As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 26

26. Infrasound Weapons! Obadiah’S Trump Card!

Nine p.m…

Obadiah stood on the rooftop of the Empire State Building, waiting for the mysterious man to arrive.

At night, the city is high in the sky, only the cold wind blows.

Because he was in a hurry, Obadiah didn’t even change into thicker clothes.

The middle-aged, fat, aged body was shivering from the cold.

Even his breathing was mixed with a slight trembling.

He came early…

And let the staff close the entrance and prohibit anyone from entering and leaving!


Obadiah, who has played with conspiracy all his life, wants to use this method to give the other party an ugly disgrace!

Not only that!

The cunning Obadiah has made another preparation!

He brought three million dollars and wanted to use this money in exchange for the documents in the other party’s hands!

It can be said that it is full of sincerity.

As time passed by, Obadiah waited anxiously, looking at the gold watch in his hand again and again.


After a long wait, the moment the clock points to “ten”!

In front of Obadiah, a circle of dreamy dazzling aurora lights up!

A tall figure came out from the inside…

Space teleportation!

It turned out to be a “portal”!

Obadiah’s eyes widened in shock, the advanced technology mastered by the other party made him feel like he was dreaming!


Being able to master this space technology will bring him, what terrifying benefits!

Teleport an armored corps behind the enemy, what will it be like on the battlefield!

Or, directly place large-yield nuclear weapons in the developed cities of the enemy country!

Just press the button and you can take out the enemy!

Not only that!

And deep underground, those strategic resources!

As long as the space transmission technology is used, it can be mined unscrupulously!


If he Obadiah, can master this technology!

Then he will become the “King of the World”, and everyone must submit to his feet!

Almost instantly!

Obadiah showed his greed face as a businessman!

Compared to “Tony Stark”, the chicken that laid the golden egg!

The young man who appeared in front of him was a golden mountain!

No matter what means, he must master this technology from this young man!


Wang Quan, who arrived at the scene, looked at Obadiah in front of him.

Through the strengthening of “Lazarus Pool”, Wang Quan’s perception ability has been greatly improved.

The greed and viciousness on Obadiah’s face were all vividly displayed in Wang Quan’s gaze!


This old fox has evil intentions!

Wang Quan sighed in disappointment, and instantly turned on the “AT position”!

The idea that he originally planned to conquer “Obadea” was discarded by him because of Obadiah’s performance.

This old fox…

In Wang Quan’s eyes, it has no value anymore…

“I’m willing to pay three million dollars to show my sincerity.”

“Definitely… If you think it’s not enough, you can talk more.”

Obadiah put away his greedy face, put on a hypocritical old-fashioned appearance, and greeted Wang Quan.

But his right hand was quietly reaching into his pocket.

Take out an electronic device and press the button!

This is Stark Industries, tackling modern warfare!

The “infrasound weapon” developed at a huge cost!

Just press the button for instant activation!

It emits infrasound waves with a frequency lower than “20 Hz”, which resonates with the human body!

Resulting in displacement, shapeshifting, and even direct rupture of all units and organs in a certain area around them!

This can cause injury or even death!

And he had already put on a shielding device to avoid being affected!

without any exaggeration!

After the “Infrasonic Weapon” is activated, even a superhero like “Captain America” ​​or “Black widow”!

All can only wait in despair, the coming of death!


This old fox is doomed to miscalculate.

In the face of the powerful “AT position”, any insidious tricks will not work!

A second has passed…

Five seconds passed…

The smile on Obadiah’s face suddenly froze.

The young man on the opposite side did not show any discomfort, which was completely different from the scene he imagined!

“Why, you haven’t fallen yet!”

“I obviously have…”

Obadiah turned his gaze to the “infrasound weapon” in his hand, and murmured in astonishment!

Is the “weapon” out of order?


No one knows better than him the power of this weapon!


Why doesn’t it work at all for the immediate goal?

“Because I had expected it…”

“It’s impossible for an old fox like you to obey…”

Wang Quan sneered contemptuously.

In Obadiah, with a flustered look, he decisively raised his left hand.

Black nano-alloy gushing out of the ring worn by the index finger. Wrap around Wang Quan’s left arm and form a robotic arm armor!

With the injection of energy, a golden glare lit up from the robotic arm armor!

Magnetic Gloves, Activate!

Wang Quan showed a cruel smile and said to Obadiah like a demon king from hell.


“Ready to pay for your stupidity…”

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