As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 705: Just hit the jackpot

  Chapter 705 Randomly won the grand prize

  When Li Yu recovered his mood and re-entered the room, Fang Cheng had already put on his clothes.

   "Why don't you continue to be naked?"

  Li Yu said firmly: "I haven't seen enough of you before you hide."

   "What's the point of just looking at it."

  Fang Cheng waved to her: "Come here, I'll let you touch as much as you want."

  Li Yu waved his hand and refused: "No, I fainted."

  Fang Cheng suddenly said in a bad mood: "Blind, right? Have you ever seen a needle with a thick arm? Believe it or not, I will **** you with a needle?"

   "Come on, watch me break your needle with a pair of pliers."

   "You are not as good as you, are you a vise?

   Li Yu obviously understood what Fang Cheng was saying, and couldn't help giving him a blank look.

  This kind of slightly yellow connotation dialogue appeared more and more frequently after the two became familiar with each other.

  Li Yu couldn't figure out whether Fang Cheng was teasing him on purpose, or whether it was because of his nature that he liked to speak pornographically.

  But she doesn't hate this kind of relationship that hurts friends.

  Fang Cheng saw that Li Yu's hands were empty, and said strangely: "As for the things, didn't you say you want to bring me my mother's body? You wouldn't take it for yourself, would you?"

   "Fart, it's useless for me to hold it."

  Li Yu reached into his pocket, took out one or two small things, and threw them at Fang Cheng.

   Fang Cheng caught it, looked down, and found that it was a transparent sealed bottle the size of two little fingers.

  The bottle is filled with liquid, soaking two human torsos.

  One piece is from the bottom of the breast to the chest above the collarbone.

  The other piece is the abdomen from the waistline to the bottom of the breasts.

   These two pieces are obviously the body of the mother, the chest has female characteristics, and the flesh and blood internal organs can be seen in the abdomen.

  The only problem is that the two bodies are too small, smaller than the nail cap of the little finger.

   It doesn't look like the mother's body, but a specimen.

  However, Fang Cheng knows that Li Yu has the ability to change the volume of objects at will, which should be her masterpiece.

   Seeing Fang Cheng's unsurprised look, Li Yu lost interest in teasing him, and raised his hand to snap his fingers.

   With a bang, the two sealed glass bottles quickly returned to their original shape, and the soaked body inside also returned to its original size.

  Fang Cheng stared at the chest and torso inside, and suddenly fell silent.

  The chest position has feminine characteristics, and it is not small, at least it is at the same level as Li Yu on the opposite side.

  Before letting his mother's hands and feet blend into his body, Fang Cheng resisted a little, but he could barely accept it.

  But now that the chest position is integrated into my body, will it bring me two lumps of fat?

   Logically, it shouldn’t be possible, but Fang Cheng didn’t dare to gamble,

  He was struggling, but Li Yu urged: "What are you still doing, hurry up."

  Fang Cheng looked up at her: "What are you doing here again, go out."

  Li Yu suddenly became anxious: "I gave you the things, so why can't I keep them?"

  She was also very curious about whether Fang Cheng would retain his femininity after getting his mother's body.

  This is too important to see with your own eyes.

  Fang Cheng knew that Li Yu wanted to watch a movie, so he said angrily, "I won't move unless you go out."

"up to you."

  Li Yu crossed his hands and said nonchalantly, "Anyway, the thing is in your hands, so I'm not in a hurry."

   "Don't worry, you should go out."

   "I won't."

  Seeing that Li Yu insisted on staying with a stern face, Fang Cheng had no choice.

  But he is not helpless, just change the place.

   Just as Fang Cheng was about to enter the subspace, Li Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed over directly.

   With a swipe, the two disappeared into the room at the same time.

   After entering the subspace, Fang Cheng was protecting two sealed bottles with both hands, but he was thrown down by Li Yu.

  He looked at Li Yu who was on top of him speechlessly: "Do you have to be so serious about watching the show?"

   "If you want to take care of it, I like it."

  Li Yu got up from Fang Cheng and sat beside Fang Cheng, but he did not relax his vigilance.

   If this guy wants to run, you can catch him the first time.

  Seeing that Li Yu is so persistent in order to watch a movie, Fang Cheng has no choice.

   "Forget it, I'm afraid of you, you can watch it if you like."

   "Hey, you misunderstood me. I was afraid that you would have an accident, so I stayed by my side to protect you."

  Fang Cheng rolled his eyes at her, and instead of entangled with her, he opened two sealed bottles.

  The two bodies were floating in the transparent liquid. The surface was crystal clear like a work of art, but the inside was lifelike, as if it had just been cut out and put in.

  Fang Cheng took a deep breath, and at the same time put his hands deep into the bottle, touching the two bodies.

  Two familiar warm currents poured into the body continuously along the fingertips.

  Fang Cheng's vision went dark, and he entered the special seat for watching the memory screen again.

  After absorbing the mother's body last time, I have seen the memory picture of the mother and the evil **** dying together.

  Fang Cheng is quite curious about what memory picture will appear this time.

  The first memory is still the picture of my mother before she was alive.

  She drove the spaceship to a planet with a primary industrial civilization.

   But this planet is on the verge of extinction, because the gate is slowly opening on the planet, and the evil **** is about to come.

  Mother's spaceship flew over the planet, observing the situation below.

   Disasters are already happening frequently on this planet, with tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes all appearing, destroying the civilization on land.

  The images of these aliens are about 70% similar to humans, but they are larger.

  In the face of horrific natural disasters, these aliens did not organize themselves to save themselves. Instead, they knelt down under the altars in groups, praying with devout gestures, hoping that God would calm their anger.

  The gate that is being opened is located on a certain huge plain, and there are countless large and small altars around the gate.

  The number of aliens kneeling around the altar is even greater, almost filling the entire plain.

   Seeing these aliens, the first two words that popped up in Fang Cheng's mind were 'cult'.

  But I immediately felt that something was wrong. These altars with peculiar shapes were almost all over the civilizations of the entire planet.

  Even if it is a cult, if its influence spreads all over the world, it will become an official religion.

  The prayers of these aliens failed to prevent the natural disasters from coming. Instead of repenting, they thought they were not pious enough.

   More and more extraterrestrials joined in the prayers, they completely gave up on saving themselves, and only hoped that God would appease the anger and extend a helping hand.

   Of course, it cannot be denied that in the face of such a terrible disaster, these aliens with only a rudimentary industrial civilization can no longer protect themselves.

  Religion is their only lifeline. Believe it or not, they can only pray desperately.

  And such a crisis environment has caused their thinking and spirit to break through a critical point.

  Fang Cheng clearly saw that a fanatic suddenly stood up from the ground, with madness on his face, raised his head and yelled a series of words of unknown meaning to the door that was opening in the middle of the altar.

   Immediately afterwards, while the fanatic was yelling, his appearance and form gradually changed.

  In just ten seconds, he changed from a primate creature that was quite similar to a human to a strange monster, and began to attack other believers around him.

   More and more fanatics turned into monsters and launched attacks on their former compatriots.

   This scene shocked Fang Cheng.

   This is not the first time he has seen a large number of monsters appear on the ground when the evil **** descends.

  I thought that these monsters were brought by the evil gods, but they turned out to be fanatics.

  This reminded Fang Cheng of the billions of believers on the earth, and he couldn't help being shocked.

  Although there are not many fanatics among these billions of believers, it is still an extremely large number.

  If all these fanatics are transformed into monsters, it will almost be a disaster for human beings.

  Because these fanatics are not gathered together, but scattered among other believers and humans, it is usually difficult to distinguish them.

  Once they transform into monsters, they will attack humans in all directions, causing unimaginable damage.

  Fang Cheng suddenly understood why the evil gods disguised themselves as religious gods and cultivated so many believers.

   Finally understood why the headquarters of the Human Revolutionary Federation wanted to make itself an atheistic country.

  When Fang Cheng was worried about his thoughts, the development in the picture was just as he expected.

  Countless fanatics turned into monsters in the crowd, massacring the surrounding aliens.

  Suddenly suffered such a **** attack, the aliens were unable to organize an effective response at all, and fell into a major collapse.

  This planet is larger than the earth, but the number of people is smaller, about three billion.

   There are horrible natural disasters outside, and monsters incarnate by fanatics inside. These three billion aliens have completely fallen into disorder and chaos.

  Accompanied by countless killings and deaths, Fang Cheng seemed to see countless blood rushing up into the sky and merging into the gate on the plain.

  The door finally opened, and behind it was an endless dark starry sky, which was immediately blocked by darkness.

  Open one eye in the dark, observe the world through the door, and then slowly drill out from the door.

   This evil **** has no fixed shape, and its appearance is a wriggling darkness, with many large and small eyes growing in the darkness.

  After the appearance of evil gods, more and more believers turned into monsters, and the power of natural disasters also increased to a higher level.

  Earthquakes tear apart continents, hurricanes sweep away countless objects, and finally tsunamis drown everything.

  This picture reminded Fang Cheng of the memory of seeing his mother the few times before, another planet with advanced civilization was destroyed in the same way.

  After the mother came to this planet, there was no movement until the evil **** came out from the door, and she left the spaceship and rushed up to meet the evil god.

  The evil **** also noticed the mother's appearance, and made a scream full of anger.

  The battle between the two sides was far more intense than what Fang Cheng had seen before.

  The entire planet was torn apart in the battle between the two sides.

  In the end, the mother won. She killed the evil **** with eyes, and then destroyed the hopeless planet, and drove the spaceship away.

   Looking at the door that disappeared after the planet was destroyed, Fang Cheng suddenly realized something.

   And the first memory is over.

   Before Fang Cheng had time to recall it, the second memory began.

  This memory actually started after the mother died.

   This made Fang Cheng stunned, how could he still have memories after death?

   When he continued to look down, he realized that this memory should belong to the mother's soul.

   After the mother died together with the evil **** of the ‘caterpillar’ that ran out of the cracks in the seabed, not only the body was scattered in all directions, but also the power was scattered.

   But her power is not completely dispersed throughout the world, but converged in two places.

  Through the memory screen, Fang Cheng discovered that there is a crack leading to the subspace in these two places.

  The power of the evil **** is weakly spreading out from the crack.

  If you let it go, it is very likely that there are two doors that cannot be closed.

  Mother's power penetrated through the cracks and blocked the two cracks from the inside.

  Seeing this, Fang Cheng suddenly understood the origins of the Lord of Myriad Monsters and the King of the Undead.

   These two subspaces may be the main battlefield opened up by the mother to resist the invasion of evil gods, blocking the power of evil gods that should have penetrated into the earth.

   And the power of the mother, only a small part is scattered on the earth.

  These scattered forces gradually gained self-awareness, and originally had no fixed shape and appearance.

  However, under the observation of human beings, these forces not only awakened self-awareness, but also gradually acquired a fixed form.

   Human beings are what they think they are.

   Among them, the first to have a fixed form is a woman.

  She was originally just a group of energy with a little instinct, moving outside a remote town, and was occasionally discovered by humans.

  This happens to be Romania, a place where vampire culture flourishes.

  Thus, rumors of vampire activity outside the town were born.

  Perhaps the person who spread the story at the beginning was just out of bragging, or wanted to scare the children in the town from running out casually.

   But in human word of mouth, the image of a vampire active outside the town is gradually full.

   As rumors spread, her form began to change, eventually becoming a female vampire.

   This female vampire is Isis. The first monster born from the power of the mother.

  Mother's soul has been watching from the beginning to the end, and let Fang Cheng watch the whole process, and then feel emotional.

   Unexpectedly, the birth of Isis came from an inadvertent rumor.

  While Isis would eventually emerge even without this rumor, it might not be what it is now.

  The Isis that first appeared was not very powerful, probably only about C to B level.

  The mother's soul was very interested in the first child born from her power, and soon possessed Isis.

   With the help of his mother, Isis' power grew rapidly.

   After about a hundred years, Isis has grown to a powerful disaster level with the help of his mother.

   And in the two cracks blocked by the mother, a lot of power often seeps out during these hundred years.

  These forces transformed into monsters like Isis, and began to compete with humans for living space.

  Fang Cheng didn't know whether the seeping power was the mother's intention or not, but human beings and mothers were in a hostile position because of this.

  The first Lord of Myriad Monsters and King of the Undead was opened just a hundred years ago.

  Isis and its competitors entered the subspace, and among the competitors was the familiar face of Dracula.

  Because of the interference of the power of the evil god, the first competition between the Lord of Myriad Monsters and the King of the Undead failed.

  Although Isis survived, he also lost the favor of his mother's soul, and became enemies with Dracula in the competition.

  These competitions should be arranged by the mother, with the purpose of selecting someone who can inherit her power.

   It's a pity that after training for so long, Isis still disappointed her.

  The mother's spirit left Isis and continued to wander the earth in search of a suitable person.

  She has selected all kinds of monsters and humans for training, ranging from a few years to more than ten years. Unfortunately, none of them has the aptitude to match Isis, let alone inherit her full strength.

   With the passage of time and the appearance of monsters, the religious forces have also become larger and larger, reaching a climax when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appeared.

  Mother's soul knows that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are here to find her, so her behavior has also become low-key.

   So slowly, nearly a hundred years have passed, and the civilization of the earth has entered a new century.

  Mother's soul traveled to District 11. On a street late at night, she reunited with Isis who was passing by.

  At this moment, Isis has been targeted by the Knights of the Apocalypse.

  The soul of the mother was afraid of being discovered by Isis, thus revealing her whereabouts, so she simply disappeared into the body of a dying boy by the roadside.

   And then stayed until now.

   After reading the second memory, Fang Cheng was a little dumbfounded.

  He originally thought that he was the chosen one, that he was unique, and that he would be chosen by his mother's soul.

   I didn't expect to choose a few randomly.

   And I didn't choose him because he was handsome, unrestrained and suave, but just to hide for a while.

  However, this unintentional move brought an extremely correct choice to the mother's soul.

  At least Fang Cheng has successfully obtained the Lord of Myriad Monsters and the King of the Undead, accomplishing a feat that even Isis failed to succeed.

  It's like studying the lottery numbers every day and failing every time, but choosing a group of numbers at random and winning the five million prize.

   Really makes people feel speechless.

   After reading two memories, my mother's familiar sigh sounded again.

  Fang Cheng also sighed: "It's such a time, are you still unwilling to come out and face me?"

  Unfortunately, there was no response.

  The visual field finally recovered, and two lines of prompts appeared in the retina.

  [Draining energy...]


  The two bodies brought him nearly 4,000 lives, plus the original number, the total has now reached 11,461.

  Unfortunately, when the number of lives rose to five figures, the system did not upgrade again. It seems that the two levels have reached their peak.

  When Fang Cheng opened his eyes, he found that Li Yu had come over and touched his chest with his hands.

   "Hey, it's strange, why is it suddenly gone?"

  Li Yu touched Fang Cheng's chest with his slender fingers, and suddenly his movements froze, even his expression froze.

   looked down,.

  She raised her head, and Fang Cheng and Fang Cheng stared at each other.

  (end of this chapter)

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