other's identities, so no one continued to be entangled in the mood.

"The way of the organization... can it be so strong? No wonder the Tang family was able to be brilliant for a while, but the organization is a small way after all. Otherwise, the Tang family would not have been completely lonely with the fall of the great power of the divine embryo..."

"Who is this bull demon? With his warrior energy and blood, and the way of cooperating with the organization... he actually made me and six other people at the peak of their cultivation, in such a mess..."

Several people took deep breaths and communicated with each other, all a little shocked.

But slowly, a few people came back to their senses.

"Si Mubai's Qiankun Jade is missing... The Bull Demon must have used divine means to erase the divine energy escaping from the Qiankun Jade."


"Find the Bull Demon! We must find him! That damn thing is... the divine opportunity..."

The several people who were in a state of embarrassment, hung with cloth strips, and bruised and bruised, looked at each other symbolically through the hazy steam and rain.

Then they tacitly turned their heads and walked away.


This time, Li Che used the breath-containing ability of "Sleeping Dragon Elephant" and escaped with great ease.

There were no more cases of being discovered by the divine monks and following him.

Not to mention that those guys had their divine defenses blown away by the "Namogat Forest Raven", their skin and flesh were torn, and they had no energy to look for him.

Just by him erasing the divine aura on Simu Baiyu's pendant, it was enough to completely cut off tracking.

However, he still walked steadily through several alleys and changed positions several times.

After confirming that he was not being followed, he carried Namo Gatlin back to the small workshop courtyard that Xu You had found for him.

After landing and confirming that no one was around, Li Che started breathing heavily and put Namo Gatlin down.

Li Che's body returned to its normal shape, and his mind instantly sank into his arms.

Qian Xishou has absorbed a large amount of Si Mubai's divinity. If it is not dealt with quickly, these divinities will be somewhat uncontrollable.

After all, he, Li Che, is not a divine monk, and he is not even a nurturing person. Once he cannot suppress it, the divine nature of [Crying to Suppress Ghosts] bursts out, not to mention affecting his mind. He is very likely to be exposed, causing trouble. Necessary trouble!

The identity of the Bull Demon... is too sensitive now.

Therefore, Li Che did not hesitate to stuff the absorbed divinity into the [Dragon Elephant King Kong] Dao Fruit.

Tao fruit eats the divine nature!

It can relieve his stress!

However, the Dragon Elephant Dao Fruit only absorbed about half of the divinity and stopped swallowing it.

Fortunately, after the pressure on Qian Xi's hand returned to normal, Li Che breathed a sigh of relief.

[Dao Fruit: Dragon Elephant King Kong (LV2, 30%)]

Li Che glanced at it and couldn't help but feel happy.

This wave of devouring actually directly increased the maturity of the Dragon Elephant Vajra Dao Fruit by 10%!

Li Che even felt that his martial arts cultivation had reached the limit of six changes in blood exchange. As long as he had the method of opening the meridians, he could break through it with just a thought.

LV2, the Dragon Elephant King Kong with 30% maturity, brings a huge improvement in horizontal refining talent.

Suppressing the boiling Qi and blood in his heart, Li Che used Dao Fruit to restrain his aura.

When I opened my eyes again, my eyes were clear and the rain was pouring continuously.

Li Che took off his cute cow mask and kneaded it into fine powder with his palm, and his eyes fell on "Namo Gatling". The LV3 Immortal Art Dao Fruit made Li Che's hands-on ability much stronger.

The reason why he dared to kill Si Mubai boldly this time.

It's because of this trump card.

All timidity and stability actually stem from lack of firepower.

When the firepower is enough... the sky will be overturned!

"It doesn't matter, there is still room for improvement. The material endurance is not enough at all, and the Wooden Raven's burst is not strong enough... Shooting a hundred Wooden Ravens is the limit. No more... I can't bear it."

"Divided evenly among the six divine monks, each of them only has a dozen rounds, so he can't kill them."

"If I eat a hundred wooden ravens in my life, no matter how strong the monk is, he still has to kneel down to me!"

Li Che's eyes flickered, caressing Namo Gatling, and he couldn't bear to destroy the big thing he had worked so hard to create.

But this thing is too obvious and can easily reveal your identity...

Therefore, it should be destroyed or destroyed...

"Let's study the jade pendant swallowed by [Pure Heart] first..."

Li Che took a deep breath.

I heard... that there are divine base fragments, and that thing... is the real good thing!

As soon as his mind moved, the Daoguo in his chest beat loudly.

Li Che then received feedback from the Dao Fruit [Pure Heart], which successfully swallowed the "Jade Pendant" and gained the ability of the Jade Pendant.

Li Che was stunned...

The ability of the jade pendant?

The mustard seeds in Sumera are the jade hidden in the universe!

This is the... ability of the jade pendant that Si Mubai carries with him!

As soon as he thought, pure white and clean divinity suddenly spewed out.

The next moment, divinity was like a knife, tearing the air in front of Li Che, opening a hole like a zipper.

After the mouth...

It’s actually a space that’s neither big nor small!

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