As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 117

116. Fierce And Vicious! The Leopard! Fit Shapeshifting!

Over the city of Albuquerque…

Six “Stark Missiles” struck, immediately causing the whole city to sound the air defense alarm!

The super weapon of “Stark Industries”!

Its core technology, designed by the “Iron Man” himself, can blow up a mountain with just one piece!

The purpose of this weapon was to directly paralyze the enemy’s combat system at the least cost.

The sub-warheads loaded inside can carry out carpet bombing on the whole area!

Relying on this technology, the superhero has made a lot of money.

And the “Lighthouse Nation” has also achieved a lot of victories in the local war!

But now…

Their proud weapons are aimed at themselves…

Although the speed of the fourth-generation “steel battle suit” has been increased to the limit, it still can’t catch up with those missiles!


That was the missile he personally modified three days ago!

Greater range damage, faster flight speed!

It’s the super weapon he designed to destroy the “robot insect” mother’s nest!

no chance…

Seeing these missiles, 22 in sight, flying farther and farther…

In Tony’s heart, there is nothing but desolation, and endless remorse and remorse…

When the Stark missiles entered the fire coverage range, small missiles flew out of the body!

These missiles, turn on the induction system, and lock the large buildings below!

Afterwards, a dazzling arc was drawn in the sky, like a rain of death, hitting each building with precision!

In an instant!

One third of the city turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Under the high temperature of thousands of degrees, the shrill screams cut through the sky and resounded through the sky!

“It’s over…”

Tony muttered absentmindedly.

A speeding “space shuttle” flew from behind and knocked him out!

Tony, who was hit hard, quickly adjusted his balance.


Tony watched from below, the purple-gray “space shuttle” flew towards the city!

“Do not…”

Tony immediately sensed the man’s purpose!

Battle team!

That man, ready to let the “chariot team” destroy the entire city!

“I won’t let you succeed!

Tony accelerated immediately, followed the space shuttle, and flew towards the city!

This is the devil he created with his own hands and should have been sent back to hell by him!

The heavy hatch opens slowly…

Amidst a piercing warning sound, a group of five people from the “chariot team” walked to the front of the hatch.

“Brothers, in order to celebrate the new life, let’s do it!

The fiery “Explosion”, looking down at the city below, said excitedly.

“Great idea, I can’t wait!”

The cruel “Whirlwind” responded immediately and began to stretch his muscles and bones.

“Head! Give the order quickly, and let His Majesty see our strength!”

The grumpy “noisy” looked at the “attack” behind him and couldn’t wait to speak.

In the “Decepticon” camp where the strong are respected, only strength is everything!

“It’s a pity to destroy this place…”

“Hey, hey, why don’t we just…”

The treacherous “Scam” looked down at the city below and let out a greedy laugh.

But before he could finish speaking, an iron fist hit “Scam” in the face, preventing him from continuing to speak.

It was the commander of the “chariot team” who attacked!

As a rare strategist among the Decepticons, “Assault” is far more composed than his subordinates!

The reason why he beat “Scam” is to make this greedy bastard clearer!

Not here, the “Cybertron” millions of years ago!

The new king they are loyal to is not a soft-hearted person like “Megatron”!

There will never be a third time in their lives!

“Team Team! Fit shapeshifting!”

With a deep voice, the attack gave the shapeshifting command!


In the expectant gaze of Wang Quan, five members of the “chariot team”, led by the attack, jumped down from the air!

From the tank vehicle mode, the “noisy” shapeshifting again turns into a thick left leg.

From the armored fighting vehicle form, after completing the shapeshifting “scam”, you will become a strong right leg!

With their weight, they landed on the ground at the fastest speed!

The viaducts collapsed, turning the surrounding buildings into ruins!

Immediately after…

From the missile trailer form, shapeshifting is the “attack” of the body’s torso, and the two mechanical legs on the ground are connected together!

The head of the leopard, extending from the torso, let out a dull growl!

In the form of a gunship, the “Whirlwind” hovering in the sky, connected to the left side of the “Hundred Sky Leopard”, turned into the left arm of the Hundred Sky Leopard!

And the other side!

In the form of Quin Jet, the “explosion” that launches the missile towards the city is also connected to the right side of the “Hundred Sky Leopard” and becomes the right arm of the “Hundred Sky Leopard”!

That’s it!

Amid the desperate screams of the citizens, the “Hundred Sky Leopard” has completed its fusion!

“I’m… a leopard!”

“Your remains will be used to pave the way for my king’s conquest!

The integrated King Kong “Huntian Leopard” roared through the sky!

This giant Fusion King Kong is even a head taller than Hercules!

After shapeshifting is done.

The tyrannical “Hundred Sky Leopard” switched its right arm to a “laser transmitter” and shot a purple “atomic beam” towards the building ahead!

A dazzling beam of light that runs through the world!

And quickly, sweep the building ahead!

The high-rise buildings in the whole city were instantly cut in half by the “atomic beam” and collapsed towards the ground below, causing a series of explosions!


Huntian Leopard looked at his masterpiece and laughed excitedly!

His tyrannical laughter even overshadowed the screams of the citizens!

and this…

It is the real “943 Huntian Leopard”, and it is also a fusion of King Kong, the real strength!

You must know that the five people who make up the “chariot team” are criminals that even the “Decepticons” hate!

If I had to describe it…

In “Blue Star” parlance, it’s probably…

These vicious criminals are no longer satisfied with ordinary torture!

It’s broken…

The ants’ nest is filled with boiling water, and the earthworms are cut in half vertically.


The puppies who eat melons passing by will be slapped twice!

Even the former leader, Megatron, was very speechless to them.

Before they create a bigger disaster, they can only dig out their fire and imprison them in the Decepticon’s prison!

But now…

The new king of the Decepticons has resurrected them again!

The strongest military vehicle from “Blue Star”, and it gives them the combat power far exceeding that of ordinary Decepticons!

This ferocious demon is resurrected again!

He will never stop until the entire city is turned into a death purgatory!

far away…

Witness the terrifying destructive power displayed by the shapeshifting of the “Fight Team”!

Tony’s face turned pale and bloodless!

The combination of King Kong below has exceeded the range that this armor can fight against!

The only thing he can do…

It was to take advantage of the tyrannical “Hun Tian Leopard” to withdraw from the battlefield before he found him!

escape…this catastrophe….

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