As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 92 Green Goat Horn Sky-Breaking Hammer, Your Master Can't Escape as Well as Me [Seeking


Granny Mu was slightly startled: "In this world... heroes don't live long."

Even if the carriage was covered with soft cushions, it would not feel comfortable even if it was bumpy. Li Qingshan held Granny Mu's hand, even though the latter had long since aged, and the skin on her hands was not as smooth and tender as when she was a girl.

But Li Qingshan couldn't put it down.

Playing with the slender fingers carefully.

"Heroes do not live long."

"But that guy is different...if he doesn't care about the means of killing, he can be considered a hero."

Li Qingshan smiled.

Granny Mu instantly understood who Li Qingshan was talking about.

She couldn't help but think of the time when Xu Ji Divine Monastery was attacked, when she was in endless despair and planned to die together with those guys from the Yang family...

A burly figure stood up, shattered the Yang family's plan to snatch soul boys, and saved those innocent children.

The Bull Demon is a hero with ruthless methods and a vicious appearance that doesn't look like a good person.

At least, in Granny Mu's opinion, the Bull Demon who saved the children is considered a hero!

"Bull Demon? He... dares to get involved in this 'Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet'?"

Granny Mu frowned and couldn't help but ask.

Cao Guang has been preparing for the Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet for a long time. It has been several years. Whether he is developing the Lingying Cult, plundering and capturing soul boys, or spending a lot of money to invite wood carvers from all ethnic groups to make Lingying wood carvings...

Several years of planning are just for a Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet.

Granny Mu is not stupid either. She knows very well that Cao Guang must be doing it to improve his own strength.

Cao Guang probably wanted to use this Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet to borrow the power to attack the gods from the temple gods.

Sacrifice is normal in this world.

Grandma Mu traveled around the country when she was young and saw too many sacrifices.

In fishing villages near rivers, girls or girls will be used together with three animals and five animals to worship the river god.

Mountain villages close to the mountains will also offer sacrifices to the tiger mountain god.

Sand castles in the desert and small countries in the oasis will also worship the gods in the desert.

There are even more people offering sacrifices to the weird temple. Although the divinity of the weird temple will affect all parties, evil spirits will be born, and temple-protecting cursed corpses will be scattered to cause trouble to all parties.

However, what is displayed in the strange temple is a god after all, and the dead god is also a god.

Many strong monks, through sacrifices and worship to gods, have gained strength beyond their own, have undergone transformation, and achieved advancement in cultivation level. They don't care whether the gods are weird or evil.

Granny Mu knew that Cao Guang was also performing such sacrifices.

But what can she do?

There was nothing she could do to stop him. She was just an old man with a weakened spirit, exhausted vitality and blood, half of his feet walking into the loess. She was just a mortal who had never forged a divine foundation.

Li Qingshan seemed to know what happened to Granny Mu, and smiled: "Why doesn't he dare?"

"Do you think he will die? That boy's ability to survive... is very strong."

Li Qingshan thought of Li Che's breath-condensing methods and the endless array of Tang's hidden weapons that could kill Shenji monks...

Even though Cao Guang had been preparing for the Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet for several years, even though Cao Guang had prepared enough backup plans.


The Bull Demon may not die.

The Bull Demon's methods make it clear that he is not a good person at first glance. He has caused harm for thousands of years, so how can he die so easily?

"Besides...don't you have me?"

Grandma Mu looked at Li Qingshan, who was as shameless and arrogant as before, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Do you know the Bull Demon? Do you know his true face?"

Granny Mu asked curiously.

Who is the Bull Demon?

She was a little curious. Li Qingshan seemed to know the true identity of the Bull Demon.

Suddenly, the horses neighed, and the sound of hoofbeats trampling on the mud became more and more urgent. The wind and rain mixed with snow slapped on the carriage in an endless stream!

Li Qingshan, who was lazily holding Granny Mu's hand, did not answer her question.

He stood up suddenly, his eyes sparkling.

"Here we go."

Li Qingshan lifted the curtain, looked out at the misty sky, and smiled softly.

Granny Mu was startled.

The next moment.

Then, Li Qingshan opened the curtain of the carriage and walked out. With a tap of his toes, he landed on the head of the galloping horse under the horrified gaze of the coachman.

Even as the horse ran, its head heaved up and down, and its wet mane flew freely.

It can't affect the old man in Qingyi at all.

The strong wind mixed with the rain pulled away from the old man standing on the horse's head like the opening of a great drama.


There seemed to be a heavy whimper coming from heaven and earth!

It's like a terrifying beast roaring!

Countless raindrops exploded one after another, forming large white waves.

On the top of the wave is a black claw hammer!

There is a sharp thorn protruding from the middle of the claw hammer, like a short spear, trying to pierce the sky!

On the rainy ground in the distance, a figure threw out the hammer, clasped its fists in the distance, and then merged into the rainy curtain like water.

The old man raised his hand.

The claw hammer shot towards him and was suddenly grasped in his hand.

The majestic divinity surged out from the claw hammer, as if it had turned into a peerless ferocious beast that raged against the heaven and earth!

Suddenly, the rain between heaven and earth seemed to have stopped.

"The Sheep's Horn Skybreaking Hammer... only brings me 10% of my divinity, but it's enough."

"Dealing with some crooked melons and cracked dates...that's enough."

Li Qingshan grasped the claw hammer, his green clothes flying, and his ricket shoulders slowly straightened.

As if full of energy, he stretched his body toward the sky and the earth.

Granny Mu, who was sitting in the carriage, had a blank look in her eyes.

At this moment, the rickety figure seemed to be looking back in her eyes to the time when the white horse was riding in the rivers and lakes.

See the young man in green who is full of energy and has natural supernatural powers.

That year.

The young man is energetic and the beauty is as beautiful as jade.

Flying Thunder City.

The city lord's mansion is under the octagonal eaves.

The wind and rain are blowing, the sky and the earth are hazy, and the cold mountains in the distance are lingering with smoke, just like the splashed ink smudged out of the landscape painting.

Cao Guang put on clean splendid clothes, covered with gold and silver, and stood on the tower with his hands behind his hands.

His eyes were deep, as if there was a sharp weapon hidden.

A figure appeared vaguely, with a heavy aura, and a knife on his waist. The knife was brewing with majestic sword energy. It was Cao Guang's son, Cao Qingyuan.

"Did you find your second master's body?"

Cao Guang looked at the rain curtain between heaven and earth and said calmly.

Cao Qingyuan's face was cold, and there was sadness in his eyes. He shook his head: "I haven't found it yet. The rain washed away many traces all night long. I couldn't find the body of the second master. I only found a few pieces of broken and scattered pieces." minced meat……"

"minced meat……"

Cao Guang's lips trembled and his face twitched.


So cruel!

Li Qingshan!

Goat-horned Sky-Breaking Hammer...Li Qingshan!

Cao He must have encountered Li Qingshan's poisonous hand. He was instantly hammered and exploded, leaving only scattered pieces of flesh.

According to the rumors coming back from Fucheng, Li Qingshan, the ram-horned sky-breaking hammer, is extremely ruthless, and his attacks are violent. His opponents are either blasted or smashed to pieces...

Cao He... his body is gone.

"Second Master..."

Cao Qingyuan was full of sadness.

However, Cao Guang turned around, his eyes were cold, and his face even looked a bit ferocious with the tumbling electric snake in the dark clouds.

"Why are you sad? After preparing the Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet, why do you think Li Qingshan stayed in Feilei City for so long and suddenly left for what purpose?"

"He is giving us a chance to make sacrifices. He will definitely come back. Once the sacrifices are completed, he will come back to kill us!"

Cao Guang's face was extremely cold, and he spat out words from between his teeth that shocked Cao Qingyuan.

"He...he is cheating?"

"He knows that I will not sacrifice him while he is in the city. Moreover, he only has energy and blood to use now. Even though he has the cultivation of a master, he cannot beat me to death."

Cao Guang said coldly.

"So, he must have transferred the divinity from the Shenzong Mountain Gate... He just happened to go outside the city to collect the divinity, and by the way, he gave us the opportunity to offer sacrifices..."

Cao Guang closed his eyes as he spoke, his body trembling slightly.

"If I can't afford to sacrifice to Li Qingshan who has attained divinity... I am no match for him. I will be blasted by the hammer, and everything will be over by then."

"He's forcing me..."

"Overtly and covertly... force me!"

Cao Guang's words were like thunder falling on Cao Qingyuan's ears. He was so shocked that his body trembled and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Does he know that if we start a sacrifice, the temple god will definitely wake up..."

"He dares to face the strange temple god who is fully awake?!"

Cao Qingyuan's voice was a little louder.

Cao Guang exhaled, his voice slightly bitter: "Maybe... he never paid attention to us at all..."

"What he wants to attack...has always been a temple god?"

Cao Qingyuan hesitated.

"He is actually... so arrogant?"

Cao Guang suddenly smiled bitterly, with a sinister look in his eyes, as if a scar he had not wanted to recall for a long time was being uncovered.

"How can this be considered arrogant... I have seen someone more arrogant than Li Qingshan..."

Shaked his head.

Cao Guang's thoughts returned and he glanced at Cao Qingyuan lightly.

"I have guessed his purpose. Since Li Qingshan is crazy... I will follow his madness."

"The sacrifice will start today. As long as the big sacrifice is completed, if my cultivation level breaks through... Li Qingshan may not be able to do anything to me."

"Although he is one of the top ten monks in the divine genealogy, most of his divinity stays in the strange temple at the branch sect's mountain gate to observe the temple gods... He can mobilize no more than 10% of his divinity."

"One percent divinity...why should I be afraid?"

Cao Guang has a domineering and wrathful divinity, which slowly and twistedly flows out, filling the entire pavilion in an instant!

"Besides...since I know his purpose, how can I not be prepared for any surprises?"

"Li Qingshan, born with divine the body of a master."

"I teach... my favorite."

Cao Guang grinned, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Cao Qingyuan was shrouded in chill.

Suddenly, a thunderous sound came to his ears, as if Cao Guang had captured his soul.

"Pass it on..."

"Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet."

"Start the sacrifice!"

The wind and rain tilted and slapped hard on the carriage carriage.

Crackling, like hail falling into the world.

In the warm carriage, Xixi experienced the fresh energy at the beginning, and during the boring and shaky journey, she curled up in Zhang Ya's arms and fell asleep.

The charcoal stove is burning, warming the carriage and dispelling the chill caused by rain and snow.

Lu Chi was wearing Nezha pigtails, his eyes widened.

Li Che gently put a blanket on the sleeping couple, and then looked at Lu Chi.

"Take care of them."

Li Che said.

Lu Chi immediately understood what Li Che wanted to do.

"It's very dangerous..." Lu Chi whispered anxiously.

"My master must have sent someone that claw hammer that can hit countless people... If he holds the hammer and hits it hard, one person will be enough."

"Don't try to be a hero!"

Li Che glanced at Lu Chi strangely: "Hero? I never want to be a hero..."

"Then you..." Lu Chi opened his mouth to say something else.

However, Li Che slapped him on the head and stopped his words.

"Okay, I just have some personal matters to take care of. If there is really any danger, I will definitely escape faster than your master. I will not die even if your master dies..."

Lu Chi was speechless, thank you for Master.

"My master is very powerful..."

He whispered in dissatisfaction.

Li Che gently lifted the curtain and said with a smile: "Senior Qingshan is very powerful..."

"But when it comes to escaping, you're not as good as me."

After finishing speaking, Li Che got out of the carriage.

Outside, the wind and rain were moaning, and dark clouds were blown by the wind in the sky.

The sloping rain mixed with ice and snow made a crackling sound on the bamboo hat.

Li Che opened the umbrella and stepped onto the carriage shaft. Qian He, the bodyguard leader, noticed and immediately pulled the reins over.

"Master Li...the weather is not very good today, and for some reason it suddenly became windy and rainy."

Qian He pulled the reins, and his clothes were already wet from the rain.

But as a blood-changing warrior, he didn't care about this coldness.

"It's stormy and violent. Master Li, please don't go out. It will be bad if you get caught in the rain."

Li Che said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. I'm going to the carriage to carve some divine wood carvings so that I can sell them to Fucheng for money. They say that living in Fucheng is not easy. As a person with a family, I'd better make preparations in advance. ”

"By the way, I also want to practice my wood carving skills. You will need this skill to join the Qianyuan Shenzong."

When Qian He heard this, he was immediately in awe.

Sure enough, no master's success comes in vain. In addition to talent, diligence and hard work are also indispensable.

Li Che already had Qi and blood cultivation, so he easily jumped onto another carriage.

"Captain Qian, when I am making the divine wood carving... I cannot be disturbed. If there is nothing important, you can just talk to Master Chen."

Li Che said solemnly.

Qian He nodded quickly.

Afterwards, Li Che got into the carriage filled with wood.

The world suddenly became quiet, and all the sounds of the sudden wind and rain were blocked out.

Li Che let out a breath.

He did not directly use the Feilei chess piece anchor point left in Feilei City and returned to Feilei City.

He leaned back on the soft carriage chair, tearing the air with his sword.

The Qiankun Jade obtained from killing Cao He last night slipped out.

With a single tap of his finger, the divinity on the Qiankun Jade was directly crushed, and everything hidden inside was revealed in Li Che's perception.

Compared to Yang Jing, the god of the Yang family, Cao He, the "horse-faced man", is much shabby.

Most of the weapons hidden in the Qiankun Jade are only a few hundred taels of silver, and there are only ten gold leaves. This net worth is really shabby, and is completely incompatible with the assets of a god-based monk.

In terms of martial arts, there was an unexpected surprise.

"The Mysterious Vein Method of Riding the Hell Lotus on the Dajing Town Temple to Open the Veins"!

This is...the Superior Mystical Veins Technique!

Li Che's eyes brightened. Now, his Qi and Blood cultivation had already reached the peak of Qi and Blood.

Unfortunately, it lacks the Xuanmai method.

According to what Li Qingshan said, if he wanted to teach him the Mysterious Vein Technique, he would have to join the Shen Sect, which meant that he, Li Che, would have to wait until the spring equinox in February next year.

But now...

What an unexpected gain.

"Dajing Town Temple Tongmai Martial Arts... It seems that this horse-faced man is indeed from the City Lord's Mansion of the imperial court. There are only a few divine bases in the City Lord's Mansion."

Li Che guessed the identity of this person.

But it's not surprising, it's just more certain.

He did not practice the Xuanmai method immediately.

After Li Che received his own universe space, he continued to count it.

In terms of divine laws, there is only one "Dajingzhen Temple Jiuyao Wrathful Amitabha Divine Foundation Law" that is relatively good, but for Li Che who has already cast the divine foundation, this thing seems useless.

"This is……"

Li Che's mind suddenly moved.

A black jade purifying bottle appeared in his hand.

"Wu Dan? Only one?"

Li Che raised his eyebrows.

Qian Xi moved his hand, and his palm turned into jade color.

Pour out the elixir and put it in your hand. The extremely strong smell of the medicine mixed with the pungent fishy smell instantly filled the entire carriage.

In the meantime, information about the elixir.

Qian Xishou also analyzed it immediately.

[Wu Dan (lower grade ninth level): Dajingqin Tianwu Xuanjiao Wu Dan]

[Technology: Take the mixed blood of the eighth-level monster Nuxuan Jiao, mix it with ten kinds of herbs, and refine it into an elixir for two hours through the unique elixir recipe of the Qintianjian alchemist. There are nine elixirs in one pot. It has extremely strong medicinal properties and a fishy odor. Slightly sweet]

[Taking: Qi Mai Wufu and above]

Li Che's breathing became rapid and his eyes sparkled.

"Elixir from Dajingqin Tianjian?!"

He suddenly understood why Cao He's Qiankun Jade contained so little money, which was completely inconsistent with the net worth of a veteran Shenji monk.

Now it seems that most of them used it to buy this elixir.

A ninth-level low-grade elixir is worth more than a thousand gold!

The most important thing is that it comes from Qintianjian, and the quality of the elixir is guaranteed. Although Dajing is not as prosperous as it was at its peak, the name of Dajingqintianjian still guarantees the quality.

Whether it is the elixirs, talismans, or divine wood carvings produced, it is a magnificent sight.

I heard that a group of the most talented woodcarving masters from the Dajing Dynasty gathered in Qintian Prison.

It seems that after the collapse of the Tang dynasty, most of the bureau masters were incorporated into the Qintian Prison.

Li Che's eyes flickered, Qin Tianjian...

It seems that there is also a branch of the Imperial Observatory in Fucheng.

"I wonder... whether the Imperial Observatory in Fucheng has a complete and detailed Tang family secret manual."

Li Che thought.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Li Che frowned. He originally thought that he was rich and had no worries about food and clothing from now on. Now it seems that he took it for granted.

"If you want to achieve pill freedom, you have to make more money."

"The City Lord's Mansion..."

Li Che's eyes flickered slightly. Fortunately, the way to make money is not far away.

With a flip of his palm, he put the pill into the black jade bottle and put it back into the Qiankun space.

With a flick of his finger, a cute cow mask slipped into his hand and was covered on his face.

Five fingers clenched violently.

In an instant, the air seemed to ripple slightly.

When Li Che opened his eyes, he had returned to the study in the inner city courtyard.

Quietly, in the empty study.

Exuding a sense of emptiness and loneliness.

Li Che sat upright on a wooden chair, his eyes sparkling under the cute cow mask.

Then he put on a stretchy black coat and took the bamboo hat hanging on the door.

With a bang.

The door opened wide.

The violent storm roared in, blowing Li Che's black robe.

Li Che's body swelled up with a bang, making the stretchy black robe bulge. The python tendons trembled from between his back, and countless raindrops were rebounded and exploded into mist.

The dark clouds were hazy, and electric snakes rolled in the clouds.

Li Che raised his head, and the rain and snow hit his mask.

Feeling the unique atmosphere of the whole city, his eyes condensed.

"Has the Thousand Buddha Sculpture Banquet started?"


Li Che's body trembled, [Dragon Elephant King Kong] shook violently, and all the blood and qi in his body were restrained, which was not weaker than the unique turtle breathing skill.


The tip of his toes lightly touched the blue brick ground, and a burst of water suddenly exploded silently.

The whole person's figure has already catapulted towards the direction of Xuji Courtyard in the inner city.

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