Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 63

A World known as Tra’la’Van

The Class S general of the standing military of Tra’la’Van stands at a salute as he addresses his king and ruler, “I believe we should go on the assault the moment the Successor of Chaos leaves the Unique Domain, Your Majesty!”

Whispers run through the room. And for good reason, the general understands.

Because at the center of the room shows the livestream of Ashley currently struggling to run for her life from a wave of drakes, lizardmen, kobolds, and even drachne. All of which are chasing after her with the intent to kill, each sending out their own attacks at the Successor and threat. Whether that be through destruction affinity silk, deep crimson fireballs of destruction mana, arrows from the kobolds, and, well, nothing from the lizardmen. Since the lizardmen don’t have a ranged attack.

The girl continuously dodges their attacks only barely each time, with her occasionally getting hit and having to quickly heal it through her health and whatever possible regeneration skill she may have. Since she heals too fast for it to be nothing but her health.

But it’s clear that she is struggling massively with merely surviving against the weaker monsters in the Unique Domain. So the general can understand the nobles’ and his king’s skepticism.

“Explain,” his king, King Van de LiLanio, declares, the man sitting on his throne with his cheek resting against his fist as his short black and purple hair shines in the light of the red sun over their planet.

“Of course, Your Majesty,” General Travaleji states with a bow of his head before standing up straighter. “My skill known as Divine Instincts is warning me that the Successor of Chaos may be the most dangerous threat in the entire universe. And I believe it best to stamp out the threat before she grows any more should she survive the Unique Domain.”

He then goes on to explain more of his thoughts, eventually leading up to showing recordings with traces of the girl’s growth since she woke up from her coma. He also goes into the details of how Chaos has always acted, personally believing that the Primordial would never care about a single Successor.

Not the known psychopath everyone in the universe has come to know who only cares about his amusement.

So he truly believes that so long as they put on an amusing show for the Primordial, Chaos will not bother them.

And after nearly half an hour, the king declares, “Very well. You may give the order to the forces we have on Val. If they should see this girl, they are to force her off of Val and into our arms to be dealt with as swiftly as possible.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty,” General Traveleji responds with a light bow of his head. “I’m certain we won’t be the only ones acting, but so long as she is-”

He is cut off when the light of their sun vanishes from the sky, and everyone begins looking around in confusion.

“You may not be the only ones, but you are the first, and you’ll set a fine example,” a familiar voice echoes across the entire planet, confusing all of the people living on it while frightening the people inside of the castle.

Chaos??! What’s he-

“This whole misconception of me not caring is getting oooolllldddd,” Chaos drawls out as the people in the castle quickly move towards the balcony to look at the skies. Only to find a terrifying sight greeting them.

The sight of an enormous raven blocking out their entire sun, its size possibly greater than that of their planet itself.

“Now, I very much understand why everyone believes this is true,” Chaos’s voice continues to echo across the world, with all of the people of the world coming out to watch. If they hadn’t already fainted out of fear and shock. “I genuinely didn’t care about anything before.”

The massive raven’s eyes narrow.

“But things are different now.”

Eerie black, crimson, and purple mist begins to spread across the world.

“For those of you who aren’t aware, most of the monsters in existence are born from chaos energy, even if most of them don’t keep any sort of affinity with chaos energy afterwards,” Chaos continues as the mist slowly makes its way down towards the surface of the planet. “One of the many reasons why we have System Events and Gates in the first place is to keep these monsters from rampaging across the universe. Because no one, not even me as the Primordial of Chaos, can stop the generation of this chaos energy.”

When the mist reaches the ground, the general begins to feel chills running down his spine, his instinct immediately warning him to get as far away from their planet as possible. But when he tries to open a portal, nothing happens. No portal opens.

And he’s not the only one as everyone else in the king’s throne room who tries to open a portal finds the exact same result.

Then the mist begins to split up, with patches of slowly forming orbs emerging all over the planet, including inside of the throne room.

“Not many people realize this, but anyone with Perfect Chaos Mana Manipulation can, in effect,” Chaos pauses as the orbs all across the world pop and tens of thousands of different types of monsters burst out of them, immediately going to assault anyone nearby, “create their own monsters.”

Chaos immediately fills the world in the literal and figurative sense. But the Primordial of Chaos doesn’t stop there.

“As punishment for even considering scheming against my beautiful and lovely daughter,” Chaos continues in a pleased tone of voice that, despite that tone, sends shivers down the spines of everyone listening as they either run from or fight the monsters, “let me have a little snack.”

Then Chaos vanishes.

Along with their sun.

Leaving them on a planet filled with billions of monsters with no way to teleport off of its surface.


I pant in exhaustion, covered in sweat as I lie down face first in my cavern. Having only barely made it back alive.

The fucking monsters kept chasing me around for hours nonstop, and even when some of them would branch off to attack each other, more of them would join in the chase. At which point I’d already long since run out of mana.

And I was not going to go in up close to use my blades.

Honestly, at this point I might just use that damned bow. Because I really need a non-magic based method of attack.

Feather Shot barely costs any mana to use, but every single arrow of destruction mana costs a good third or so of a unit of mana. And I only have so many units of mana.

With the bursts being even worse at costing three entire units of mana to do.

At this rate my best bet may just be going through my Skill Trees in an attempt to find a skill that increases my mana regeneration speed. Because if I can’t get a handle on this, I won’t last a week.

The only upsides I can see about this whole situation are the numerous level-ups I’m getting, the new and powerful Skill Trees I’m assimilating, and the significant number of Skill Points this place is giving me.

Three Skill Points per kill.

Probably because every last monster is an elite monster.

And at this rate I’ve already killed at least a few dozen monsters, netting me over a hundred Skill Points from my day and a half in this place.

But I can only use all of this if I survive.

Which will prove difficult considering how I can’t even get up right now.

I continue panting on the ground, strongly happy about the fact that my clothes are one hundred percent waterproof and can’t absorb liquid at all. Making it so that the sweat doesn’t soak into them.

Otherwise this would be even more unpleasant.

And while I was at first worried about how to wash myself off without flashing the livestream, I realized that since my clothes don’t soak the water up, I can just wash myself without even taking my clothes off.

Saves my modesty from the bunch of stalkers watching me struggle for my life.

Eventually my eyes begin to droop closed again as my exhaustion forces me to sleep. Which should be safer this time around since I sealed off the entrance other than some small cracks for air.

So no drake wakeup calls this time.

My eyes continue to droop until they shut entirely, and I fall asleep.

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