As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 137

136. Master Ninja! The Ugly Beacon President!

As a traveler, Wang Quan is well aware of the disgusting face of the “Lighthouse Man”.

In their eyes, there are only interests and no morality.

When the profit exceeds ten times, they are even willing to sell their relatives!

Stark Industries…

The world’s largest arms company, a rising new energy company, is also a cutting-edge technology company!

At its peak, Stark Industry almost monopolized the global arms trade.

The weapons sold by this company exist in every war on this planet!

To this day…

Tony’s “Ark reactor” is destined to become a leader in new energy!

As the largest shareholder, the true owner of Stark Industries.

Even this super genius has no idea how rich he is!

Tens of billions of dollars to build an armored team.

All can be detonated in the air and turned into splendid fireworks, just for the fraternity to smile!

Not to mention…

The massive “Stark Industries” is here!

Competitors from all walks of life have long wanted to tear him to pieces!


They finally got their chance…

Tony assisted “S.H.I.E.L.D” in the manufacture of chariot team 22, which caused this catastrophe!

no doubt!

Give these interest groups a chance to start!

Joker, who was lurking in the dark, jumped out one after another and couldn’t wait to share the cake!

Build a city?

Don’t be kidding, they don’t care, the lives of those civilians!

That’s just an excuse, an excuse to carve up Stark Industries!

Office of the President…

The middle-aged president was lying comfortably on the seat, swaying golden high-level champagne in his hands.

As one of the beneficiaries of “Stark Industries”.

He seems to have foreseen that tens of billions of dollars will be deposited into his secret account tomorrow.

Even in a high position…

In the face of this amazing wealth, he still couldn’t help but open a bottle of high level champagne as a celebration wine during working hours.

Sniffing the fruity wine, he was already a little drunk before the wine entered his mouth.

Just as he opened his fat lips, ready to drink wine.

A knock on the door came suddenly.

“Please come in…”

Mr. President, put down the champagne in his hand and said solemnly.

The door opens…

The easygoing Rexiaogu walked into the President’s Office.

“Who are you…”

The lighthouse president looked at the stranger in front of him, his face became a little ugly, and he immediately asked!

“It doesn’t matter who I am…”

“The important thing is the order from the master, please, Mr. President, go to the mansion of my master. 99

The ninja master – Lei Xiaogu, elegantly invited Dao, like a capable butler.


“Is it an assassin sent by “Stark Industries”?”

“Come on! Come on!” 9

On the forehead of the lighthouse president, fine cold sweat overflowed, his lips were trembling, and he shouted out the door!

This is the most heavily defended place!

Unless this group of assassins can go to heaven and earth, it is impossible to sneak in!

It must be inside, there has been a traitor!

It was only created for him, this short-term assassination opportunity!

“Where are people! Come on people!”

The lighthouse president shouted sharply, but half a minute later, there were still no security personnel!

A terrifying guess that made him tremble all over!

The timid Beacon President suddenly slumped to the ground, and slumped to the bottom of the table in horror.

“Come on someone! Come on someone to protect me!

“What about people!”

The President of the Lighthouse, hiding under the table, screamed mournfully.

The fear in the words made Leixiaogu smile contemptuously.

“You are the last person alive in this building. 39

“I advise you to be obedient and at least suffer less…”

Lei Xiaogu kindly reminded the ugly president of the lighthouse in front of him.

after all…

The master he is loyal to is not an elegant and easy-going good man!

Realizing yourself, you are about to lead the way…

The president of the lighthouse, who jumped over the wall, tried to take out the gun in the drawer and fought back!

“Damn it! 35

“You thought I would…”

The grim-faced Beacon President hid under the table, awkwardly stretched out his stubby hand, and groped for the direction of the drawer.

A **** cold light quickly flew out from Lei Xiaogu’s hand!

That’s a handle, sharp flying darts!

Nail the palm of the lighthouse president directly on the drawer of the table!

The severe pain made this man who had never endured hardship let out a scream like killing a pig!

Rexiaogu showed a playful look of contempt and walked up to the crying lighthouse president.

He directly grabbed the other person’s hair and dragged the president above ten thousand people from the ground!

“Forgive me!”

“Forgive me, please!”

“They all did it better than me, I don’t want to be your enemy!


The President of the Lighthouse cried mournfully, with tears streaming down his nose, how could he care about his own identity!

How ruthless is this group of assassins, how could he not understand!

Falling into their hands, there is only a dead end!


An icy sharp blade rests on the neck of the lighthouse president.

The mournful cry stopped abruptly!


“Don’t cry anymore…”

“My master, I want to see you by name…”

“It’s a blessing that you have cultivated in several lifetimes, don’t be shameless…”

The corners of Lei Xiaogu’s mouth raised a sinister arc, softly reminding the President of the Lighthouse in front of him.

The strengthening of the Pool of Lazarus has allowed him to survive for hundreds of years.

In the long years of 007, he assassinated many important people.

Active in the world in various capacities.

A puppet president like this has already surpassed the number of hands!

Had it not been for an order from his master, he would have died long ago!

“I…I’m obedient…”

“I am willing to cooperate with you, and I am willing to explain the identities of those people.

“Don’t kill me, as long as you don’t kill me, I’m willing to tell everything.”

The lighthouse president, tremblingly begged for mercy.

But Lei Xiaogu shook his head with a light smile.

“It’s not up to us loyal dogs to decide whether to kill you or not.

“But as long as you cooperate obediently, my master will not embarrass you. 35

Lei Xiao said with a faint smile.

After that, he dragged the lighthouse president’s hair and walked out of the house.

“Hand! 35

“my hand!

The lighthouse president screamed mournfully.

His stubby right hand was pinned to the desk drawer by the flying darts!

Lei Xiaogu raised his brows and said indifferently.

“Such an inconvenience, just abandon it!

The voice fell.

The three-footed blade in his hand slashed towards the right arm of the lighthouse president!

The sound of blood separation was accompanied by a piercing scream.

The echoes reverberated in the President’s Office, and they did not subside for a long time.


to him…

The journey to hell has only just begun…

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