Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 433 Releasing Eugene

The power of the shield pushed created a powerful wall that could defend against the enemy. Kyros was able to use the 'Fortress Barrier' from the Fortress's spell which allowed him to deploy the Fortress's barrier for five seconds.

These five seconds were enough for him the charge in and harness the power of the stars on his sword.

With the Shield, Kyros could now become both the Paladin and the Sword Expert. This was the same attack he performed against Lanthanou!

A faint glow of a crown appeared on Kyros's head. Unlike before, this crown was transparent. But against a squirming, struggling, and unguarded enemy, this level of power was enough.

The bright lights of the star gathered and horrified the dark head. But he could not react quickly as the pain he felt distorted his senses.

"No!" The Dark Head tried to fight back but it was too late.

"[Star Severing Slash]!" Kyros slashed out as the power of a Crown erupted.


The energy blasted out and struck the Dark Head! Kyros didn't even aim for the rest of Eugene's body but limited the slash to only attack one head.

Kyros felt a great limitation as he slashed the power out and tried to fight against it.

But the attack of the universe struck him back and Kyros began to develop deep wounds that surfaced around his body.


Spikes of energy afflicted him as Kyros's attack went beyond the limitations set.

"This is it... The powers that limit the worlds! So it's here, even in Present Middle! It even found me despite me using my powers of Mysterion!" Kyros cursed and had no choice but to follow the limitation of his attack.

Yet despite holding back, the slash was successfully sent and it severed the dark head!

The powerful darkness was pulled off as True Cut cleaved the connection of the dark head from Eugene.

The darkness quivered as the connection between the dark head was cut off.

"No! Impossible! This Nephilim cannot be a Steel descendant! How can you have True Cut?!" It was only when the powerful energy completely severed out the darkness and the magic that bound the two did the Darkness realize just how horrifying the sword slash was.

The darkness quickly used the dark link and created a powerful pull that quickly drew back the dark head as it disappeared down the stairs. All of the darkness around the area also disappeared. Kyros saw that he was brought back into the normal world.

Kyros was bleeding around him and had to call on numerous items to heal him in the darkness and in the light.

Eugene was shouting in pain as it saw and felt its death with Heralcus and how Kyros dominated him.

"I refuse... to serve you! You may have subdued my Soul Core, but you won't subdue me!" Eugene roared.

"That's why... I plan to release you from my bonds." Kyros laughed and hid the soul cores that were causing Eugene to feel the backlash and curses.

Eugene's body fell down on the floor. All seven heads lay and were in pain.

Kyros also stumbled back.

"It's a bit of a good thing that the darkness that controlled you is a bit of a coward." Kyros slowly sat up and glanced at Eugene.

"I'll release you and you are free to go."

"...Why?" Eugene asked with an exhausted tone.

"Simple. You're a dead man anyway. You broke the rules and caused the gods and fallen that maintain the time/space continuum to be alerted. Numerous powerful beings that were so strong they did not join the Heretic Wars would move. And you saw two beings, didn't you? The Ancient God Histerion, and the Fallen Oblivion. Those two will go after you. You are really going to die." Kyros smiled.

"...Unless what? You are offering me something..."

"You saw my power. Your other self must have shared memories with you in that world. You know what that 'what' is." Kyros began to devour many medicines sent from the Fortress.

The group had already started their alchemy program and numerous healing items were being created. The more expensive ones had a ray of the Fortress's light power and allowed great healing of Soter.

Kyros stood up as the deadly attack that nearly ended his life vanished.

"Light... and Darkness... You are both!"

"I am Mysterion. You know that I am the one being that can save you from your problem. Unless you want Histerion to catch you again. I gather from your memory, that you thought you'd be free when you left me. But then, you must have been petrified to see the state of the world. If not for Histerion and Oblivion deciding to keep you around, you would have truly died there. Are you sure you want those two to come after you?"

"So... you release me... But I serve you to be hidden by your power! Mysterion? Is that really freedom?" Eugene mocked.

"Yes. I don't want to chain you. When I fully controlled your cores, those two practically committed soul suicide. But now, I will allow you your freedom."

"Freedom? I have to be around you always to protect myself from them! You say freedom, but won't I be like your bodyguard?"

"Well, you were trying to kill me. I'm not even a Crown yet. You know that I'm not even a Commander! Obviously, I'd use attacks that can hurt you. So you can't really blame me for doing that. But you still have your freedom. It's your choice whether you will help me or just stand idly."

"Stand idly? If you die, they will find me. So I have to ensure you're alive!"

"Yes... But will you need to do that? I mean, both you and that dark being tried to fight me and I ended up outwitting you two. The other one fled down the stairs." Kyros laughed.

Eugene fell silent.

"You are a True Neutral. I am Mysterion. You've seen the clash between the two and know to an extent what Beginning wants, and what End wants. I mean, with that alone, you should be joining my side!" Kyros urged.

"Unless you guys believe that whatever power you have will allow you to remain alive. End is end. You will die."

"You lie, Mysterion. If that is the case, why did not Beginning send her allies to tell us this? We have broken free from the chains of Fate and Destiny! We would have been the ally that Fate and Beginning needed!"

"Oh, you still don't get it, do you? That's why I'm here! I needed to tell you and your allies about this so that you will join us! You see, had Fate or Beginning told you, you would have all been killed by End anyway. It doesn't matter if you are free from Destiny, the future could be arranged so that you will all die! In fact, I'm sure somewhere along the line, you will still die. But Beginning did not tell you because then End will not target you earlier on!"

"Target us... earlier on? You mean, we were intentionally spared by End?"

"Yes. Eventually, you would have been killed anyway. And telling you now will only cause you to have large targets on your backs. You will all eventually die. Had Beginning told you all this right after the Heretic Wars or even before it, End would have started targeting you. If you had known since the start, this whole battle would have drawn out even longer. You would have lived your lives fighting End and delaying his coming, but in the end, you will all die. So Beginning made a plan."

"You... You were his plan to tell us without alerting End."

"Correct! Imagine if End had set plans all across time of when the True Neutrals would be attacked or killed. Imagine if it's fifty years from now. What if, without his knowledge, you guys learned of this truth and started preparing? Then when the plan was put into action, you retaliated and defeated End's attack. That will set his plans hurling millenniums into the future. It is for this very reason, that I came. I, Mysterion was set to hide allies who will fight. Secret weapons that will appear at a specific time to throw all of End's plan into nothing."

"...And you plan to gather the True Neutrals. You plan to recruit them all in secret?"

"Yes. That's why Fate and Begining didn't tell you End won't target you right until the time you guys 'needed' to die. For your case, it would be when Heraclus arrive." Kyros reminded Eugene of his future death.


"You really shouldn't take your time thinking about this. That darkness will try to communicate with the other beings who serve End. What that Darkness expects, is for us two to fight it out and return to vanquish either of us who stands as the victor. But if the two of us attack him together now..."

"...Let's do that first. Let's talk about this alliance later." Eugene growled.

"Fine." Kyros waved his hand and a pile of corpses appeared.

"This should help you regenerate your body. And this should refill your energy." Kyros took out three small cores.

"Those are...!"

"These are the dead cores that your other self had. Only a few went with me to the Unrecorded Pages. But these ones had no soul of your heads as they might have been killed when Heralcus killed you. But they should replenish and strengthen you."


Kyros tossed the three elemental cores.

"Eat while your talking. We have Dark Fiend Lord to kill." Kyros marched down.

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