As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 132

131. Colossus Weapon Activated! Nano Plague, Coming Soon!

Lauf is in a hurry…

“My lord, we are innocent!”

“This is so unfair to us. The person who offends you is the person of Asgard!””

Lauf begged bitterly.

No matter which choice it is, it will ruin the future of the “Giants of Jotunheim Clan”!

“I know…”

“But Loki is your son, isn’t he?

“When your son did something wrong, isn’t it right that you, your own father, should bear the guilt?

Wang Quan replied indifferently.

This move is undoubtedly the last hope left in Lauf’s heart.

Lauf lowered his head in despair and looked at the wreckage of the “Destroyer Armor” under his feet.

He didn’t even dare to resist…


Starscream pretended to open his hand and handed a specially made flying darts to the king of Giants of Jotunheim in front of him.

“it is good…”

Lauf murmured miserably.

After taking the flying darts tremblingly, he turned around again and looked at the “Lucky Roulette” behind him.

to him…

“Anle Angel” is undoubtedly the best choice…

Participate in the game, and there is a “one in six” possibility to keep your home…

If you try to resist, there is a 100% probability that he and his clan will surely die!

22 Thought of this…

Lauf grabs the flying darts in his hand and shoots at the spinning “wheel of fortune”!


The flying darts hit the wheel of fortune and caught the attention of all the Decepticons.

The speed of the roulette wheel was getting slower and slower, and Lauf’s heart sank to the bottom.


The wheel of fortune that stops spinning

The flying darts that shot out stopped on top of the “Nano Plague”, which immediately caused a voice of disappointment!

This group of brutal Decepticons is eager to see the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!

See the spectacle of Jotonheim’s day of destruction!

Such a result…

They can only congratulate the “King of the Giants of Jotunheim” and their people for being part of the “Glorious Evolution”.

Become a subsidiary mechanical civilization of “Cybertron”…

The result is out…

Lauf smiled sadly, he turned around slowly…

Looking up at the cruel and cold-blooded king sitting high on the throne, he knelt on the ground again.

“O king of heaven, please show mercy…”

“Please allow me to be with my clan…”

“At least…”

“Before assimilation, we can rest in our homeland…”

Lauf bowed respectfully, put his head on the icy bridge, and said his last extravagance.

for a while…

The whole bridge became silent…

All the Decepticons looked at Lauf in front of him.

This King of Giants of Jotunheim, the truth revealed at this moment, made the previous mockery disappear.

Instead, it’s a matter of respect…


Wang Quan’s order resounded throughout the dark peak.

“Compassion as you…”

Lauf said respectfully, tears of despair were falling from the corners of his eyes, turning into ice crystals and falling to the ground.

“Your Majesty, please allow me to give him a ride in person…”

Starscream rolled his piercing eyes and suddenly knelt down on one knee, begging Wang Quan for his life.


Wang Quan waved his hand and granted “Starscream”‘s request.

Although I don’t know what the “First Adjutant” is, what the hell is going on.

But the appearance of the “chariot team” allowed Wang Quan to see the talent of Starscream.

This time…

Wang Quan is also looking forward to…

Starscream’s tricks can bring him unexpected benefits.

“Your Majesty, you will not be disappointed…”

Starscream gave a treacherous smile, not a warrior but a strategist.

He firmly believes in strategy, which can achieve greater benefits than force!

With permission, Starscream patted Lauf on the shoulder, comforting the King of Giants.

After the two got up from the ground, they walked together…

Let’s walk in the direction of the “Space Bridge” together…


Loki, who was hiding in the dark, avoided the slaughter of robot insects by virtue of his body size.

When perception lost contact with the “Destroyer Armor”, his face was instantly pale and bloodless!

Even Odin’s “God Armor” can’t hold the next turn in that man’s hands!

Now “Asgard”, who is his opponent?


Do not make jokes…

He couldn’t even escape the “madhouse” by himself, and was tortured and tortured by that man’s loyal dog.


According to Loki’s guess…

That terrifying Mechanicus, the coordinates of “Asgard” should not be confirmed yet!

Temporarily can’t find a way to invade!

That is to say…

Asgard, it should be safe now!

As long as these “hunters” leave, Loki can pass through the wormhole and return to Asgard!

He just needs to hide here and not be found…


A miracle happened…

Loki can feel the ground shaking, and the gravitational pull of the planet “Jotonheim” is changing terribly!

The mountains in the distance are beginning to collapse!

Massive glaciers, carrying sea water, began to flow against it!

As if having a premonition, Loki raised his head in a panic and looked at the sky above!

what is that!

Loki doesn’t know, because he’s never seen such a horrible thing!

The terrifying “ring-shaped structure” rises from the distant surface and quickly covers two-thirds of the sky!

The whole earth was plunged into absolute darkness!

It’s a mechanical planet!

Its appearance directly affects the gravity of the planet!

Loki standing in the mountains, you can even see the mechanical lines on it!

“What the hell is this…”

Loki murmured in horror, but more terrible things were yet to come!

Those cruel predators suddenly abandoned their prey and scrambled to pass through Portal 993 to escape “Jotonheim”!

Even they are afraid!

“Star Destroyer?”

Loki suddenly realizes what that crazy man wants to do!

He’s going to blow up, the whole planet!

Loki didn’t care to continue hiding, and hurriedly ran on the ground.

Towards what he knew, the “space wormhole” leading to Asgard!

Not Loki, not Flight!

But he can’t fly!

The sky has long been the territory of robotic insects, and any creatures that fly will become their food!


An “F-22 Raptor” flying in reverse, and noticed the Loki below!

“I found you…”

Starscream let out an excited laugh and swooped in Loki’s direction!

As he leaps over Loki’s head, he quickly shapeshifts into: robot form!

Boom one by one!

Starscream landed from a height of hundreds of meters and stopped firmly in front of Loki!

The powerful impact swept through the ice and snow, causing Loki, who hastily escaped for his life, to blow a somersault and fall to the ground in a panic.


Loki cursed with a wicked expression.

Just as he summoned two sharp blades, he was about to make a gesture with the mechanical giant in front of him.

Starscream smiled and waved his hand, conveying his kindness…

“His Royal Highness Prince of Asgard, I have no intention of being your enemy.

“What I’m here for…”

“It’s to help you escape from here…”.

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