Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 60

The Class S System Hub

One person appears after another within the Class S System Hub as more and more people learn about the current events on Val. The events revolving around the Successor of Chaos.

And her skill that has now finally been discovered publicly.

But the King of the Sil Gray Kingdom simply stands at the very back of the hub with his arms crossed as some of the other top Class S rulers quietly discuss amongst themselves about the Successor.

“Who would’ve thought that rumor was true?” “This will be a problem.” “How close do you think Chaos is to her? Do you think he would care if she were killed?” “She’s a threat.”

But King Arnos Sil Gray just flips through the System Forums as he looks at the reactions of the public. Just glancing at one particular System Forums thread.

[LukeSk459] – {This is crazy. It’s fucking crazy. How could someone with a skill like that even exist?!}

[Art12Lex4] – {At least it explains why Chaos chose her as his Successor.}

[UrlStar7] – {True.}

[DawnPawn8] – {Yeah}

[LukeSk459] – {But I wonder how the people whose skills were taken by her feel if they saw?}

[Ninja_Stick8] – {Do they keep their skills after?}

[LukeSk459] – {Obviously. Unless they died for real, of course. Otherwise the Sil Gray Kingdom would’ve already declared war on the Successor of Chaos by now.}

[Ninja_Stick8] – {Right, forgot one of the people she took the skill from was a prince.}

[UrlStar7] – {How likely do you think it is she’ll be hunted down by Class S hunters?}

[LukeSk459] – {Unlikely. Not with Chaos and the Tower of Chaos supporting her.}

[DawnPawn8] – {True.}

[Art12Lex4] – {No, it’s more unlikely for her to even get out of that Unique Domain alive to be hunted down in the first place}

[Ninja_Stick8] – {Well some people will hunt her down regardless of Chaos, and others may just convince themselves Chaos won’t retaliate.}

The king raises his head when some of the Class S hunters approach him, with one of them asking, “How do you feel, King Arnos? It was your son whose root skill was taken.”

He looks around at the Class S hunters all around the hub who have now gone silent, just waiting for his response. Some of whom include the rulers of the most powerful non-Primordial related nations and organizations in the entire universe, and others the de-facto leaders of the organizations under the Primordials.

Eventually he focuses on the person who asked him the question as he answers, “Should she survive her ordeal, I will be allying with the Successor of Chaos and sending my son to Val to work with her.”

Silence fills the hub.

“But aren’t you angry that she took one of your family’s special skills?” the Class S ruler of the world known as Alvaria asks, the man narrowing his glowing purple eyes at Arnos.

Arnos just shakes his head and states, “If she could claim the skill by slaying my son, then she may keep it.”

It would be a different matter if the duel killed him for good.

Emperor Vlad Crow Alvaria looks a little surprised for a moment before nodding his head and stating, “In that case, would you care to put me into contact with the Lady herself?”

Arnos doesn’t show any surprise as he nods his head in agreement.

Meanwhile everyone nearby shows surprise at their interaction. None of them having expected Arnos’s reaction to the current events.

But not everyone in the hub agrees with their sentiment. Soon leading to a third of the Class S hunters in the room mutually deciding to avoid anything related to the Successor of Chaos, along with a sixth of the Class S hunters agreeing to target her in the Official System Events.

And when Arnos hears the few people in the room who decide to target the Successor of Chaos directly after the protection period on Val is gone make their declarations, he just silently shakes his head. Already knowing full well how the Primordial of Chaos will react to that.

Because his own world has a Successor of Magic on it as well, and that Successor has clearly informed him of just how much Chaos cares for his new daughter.

A fact that many of the other Class S hunters here currently believe to be impossible simply because of the man’s psychopathic actions ever since the dawn of the universe. The Primordial acting for no reason other than his own amusement.

He opens a personal chat window on his interface using a special feature given to him when he reached Class B on the System Classifications to send a message to all of the important individuals of the Sil Gray Kingdom.

[King Arnos Sil Gray] – {Prepare for the destruction of several key powers within the universe. I will send the exact powers soon.}

Then he closes out of the chat window again without reading their responses.

This is going to turn into a mess.


After Chaos’s little revelation about my twin being here, I feel more than a little stunned. To the degree that I just kinda blankly stare forwards.

Until the monsters begin coming back out of their hiding places. At which point I come to a decision.

I am going to make this little cavern my home until I feel confident enough leaving this place. Even if it takes the entire month before the Gate breaks to do that.

“Unique Domains last for two months before breaking,” Chaos corrects me.

Even if it takes the entire two months before the Gate breaks to do that.

Not that I can see it taking that long.

“Chances are the Unique Monster will leave its volcano long before that,” Chaos says, making me tense up a little. “Unlike most other monsters, Unique Monsters actually have sapience to a degree. Even if it is very limited and sealed away by the System.”

That’s… sad.

And I’m not particularly happy about the idea of the King of Destruction leaving his volcano.

But that’s a problem for later. For now I go ahead and quickly get to work building up walls around the cavern, blocking off the entrance from anything else. With the exception of a single hole I leave closer to the top of the cavern entrance for me to fly out of and into.

From what I saw, the only monsters here who use these small, wide open caverns that have nothing more than a single rounded inner wall along with a ceiling for cover are the lizardmen.

The kobolds stay in their fortresses.

The ants in their nests

Spiders their hives.

The drakes go wherever they go. Not sure, actually. But it’s not these alcoves, that’s for sure.

And the dracoraptors hide in some other caves that I didn’t get a good look at.

Although the process of making this little bunker for myself ends up taking almost the rest of my mana. Leaving me completely drained.

But it was worth it as I don’t sense any monsters outside trying to get in with my Enhanced Perception skill. And the ones that get close all turn away after sniffing at the metal plates making up the wall.

Fortunately it wasn’t exactly difficult to figure out how to make the walls in the first place.

I collapse onto the ground in a sweaty heap, just staring up at the ceiling as I breathe in and out. Wondering what the hell I’m going to do from here on out.

At the very least, food and water won’t be an issue.

Water I can just get with my magic. Simple as that.

As for food, it doesn’t really matter what I eat. With Incorrigible Appetite that I got from the zombies out of one of the Gates on Val I can eat anything and be fine.

I could even eat rotten meat if I wanted to and not have any issues.

Other than gagging to death.

Because it probably doesn’t taste very good.

On that note, you able to send any food, Chaos?

“Unfortunately not,” he answers, crashing any hopes I had of not eating poorly cooked monster meat down the drain. “I’m only able to send System recognized items through the Successor Menu. And that doesn’t include food.”


Guess it’s cooked lizards, spiders, and ants for me then.

But for now, it’s time for a nap.

I don’t think I can keep my eyes open for much longer, and Enhanced Perception should make me instantly aware of any monsters trying to sneak in.

So I let my eyes droop closed before I fall asleep.

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