Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 50


Before anyone can say anything, a notification appears in my, and no doubt everyone else’s, interfaces.

A vote will now be held on the subject of the Planetary System Event that Val shall participate in for the third month after the initial establishment of the council.

The following are the current Planetary System Events available for a Class E world

Please select one of the Events from the list.

Team Deathmatch – A Team Deathmatch System Event involving a team formed by 6 denizens of Val chosen by the Planetary Council. This System Event will pit the 6 chosen denizens of Val against a team of 6 from another planet initialized within the same timeframe as Val on a randomly selected map.

King of the Hill – A Solo King of the Hill System Event involving a single denizen of Val chosen by the Planetary Council. This System Event will pit the chosen denizen against chosen denizens of twenty-three other planets in a King of the Hill game where the participants must fight for a golden crown.

Puzzle House Race – A Solo Puzzle House Race involving a single denizen of Val chosen by the Planetary Council. This System Event will pit the chosen denizen against chosen denizens of eleven other planets in a race through a puzzle house where they must solve a puzzle in every room to move on.

Team Challenge Tournament – A Team Challenge Tournament involving a team of 5 denizens of Val chosen by the Planetary Council. This System Event will pit the team of 5 denizens in a tournament against other teams of 5 denizens from other worlds in back-to-back one-on-one duels with each team alternating in who challenges who, and letting each member of the teams fight as many times as they please.

After reading through them, a couple things come to mind.

For one, I have no interest in the first team competition. The other one? Yeah, sure. Because it’s not working with others. But the first one? Nope.

For two, I have no interest in that puzzle house race one either. Because I don’t care much for puzzles.

So if I had to pick, either King of the Hill or Challenge Tournament.

Although I’m not the only one deciding. Nor am I the only one picking who participates.

With that in mind, I just lean my cheek against the palm of my hand as I rest my elbow on the armrest. Simply waiting for the debate to begin.

But before that happens, Chaos continues speaking, not vanishing right away this time, “Now, for those of you who aren’t aware, every planet must participate in a Planetary System Event at least once every two months. However, there is a new set of Planetary System Events once every month, letting you all compete in at least two every two months if you wish to. And for the first two months after the planet’s establishment of your Planetary Council, you will not be required to participate in a Planetary System Event.”

The Primordial begins to walk around a little bit as he speaks, “These Planetary System Events give more benefits both to the competitors within them and the worlds they’re competing for than the regular Official System Events do. And which events you will be participating in must be decided at least two months prior to the month the event takes place in. So do keep that in mind when you’re deciding on which ones to participate in and how often.”

He glances at the Black and White Enforcers, along with my siblings and the Successor to Order for a moment before adding, “Oh, and there are no restrictions on how many times you can reuse the same teams for these competitions. So go ahead and reuse the same team every time if you wish. You may also decide on the team for the events up to one week before the event starts. Any later than that and the participants will be chosen at random from amongst the council.”

And to finish off his little lecture, he focuses on the three Successors in the room – myself included – and says, “Last off, there is a Successor Planetary System Events section, but those may be difficult for your world to handle as of now, so I’d advise avoiding them for the time being.”

Then he vanishes, leaving behind his echoing words once more.

“Please choose wisely!!!”

This time the silence following his departure doesn’t last long before it’s broken.

“Let’s begin with a simple vote on which type of event we wish to participate in, solo or team, then we can choose the event from there,” Blake says while returning to his booth. With everyone else doing the same thing instead of just flying or floating in the air if they can.

“I vote for a team event, since we have on average a higher number of powerful individuals on Val than many of the other worlds have,” some random dude whose name I don’t remember says. “We even have three Successors with us.”

That causes me to narrow my eyes at the random dude ever so slightly.

I hate to admit it, but that random bald dude is probably not wrong.

We would have an easier time of things if we had a team that was half made up of Successors.

Although as of right now I’m pretty sure the other two Successors are stronger than I am.

“That won’t last long,” Chaos says, his voice echoing in my head and making me nod in agreement.

Another random lady that I can’t remember the name of chips in, “I agree.”

Then a wave of agreements follow from most of the others as well. Including the other two Successors and my family. Pretty much making this choice largely unanimous.

“With that decided, I personally believe the Team Challenge Tournament will work best for our first Planetary System Event,” Blake declares without any hesitation. “The vast majority of us don’t know each other well enough to work as a team, and even more of us likely have reasons to distrust each other. Therefore a team event where we won’t be working together directly would be the best option.”

“Agreed,” the Black Enforcer states, his voice echoing out across the chamber and silencing the few people I saw beginning to object to Blake. Clearly showing the influence that the Black Enforcer has.

“I will go along with it if it’s the majority,” the Successor of Order declares before frowning, “however I believe we should work to build a team that can compete for future events.”

“Works for me,” Blake says with a nod. Then more agreements fill the chamber after that.

Leading to the next discussion.

“As for the exact team in question, I vote we leave that decision until a later time,” the Successor of Order states while glancing at my booth and Blake. “When we have a clearer idea of everyone’s strengths and level during the time of the competition.”

Another round of agreements fill the chamber.

I yawn again, feeling perfectly happy with this decision myself.

Not to mention the fact that everyone seems a lot more civil now than they were before.

Definitely a plus.

I do kind of regret using Feather Shot publicly here though. That might come to backfire in the future.

Well, whatever.

Never expected to be able to hide Assimilate forever, so it doesn’t really matter.

Plus it’s just one skill they saw.

And not even everyone here has seen my first Official System Event.

Anyways, I go ahead and put in my vote, with everyone else doing the same. Then another notification appears on my interface.

A majority has been reached, choosing Team Challenge Tournament as the first Planetary System Event of the world known as Val.

This Event will take place in exactly 2 months and 25 days.

“And that’s my cue,” Chaos says in my head for some reason before reappearing once more at the center of the chamber.

“Congratulations on choosing your first Planetary System Event! I hope you don’t regret it in the future!” Chaos says with a wide smile on his face. “Now let us move onto the last topic of this Planetary Council meeting!!!”

I lean back on my throne again while crossing my arms under my chest while watching Chaos’s antics.

Kind of wishing he would hurry up, if I’m being honest with myself.

Because this meeting really isn’t comfortable for me, and I’d rather go hunt and level up more.

The man, who was just opening his mouth as if he was about to go off and talk a lot again, freezes for a second with a glance in my direction. Then he flies into the air and says rather abruptly, “Well, since my daughter wants to hurry this up, I’ll go ahead and skip the dramatics. Please start the vote on choosing your Planetary Leader. Everyone must vote, and if no one has a majority of seventy percent or more of the votes in today’s vote – which I’m not expecting anyone to have that majority – there will be another vote in the next month’s meeting. Now get to it.”

And he vanishes again without a word.

To them, at least.

To me he asks, “So was that better?”

I can’t help but blink in surprise, having very much not expected him to do that.

Uh… yeah, it was.

Thank you?

“Of course!” he replies, sounding a little too happy.

I scratch the back of my head with a frown.


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