Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 47

The Planetary Council Chamber

Fredrick von Delfort has always been an ambitious man. One who has tried to climb the totem pole of authority with every last drop of his blood, sweat, and tears, but has never been able to make it as far as he wished he could.

Because the people born with world-breaking abilities will always be before him, who was born with nothing but a Class A ability.

But after the System arrived, he realized that everything he thought he knew was wrong.

He had a chance to pass those natural born wonders.

Yet, despite trying as hard as he could in the tutorial and afterwards, even getting the System Star for having the most contribution in his tutorial, he still couldn’t surpass those who were chosen by the Primordials. Not when he met the Successor of Magic, who proceeded to steal the Spire he was about to claim right out from under his nose with little to no effort.

After that, Fredrick stopped caring about the top-class ability users and enforcers. He started focusing all of his hatred on the Successors.

Because he was greater than those top-class ability users now. His new skills in his vast Skill Tree were far greater than his original skill. His original ability.

But yet again, he couldn’t compete with those given silver spoons by whatever crazy bastard is in charge of the universe.

So when he saw the arrangement for the Planetary Council, he saw red along with it. And it wasn’t the glow of the lightning.

Fredrick has never regretted any of his choices in his life. Not once.

Until this day, as he is cut off while trying to turn the people in the chamber against the Successor of Magic by the sound of something warping. Of something bending.

And when he turns to look at the source of the noise after noticing the Successor to Magic’s eyes widening in shock, he surprisingly finds the Successor to Chaos calmly stepping out of her booth.

But before he can say anything to her, he notices the look in her eyes.

Up until now, Fredrick has watched at least three of her livestreams. And in every one of them, the girl has looked bored. Empty. And almost like she wasn’t even living inside.

It’s part of why Fredrick was so aggressive in his insults towards her, since he didn’t believe she would care.

Yet, now, as he looks into her eyes, he sees a different type of emptiness.

A look of someone with a goal, mixed with absolute apathy and indifference towards him.

As she steps closer towards him without saying a word.

Fredrick finally snaps out of his stupor and shouts for everyone to hear, “Ohh? It looks like the little brat has finally come out of her shell!”

Because at this point, the only thing he can do is keep moving forward.

If he pulls back, he’ll die.

If he makes a wrong move, he’ll die.

He isn’t particularly worried about Chaos’s Successor, since she hasn’t shown anything impressive in the livestreams he’s watched. Nothing but basic skills.

But if he were to actually harm Chaos’s Successor in a council overseen by Chaos…

“You sure you don’t want to just go back inside of your-” Fredrick begins, only to cut off when the girl flaps her wings towards him and sends over a dozen feathers straight at him like blades. And without giving him any time to react to the surprise attack, or the skill she’d never shown herself as having, all of the feathers pierce into different parts of his body.

Causing each of those parts to begin mutating as Fredrick screams out in pain, falling to the ground. With everyone else in the chamber going dead silent while watching.

Fredrick curls up on the ground, feeling his mind having fallen to chaos because of the unexpected circumstance he now finds himself in.

How the hell did she do that?! And why the fuck is the spoiled brat acting differently now than before?! She shouldn’t be acting this way!!!

Fredrick hears a single set of footsteps slowly make their way towards him as he continues feeling the pain of the mutations spreading across his body. Pain mixed with something else as he feels other problems appearing.

Likely those strange afflictions the girl often gives people from her attacks.

And as he’s curled up in agony on the ground, trying to use what little willpower he can muster to use his skill and summon forth a powerful tempest of wind mixed with ice, the footsteps come to a halt.

Then he feels something tugging on his hair and lifting him up from the ground. Albeit not enough for his feet to leave the ground.

It takes him but a second to realize the girl is holding him up to her face by the hair, her own shorter height leaving his legs dragging across the ground as she stares into his own gaze. Only for her to flap her wings again and fly up into the air, having already gotten new feathers in the place of the old ones.

And with him still wracked with pain as he feels tears falling down his face, he hears the girl’s emotionless voice echo across the chamber.

Sending a chill down his spine.

“I am Ashley Sinclair, the Successor to Chaos. And I will not tolerate idiots.”

Then he feels the girl moving him as if she’s about to throw him, making his eyes widen while he rushes to use his ability to stop her. Only to find his mana unresponsive for some reason.

Is this because of those afflictions of hers?!

He doesn’t get a chance to find out as she throws him straight off the edge of the first layer and into the crimson liquid below.

Leaving him in eternal darkness.


After tossing the guy and taking his Skill Tree, I return to my booth, covering it up again with the privacy barrier. Then I collapse on my throne as I suck in a deep breath and feel my emotions returning to me.

What. The fuck. Was that?

I lean forwards while rubbing my forehead, trying to figure out what just happened.

“Well, you killed the idiot in-” Chaos begins, only for me to glance upwards with my eyes squinting ever so slightly. “Right, so it looks like you had a rather bad reaction to some of your memories being dislodged.”

Memories… what memories though?

“Aaaanndd I guess you already pushed them away again…” Chaos mutters as I glance at everyone outside of my booth, just to find them all staring at my booth in shock.

Which is understandable.

From what I can understand, when whatever just happened occurred, I lost all of my fear and anxiety of others. Although it’s back a little bit now. Not to the degree it was before, but a little.

I at least realize now – especially with that show – that I’m not weak.


I blink.

Why was I thinking I was weak?

“Well, from the looks of it, you had trouble because you were weak and were hiding it,” Chaos explains, confusing me more. “And now that you’re no longer weak…”

Right… that makes sense, and for some reason feels right.

How did you know that, though?

“It’s what you were thinking while you were out of it,” Chaos says, answering my question.


“It was rather interesting to see you getting angry for a first,” Chaos continues without missing a beat. “And I mean truly angry. Such a spectacle to behold!”

I blink at that.

Wait, angry?

Why would I ever get angry?

Chaos takes a second to respond, and when he does, he sounds a little confused, “Well… it sounded like you got angry at the man for calling you and your twin spoiled.”

I was angry… for my and Blake’s sake?

That… not really sure what to say to that.

I turn my gaze towards my twin brother with a frown, ignoring our parents and the other two siblings that are all floating in the sky.

A twin, huh?


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