As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 709: The cycle of death and resurrection

  Chapter 709 The reincarnation of death and resurrection

   This group of people didn't talk, and didn't even meet their eyes.

  Everyone remained abnormally silent, even breathing very lightly.

  The moment the gray-haired youth waved his hand, they split into two parts in a very tacit understanding

   One part moves quickly around the town, dodging any residents they might encounter along the way.

  The other part quickly moved towards the mine outside the town.

  Even when they were moving fast, this group of people didn't make any sound or movement. It seemed that they had already practiced thousands of times, and every movement was deeply rooted in their bones.

  The people in the first part passed through most of the town in a short period of time, and came to the two-story small building where Richard lived.

   All of them quickly separated to form a circle, enclosing the two-story building.

  One of them clasped his hands together, faint ripples spread out from his body, distorting the air, and connecting the companions standing on the left and right sides.

   In a blink of an eye, the ripples formed a circle through these people, enclosing the small buildings.

  In the night, a small moth was about to fly into the building along the light, but it hit something in the air and ignited itself.

  The prison cage has been successfully built, but the leading gray-haired youth did not feel relaxed.

  He took the initiative to move forward and walked towards the closed door of the small building.

  In the living room on the first floor of the house, Fang Cheng and Isis looked at each other.

   Just as Fang Cheng wanted to subdue Richard, the other party suddenly disappeared, and neither of them noticed how he disappeared.

  Isis frowned and said, "Look around and see if he left this space or hid elsewhere in the town."

   Isis didn't need to speak, Fang Cheng had already spread the blood.

  The next moment he was startled: "Where did these people outside come from?"

  Isis looked up and looked outside, his eyes penetrated the wall and fell on the group of people outside.

  She immediately noticed that the costumes of this group of people were very strange.

   Some of them wore the same old-style uniforms, while the other part had a different sense of age.

   "Look at their clothes, what do you think?"

   "If it's not a cosplayer, maybe it's someone who came into town from a different generation?"

  Fang Cheng and Isis looked at each other, and a guess emerged in their minds.


  The gate was instantly shattered.

  Among the shattered and flying sawdust, a nimble figure rushed in quickly.


   After rushing into the house, the gray-haired youth immediately attacked the sofa.

  He has repeated this action more than 3,000 times, and there is no deviation in terms of angle or strength, and it has even been engraved into the DNA.

   But this time, he didn't see the Richard who was already familiar to his bones, but saw two strangers he had never seen before.

  This sudden change made the gray-haired youth stunned on the spot, with shock in his eyes, but the attack did not stop.


  The sofa was instantly torn apart under his air cannon-like attack, and a large crater was shot out along with the floor.

  Accompanied by this movement, the walls and windows of the living room were broken at the same time, and several people rushed in to attack.

"Wait a moment!"

  The gray-haired young man recovered from the shock, and hurriedly shouted.

  But it was already too late. These attacking people had long been familiar with this set of siege movements, and they could do it seamlessly by instinct without even thinking.

   But suddenly asking them to stop is difficult. Some people can barely try to stop, but some people are too late.

  All attacks were aimed at Fang Cheng and Isis standing in the middle of the living room.

   Suddenly lightning, fire, and gunshots filled the living room.

  The gray-haired youth stared wide-eyed, as if he could foresee the scene where the two strangers were beaten into mud.

  But the next moment, he heard the sound of thumping.

   The several companions who rushed in to launch the siege fell to the ground at the same time, and the attacks on the two of them all disappeared without a trace.

  The gray-haired young man fell into even greater shock, staring at the two with wide eyes, subconsciously wanting to retreat, but found that his body could not move.

   Only his mouth could move, and he blurted out subconsciously: "Who are you?"

  Fang Cheng subdued the group of daredevils who attacked without saying a word, including the people outside who were surrounding the small building, and then replied: "I should be the one asking you this question. Who are you?"

   "It doesn't matter who we are!"

  The gray-haired youth suddenly became excited: "I've never seen you before, you are new here, right?"

  Fang Cheng and Isis looked at each other, which Richard also said just now.

  Isis was about to speak when Fang Cheng appeared in front of the gray-haired young man in a flash. He reached out and pressed his head to read his thoughts.

  Everyone here is a riddler, he is already tired of your question and answer and guessing one by one, it is better to think to read faster.

  Although Richard suddenly disappeared just now, so many people here are now subdued by Fang Cheng.

  He didn't believe that these people would disappear together.

   "What are you doing? Stop!"

  The gray-haired young man realized that Fang Cheng's behavior was not very friendly, so he shouted to stop.

  Of course he didn't expect to stop Fang Cheng with words, but he wanted to use his voice to attract the attention of his companions outside and let them come in to save people.

   But after he made a sound, there was a dead silence outside.

  The gray-haired young man didn't know that those companions outside had been subdued by Fang Cheng long ago, and they couldn't even make a sound.

  He only needs one thought to kill this group of rookies who only have one trump card.

  Fang Cheng's hand smoothly pressed on the gray-haired young man's head, and began to read the memory.

  The gray-haired young man's name is Heywood Drew, and he is a special investigator of the North American Homeland Security Bureau.

   Of course, it was the Department of Homeland Security half a century ago.

  The Centralia fire had just broken out, and DHS had already lost triple-digit personnel investigating the town.

  In the end, I had to apply for a special investigator from the General Administration, that is, an ace-level investigator.

  After Dulu came to Centralia Town, he personally led several investigators into the town, but they also disappeared.

   Lost a trump card, and the Department of Homeland Security realized that there was big trouble.

   However, Centralia Town has no intention of spreading out. The Security Bureau dare not continue to send people in to die, and it is not qualified to apply for the strategic level. In the end, it had no choice but to give up.

   Dulu, who entered the town with a few investigators, did not die. He even found all the missing persons, and more than a hundred people were still alive.

   However, a group of people are trapped in this place and cannot get out.

  Dulu tried to take people away, but after losing a few people, he didn't dare to act rashly and could only stay in the town.

   Originally thought that being unable to leave was the most dangerous place in the town, but at night, this group of people saw the truly terrifying place in the town.

   After midnight, the destroyed town of Centralia came back to life, including the missing residents.

  But the residents didn't know what happened in the town, and instead clashed with Dulu, a group of outsiders.

  Dulu had to order his men to subdue these violent residents.

  Then monsters appeared and began to attack Dulu these investigators and residents.

   After finally repelling the monsters, the residents of the town turned into monsters too.

  Finally, a fire swept through the town of Centralia, and all the investigators including Duru, including the residents who had turned into monsters, were completely burned.

  The next night, the town of Centralia was revived again, not only the residents, but also Dulu and his group.

  They were trapped in this town of constant death and resurrection, reincarnation again and again.

   At the very beginning, Dulu could rely on his status as a special investigator to calm people's hearts and encourage everyone to wait for the rescue of the Department of Homeland Security.

  But he knew in his heart that after the loss of his ace-level investigator, it was more likely that the Department of Homeland Security would completely abandon the investigation plan and seal off the town.

  Drue's guess is correct. For a long time to come, there will be no new investigators in Centralia Town, which means that the Security Bureau has given up rescue and blocked the access.

  Many trapped personnel fell into despair after realizing this.

  In this small town of constant death and resurrection, even if you are killed by residents or monsters, you can be resurrected the next night.

  However, once despair arises, it will gradually turn into a monster, and after being killed, it can no longer be revived.

  During this period of time, more than half of the people who turned into monsters were killed because of despair.

  Duru had to start looking for hope of survival for these poor people, otherwise everyone would eventually die of despair.

   After a long period of time, after various attempts, Dulu finally discovered Richard, an unusual resident.

  Different from other residents who lost their memory after death, Richard knew about the existence of Dulu and his group, and also knew about the constant reincarnation in Centralia Town.

  Dulu felt that Richard might know how to leave, but Richard ruthlessly refused to tell them.

   Not surprisingly, Richard, the only insider, was regarded as the murderer behind the scenes.

  Drue's group initially wanted to capture Richard, but then gradually turned into killing him.

  All the survivors believed in one thing in their hearts—as long as they killed Richard, they would be able to leave this **** place.

  They had to do it, and they had to believe it.

   Then, Dulu and his companions started a half-century hunt for Richard.

  They didn't know how long had passed, they only knew that it was a very long time. In Dulu's memory, they had hunted and killed Richard more than 3,000 times.

   Some people died of despair on the way, but new people joined.

  These newbies come from different ages, and they are all bounty hunters or explorers. After hearing about the situation in Centralia Town, they entered the town to explore and were eventually trapped in this cycle.

  The addition of newcomers made up for the personnel loss of Dulu's team.

   But after a longer period of time, no newcomers appeared again.

  They speculated that the danger of Centralia Town may have been known to everyone after a long period of fermentation, and even bounty hunters and explorers were unwilling to come here to die.

   Without the addition of fresh blood, the number of Duru's team members has been decreasing, from triple digits to double digits.

   Today, there are only about forty strong-willed people still persisting, but most of them are already numb, and may turn into monsters due to despair at any time.

   This endless pursuit has lasted for half a century. Until today, Du Lu finally saw two newcomers again.

   This made his already quite numb mind become active again, which made him look so shocked.

  After reading Du Lu's memory, Fang Cheng finally understood the origin of these unlucky people.

  However, the origin of Richard and the reason why the town of Centralia formed this endless cycle is still a mystery.

  After Fang Cheng told Isis about Dulu's memory, Isis was silent for a while, and then said: "It seems that the only person who may know the truth is Richard, and he must be found."

  Dulu realized that his memory had been read, and said helplessly: "It's too late, let's start again next time."

  Fang Cheng, who has read his memory, knows why he said that.

   After the reincarnation starts, Richard will appear three times in total.

   The first time was at the home in Centralia Town, the second time was in the mine, and the third time was deep in the mine, a place where cultists summoned evil gods to descend.

  During the three times Richard appeared, Du Lu and his companions had to kill him three times to end this reincarnation.

  After years of hard work, Dulu and his companions have successfully killed Richard twice, but the last one always failed.

  Fang Cheng and Isis messed up the first time tonight, and the remaining two times are naturally impossible to succeed, so he said to wait for the next time to start again.

  But Fang Cheng felt that this hunting plan was unreliable and not quite right.

   In Dulu's memory, he and his companions fought hard with Richard before forcibly killing each other.

  However, when Fang Cheng and Isis first arrived, Richard was able to disappear in front of them.

  With such ability, how could Dulu, who is the most powerful and ace-level player, kill Richard.

  Fang Cheng buried these doubts in his heart, and he didn't intend to waste a night with this group of people, so he directly lifted everyone's control.

   Dulu and his companions all regained their freedom, gathered together, and looked at Fang Cheng and Isis with vigilant and curious eyes.

  Even people whose minds have become numb, their eyes have become alive again at this moment.

  Because Fang Cheng and Isis are not like ordinary people no matter how they look at them. Both in temperament and appearance, they are more outstanding than the ace-level leader Dulu.

  Furthermore, Fang Cheng easily subdued everyone including Du Lu just now, and his strength is obviously far beyond the ace level.

   "Don't look at us like that."

  Fang Cheng said mercilessly: "We were also trapped by accident, and we don't know how to leave."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone including Du Lu was disappointed.

  But with these two powerful newcomers joining, at least the probability of success will increase a lot.

   A man next to Dulu asked, "Will you join us?"

   "Let's talk about it next time."

  Fang Cheng's tone was calm: "I will try tonight to see if your method can be successful."

  The people around Du Lu were a little upset. They found out this method after countless reincarnations.

  Fang Cheng acted as if he looked down on him.

  Dulu was afraid of conflicts between the two sides, so he hurriedly said: "One more person is more strength, we can help, as long as we succeed, everyone can go out."

  Isis smiled slightly: "That's right, just do what you can."

  Her smile made a group of big men including several women lose their minds.

   It's unimaginable that someone can be so beautiful.

  Dru vaguely felt that Isis looked familiar.

  He has been trapped in the town of Centralia for too long, and his memory has long been blurred.

  After being read by Fang Cheng, his memory became clear again, and he realized that Isis looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

   But it doesn't matter, he only has Richard in his heart now, he only cares about Richard, this man has become his obsession.


   Suddenly there was a scream outside, piercing the silent night.

   "The first wave of monsters is coming."

   I don't know who said a word, but the rest of the people looked calm. They have experienced this scene thousands of times, and they are so familiar with it that they can't be more familiar with it.

   Soon, the screams sounded one after another, and the monsters moving in the night were attacking the residents in the town.

Du Lu was afraid that Fang Cheng and Isis would show sympathy to rescue people, so he hurriedly said: "Don't worry about these residents, even if there is no first wave of monsters, they will become monsters themselves in a while, and they will be resurrected next time .”

   "Don't worry, we are not good people."

  Isis said something speechless, and looked at Fang Cheng: "Time is limited, let's go?"

  Fang Cheng nodded, and then disappeared in place with Isis in an instant.

  Dulu and his companions were startled, and it was completely unclear how the two disappeared.

   Then they cheered up again, with these two masters joining, let's see where Richard goes this time.

  Dulu said to his companions: "They must have gone to the mine, let's follow quickly."

  The rest of the people had no objections, they left the two-story building and moved quickly towards the mine shaft.

  Fang Cheng and Isis came to the entrance of the mine in a blink of an eye, and the high temperature was continuously being transmitted from the inside.

  The two of them entered the mine without any hesitation.

  The underground fire has been re-ignited, and the interior of the mine has turned into a huge high-temperature furnace, and poisonous gas is being spewed out along with the flame.

  Several people were gathering together to resist the damage from the flames and poisonous gas, while resisting the humanoid monsters rushing out of the flames. There were still more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground.

   This group of people are Du Lu's subordinates. From the beginning, the soldiers came to the mine in two groups, preparing to besiege Richard who would appear in the mine.

   But they were not ready yet, Richard and Underground Fire both showed up early, disrupting their steps.

  Richard entered the depths of the mine after killing most of the people, and the rest of them were powerless to pursue.

  Fang Cheng and Isis skipped these people and chased them deep into the mine.

   Along the way, some humanoid monsters rushed out of the flames, like flaming skeletons, wielding similarly flaming weapons.

  According to Dulu's memory, these monsters in the flames were cultists who died in the fire.

  As the legend goes, cultists gathered in the town of Centralia half a century ago in an attempt to summon the evil god.

  (end of this chapter)

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