As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 126

125. Rescue Soldiers From The Sky? Shock From Loki!

A week later…

Late at night, half past eleven…

After a busy day, “Alex Wesker” drove a high-level sports car and drove out of the madhouse in awe of the security guards.

Now she lives in Wang Quan’s villa.

On the one hand, it is the adult, to enhance the relationship.

on the other hand….

Some important genetic experiments are still carried out in the “hive”, which is safer.

During this period of time, she can say that she has gained a lot…

As a mortal, she was almost able to dissect the gods…


“Thor”, who lost his power, is still worth using to that lord…


She really wanted to see, where is the difference between the inner structure of gods and mortals…


Opportunities like this will come…

Alex, who was in a good mood “Nine Six Seven”, played her favorite song and slowly drove out of the street…

But she didn’t notice…

A emaciated man in a tailored suit with a newspaper, watching her secretly…


After watching her disappear into the street…

Only then did he close the newspaper in his hand, revealing a sinister and sinister smile…

When he got up from his seat, a faint green light spread all over his body.

He actually turned into the appearance of “Alex”.

Even the newspaper in his hand has become a document that seems to be very important.

“It’s so heavenly…”

“Thor, you have today too…”

The fake “Alex”, with a mocking smile, laughed at his stupid, unpretentious brother.

That’s right…

The guy who shapeshifts “Alex” is the god of tricks!

In order not to frighten the snake, Loki did not use “Bifrost” to come to this planet.

But through the “Nine Worlds”, some “space wormholes” that are connected with each other.

Sneak in quietly, the planet’s…

After a week of investigation, he has confirmed the whereabouts of “Thor”.

also know…

The news that happened in this world, and all the disasters that happened in the past six months.


The media reports are very vague…

It didn’t explain who was behind all this.

But according to Loki, that sharp insight!

He quickly determined that the person who caused these disasters was the strong man who almost shot “Odin”!

at the same time…

He’s also interested in those “shapeshifting kings”…

Not surprisingly…

Those ferocious mechanical giants should be the same as “Asgard”.

It is also a high-level civilization entrenched in the depths of the universe with terrifying strength!

If you can…

Loki doesn’t want to be the enemy of this “Mechanical God”…

Loki in disguise, walking in the direction of “Saint Elizabeth”…

Although this lunatic asylum has been renamed “Arkham”.

But the local residents still used to call Roar here: St. Elizabeth!


It’s so famous…

When stepping into “Saint Elizabeth”…

A sense of crisis approaching from the pavement made Loki shudder and his face became a lot ugly.

Even as the god of tricks, he was stunned by the atmosphere here.

No matter how many times you sneak in, this weird feeling will only increase!

If it weren’t for helplessness, he would never go to such a dangerous area!

“Dean Wesker, why are you back?

The person in charge of security asked suspiciously when they saw “Alex” who had returned on foot.

“What you shouldn’t care about, it’s better to ignore it!”

Loki put on a vicious look and scolded the nosy security guards.

Seeing the other party’s pale face retreat, Loki showed a satisfied smile and continued to walk towards the interior of the hospital.

During this week…

Loki has infiltrated this lunatic asylum many times under different identities.

He already knew the terrain, including Thor’s ward.


He hesitated to take action…

It’s because the “security” here has exceeded his expectations…

Those ostensible security guards are naturally not worthy of Loki’s attention.


In addition to the security personnel, there are hidden warriors hidden in the shadows!

The group of people wore “optical camouflage” mobile armor, and every shadow warrior was injected with strengthening potion!

When Loki pretends to be a “practice nurse”…


A homeless person who refuses to receive “treatment” threatens the caregivers to tell the outside world all the secrets here!

To mobilize the power of the media to expose the tragedy here!


The shadow warrior who suddenly appeared, lifted the disobedient patient into the air with ease, and brutally crushed the wanderer’s neck!

But the other caregivers, like they were used to it, skillfully cleaned the scene. …

Not just this “Shadow Warrior”…

In this “madhouse”, there are even more terrifying legends.

“The demon hidden in the shadows is watching everyone.”

As a famous necromancer in the Nine Realms.

Loki’s perception has also arrived, and there is indeed an unknown danger lurking in the shadows!

There is a “thing” that is half human and half ghost, hiding in the shadows!

There are so many of them, it seems like a steady stream!

Even the god of tricks, his scalp felt numb!


What really scares Loki is that special team called “Hunters”!


It was a hunting team composed of four Mutants with “unique abilities”!

Just as a last resort to hunt down infiltrators like “Loki”!

one week…

The more Loki knows, the more difficult it gets…

I want to break through the blockades, and escape from here with Thor who has lost his strength!

It’s more difficult than climbing to the sky!


From the beginning, Loki’s real purpose was not to rescue this brother…

He only needs to use the hands of the “Hunter” team to kill Thor and it will be 4.8…

And he…

You have already thought about the plan to get out…

Inside Thor’s ward…

After a week of torture, this Thor has a profound understanding of the sufferings of the world.

He opened his mouth blankly, lying on the hospital bed quietly thinking about life.

For a week, he thought of countless means, trying to escape this hell.

But it suffered a lot…

At the moment of Thor Thor, his mind has become clearer, and he has deeply realized his own mistakes.

all the time…

They are all praying for the forgiveness of “the Father of God”…

Pray for the gods to come down and take him to escape this hell-like prison…


The rescuer has disappeared, but the evil star who is urging his life has quietly descended…

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