As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 211

210. The Terrifying Pursuer! War Machine, Miserable!

The sound of an explosion from the rear caught the attention of Captain America and others.

War Machine narrowed his eyes suspiciously, showing a wary expression.

Tony didn’t refute, just exhorted solemnly.

“Quicksilver” collecting supplies nearby

“They should go to hell!

“We paid so much tax, get me out of here!”

The noisy outside sound affected War Machine’s judgment.

“I do not care!”

The powerful impact of falling to the ground caused the War Machine to spit out a mouthful of blood.

With his steel armor, it’s hard not to be associated with Iron Man!

If the woman’s cry caught the attention of the “chasers”, then everyone present would die tragically at the hands of that monster 4.9!


Heavy footsteps sounded from the fog.

He, who was about to turn around and leave, confirmed the whereabouts of his prey again!

“Save me! 99

War Machine’s face turned black when he heard the woman’s cry!

“It’s him, it’s the man! 35

In a panic, War Machine turned on the weapon system and looked around vigilantly!

“Is that you! Talk! 55′

“Thor is our last hope! 55

War Machine roared angrily, turned off the danger alarm, and looked straight ahead.

How could it be possible to help others?

Although he was protected by armor, he still suffered serious injuries!

When Tony saw the attacked War Machine, he snarled.

“My dog ​​is dead, why did you come!”

In the fog, the “Chasers” who lost track of their prey have heard a shrill sound from the supermarket!

“Tony! You keep going after Thor!

And control the cannon on the shoulder, turn on the intelligent aiming, the life body in front.

Just when Iron Man was ready to go full throttle to rescue the War Machine.

Then he turned around quickly and continued to track Thor in front of him.

A white woman, after seeing War Machine, let out a sharp cry!

In desperation, War Machine can only persuade with good words…

“I can hear it!

Those Avengers, someone must be alone…

People here have no idea what’s going on…

When they stopped Flight and turned around in a hurry, they happened to see the scene of War Machine falling to the ground.

“Warning! Flight system damaged!”

Everything was fine before…

The powerful force made the War Machine fly dozens of meters away, smashed a large piece of glass, and fell into a supermarket in embarrassment!

The War Machine couldn’t dodge in time, and was punched into the distance by the monster!

A group of survivors, who were hiding in the supermarket and taking refuge, stared at him in horror.

“It’s not so bad…”

“God! These devils! Years


I also heard the cry of this woman, like a seasoned hunter, he pulled out the sharp blade tied to his calf!

Unable to continue the flight, which means that he will leave the team!

Although this thickened mecha is equipped with an anti-shock mode, it still cannot change the fact that the driver is an ordinary person.

“Should be caged like Beast! 35

War Machine yells again!

At the moment…

“I will rescue Rhodes, but don’t forget, my strength is the strongest!

That murderous “chaser” is still wandering in the mist!

The white woman cried sharply, she showed grievances, like a bullied student who ran to the teacher to complain!

He instinctively raised his hands, and the energy cannon in his palm was in a charged state.

The real trouble is just beginning…

“There are monsters everywhere, it’s for your own good…”


“It’s his hand, he’s the murderer!

A monster giant wearing a black “restrained leather” rushed out of the fog!

The white woman cried unrelentingly, and ordered the War Machine to avenge her dead “son”!

It’s hard not to doubt!

“At least…I’m still alive…”

There was a slight tremor on the ground!

Until the unknown fog appeared, that group of terrifying monsters began to hunt for food everywhere…


He was making fun of it, but unexpectedly, a “pop-up window” broke his last fluke…

And the official background behind Iron Man happens to be the umbrella they need!

“Help me!”

War Machine turned on the “thermal imaging scan” and found a giant humanoid figure, approaching in his direction!

“Warning! Detect enemy approaching!”

He didn’t attack immediately…

This is lighthouse country!

War Machine stood up from the ground, clutching his aching ribs.

“Depend on!

“Warning! The identity of the enemy is unknown!”

“Go on! Kill him for me!”

“You must be careful…”

Would it be like abandoning the “Hulk” and abandoning his dispensable companion?

The screeching siren made the War Machine, At the moment a splitting headache.

To know!

at the same time…

His painful Roar sucked and hurriedly got up from the ground.

Disturbed by fog, War Machine can’t see what’s ahead!

Captain America stopped him!

To know!

“These butchers, selfish devils, killed my Chihuahua half an hour ago!”

“After this incident is over, I have to go to the meeting with Carter!” “One Twenty Seven”

What people don’t know is that…

“You must now, keep quiet…”

Nobody realizes…

“Ho… Hulk?”

“We spend money to support you, not for you to be sidelined!”


With nowhere to hide, they can only hide in the supermarket, begging for rescue…

All kinds of complaints with crying and resentment began to sound nonstop!

As a colonel of the Lighthouse Country, he knows what it takes to provoke the Hulk!

After Captain America stopped Tony, he patted his strong body confidently.

Even outside the house, you can hear it clearly!

The rapid increase in strength in the past six months has already made Captain America bursting with confidence!

War Machine…

And At the moment…

The group of Avengers he called “companions”.


Intuition tells him…

“Warning! Leg Mecha Damaged!”

At the moment…


A bright red “projection pop-up window” made War Machine’s face very ugly!


His own life is about to be saved!

Her voice is loud and piercing!

At the moment, Captain America has already regarded himself as the Superman of the lighthouse country!

Thinking of the “Chasers” outside and the approaching “Army of Giants”, War Machine knew it had to, and immediately escaped!


In this sinful kingdom, self-interest is always above everything else!



“Just because they think! The barking of dogs will attract the attention of monsters! 35

His clenched fists smashed in the direction of War Machine without hesitation!


The crowd exploded in an instant!


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