As a Hokage, you don't dare to be a loyal minister of Konoha!

Chapter 136 The continuous evolution of the Golden Wheel Tenseigan, a new chapter in the ninja world

The Country of Rain and the Country of Grass, which had been conquered by the Sun Kingdom, are neighbors.

Because the environment of the Land of Rain caused it to rain all year round, and it continued for an unknown amount of time, an inland sea that was not big enough to bury Jiraiya had been formed.

But now Nagato already knows the truth about his eyes, and is now in the stage of digesting that information. Konan is happy that Nagato has recovered his health and is back on his feet. I guess if Jiraiya comes to explore the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization this time , Nagato and Konan are very willing to have a good chat with this teacher.

But it is a pity that since the last brief conversation between Jiraiya and Konan in Konoha, the ashamed Jiraiya seemed to understand that his disciples had gone against his ideals, and he gave up while fighting for power in Konoha and Fugaku. Instead, he gained a new understanding of his Heroic Ninjaden.

Different from the previous advocacy of mutual understanding, now he emphasizes that a ninja should maintain perseverance. The concept has changed partially. As for Myobokuyama's remarks about Hyuga and Isei being the source of the disaster, he defeated the entire ninja world in Yang Shen Kingdom and opened the door to After the Ninja World Conference determined the direction of development, he never said these words again.

After all, the ninja world continues to get better, which has nothing to do with the source of disaster mentioned by the Great Toad Sage. Perhaps the one who advocates mutual understanding is the outlier.

In the land of rain, on the magnificent sea.

Hinata Hinata stood on the boat with his hands behind his back and looked into the distance. The boat was moving at a constant speed. This time, he was the only one going to Ghost Lantern City, and a certain entourage who was leading the boat.

After all, it is just a prison, and there is no attractive scenery there, so Tsunade and Hagura are not interested in going to Ghost Light City. For them, if they want to see the sea, it is better to go directly to Terumi Mei. .

The sea area development plan in the Kingdom of Water has been put on the agenda. With the efforts of countless water escape ninjas and earth escape ninjas, a mini version of the sea paradise has almost been established. Compared to Ghost Lantern City, they would rather go to the Water Land. He was on vacation in the country, and Hinata Richeng himself had no intention of coming to the prison to see the scenery.

Ghost Lantern City, where the blood prison in the movie version appears in the original work, is located near the Land of Grass surrounded by the sea. It contains all kinds of vicious criminals and rebellious ninjas. It seems that some incombustible object has appeared again.

It is rumored that the general of the Akatsuki organization, Kakuzu, was once imprisoned here. Kakuzu himself would not admit this. After all, as a man who fought against the first Hokage, how could he be imprisoned here?


"What's the strength of Ghost Lantern City's Lord Wuwei?"

Tilting his head slightly, Hyuga Hicheng looked at Kakuzu-senpai who was rowing the boat and asked.


This time, the person responsible for leading Hinata Issei to Oni Lantern City was this senior Kakuzu who had served in Oni Lantern City. Nagato gave the order in the morning, and Kakuzu also agreed and planned to pack up and run away in the morning, but on the way He was captured on the spot by Hinata Issei.

"My abilities are average, but my ninjutsu is very tricky. It seems I can seal chakra."

He rowed hard and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and replied quickly.

"How did you escape?"

Hinata Hinata asked curiously.

It seems that once they enter Ghost Lantern City, the final destination of the prisoners is to be sacrificed to the Bliss Box and contribute chakra to the Bliss Box.

The Box of Bliss is the ultimate weapon left by the Sage of Six Paths. What he wants to do on this trip is to recover this ninja tool.

"He didn't understand the special nature of Diyu's resentment and used fake death to escape."

Kakuzu answered honestly.

"Well, so are you interested in working in the Ministry of Finance of Yang Shen Kingdom?"


It seemed that the span of the question was a bit wide. Jiao Du tilted his head and was confused for a while, unable to react.


Did he hear it correctly just now? His Majesty the Yang God was inviting him to the Yang God Kingdom?

Although he did do this in the Akatsuki organization

"Of course, the job you will do then will have nothing to do with hunting traitorous ninjas. You have to start from the basics and learn how to do business and manage money."

Hinata Hirsei emphasized again.

"Besides, don't worry about our treatment. I know the special characteristics of Earthly Resentment Yu. Minister Snake has done a lot of research on artificial hearts. Every artificial heart has guaranteed chakra properties and vitality."

"There are even artificial hearts with blood inheritance limits."

"You can imagine that among your five hearts, one will be Melting Escape, one will be Ice Escape, one will be Scorching Escape, one will be Lan Escape, and one will probably be Dust Escape~"

Kakuzu was convinced that at this moment his heart was beating, and all five of his hearts were beating at the same time.

Although he also knew that the top of the earthly resentment Yu's heart that the Blood Succession Limit released was a beggar's version, and it probably consumed more chakra, and even if he used the Burning Release for a lifetime, he would not be able to reach the level of Ye Cang, but the Blood Succession The limit is the limit of blood inheritance, and his strength will be strengthened at an epic level by then.

The price was just to work for the man in front of him, and he was still doing his own job in the Akatsuki organization.


"It doesn't matter whether you have a heart or not. The main thing is that I think you are handsome and kind-hearted, boss, and I love this job. So, boss, when do you think I can take up the post?"

Old timers still want to save face. I guess if it was Hei Jue, he would definitely kowtow and shout that he is the adoptive father.

Regarding Kakuzu, this is the talent that Hyuga and Isei has been eyeing for a long time. He has mentioned this issue to Nagato before. Nagato said that he will work for Yang Shen Kingdom in the future, and he has no objection to Kakuzu's promotion. Yes, but it still depends on what Kakuzu means.

Therefore, it was natural for Kakuzu to become the follower who led the rowing boat.

The Akatsuki organization also has talents in other areas, such as the Red Sand Scorpion. Although Orochimaru is very unhappy with the Red Sand Scorpion, even Minister Snake has to admit that in terms of puppetry and mechanism skills, the Red Sand Scorpion is far superior. The talents of others, such as the car that can accommodate Hyuga Himagi and the concubines of the Kingdom of God, were made by Orochimaru by referring to the puppet technique.

However, Red Sand Scorpion commented that if he were to do it, the precision, luxury and functionality of the car could be greatly improved.

Well, so the Scarlet Sand Scorpion has now taken on the role and become the special consultant of Yang Shen Kingdom's mechanical department.

Hinata Richeng also promised that when the Red Sand Scorpion completes the luxury car, he will provide the Red Sand Scorpion with a puppet drawing that will definitely immerse him in it.

Although the Red Sand Scorpion himself was doubtful about Hinata Hirsei's words, the eternal artist became more motivated after he showed the construction drawings of Gundam's legs.

The world is always similar in all aspects.

And the Gundam blueprints were obtained from other dimensions after Hyuga Hicheng made the right choice. With the blueprints, under the premise that the technology of the ninja world is crooked and there is no shortage of fine steel materials, then It is not uncommon to use chakra energy to replace the original driving core and build a Gundam full of characteristics of the ninja world.

In summary, the trip to the Akatsuki organization was very fruitful for Issei. When Deidara grows up later, he will go to Iwagakure Village to recruit him to the demolition team of the infrastructure department. I believe Deidara will also be happy with the new job. I am very interested. As for Hidan, it is more useful. With his immortality, he will be able to play a key role in fighting Otsutsuki in the future. This is the importance of talent counterparts, whether it is from Yangshen Kingdom or Akatsuki organization. Everyone, I believe they all have a bright future after joining the big family.

Apparently, Kakuzu was rowing more vigorously because he had a new job and a new direction in life. He even used Wind Release and Fire Release as the propellers of the boat. The distance that was not that close suddenly increased strangely, and it didn't take long. We arrived at Ghost Lantern City.

The relaxed atmosphere suddenly ended.

After Kakuzu stopped the boat, he bowed down to ask Hinata and Richeng to get off the boat, and then looked at Wuwei and others who came to greet him from a distance with a stern expression:

"For someone like Yang Shenmian, the welcome ceremony in Ghost Lantern City is a bit too shabby! Where is the person in charge? Come here quickly!"

He has already entered the role, and his words have a double standard. After all, Hinata and Isei's visit this time is not grand, and the shabby reception is as expected. It depends on how to understand it.

But not far away, the young warden Wuwei did not listen to Kakuto's words, he just looked at Hinata and Isei with a scrutinizing gaze.

In fact, as early as when they bet on the five major countries and reached a deal with the five major countries, Guidengcheng's behavior had already betrayed the laws of Yang Shen Kingdom. It would not be an exaggeration to call him a traitor.

Judging from the list of punishments at the Ninja World Conference, there is absolutely no possibility of Yiying's high-level officials in Ghost City being forgiven.

So it is considered normal behavior for them to adopt this attitude.


When Hinata Richeng stepped into Ghost Lantern City and confronted Wuwei and others from a distance, the senior officials of Ghost Lantern City headed by Wuwei began to form seals at the same time.


The white mist dissipated, and the Box of Bliss, depicting four faces of joy, anger and sorrow, was directly summoned!

Without any nonsense, without even thinking about communicating with Hinata Richeng, Wuwei waved his hand, and his son Wugou and three fanatical remnants of Ghost Lantern City, or the remnants of Yuancao Hidden Village, crashed directly into the Paradise of Bliss. on the four corners of the box.

The bright red blood and chakra were instantly absorbed by the Box of Bliss, and in just a few seconds they shriveled into a mummy state visible to the naked eye.

A strange aura began to spread from the Box of Bliss, and black energy bodies began to continuously pour out of the Box of Bliss and penetrate into the body of Ghost Light City Lord Wuwei.

At this moment, as Wuwei's body began to expand, the ultimate weapon that was rumored to have almost conquered the entire ninja world in Kusanagi Ninja Village also showed its ferocious side!

"Is this the gift you prepared for me? Senior Yuyi."

Watching Kakuzu protect him in front of him, Hyuga Richeng sneered and took a step forward. The blue light and golden light in his eyes merged and shone. He looked directly at Wuwei, who had lost his human form and completely turned into a monster. There was nothing on his face. frightened.

The monster in front of him is different from the monster "Satoru" in the movie version. In addition to having the same long legs as "Satoru", it has an extra pair of jet black wings. A total of four black wings are driving the hurricane to attack Hinata Hicheng. , just the terrifying energy fluctuations filled with deathly silence caused the horns not far away to continue to retreat.

"Originally, I was thinking that even if Wuwei wanted to open the Box of Bliss and let the Box satisfy his wish, he would not be able to do business with the five major countries in an honest manner. As the city lord of Ghost Lantern City, he would not be cautious enough. "

"Now I understand that as this Box of Bliss belongs to Senior Hagoromo, you can still convey certain messages through it even in the Pure Land. Maybe Wuwei has been bewitched by you a long time ago?"

Even if he becomes the Six Paths Immortal in the soul state, he is still not immortal. He also needs to absorb some power through certain means to maintain his state.

According to Hyuga Hicheng's original analysis, the role of the happy, angry, sad, and happy faces on the Bliss Box is here. It is similar to the way that monsters absorb negative energy, and they have the same function.

In order to prevent the Box of Bliss from continuing to work, the Immortal of Six Paths has been tricking people into opening it for thousands of years, leaving behind the power of destruction and creating monsters to protect the Box of Bliss.

Wuwei is obviously one of the people who were bewitched, and now that he appears here, it makes the Six Paths Sage feel ashamed that his secret has been discovered. Does he want to use the enhanced version of the monster to eliminate Hinata Richeng?

I have to say that after a thousand years, Hagoromo-senpai has still researched a lot of interesting things. It is estimated that he is still connected with Mt. Myoboku to this day, otherwise he would not be defined as the source of disaster by Gamamaru.

"You are really underestimated."

A hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the Richeng clan leader's eyes became extremely sharp. Monsters like this that can analyze the emotions of others are indeed very difficult, and because this monster is driven by emotions, it is estimated to be difficult to destroy if not used correctly.

But after all calculations, the old bastard revealed something. Hyuga Hicheng did not need to destroy the monster. He only needed to take away the monster's energy core, the Box of Bliss, and let the reincarnated eye absorb the power of the box. Naturally, the monster It is self-defeating.

The phantom of the Golden Wheel Tensei Eye appeared behind Hinata Richeng, and then the terrifying pressure spread in all directions. In just a moment, the tall giant fell to his knees directly on the ground as if he had suffered a terrible blow.

After many evolutions, the power of the white-eye coercion has long been incomparable. Especially when it is released against a creature, it is even more powerful. It is a suppression method intertwined with the triple power of soul, spirit and body!

After suppressing the monster, Hyuga Hicheng continued to control the Golden Wheel Tsansigan and began to absorb the power in the Box of Bliss.

As expected, when the Box of Bliss was threatened, the monster began to struggle regardless of the cost. Even if its body was broken, it would launch an attack to stop Hinata Richeng. However, Hinata Richeng did not tolerate the monster and flew up with a kick. It kicked into the sky, and then absorbed all the energy in the Box of Bliss in one breath.

At this moment, even across the real world and the pure land, the Richeng clan leader could feel the anger of the Immortal of Six Paths. This is understandable. After all, for the Immortal of Six Paths, the so-called Box of Bliss is one of the few things that can replenish his energy. Connector, now this connector has been transferred to the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Eye by Hinata Richeng.

Just like absorbing the Shinigami shards, the Golden Wheel Tenseigan absorbed the power of the Box of Bliss.

Hinata Issei discovered that the Golden Wheel Tsansigan can absorb not only the negative emotions perceived by monsters, but even the ordinary emotions emanating from the ninja world can be fed back to Hyuga Issei through the absorbed essence of the Tsangsengan.

It was a very magical feeling, and Hyuga Hicheng enjoyed it. He didn't know what he would become if he let the Golden Wheel Tsangikan evolve, but his intuition told him that it was the right thing to do, and the power of the Tsangikan was always increasing. , now even if someone tells him that the inside of the reincarnation eye will become its own world in the future, Hinata and Isei are not surprised.

But now he is still far from it. He just has a few more ways to absorb power by absorbing the Box of Bliss.

Speaking of which, even Hinata Hicheng never thought that the Golden Wheel Tsangigangan he obtained from the moon at the beginning could evolve into what it is today. Such a degree of mutation is unique in the entire history of the ninja world. Through From the expression on the goddess Uno's face, Hyuga Hicheng knew that even among the Otsutsuki clan, the existence of the Tsangscargan was a mystery.

In the beginning, it was just a collection of Byakugan, which was formed by absorbing the Byakugan accumulated by the Otsutsuki clan for thousands of years. Later, it was connected with the orthodox reincarnation eye of Hyuga Issei, which provided Hyuga Isei with a steady stream of pupil power, with terrifying lethality. At the same time, it also takes into account the power of recovery and is full of vitality.

And now, the Golden Wheel Tenseigan has become Hinata Issei's iconic trump card in addition to his powerful body. Who in the entire ninja world doesn't know that when Yang Shenxia takes action seriously, a strange golden thing will appear behind him. Phantom?

However, Hinata Issei was happy after absorbing the Box of Bliss, but he estimated that the old bastard in the Pure Land must be very unhappy, and the underlying malice became even stronger.

But Hinata Issei didn't care about this. If the Sage of Six Paths had a way to deal with him, he would have taken action long ago. Why wait until now? It is estimated that he paid a high price to remain in the Pure Land in the state of his soul body, so it is appropriate to have some restrictions.

Of course, this is just an ideal speculation. Hyuga Isei assures that even if there are no so-called restrictions, he is not afraid of the soul body of the Six Paths Sage. After all, he has always stored professional counterparts in his time and space, and there is no need to worry about forcing the Six Paths. Urgent situation.

"When I have time, I will take you to see that unfilial son."

After the pressure dissipated and he opened his eyes again, Hinata Hicheng grabbed the goddess Uno who was watching all this silently from her belt.

You see, he is not even afraid of Liu Dao's mother, how can he be afraid of just Liu Dao?


Kaguya's expression was slightly complicated. She had just felt the power of Hagoromo in the Box of Bliss, but after hearing Hinata Hicheng's proposal, the goddess of Uno finally shook her head.

She didn't even know what to say to Yuyi. In the final analysis, it was just the chakra separated by herself. Perhaps when Yuyi decided to seal her, the relationship between mother and child was already broken.

"Boss, are you okay?"

The crisis was over, and Kakuzu trotted over with a solemn expression, which gave him a sense of regret as if he was escorted by a humble minister who was late.

"It's a pity. Boss, you acted too quickly just now, and there was no chance for your subordinates to act. Otherwise, I would have killed Wuming and that monster on the spot!"

Very motivated.

Hinata Issei patted Kakuzu on the shoulder happily, "It doesn't matter, there is still the next stop. The Star Ninja Village of the Bear Country seems to have some criticisms of our Yangshen allies, and it is announced that the Ninja World Conference in the city should actually be led by them. , and even openly resisted and attacked the merchants we sent to the Bear Country to trade."

"Their star shadows will be left to you."

The Star Ninja Village does have the qualification to show off to the outside world. After all, their history can be traced back to two hundred years ago. At that time, Konoha didn't even have a prototype, let alone Yang Shen Kingdom.

But unfortunately, they chose the wrong person to show off to. They will eventually pay the price for their arrogance, and naturally they don't deserve to have that meteorite. In the past, Hyuga Issei planned to do some research and didn't intend to snatch the meteorite. , but the other party’s attitude has already led to death, so there’s no need to be polite.

After the absorption of the Box of Bliss was completed, the Ghost Lantern City was in trouble. Hinata Issei activated the virtual teleportation with a rather unnatural look on his horns. He had already experienced the fun of boating on the sea, so it was wise to go to do things early.

Yang Shen Mianxia embarked on the road to strengthen the reincarnation eye, and the ninja world also began to usher in a period of rapid development. The war was completely ended, and each village quickly entered the stage of recuperation. Yang Shen Kingdom also began to develop according to the plan formulated by Hinata Issei. With.

time flies.

As Uzumaki Naruto, the nine-tailed jinchuriki of Konoha Village, thrives and knocks the kid who called him a demon fox to the ground with one punch, Asuma, who travels around the ninja world, discovers the knot of the Sarutobi clan's once sealed land. There are fluctuations in the world, as Danzo becomes more and more proficient in the earth reincarnation technology

The prologue before the new chapter of the ninja world begins.

It will also come.

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