As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 278

277. The Awakening Of The Empress Of God! Huge And Ferocious, The Army Is Overwhelming!

late at night…

Tens of thousands of Asgard’s people, gathered outside the city walls…

At the beginning of Yuanshi Tianzun’s creation, he gave the “giant ferocious clan” the strongest body, but did not give them a wise mind.

“At this time, His Majesty is already asleep!”

“Just keep them waiting! 35

For that shocking spectacle, Chong Yunxiao did nothing.

He turned into a “colossus” and became even bigger!

If Asgard survives this catastrophe…

Chong Yunxiao raised his hand roughly, and with a light slap, he knocked Xuan Tie back several meters away.

It is also the reason for the extinction of the giant ferocious clan…

In front of him, Asgard, is simply vulnerable!

After the witches’ narration, and after half a day of dissemination, all Asgard people already know the truth!



What it destroys is far more than civilization, even the planet itself!

A sturdy iron claw grabbed “Xuan Tie” by the throat and lifted him from the podium high in the air.

Chong Yunxiao asked solemnly.

66 “How many times have I said that! 99

There are civilians among them, and there are brave warriors…

They obviously overlooked something…

Xuan Tie raised his sharp claws, pointed at the electronic screen in front of him, and proposed excitedly.

Only then did he put the black iron on the ground again.

The Colossus, born as a “super weapon”, is a real horror weapon against Level Planet!

But what responded to him was Chong Yunxiao’s angry scolding!

Dumb footsteps sounded from behind him…

Iron Dragon…

Waiting with peace of mind, the war in two days!

Daxia people…

It is fitting that her wife, the goddess of Asgard, should come forward to apologize!

and this…

With complex expressions on their faces, they consumed their own energy to condense six golden-colored magic characters with a file size of thousands of meters!

“Boss, (Okay Zhao) why don’t I go back to Blue Star and tell Your Majesty about this?”

The main body is a “Mechanical Griffin”.

At the moment…


Chong Yunxiao raised the corner of his mouth, showing a look of contempt, and replied coldly.

Catastrophe is coming…

Inside the Iron Armored Dragon…


This is the catastrophe caused by Odin’s arrogant stupidity!

What happened in “Asgard” at this moment was recorded on the screen exactly.

Xuan Tie showed an excited smile, and sat carelessly on the podium in front of Yunxiao.

Someone betrayed them and told the man where Asgard was!

“If there is no sincerity, then Asgard, there is no need to exist!

“Use more brains, I will definitely remember next time…”

This move made Chong Yunxiao frown directly.

Even as he watched, Thor was suffering from pain and torture, and Frigga, the queen mother, endured the grief!

After a day of rectification, Chongyunxiao has already brought the “giant ferocious army” and has already landed on the Iron Armored Dragon.

“You can never guess what I saw when I was patrolling just now.”

It is the second “Giant Ferocious” with the shapeshifting Ability after rushing into the sky!

That terrifying tyrant, who doesn’t know the coordinates of “Asgard” for the time being, is focusing on the blue star!

With the help of her fellow witches, she learned some general information about the enemy.

He is a tyrant on the “tech side”, holding a terrifying mechanical legion…

“You idiot! Open your eyes to see clearly, what you reported, I already knew half an hour ago!

As the second Awakening wise fellow after him, he still values ​​it very much.

To this…

Xuan Tie replied with a smile, but it is estimated that this kind of thing will not survive tonight, and he will forget it completely.

She is ready to sacrifice herself, to exchange herself for thousands of innocent lives!

“in addition!”

“Do you want to disturb Your Majesty’s beautiful dream for this trivial matter?

“The podium is not a chair, this is not a place for you to sit! 35


At the moment…



“You know Blue Star, what time is it?”

Xuan Tie looked at the electronic screen in front of him and was amazed for a while…

His character is reckless, like a child…

I heard voices from behind…

“That group of virtuous guys actually want to talk to His Majesty!

Right at the moment…

“Ah this…”


Xuan Tie asked stupidly.

After their beloved god, they are ready to sacrifice themselves to seek peace for Asgard!

Over a year…

With tears in their eyes, they stared at the top of the city wall.

Chong Yunxiao stared indifferently at the electronic screen in front of him.


His name is: Xuan Tie.

Because of this, this terrifying catastrophe of the gods was triggered!

Below them, the armored goddess “Frigga” stood alone on the city wall.

Above the sky of Asgard, the interior of the suspended “Colossus – Iron Armored Dragon”!

“Until Your Majesty, wake up!””

As the queen of gods, Frigga was the only way she could think of.

“Then what do they do…spear”


Cruel, cold-blooded, domineering…

Then all people will always remember the grace of this goddess…

“Hahaha, are they really ready to surrender? 39

As the satellite of “Cybertron”, he stopped on a fixed trajectory and was in a semi-dormant state.

Strengthened by Wang Quan’s use of “The Power of Yuanshi Tianzun”!

Chong Yunxiao clasped Xuan Tie’s head and forced this stupid clan to look at the electronic screen in front of him!

“Xuan Tie, what did you see?

When the enemy comes, it will be the day of her death!

“I want to talk to you.”

But even if she retreats again and again…

A frivolous voice, with a child-like excitement.

Sixteen witches, At the moment are suspended in the air…

Chong Yunxiao looked back indifferently, looking at this same clan…

The only good thing is that…

“Ah yes yes yes…”

The visitor is a shapeshifting King Kong with a height of fifteen meters.

Below the temple…

On his chest, there is the symbol of the “giant ferocious” family, which obviously does not belong to the “decepticon” camp.

“This is the power of technology, use your brain more!”

Frigga chose to avoid the war and forbid everyone to use “Bifrost”!


The sky above Asgard is still shining brightly…

It is to use his own life to quell the anger of the enemy.

Although he is extremely brave in battle, he is obviously lacking in resourcefulness…

Xuan Tie showed a contemptuous smile and laughed excitedly.

Xuan Tie was not injured, he still looked at the “spectacle” on the screen with a smile.

“Wouldn’t it be stupid to wait like this?


Once awakened, it will show the most brutal side!

Including the “Colossus – Iron Armored Dragon” stagnating above “Asgard” is just the tip of the iceberg revealed by that man’s power!

Even including “Frigga”, they have overestimated themselves and their position in the eyes of the enemy…

For the “Decepticons”, this is the base King Kong!

Chong Yunxiao scolded again.

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