As a salted fish, I don’t want to make progress, but the system is too strong

Chapter 456 1 sword beheading

What responded to Tantaiyao was an incomprehensible sob, and then a large tentacle with a length of hundreds of feet hit her, without any kinetic energy fluctuations.

But even the simplest attack like this made Tan Taiyao have to raise his spirits.

"This kind of creature has a strong resistance to Yuanli. Even if it is the strength of the Emperor Realm, the attack on them is only equivalent to the transformation of the God Realm." Yun Xiao firmly remembered Tantai Yao's words, and turned in his heart. There was a huge wave.

Good guy, this kind of thing is really terrifying, the two pure grades of Emperor Realm and Transformation God Realm.

"The power of the law ignores any defenses. Even if this kind of power reaches my level, it has to be dealt with carefully. They can't defend it." Yun Xiao pinched his hand immediately, covering the space in front of him, counting all those difficult little things shrouded.

Then there was a strangulation, and none of the creatures inside survived.

"Thank you for your action." The middle-aged man saw this scene, and he was even more grateful when he saw this scene. If someone hadn't made an action, he might have persevered.

And seeing that the person in front of him was only a young man in his early twenties, he was even more surprised.

The sound of rumbling air bursting from high above caught everyone's attention.

There was a delicate figure standing there, with a simple and simple blade in his hand glowing faintly, with blue liquid dripping from it.

On the other hand, the huge body has already emerged from the clouds and mists. It is a creature that has never been seen before. It looks like an octopus, with countless golden eyes on its head, and every time the tentacles are swayed, it is agitated. Ripples in space.

There are several tentacles cut off by Tantai Yao on the ground, and the blue blood is flowing on the tentacles.

Probably angered by Tantai Yao's attack, the octopus creature waved its tentacles randomly, and then a sound wave came out from the front.

The wave of sound waves swept towards Tantai Yao, vibrating like circles of water waves, shaking everything around.

"The attack of this sound wave can actually penetrate Yuanli and go straight to the depths of the soul!" The old man and the middle-aged man's eyes were about to burst, and their souls were almost in a state of collapse. Although Mo Jingtian's cultivation was quite advanced, his soul power remained the same Weak, but also not lightly injured.

Only Yun Xiao seemed to be calm and calm. Although the sonic attack was powerful, his soul had already reached an unprecedented level in the source environment in the past few years, and ordinary mental attacks were basically useless.

Naturally, the strongest target of the sound wave attack was Tantai Yao, and the whole sound wave stabbed at Tantai Yao like a sharp sword.

"Low-level creatures dare to be presumptuous!" Tantai Yao said lightly, drawing a beautiful sword flower with the simple long sword in his hand, and a light escape covered with mysterious runes protected her body.

The sonic sword pierced the light shield, like ice and snow meeting a raging fire, melting for a moment, turning into little waves of light and dissipating.


With a sound of breaking wind, Tantaiyao's body appeared on top of the octopus creature's head in an instant, and the strength of the sword was unparalleled, and every inch of the stab could tear the void.

After all, the speed of the octopus creature was still too slow, Tantaiyao's sword pierced its head unsuspectingly.

The whole huge body twitched at this moment, and the tentacles danced wildly. Tantaiyao had to abandon the sword and leave, and her body retreated a thousand feet.

When she was leaving, Tantaiyao didn't intend to stop. The sword must have claimed the opponent's name, so her hand left the hilt, but after turning around, she used her foot on the hilt to straighten the sword god. into the octopus.

"Are you okay?" Looking at Tantai Yao who fell beside her, Yun Xiao immediately asked with a thousand concerns.

Having been in contact for such a long time has already been considered an invisible close friend to the empress, and the thrilling scene just now really made Yun Xiao sweat for her.

"A little boy, it's okay." Tantaiyao looked at Yun Xiao's concerned eyes, her mood improved a lot, and she looked at her with a faint smile.

Clenching his palms towards the sky, cracks began to appear in the huge body of hundreds of thousands of feet, and these cracks spread from the place where he was stabbed by the long sword.

Countless glaring lights shot out from the cracks, and when these cracks covered the entire body of the octopus, there was a loud noise, and the entire body of the monster octopus exploded into countless pieces before disappearing.

"Is this solved?" The old man in the brown robe stared blankly at the sky where the huge figure was no longer there, swallowing hard with difficulty.

"These are just small people, and it's not troublesome to solve them." Tan Taiyao said disapprovingly.

These words really shocked these people to the point where they couldn't move their feet. Is this kind of idiot?
"Since it has appeared here, there must be more. Let's go, get rid of it first, and leave Linyuan Realm early. It's not safe here." If the world is withdrawn, this place may already be occupied by this unknown creature, so it cannot stay for long.

Several people looked at each other and nodded, they didn't talk nonsense at the moment, followed Tantai Yao, and ran towards the exit.

"What the hell are these things?" Yun Xiao's voice came to Tantaiyao's mind through his spiritual consciousness.

He had seen the way Tantai Yao looked at this creature, it was a familiar feeling.

"Remember what I told you about the ancient times, did we go through a great war, when a large number of ancient powers fell, and then under the leadership of the gods, we drove each other out of the world, and the origin is those powers cemetery."

Listening to Tantaiyao's explanation, Yun Xiao seemed to be able to see through the front the tragic battle in ancient times. It is rumored that a fault occurred in the entire continent from a certain moment in ancient times, and countless powerful people fell, but there was no follow-up. As a result, the overall strength of the mainland has dropped a lot.

It was not until a few years later that it gradually caught up with that year.

"The creatures that have appeared are their previous troops, they are just pawns in front of the chariot, and the truly powerful ones have not yet come out."

Tantaiyao said at the end, there was a hint of despair in her words for some reason.

In the current mainland, the powerhouse is no longer as strong as it was back then, not to mention the absence of gods, even if they can defeat the real main force of the opponent, who can compete with the appearance of that one?
"There seems to be a situation ahead!" An exclamation came from the mouth of the old man, and Yun Xiao and Yun Xiao spread their consciousness and found that the exit of Linyuan Realm was not calm.

Several huge bodies stretched across the void, with strange shapes, attacking a group of powerful people with various methods that had never been seen before.

Fortunately, there are many strong people at the entrance and exit, and there are even existences that have surpassed the Emperor Realm and reached the Saint Yuan Realm. Such strong people have already been able to get in touch with some rules of heaven and earth, and it is much easier to deal with this kind of creature.

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