Ascension of Chaos: A Skill Tree Assimilation LitRPG Apocalypse

B1 | Chapter 80


The Successors all use very powerful skills right off the bat. One of them in the back wearing a priest’s robe uses some golden-green light that coats the others and makes them all begin glowing, no doubt using a buff on them. Another summons dozens of pitch black and rather creepy orbs in the sky that then begin flying towards the Tower Core. A third coats their entire body in powerful yet black flames that melt the ground he’s walking on.

And just like the first three, the other three each charge forwards with their own powerful skills in use. Skills that Chaos confirms are all Successor skills.

But none of them even lay a scratch on the Tower Core as it suddenly flares a purple light from itself while the cubes making up its body warp around, changing the creature’s shape. Following which all of the attacks are wiped out in an instant. Meanwhile the closest two Successors are sent flying into the railing of the tower’s peak, almost leaving them falling off the tower entirely.

The Successors all manage to recover rather quickly though, despite the blow shattering their formation. And they send another wave of attacks at the Tower Core.

Only for the Tower Core to repeat the exact same thing it just did to them. Except this time it sends two of them flying off of the tower entirely.

One of the other Successors manages to catch them by teleporting them back to the tower’s peak, fortunately for them, but by now they’re all looking incredibly apprehensive about the fight.

I continue watching them go through trial and error against the Tower Core, trying one thing and then another. Trying well-laid out plans, simple brute force methods, and even simply trying to load it with a bunch of debuffs.

But the only thing that has even the slightest ounce of effectiveness against the creature is the debuffs. The Successor in the robes spamming one debuff after another at the creature until it’s too slow to retaliate against their attacks.

Not that it helps them much when all their waves of attacks manage to do are leave some light scorch marks on the surface of the cubes.

I feel the slightest hint of a frown forming on my lips as I watch the Successors fail miserably.

The battle continues with each of them putting in their all. And I’m pretty sure a lot of their attacks would’ve killed me before I got High Destruction Resistance. Just from a single blow.

Well, actually, scratch that. All of their attacks would kill me. Seeing as they’re almost a hundred levels above me.

But I mean if they hit me when I reach their level.

Anyways, the only way they manage to deal some real damage beyond some surface wounds is when they find an orb located on the tower and blow the thing up. Making purple lightning strike all around the tower, including the Tower Core itself. Breaking off a chunk of one of its cubes.

It’s not just the Tower Core that is hurt by the broken orb though. Because the lightning strikes two of their own as well.

And one of them dies in an instant.

What I find interesting about the orb though is that the lightning looks kind of like some of the Tower Core’s own energy.

“Your guess is correct,” Chaos states, breaking me out of my stupor that I’d entered while watching the video. “Those orbs were scattered around multiple towers in the Unique Domain, and they were all charged with the Tower Core’s own spatial lightning. Just like the gunpowder in the Unique Domain you’re in.”



I continue watching as the Tower Core slowly kills off three more of the Successors before the last two flee with the Tower Core chasing after them. All the way till the Unique Domain’s Gate breaks and the Tower Core is freed to roam the universe.


“Watch more videos,” Chaos suggests. “It should help prepare you a little bit for what you can expect fighting the King of Destruction.”

Sounds good.

The next video I watch starts off with five Successors moving through an underground tunnel filled with cobwebs that are giving off a faint green mist that looks rather toxic before they enter a large cavern filled with puddles of green liquid. Then they begin facing off against a massive black and green spider named the ‘Matriarch of Spiders and Poisons’.

This one has a lower defense than the Tower Core, but it still only ends up losing one eye and two legs by the time it slaughters all five of the Successors. Killing them mostly through ranged poison attacks.

Then in the third video I see six Successors roaming around some sort of underground maze before ending up in a massive chamber with floating blocks everywhere and a massive body of water at the bottom of the chamber. And the UM quickly shows itself as a massive snake jumping out of the water and flying through the air using a path it’s made out of water and wind magic. With it identifying as the ‘Devourer of Worlds’.

Although I’m not sure at first why it’s named that. But it becomes rather apparent when the thing rapidly grows in size and an entire fucking mountain bursts out from the body of water, shattering the maze around them. With the snake then wrapping itself around the mountain before slowly turning to look at them. The thing so large at this point that it could swallow all six of them whole in a single gulp.

I also get the feeling it may be able to grow even larger. Which I confirm by reading some more of the thread. That the thing grows large enough to go around eating worlds after it gets out of its Unique Domain.

But this one kills the first Successor simply by turning them to stone in the first instant it sees them. The Successor most likely not having a True Damage blocking skill that could deal with a status type of True Damage.

Then it ends up eating the rest while only losing a few dozen scales around its neck.

The fourth UM I see ends up being a massive amalgamation of claws, tentacles, and flesh that Chaos informs me is some sort of void monster. And it makes the first Successor who sees it go insane in an instant.

The fifth UM is a massive mix between a squid and a crab in an even more massive ocean that crushes the Successors with water pressure.

And the sixth is actually a tiny little parasite. One that latches onto the first Successor and forces him to kill half of his team before they realize what’s going on.

“Try to watch one where the challengers win,” Chaos states after I finish watching the sixth video. “It should help you plan a bit better than watching the failures. Seeing what they did.”


I search for a successful Unique Monster hunt, and I find that only ten Unique Monsters have ever been defeated. And only three of those were in their original Unique Domains. With only two of those having videos.

The other video was cut out by mutual agreement by all of the Primordials apparently.

After briefly pondering over that, I focus on the first of the two videos that are in Unique Domains and have the Successors winning.

But before I even start it, I find in the description that half of the Successors still died in the process of winning.

Also, one of the ones who survived wasn’t even a Successor. Which is surprising.

I’m further surprised by the start of the video. Because they’re nowhere near a place that would look like the home of a UM.

Instead they’re all in different rooms spread across some sort of massive spaceship, each with their own livestreams shown in different parts of the video screen. And each one is facing some sort of orb of energy located at the center of their chambers between two lasers.

Some sort of high-tech engine or reactor core or something? I’ve seen some science fiction movies in the time since I returned to Val. While I was waiting for my energy and mana to regenerate.

Anyways, whatever it is, they all set up some sort of devices around both bases holding the lasers that they seem to link to devices on their wrists. Then they flee from the rooms they’re in and head towards a large room at the front of the spaceship.

The bridge.

Where they find a strange creature sitting atop the commander’s chair within the bridge. One that has a triangular head, multiple tentacles stretching out of his back, and is wearing some high tech armor that also looks like a uniform. And the UM just spins around in his chair and stares at them for a few seconds.

Until the alarms all begin to blare within the ship and the UM opens its mouth into three triangular segments and hisses.

♢ Level 175 Supreme Commander of the Stars ♢

Then laser guns begin to appear from the walls and ceiling of the ship directed right at the Successors. And the random dude.

But they don’t attack the UM. Instead they all run away, seemingly angering the UM as it gets up from its seat and begins to float after them. Only for the six to split up and head towards those reactors they were in before.

The Supreme Commander of the Stars only has one body though, so while he does fire off lasers through the ship at the others, he follows one of the Successors. All the way till he reaches the reactor.

At which point the Successor in question fades into shadows and flees the room while activating the devices, blowing up the lasers and the reactor itself. An act that sends a shockwave throughout the ship from the room, followed by a massive wave of radiation that the other Successors block while protecting the reactors in their chambers. With the radiation likely being its True Damage skill.

But the UM takes the blast head-on, genuinely wounding it in the process.

Not enough to be anything but a relatively big injury though. Nor is it enough to stop the UM from quickly catching and slaughtering the Successor who set off the trap.

Then it proceeds to head for the next closest Successor, after which the same process repeats itself. With the reactor blowing up, damaging the UM further, before it kills the Successor.

And again for the next one.

But when the fourth one comes around – the random dude who seems to be some fancy Class S hunter now according to the thread – the guy manages to escape without being killed. All thanks to how wounded the UM is.

And the same goes with the next two, who have it even easier.

Eventually they all meet up and begin fighting the UM in earnest back in the bridge, with UM so battered at this point that its armor is falling apart.

But while it is wounded, it’s still moving without showing any signs of pain or exhaustion. And it’s not missing any body parts either beyond a few tentacles.

So it still puts up one hell of a fight before the remaining trio finally finish the thing off.

And that’s only after they use some little bottles of that radiation once in a while as bombs to strike at the creature with.

Using its own True Damage against it to give them a chance at victory…

I glance at Blake after finishing the video before looking at the wall of the cavern.

In the direction of the closest fortress.

Where the gunpowder is located.

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