As An Immortal, I Had To Pretend To Be A Vampire

Chapter 711: Judgment Day

  Chapter 711 Final Judgment Day

   Israel, Jerusalem.

  This Christian holy place was originally managed by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the rest of them could not compete with the four of them in terms of teaching method or strength.

  Just after the disappearance of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Jerusalem instantly became the focus, and who could enter the Holy Land became the most important thing for Christianity.

  Even the Desert Cult is eager to make a move about this. If the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse really disappear, then they will have a chance to take back Jerusalem.

  Under such circumstances, the powerful figures of Christianity scattered all over the world quickly sent their cronies or came to Jerusalem in person, preparing to take a share of this feast.

  Whoever can get Jerusalem will get the glory and status that attracts the attention of the world.

  As for the life and death of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, although the middle and lower Christian believers are very concerned, the higher-ups don't care at all.

  Although these four knights represent the will of the Lord and the strength of the Christian Church, they are high above the ground and have never shared their strength and power with other high-level members of the Christian Church.

   There is no benefit, and the senior Christians are not stupid, how could they like having four more fathers on their heads.

  So after the disappearance of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, although Christianity issued a very serious statement, claiming to pursue it to the end, in fact it just sent people to look for it casually.

  Nowadays, the whole of Jerusalem is more lively than ever. Believers from all over the world gather in this holy city, ready to witness the ownership of the holy city.

   Plague Knight Platt, who ranks first among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, is also back.

   After a few months, he once again set foot in this city where he has lived for many years.

  Walking on the bustling street, the bustling believers around did not notice Pratt, completely ignoring this knight who represented the will of God and had a status higher than the pope.

  In the past few months, Fang Cheng and the headquarters of the Human Revolutionary Union, together with the vampire forces of Isis, have been looking for Pratt's whereabouts all over the world.

  They all believed that Praet had either left the earth, or hid somewhere similar to subspace, so he could never be found.

   In fact, Praet did not hide, but has been living in a church near Jerusalem.

   It's just that others can't see him, and those who look for him can't see him either.

   Until today, Praet has not returned to Jerusalem.

  Why I chose to come back today is not only because of Good Friday on April 2, but also because Fang Cheng went to North America and was deeply trapped in the town of Centralia.

  Plett, who was far away in Israel, rushed back to Jerusalem immediately after learning about the situation.

   Now, after all three of his companions died in the hands of Fang Cheng, Pratt also had to admit that Fang Cheng was already the biggest enemy and the biggest obstacle.

   Now even he, the No. 1 Apocalypse Knight, dare not fight Fang Cheng head-on. He has to wait until he gets into trouble that he can't get out of in a short time before he dares to act.

   But this is the last action.

  The original purpose of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was to slowly find the whereabouts of the mother's soul and prevent her from being resurrected.

  After Fang Cheng rose like a shooting star, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse lost their staff one after another, and it was too late to stop them.

  Fang Cheng's existence may even affect the coming of the Lord.

  So Pratt can only resort to the last resort, forcibly initiate the final judgment, welcome the coming of the Lord, and purify this sinful world.

   Ignored by everyone, Praet walked towards the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

  Climb up the Temple Mount amidst the turbulent crowds, and come to the Third Temple.

  Believers from all over the world are blocked outside the gate of the temple. They can only worship here and offer their faith.

  Plett passed through the guards guarding the gate and entered the interior of the temple.

  The guards who originally belonged to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were all killed by Fang Cheng, and now these guards are all newcomers.

  The interior of the temple was not peaceful. Cardinals from all over the world gathered together, and even the Protestants and Orthodox Churches that had split off also sent people.

  On the round table in the center of the temple, it was originally a place where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse gathered and discussed. At this moment, it has been replaced by a larger round table, and it is full of people.

  A cardinal, also known as a cardinal, is a position second only to the pope in Christianity. It is equivalent to a member of the government and can elect the next pope.

   There are a total of 178 cardinals distributed all over the world. Although most of them are powerful figures, there are only 20 who can express their opinions and influence the upper-level Christian affairs.

  Among the 20 people, 18 people rushed to Jerusalem in person and sat on this big round table. Only two people had no time to leave, so they had to send their cronies over.

  In addition to the twenty cardinals, there are five Protestants from North America and two Orthodox from Eastern Europe.

  A total of twenty-seven people filled this big round table.

  The temple, which used to be comfortable and quiet, was full of noise at this moment, because this group of people was arguing fiercely, spitting and shouting like waves, completely lacking the bearing and politeness of a bishop.

  They have been arguing for almost two months, and no one can convince the other, because it is about the ownership of Jerusalem.

  In addition to quarreling on the surface, I don’t know how many times they have quietly started in private.

  It's a pity that no one can beat the crowd. All kinds of public and private means can't tell the winner, and the quarrel can't come to a result.

  So, they can only work here, even if they can't tell the result, they can't quit.

  Plett stood aside, watching this group of high-ranking church members who were normally pious, cursing and mocking each other with the most vicious words.

   Bang! Bang! Bang!

  The crisp and loud wooden hammer knocking sounded suddenly, suppressing the quarrel on the round table.

  The cardinal named Alsop took out a small wooden hammer from nowhere, slammed on the table, and shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone be quiet! Be quiet!"

   The sound of the quarrel gradually disappeared, and a pair of eyes, including Praet's, fell on him.

   Alsop, who was sitting in the main seat, was able to quiet everyone, not because of the louder sound of the small wooden hammer, but because of his identity.

  He is one of the most powerful cardinals and a close friend of the Pope in the Vatican.

  After the four horsemen of the apocalypse disappeared one after another, the pope is undoubtedly the highest and most powerful person in Christianity in the world, not one of them.

  The Pope's covetousness for Jerusalem is also well known. He once proposed to move the Holy See to Jerusalem, which was agreed by the Cardinals, but was rejected by the Plague Knight.

  After the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse disappeared, the Pope immediately sent Alsop to Jerusalem to take an oath of sovereignty, but it was a pity that he was a step too late.

  The College of Cardinals is not a whole. When the College of Cardinals agreed with the Pope to relocate the Holy See, it was hoped that this respected majesty would lead them to fight against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

   Now that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have disappeared, the bishops certainly do not want the Pope's power to go any further.

   Therefore, Alsop, who is a close friend of the Pope, has been frequently besieged and backstabbed in the past two months. Although everyone respects him and fears him, they still refuse to give up the right to belong to Jerusalem.

   Now everyone is quiet, ready to see what the pope's confidant will say again.

  If you still ask everyone to take a step back for the sake of the Pope, you will have to spit on him.

   Facing the many vigilant and unfriendly eyes, Alsop said slowly: "We are arguing endlessly here, has no one considered whether the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will come back?"

  The rest of the people haven't thought about it, but it's been several months, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse haven't shown their faces again, just like they suddenly appeared back then.

  Even the Knights Templar disappeared, and now many people realize that something may have happened to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, otherwise Jerusalem would not have been left alone, and they have not shown up for so long.

   This group of people has been unable to decide the issue of the ownership of Jerusalem in the past two months. In fact, they are also worried about the sudden return of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

   It's just that they didn't expect that Plague Knight Praet had returned, and he stood quietly watching their performance.

   "Even if the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse don't come back, are we going to keep arguing like this?"

   Alsop continued: "I have a proposal. Since the issue of the ownership of Jerusalem cannot be resolved for the time being, let's jointly manage the Holy Land first, and the issue of ownership will be resolved later."

  Many people were a little moved. As cardinals, they had a lot of time to deal with, and it was impossible for them to spend all the time in Jerusalem, and they had to go home sooner or later.

  If Jerusalem can be co-administered, at least it will not be kicked out.

But some people saw through Alsop's purpose and sneered: "To jointly manage the Holy Land? We are far away on the other side of the world, and the Vatican is in Italy, not far from the Holy Land. You can exert influence on the Holy Land at any time. How many years?" Then it’s up to you to decide.”

Alsop is not in a hurry if he is exposed: "If you don't agree with this proposal, there is another way, either find the missing Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or avenge them. I also know who the enemy is. His Holiness the Pope has already It has been decided, whoever can do these two things will support him to obtain the ownership of the Holy Land, are you willing?"

  The big round table suddenly became quiet, and no one said anything.

  No one wants the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to return, and likewise, no one dares to avenge them.

  That man is said to have become the Lord of Monsters and the King of the Undead. He is no match for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They are at most ace-level cardinals. How dare they go to trouble.

  Prett looked at the group of thieves who were about to rob the house while the owner was no longer there, and there was no slight fluctuation in his pure white eyes.

  Whether it is Jerusalem or Christianity, it is meaningless to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. This is just a vest they use for the convenience of action, and there is no sense of belonging at all.

  The purpose of the four of them is always only two, one is to prevent the resurrection of the mother, and the other is to initiate the final judgment.

   Now that the first objective cannot be accomplished, there is only another objective left.

Alsop stunned everyone with words, and continued: "To jointly manage the Holy Land, you can all send personnel to garrison, and the Vatican will also send personnel, but the number will remain the same as yours, and it will not exceed within a few years... "

   This time, everyone finally felt a little bit moved, mainly because they had spent too long here and could not keep procrastinating.

   Looking at everyone's pensive looks, Alsop sneered in his heart.

  His Holiness the Pope personally called him last night to ask him to end the dispute here as soon as possible, so he would make such a proposal.

  As long as these people are driven away first, the Vatican has plenty of ways to exert influence on Jerusalem and gradually control this place.

   Even if the College of Cardinals reacts by then, it will be useless.

   After giving everyone a period of time to think about it, Alsop asked everyone to vote by show of hands.

  Twenty-seven people, twenty-four raised their hands in the end, and the three cardinals from the Protestant Church in North America did not agree, but the majority outweighed the minority, and their opinions were irrelevant.

   "Since everyone agrees, then I..."

   "Sorry, I object!"

  Being interrupted in the middle of speaking, Alsop's expression immediately darkened, and his eyes fell on the three Protestant cardinals from North America: "Are you really planning to stand in a hostile position with the Vatican?"

  The three cardinals looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they objected, they did not speak.

   "I don't agree with the Vatican's claim."

  The voice sounded again, from outside the big round table.

"who is it?!"

   Alsop subconsciously followed the voice, but his fierce gaze suddenly turned into astonishment, and his expression froze.

  Other people on the big round table also turned their heads to look, and then showed expressions of **** in broad daylight.

  Plett, with pure white eyes, stood on the edge of darkness.

  He has thick brows in Chinese characters, two deep nasolabial folds and drooping corners of his mouth, making his indifferent expression full of majesty.

   Alsop stood up abruptly, staring at Pratt.

   "You, you still dare to show up?"

  The tone was panicked. As a close friend of the Pope, Alsop knew more things, including the fact that the man and the headquarters of the Human Revolutionary Federation were searching for Praet's whereabouts all over the world.

   Originally thought that under such circumstances, Praet would not dare to show his face again, but he did not expect him to appear in front of everyone like this.

  The rest of the people didn't know the inside story, but they were also taken aback by Pratt's appearance.

  They were also panicked, because the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had absolutely no warmth towards Christianity, and many believers and bishops died in their hands.

   "Why can't I show up?"

  Plett said indifferently: "Are you allowed to occupy the Holy Land openly and aboveboard?"


  I feel that the people who are ridiculed are all angry, but facing the number one plague knight, they are extremely afraid in their hearts, and they don't even have the courage to express their anger verbally.

   Alsop took a few deep breaths, suppressing the bad mood of the boiled duck flying away: "Since you have come back, there is no need for us to decide the ownership of the Holy Land, you can do it yourself."

   After finishing speaking, he was about to leave. It would not be a good thing to stay. Who knows if Pratt will go crazy.

  Wait for that man to come to see how he died.

  With this gloomy mentality, Alsop had already left his seat, and everyone else got up one after another.


   Pratt's words were much more useful than Alsop's. He didn't need a hammer, and immediately stopped everyone who was about to leave.

   Alsop turned back to look at him, suppressed his anger and said, "Do you still want to punish us insects?"

  His words were full of sarcasm. Those who are familiar with the situation know that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse used to cleanse the Christian church in the name of punishing those with impure beliefs, and even the Pope could not stop it.

Pratt was indifferent to Alsop's ridicule, but said in an unquestionable tone: "I am going to open the gate of the kingdom of heaven to welcome the coming of the Lord, and I need sacrifices. You are all suitable, so just stay. "

  These words were like thunder, crashing in everyone's hearts.

  As high-level Christians, they know very well what the gate of heaven is, and they also know what sacrifices are needed to open the gate of heaven.

   Alsop was furious: "Do you dare to kill us?"

   What responded to him was Praet's cold eyes.


   Alsop suddenly felt his neck tighten, as if he was tightly strangled by an invisible big hand, making it difficult to even breathe.

   Not only him, but the other 20 people were also attacked in the same way. Their faces were flushed, their eyes were wide open, and their bodies were pinched into the air.

  The lowest strength of this group of people is also the trump card, and the highest strength has the power of the legendary monster.

  But in front of the Plague Knight, who ranked first among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, he couldn't even resist.

  Plett didn't even look at them, walked around the big round table slowly, and walked behind the main seat.

  Here is a giant crucifix. **** was nailed to the cross with his head slightly lowered, as if he was looking at Pratt standing in front of him.

  Plett looked up at the statue, raised his hand and drew a cross on his chest, then put his hands together, and prayed in a low voice.

   Behind him, two dozen cardinals were floating and struggling in the air.

   With poof! puff! puff! With a sound, they were cut off from the neck, and a large amount of blood spewed out.

  The blood did not fall to the ground, but under the pull of an invisible force, it gradually gathered into a red trickle and flowed to the top of the temple.

  clang! clang! clang!

  Melodious bells suddenly rang throughout Jerusalem.

  Countless believers looked around in a daze, looking for the source of the bell, and then, someone looked like crazy and pointed to the third temple, shouting 'miracle'.

  More and more believers have noticed that on the top of the third temple, an illusory gate of heaven is gradually emerging, and the whole city can clearly see it.

   "Miracle, this is the gate of heaven!"

   Countless believers in Jerusalem flocked to the Temple Mount like crazy.

  The resident population of Jerusalem exceeds two million, and all of these two million are the most devout believers.

  When they saw the Gate of Heaven appear, it caused madness no less than that of the most fanatical fanatics.

  Two million people rushed to the Temple Mount at the same time, and immediately caused numerous car accidents and stampedes due to riots and crowding.

  On the Temple Mount, more believers began to storm the gate of the temple, ready to pour into the temple to get close to the gate of heaven.

  The guards were almost unable to stop this group of crazy believers, and were quickly submerged in the tide-like crowd.

   Thanks: Rewards for those who are right-handed! (*^▽^*)



  (end of this chapter)

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