As Soon As He Became The Leader Of The Decepticons, Iron Man Came To Him

Chapter 96

94. Air Battle! Captain Marvel’S Terrifying Power!

at the same time…

Captain Marvel, who was flying in the air, reduced his speed to ten times the speed of sound.

Because of the backward communication equipment on the Blue Star.

During her flight, she will be strongly disturbed, causing her to be unable to receive the communication of “S.H.I.E.L.D”!

“This is Carol, and I have reached the sky above the city.”

Captain Marvel, who was flying at an altitude of several kilometers, was communicating with S.H.I.E.L.D through a miniature headset.

She needs to know the enemy’s target, in order to kill this dangerous dark force with the least cost!

“Captain! Detected ahead, high-energy response! 95

“Found thirteen unknown Flight targets that are approaching you!”

“Not good! It’s a robotic insect!”

The female agent in charge of communication and “Captain Marvel” communication, reminded in a panic!

Robot insects have always been the nightmare of this city!

Their bodies of steel can even resist rocket launchers! “Nine Two Three”

Even the most advanced “Raptor fighters” in the lighthouse country, encountering them, will only be dismantled and have a tragic end!

Even more frightening is…

Whether organic or inorganic, they can eat!

Their appetites seem to never be full!

Even humans are on their recipe list!

Just a week ago, they flew to Neon and devoured a town overnight!

At least more than 50,000 people died and became their food!


This “Captain Marvel” who came from afar, encounters them, how dangerous the situation is, one can imagine how dangerous it is!

Listening to the miniature earphones, panicked shouts came.

Captain Marvel, however, was full of helplessness, and even had some regrets.


Captain Marvel, sighed silently.

these years…

Nick Fury never told anyone about her existence.

This also caused the agent of “S.H.I.E.L.D” to not understand how strong she is!

As early as “Captain Marvel” from outer space, close to the orbit of the planet, the sound waves locked her!

But Starscream is busy on a mission and can only send out “robot insects” for aerial sniping!

Let’s try it out first, what is the strength of this woman!

“Detected enemy, there is energy gathering effect!””

“It’s a laser weapon! 35

“Please dodge now!”

The screams sounded again, but Captain Marvel ignored them.

Just the next moment!

Thirteen strange purple light bullets flew from below and slammed into Captain Marvel!

A series of explosions sounded from the sky!


Let all the agents of “S.H.I.E.L.D” be shocked!

Captain Marvel’s communication, there is no obvious fluctuation!

That is to say!

This mysterious woman actually took it with her face!

Those “machine insects” can be destroyed instantly, the energy attack of tank armor!

This is incredible!


Even more incredible things are clearly yet to come!

Captain Marvel, let out a shout of excitement, and fly out of the smoke of the explosion!

A splendid aerial battle with the “robot insects” that came to snipe!

Under the intensive offensive of robot insects!

The dazzling beam of light shot from the fists of “Captain Marvel” instantly blew up a “robot insect” into pieces!

When she turned to avoid the debris scattered in the air.

The fists that shined with energy, once again launched an energy attack towards another robot insect!

Another robot insect, blasting to pieces in the sky!

Her flight speed is too fast!

Coupled with the small size, it is like a bird, flying freely in the sky!

By comparison…

The body of the robot insect is obviously much heavier!

In front of an opponent of the level of “Captain Marvel”, they are just moving targets!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Captain Marvel, unleashed energy again!

Another robotic insect, burning from the sky, falling to the ground below!

The battle begins, but only thirty seconds…

Only three “robot insects” were lost. Judging from the woman’s demeanor, it was obvious that she did not use all her strength!

She is playing, like an experienced hunter, enjoying the fun of killing enemies!

“Sonic”, who was in charge of the battle, realized this and gave the order to retreat.

Even these “robot insects” are miscellaneous units that can “rapidly reproduce”.

But “Sonic” is not stupid enough to use their lives to please the enemy!

After receiving the order…

The remaining ten “robot insects” immediately turned around in the air and flew in different directions!

“Is this the end?”

“I haven’t had enough fun yet…”

Watching the flying robot insects, Captain Marvel hovered in the air, shrugging his shoulders regretfully.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D….

Seeing the astonishing results of “Captain Marvel”, the scene burst into a loud cheer!

This is the first time humans have defeated “Shapeshifting King Kong”!

Even Nick Fury, that gloomy face, had a smile on it. …

“Send a special team to the scene to recover the corpses of those robotic insects…”


“On those corpses, there is information we need…”

Nick Fury, with a greedy smile.

Issued an order that he is doomed to “regret for life”!

at the same time…

The bustling city square…

After five months of peaceful development, the people here seem to have forgotten the tragedy that happened.

A portal suddenly opened…

It immediately attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

This group of idiots without a sense of crisis actually picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of the scene in front of them!


A tall and burly figure walked out of the door slowly…

Let the audience feel a bit of a bad atmosphere…

Some timid passers-by wanted to leave the scene, but were stuck in a crowd of people, unable to escape for a while…

Because of the appearance of this “portal”.

It is causing more and more people to start gathering towards the square!

In just one minute, nearly a thousand people gathered in front of the “portal”…

There are also young people who are not too serious, with their hands in a “trumpet” shape, they shouted carelessly in the direction of Wang Quan.


“Brother! Give us the whole job!

“Yes! 39

“Come on one!”

“You guy, you’re also a superhero, so it’s not like you can’t know anything!””

More and more voices rang out from the crowd.

“Look at me! Look at me!

“I’m your old enemy, my name is the orangutan!”

“Guguji, Guguji, I’m going to eat all the bananas in the world! 99

“Mhhh…the bananas are delicious…”

Called the most favorite black gangster, he even acted like a “gorilla” and acted provocatively to Wang Quan.

In the dense crowd, happy laughter sounded immediately.

Wang Quan has no words…

But the arms wrapped in “biological armor” have been transformed into “claw form”!

Under the high-frequency vibration, the sharp black claw blade lights up with a strange blood-colored light!

High-frequency vibration particle claw blade!

Power, fully open!.

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