Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 57

Somewhere in the Void

Minutes before Ashley falls in to the Unique Domain

Chaos continues searching desperately for the item, knowing very well that the arrival of the UM is getting closer and closer. Too close for his liking.

Then, out of nowhere, he feels a pull from Aether, bringing his attention to the usual meeting place of the Primordials. Where he sees the other Primordials gathered.

So makes a clone and sends it over to join them while focusing his main consciousness on the void in order to continue his search.

But before the meeting can even begin, he feels the presence of the item. Instantly raising his hopes.

Just for them to crash back down as he arrives to see the Gate to the Unique Domain rushing straight through a fracture in reality.

At Ashley.

He rushes right after it to pull it back, but the Gate manages to make it through the fracture and envelop Ashley before he can stop it. A thread of karma clearly having been visible tying them together.

“ASHLEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!” Chaos roars, his voice echoing throughout Earth, the void, and the meeting with the other Primordials.

Chaos sees red in his gaze as he almost loses control of himself and destroys the void around him, along with the planet it’s connected to. Until Nyx tosses him out of the void, into the meeting with the others. Each of whom all help to suppress the Primordial of Chaos.

“Calm down, Chaos,” Justicar states, a grimace on his face.

“Chaos, if you don’t calm down, I will have to-” Aether begins, only for Chaos to let out a loud cawing sound as his form morphs into a large raven. One that grows larger and larger and larger. All the way until he is large enough to perch on top of a planet.

And throughout the change, he doesn’t stop cawing, his voice echoing throughout the entire galaxy they’re currently in.

Then he turns his glowing crimson eyes straight towards the world holding the Unique Domain.

“Stop, Chaos,” Chronos declares, appearing amidst the others. “If you have any desire to see your daughter again, you must stop before it’s too late.”

Chronos’s words halt Chaos immediately as he freezes time. But crimson cracks begin to appear on the Primordial before he breaks free of Chronos’s time lock after a few minutes.

And without hesitation, he begins to streak across space back towards Val again.

Only to be stopped this time by Etheria, who enlarges herself as well and casts millions of spells at once to hold him back. Both offensive and defensive spells, along with enormous chains that grapple onto Chaos’s wings to hold him down.

She holds him in place for several minutes straight before she freezes in place, a look of horror appearing on her face as she turns to face Val herself and mutters, “No…”

Then she repeatedly shakes her head, murmuring, “No, no, no, nonononono…”

“Shit, not her too,” Erebos mutters while the symbol of Wrath flashes in his eyes, “the softies are getting way too fucking worked up over this shit.”

“You’re too coldhearted,” Lux scolds him while raising her hands and making a gentle golden glow shine out to calm the two down. Meanwhile Gaia does the same thing with a gentle green light.

Both of them having spent several minutes preparing the strongest calming spells they could.

But right before the spells hit the two, Etheria’s face grows cold, and a wave of spells washes out from her in a flood. The Primordial of Magic clearly having lost control as well.

Then the calming spells hit them, and everything freezes all at once.

After several seconds, Chaos slowly begins to shrink back down until he returns to his humanoid form with an expressionless and nearly dead look in his eyes. Meanwhile Etheria just stares at Val, wondering why she had to pick a Successor like that.

But deep down she also realizes that it was part of why she picked him.

A tiny, almost nonexistent part, since she mostly just wanted to train a talented mage, but still a part.

The part of her Successor that genuinely loves his twin sister with all of his self.

Enough to jump into a Unique Domain after her without hesitation.

Leaving the Gate to eventually seal itself off behind him, with their parents only arriving not long after it had already sealed itself away. Both of them also growing enraged, just like Etheria and Chaos. Meanwhile the Successor of Magic and Chaos’s other two siblings arrive a couple minutes later, also finding themselves late.

Then immediately shouting at the parents, venting their anguish on them simply for being there to vent on.

Eventually Justicar just turns to look at Chronos and Aether before muttering, “Well, this has gone as badly as it could possibly go.”

Both Primordials just nod their heads in agreement.


Minutes before Ashley falls in to the Unique Domain

Blake feels elated at his recent encounter with Ashley. Because she is finally starting to let him in, even if it’s only a little!

And that’s enough for him for now.

He’s been constantly fretting over whether or not he would ever be able to be her younger brother again. After what happened to her with the accident in the past. After he wasn’t able to save her.

And after she woke up without a single memory of him.

When he saw the look in her eyes when she saw him the first time, he felt heartbroken, even if he realized that she at least subconsciously recognized him a little.

So now he feels happy enough to walk on air.

Which is a metaphor that doesn’t work all that well when he can literally walk on air with his magic.

He skips along in the forest, feeling reluctant to go home even if he can’t really go see her now that she’s already left him behind. But he’s just so happy and misses her that he finds it hard to return.

All of his thoughts come to a grinding halt, however, when a loud shattering sound echoes throughout the area. One followed soon after by the sound of a Gate appearing.

A very loud and strange Gate.

With a shattering sound akin to glass that shouldn’t be there.

Blake gets a bad feeling based off of his instinct alone. An instinct that’s never failed him thus far.

So he flies into the air and rushes over towards where the sound came from. Which also happens to be the direction Ashley went.

And on his way, he makes sure to check the System Forums for any news. Because he sees a notification on the corner of his screen telling him that Ashley entered a System Event around the exact same time the strangely loud Gate appeared.

But what he finds on the System Forums sends a chill down his spine as tears begin to form in his eyes.

Not again.

He flies faster in the direction of the Gate.

Not. Again.

Blue flames begin to shoot out from behind him, acting as a propulsion to move him faster.

“Not again, not again, not again…” he murmurs over and over again as he goes faster and faster, proving to anyone on the ground seeing him fly by why he is considered the greatest mage on the planet.

And when he arrives at the Unique Domain’s Gate, he stops for a single second to read the message that appears upon identifying it.

♢ Class E Gate: The First and Last Hell of the King of Destruction – Recommended level: ? – Users Inside: 1 ♢

“I will not lose her again!” Blake shouts out loud before rushing straight inside of the Gate without a hint of hesitation.

Only to find himself appearing in a ruins, surrounded by a bunch of strange stones, without a single monster in sight outside of the ones on the fortresses. And after a looking around, he spots several other ruins like the one he’s on, along with caves, and the fortresses. Finishing with the large volcano.

But he doesn’t find Ashley.

Are there different starting points?

He glances at the stones around him before looking at the other ruins with the exact same formation of stones.

There are probably different starting locations within this Domain, and we’re at different ones.

He clenches his fist as anxiety fills him. Both for himself and for his twin.

Because the monsters he does see on the fortresses are far too powerful.

What’s important now though is to find his sister and work with her to survive.

That’s all that’s important.

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