Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 35

System Event #1,279,131

Vorthan Kalnar appears in the skies high above the massive screen that makes up the System Event’s display and immediately hears cheers break out from the crowd as thousands of people fill the large ring around the screen. Meanwhile the screen itself shows nine different users competing in this System Event. All of whom are Class E, with their levels ranging from one to twenty.

And after doing a brief analysis of the place, Vorthan grins and shouts, his voice echoing out through the Event’ Spectating Room, “And weeeellllcoooome everyyyoneee!!!!! I am your humble host for this System Event, Vorthan Kalnar! Are you all ready to see what sort of performance our users will be bringing us today?!”

The crowd roars back at him in response, filled with users of all sorts of species. Each varying in appearance, but each also being at least vaguely humanoid.

“Then I’ll begin with the explanation of today’s Event!” Vorthan exclaims, the relatively young kalvenian spreading both of his bat-like wings to his sides as he floats up into the air and makes an array of text appear beside him. “This event will be a ten-user race to defeat the elite monster within a small maze created by our ever-so-precious System for today’s Event! The users will be allowed to attack each other, kill each other, or even team up with each other. But there is only one winner for our little game!”

Everyone in the crowd goes wild as they listen to his description and watch the nine users within the display.

“The rules and requirements are simple for this System Event,” Vorthan continues, flying in circles around the text as his long black hair flows behind him and his sharp fangs catch the light of the artificial sun above them. “All coupons are allowed, the Event will end in thirty minutes, and the winner is the user who either kills the elite monster or deals the most damage to it. Items are allowed so long as they are Class E, and the maximum level for this Event is twenty!”

Vorthan pauses as he looks out at the people below, only to grin, knowing exactly what they want now that he’s finished with the rules. So after leaving them hanging for a few seconds, letting the anticipation grow, he quickly spreads his arms out to his sides in front of the text and exclaims, “Nooowww, it’s time to meet our competitors!!!”

The roar that echoes out from the crowd pleases Vorthan to no end. It’s one of the reasons he decided to stop climbing the ranks and become an MC for the System instead.

He just can’t get enough of it.

Well, that and he couldn’t get past Class D. So he just decided to go the route of MC instead. For Class E Events.

The kalvenian quickly flies straight down into the screen, making himself suddenly appear amongst the competitors. All of whom are in a large waiting room at one point within the maze. A sealed off chamber at that.

And after a quick glance throughout the chamber at the competitors who are all looking up at him, he makes a beeline towards the highest level competitor of the bunch. A young zyrian. A species of humanoid bird with two hawk wings stretching from his back and the head of a hawk with the body of a human.

Vorthan quickly raises a microphone to the man as he asks, “Young Zephyr V’dalez, how do you feel about this Event?”

The man in question doesn’t miss a beat as he reach out to grab the microphone and says with a confident look on his avian face, “All I have to say is this.” He narrows his hawklike eyes and looks up at the ceiling of the room, where the screen is recording from, and where the competitors can see the spectators in return. Something they won’t be able to do outside of this chamber. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

Vorthan quickly laughs at that and exclaims, “Ooohhh, confident are we? Then would you mind letting me ask you something?”

“Go ahead,” Zephyr answers, putting one hand in his pocket as his wings fold behind his back.

“Then I would like to ask you about your last Event,” Vorthan says, ignoring the looks the other competitors are currently giving him since he’ll be moving on to some of them later. At this point already used to dealing with newly initiated individuals into the System. “It was a battle-royale event, but instead of focusing on fighting anyone, you stayed high in the air for a large majority of the match. I was wondering if you did this to size up your opponents before your attack, or if you were letting them decrease the number of targets you had. I personally believe it was the former, but I know plenty of people are assuming the latter. So what say you?”

Zephyr once again answers without any hesitation as he nods his head, “It was the former, of course. It’s always best to get a good read on your opponents before you strike. Especially in a-”

The man’s words are cut off when the sound of a bell rings throughout both the Spectating Room and the maze. Meanwhile a flash of crimson light shines from one corner of the chamber they’re in.

But what surprises Vorthan the most isn’t the appearance of the last competitor of the System Event cutting off Zephyr mid-sentence.

No. What surprises him the most is when the entire maze begins to take on a crimson and black color theme.

And it’s not just the maze, but the entire System Event Realm. Including the Spectating Room.

Whispers immediately begin to fill the crowd as everyone looks at the new competitor within the System Event. And those whispers quickly turn into shouts, screams, and cheers of all kinds.

Vorthan stands stunned along with the majority of the other competitors as they all stare at the new competitor.

The very first Successor to ever join one of Vorthan’s hosted Events.

Meanwhile the girl in question stands silently looking around at the people staring at her. She has long black hair with purple and crimson highlights, with eyes that look more like calm pools of magma and blood than eyes. Her wings stretch out from behind her for a second before returning to her in a more relaxed position, and she is wearing the very same jacket, shirt, and pants that she was wearing during her time in the tutorial.

It doesn’t take long for Vorthan to recover as his mind immediately begins to run as fast as possible.

The Successor of Chaos’s very first System Event will be hosted by me?! I can’t mess this up! I can NOT mess this up!!!

Vorthan tries as hard as possible to retain his calm and relaxed persona as he takes in a deep breath. Then he completely ignores the guy he was just interviewing to head straight towards the newest and current most talked about Successor.

The only Successor to the Primordial of Chaos.

And the moment he gets within five meters of her, he feels his heart falling to his stomach as he sees a message appearing above her head.

No interviews

And just like that, Vorthan feels himself freezing up again, unsure of what to do now.

Because the very first time he gets a Successor in a System Event he’s hosting, that very Successor turns off their interviews.

Part of him wants to cry. But another part realizes that if he does, then he can kiss his career goodbye.

So he keeps himself calm and collected as he tries to salvage the situation.

However he can.


I think I may have fallen in love.

With the No Interviews feature.

It’s such a lovely feature.

One that I don’t think I could live without.

Whoever designed it must be a saint.

The feature makes it so that I can’t hear the crowd that is probably shouting above me through that screen I see on the roof, nor can I hear the MC talking. It’s almost like I’m alone here.

Just with a bunch of people watching me.

And nine other people staring at me in shock within this room. Each of whom I’m assuming are the other competitors for this System Event.

It took me quite a while to decide on which Event to participate in. And at the end of the day, figuratively, of course, I chose this one. Simply because it’ll only take half an hour, has some pretty decent rewards for winning, and it only has ten participants.

But most importantly, the highest level a user in this one can be is level 20.

As for what I see looking around? The highest level user seems to be level 17. Which is even better.

They’re only four levels above me. And they don’t have the boosts to strength that a mini boss or boss would have.

Plus this isn’t a System Event focused around killing other competitors. Although, according to Chaos, there’s a good chance people will target me in this System Event. Simply because I’m a Successor. And users get a reward for killing a Successor.

The only real downside about being one, other than the attention it brings.

But they only get a reward for it if it’s done during a System Event. And only the events in the System Event Hub, not the Domains outside of it.

That reward being that they’re allowed into the Successor Events.

Anyways, the MC of this System Event talks for a little while about stuff I have no idea what is, strictly because I have No Interviews on. And as he’s doing that, I can’t help but take in the many different species here.

Based on identify, I find there to be quite a few interesting species. Some with species names I don’t recognize at all.

Like the guy the MC was previously interviewing when I came in. Or the MC himself, who seems to be some sort of vampire-like creature with bat wings and some strange species name.

Although there are two other humans in this little chamber too. Not to mention two elves, a dwarf, and a dragonborn. Species names I recognize for some reason.

Maybe videogames or something?

No idea.

Anyways, the MC starts floating back up into the screen before reemerging on the other side, where the spectators are screaming their heads off judging by the looks of them. Then I begin to hear again despite my No Interviews thing on. Likely meaning the interviews section is over.

So now it’s time for the Event to begin.

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