As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 662: Get there first

  Chapter 662 Preemptive

  Sarina glared at him unconvinced. She had never been to North America, so of course she didn't know this kind of monster that only lived in North America.

  The four continued to move forward, and soon found other vehicles on the road. Both the driver and passengers were attacked by the chupacabra and killed.

   Soon, a gas station appeared in front of the four of them.

   There are several cars parked in the gas station, with claw marks all over the surface, and the supermarket at the gas station is even more messy like a typhoon passing through.

  The driver, passengers, and gas station staff all died cleanly, leaving only the bodies that had been sucked dry of blood.

  Peng Jie had a bad feeling: "Are we late?"

  Fang Cheng sighed: "I hope not."

  Although he still has a key with him, he can find the door and leave at any time, but he cannot use it until the last moment.

  The mechanism of the kingdom of the undead determines that it is possible for competitors to enter an area whose keys have been taken away.

  For example, the town that the four of them experienced just now.

   Once you run out of keys and happen to enter an area without keys, you will be trapped inside.

   Either wait for the second unlucky guy to come in, or you can only admit defeat and wait for the end.

  The premonition that they might be late made the four subconsciously speed up. Fang Cheng directly pulled them forward at thirty times the speed of sound, and they came to a city in an instant.

  Pieces of high-rise buildings were shrouded in fog, and the dim lights could not be seen clearly. Only the continuous ringing of alarm bells and gunfire could be heard inside.

  Fang Cheng directly pulled the four of them and flew into the city. Below the city river was a bridge with two square towers, and the bridge was crowded with all kinds of vehicles.

  The fate of these vehicles was the same as the vehicles seen on the way, all of which were destroyed.

  The bridge is also full of blood-sucked corpses, some hiding in the car, some hiding under the car, and more lying down on the way to escape, even a lot of them are floating on the river under the bridge.

  Near the head of the bridge, a large pile of corpses were piled on top of each other, at least thousands of people.

   This dead silent scene makes it easy to imagine what happened before.

  Busy vehicles rushing into the city were jammed into a long queue on the bridge, and the horns sounded together. Then, countless vampire monsters descended from the sky and pounced on the unsuspecting humans on the bridge.

  They either hid in the car and were killed by breaking the window, or jumped into the river in a panic, but more often they abandoned the car and fled, and then got stuck on the bridge and were killed by monsters.

  Sarina was surprised: "Isn't this Tower Bridge?"

   Except for Fang Cheng, who is a little geographically blind, the other three people all recognized that this bridge is the Tower Bridge across the Thames River in London. The two tall towers on the bridge are too easy to identify.

  London Tower Bridge appears here, which means that the city ahead that is pulled into the subspace is the capital of Great Britain and the world financial center (before Brexit).

   Didn't expect the **** stirrer to have such an unlucky day, the four of them almost laughed out loud.

  London is pulled in, which means that most of the defensive forces of the Shit Stirrer are also inside, but the Shit Stirrer has declined for many years, and the number of superpowers in the country is not large.

   After the four entered London, they quickly flew in the direction of the gunfire.

  This city has a permanent population of nearly 10 million, and the population density is very high. A few people can be knocked down by throwing it down.

  At this moment, the periphery of this large city is already in a mess. The roads are full of destroyed vehicles, and there are countless dead bodies on the ground.

  A large number of chupacabras are flying between cities in groups, most of them are flying in the direction of the sound of the guns, and a small number are breaking through doors and windows to enter the building, looking for living people hiding.

   Soon, the four of them flew over half of the city and arrived at the place where the fierce battle was taking place.

  The defense force of the shit-stirring stick has built a dense defensive formation with the seat of the head of government as the core. A large number of artillery tanks and armored vehicles are piled up on the road, firing continuously at the maximum rate of fire.

  A larger number of drones are all over the position, fighting fiercely with the Chupacabra, and there are drone wreckage or monster corpses falling like rain every moment.

  Thousands of superpowers are reinforcing the position, blocking the line of defense that may be penetrated.

  As the defense force of the capital, both firepower and personnel equipment are top-notch, but the number of monsters is too many, no matter how they are killed, they cannot be killed.

   Moreover, the battlefield is in the capital, and weapons of mass destruction cannot be used at all. If this continues, defeat is only a matter of time.

  Fang Cheng took out the map from his body. The monster in this area is the blood-sucking monster Chupacabra, so the key should be on the body of a monster leader.

  As for the specific appearance of the monster leader, it was not marked on the map.

   But since he is the leader, he should be huge.


Bivis took the initiative to correct everyone's misconceptions: "The leader of the chupacabra is not big in size, the main reason is that the color is different. The ordinary chupacabra is gray or black, but the leader is off-white. Just look at it. It's easy to recognize when you arrive..."

  Fang Cheng was glad to bring Bivis here, otherwise it would be a waste of more time to rely on them to search blindly.

  His perception was restricted by the fog, and he didn't expect that most of London would be pulled into the subspace, so he could only continue to use the previous carpet search method.

  So the four of them split up and started looking for the whereabouts of the leader of the vampire monster who might be hiding in the dark.

  Bevis was a Chinese before he became a vampire, so he naturally didn't have a good impression of the **** stirrer, and naturally he didn't intend to go down to help the **** stirrer.

  He merged into the darkness, split himself into countless shadows, walked in the darkness, and searched for the past bit by bit towards the area Fang Cheng had set for himself.

  The whole of London has 1577 square kilometers, divided into three parts, composed of 32 urban areas, the area is very large.

   Bivis searched very fast, and ran out of several urban areas in a blink of an eye.

  There are a large number of chupacabras active along the way, and he, who turned into a shadow, did not provoke them. The most important thing is to find the leader of these monsters.

   Not long after, he arrived at Russell Square near the University of London.

  The square was filled with the dead bodies of people who had been killed by chupacabras, thousands of them almost forming a small hill, and many chupacabras fell on it.

  Ordinary people will definitely take a detour when they see such a mountain of corpses. Even competitors will not run into the pile of corpses for no reason.

  But Bivis is different. He has lived in North America for many years and knows this blood-sucking monster unique to North America very well.

   Chupacabras feed on blood, and they also like to use the carcasses of their prey as lairs.

  The corpses piled up in the square were obviously dragged by the Chupacabra to make a lair.

  Ordinary chupacabras certainly don't need such a large nest.

   Bivis got a little excited and approached the mountain of corpses from the shadows.

There are many chupacabras inhabiting the corpse mountain. This blood-sucking monster has gray skin and is more than one meter tall. It has a pair of bat wings, but its head and hands and feet are similar to kangaroos. There are spikes from the neck to the back, and the image is terrifying.

  The chupacabra perched on the mountain of corpses was obviously a guard, looking around vigilantly, but he didn't find Bivis hiding in the shadows.

   Bivis went around the mountain of corpses, but didn't find the entrance, so he thought he had guessed wrong.

  Unwillingly, he drilled through the cracks in the mountain of corpses, all the way to the bottom, and finally a hole appeared inside.

  The pitch-black environment could not stop Bivis from seeing. He saw a gray-white chupacabra with a black key hanging from the spikes on its tail.

  Finally found the leader of the vampire monster, Bivis was overjoyed at first, then surprised.

  He was surprised to see that this leader-level chupacabra was obviously seriously injured, with multiple deep bone wounds on its body, and its wings were also tattered, as if it had been torn apart by force.

  Who moved the hand?

   Shit stirrer? Unlikely, they were so overwhelmed by ordinary chupacabras, they probably couldn't figure out that this was definitely a leader above the ace level.

   Bivis was cautious by nature, and he didn't act rashly because the monster leader was seriously injured, but prepared to retreat, and then notified Fang Cheng.

  Just as he moved, the leader of the Chupacabra who was resting was suddenly alarmed.


  It roared at the place where Bivis was hiding, and the spikes on its back turned into a gust of wind and rain, bursting towards it.

  I don't mess with you, but you still dare to mess with me?

   Bivis retreated instead of advancing, his whole body turned into a huge shadow and pounced on him.




  The mountain of corpses that was originally very calm shook violently, and then exploded with a bang, countless corpses and the chupacabras perched on it were blown into the sky.

  Bivis and the leader of the Chupacabra flew out from the mountain of corpses at the same time.

  However, unlike Bivis who was intact, the leader of the Chupacabra was more seriously injured. It flapped its wings desperately, as if preparing to escape.

   Bivis opened his hand towards it, blood sprayed out from his fingertips, quickly intertwined into a large net in the air, and caught the Chupacabra leader who was about to escape.

  He pulled back hard, and with the sound of puffing, the leader of the chupacabra was instantly cut into pieces by the big net.

   Bivis flew over and caught the key that fell with the dismembered corpse.

   I don’t know who severely injured the leader of the Chupacabra, and in the end it was easy for Bivis to kill him in seconds.

  Fang Cheng's voice sounded in his mind: "Bivis, what's the situation?"

   Bivis respectfully said: "Sir, I got the key."

   "So fast, I'll be there right away."

   "Okay, I'll wait for you right here."

   Bivis carefully put the key away, when a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

   "I've been looking for the prey for so long, and I finally injured it seriously. I didn't expect it to be snatched by you."

   Bivis turned around abruptly, and saw a gentle young man with glasses standing not far away, looking at him with a smile.

  The hairs on his body exploded all of a sudden, as if he was being targeted by a terrifying beast.

"Who are you?"

   Bivis asked calmly, and stepped back gently.

   "It doesn't matter who I am."

  The young man with glasses smiled and said, "The key you took originally belonged to me. Please hand it over."

   Thanks: Yuanmeng Xinghai, Shuangyueniaozl, book friend 20170831234543415 for their tip! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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