Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 466 Conquering Each Other

A powerful spell that the Lowlands had never experienced for millenniums was being made.

Everyone had completed their side and set up the grand spell that allowed them to communicate with each other. The offerings of blood and the many light spells were working perfectly and created a network of communication that neither Ancients nor the Fallen could tap into.

Only the Nephilim could use the mixture of power. Everyone else was connected as they were allies of the Nephilim and their names were listed in a book. The Nephilim Book of Life was a powerful artifact that was created using many powerful magics. Anyone listed on this would have free access to the power.

All members of Kyros's original team were out in their conquests. It had been several weeks since they all parted ways and their movements across the Lowlands had greatly changed.

At the very center of it, was Mezal. No matter what Fate and Destiny tried to conjure up, Mezal had a counterplan. It was as if he could see both sides and made it look like both sides were fighting against each other to a stalemate.

The Fortress was growing and more rooms were improving and some of the rooms were close to being leveled up.

The magic was activated and the team of Kyros had their weekly meeting.

The different locations all lit up and each party began to report.

"And so, Myas is practically treated as a princess here. We plan to finish up and we'll start heading over to the Dark Shine kingdom. We just need wars and battles to occur." Martha explained.

"Good. With that, our advances in the Lowlands are working. The orcs are being pushed back and we have a few months left before the main army of the Dark Shine reaches here. Going with what you Kyros learned in the forgotten pages of history, our biggest battle will be against them who will have Crowns and Conquerors. We have to eliminate kingdoms and offer them to the Fortress if we want to have the raw might to fight back. Unless of course, Martha and the rest can perform assassination and throw more chaos to the march of these kingdoms."

"...You want us to go in there and kill those kingdoms? That's quite a change in our plans!"

"You've sensed it. The civil war brought about by Lea is a huge advantage for us. It's delaying the kingdom's march and will allow us to have more freedom. Martha, if you do go there, and Lea has her kingdoms allied to her, it will be easier for you to find the Charmed Fallen's body! I'm sure Mechiel and Scarlet who has already controlled their respective kingdom can even help you."

"About that... I and Scarlet won't be staying in the Lowlands. As originally planned, we will be increasing our pace in gaining connections so we can reach the Midlands. And you guys need to help us." Mechiel spoke.

"What is Kyros up to, this time?" Mezal sighed.

"He has chosen to forget himself."

"What?" Branze raised his eyebrows.

"He used Mysterion on himself again? Is he trying to flee from Oblivion? No... That doesn't sound right." Branze began to think.

"No. It's mainly for me and Scarlet. He used a cruel way of making us act in great haste to get to the Midlands. He has sealed his human side and his Ancient side. All that is left is his Fallen side."

"A pure Fallen Kyros?"

"It's very cruel, selfish, arrogant... and very, very... yummy." Mechiel laughed.

Scarlet was also blushing red.

"His lust has exploded out like we could not imagine. Kyros has always held back in terms of this because of his devotion to me. But now, he casts these all down. He sealed his memories and Fated himself to meet the most beautiful woman in that region. It was a powerful magic that makes him like a magnet and will draw beautiful women to his side." Mechiel explained.

"...Is it possible to learn this power?" Grugnyr asked.

"Easy there, Anikin." Aron laughed.

"...I'll take three of those," Mezal spoke.

"Shut it, pops!" Branze and Mezal shouted together.

"So what? It's not like he can kiss women with two succubi haunting him." Martha laughed.

"He has already kissed three women. A powerful one with a dragon's bloodline, an Arthropodian spider-woman, and another human." Scarlet was getting angry. But Mechiel's expression was different.

"He's so cute when he does that. He thinks he can find other women. I'll be the only woman he thinks about!" Mechiel laughed.

"Arthropodians? Aren't they those insect monsters?" Greg asked.

"Yes. But you should see them." Hems chuckled.

"When I was in the Midlands in my past life, I've seen some of them. Others were so horrifying to look at. But some were dangerously beautiful! I'm guessing Kyros was kissing the beautiful ones."

Scarlet glared at Hems.

"She was beautiful. That spider woman was Hive Queen. It desires to have a worthy husband so it can have hundreds of children. It yearns for the seed of a man when he finds a perfect specimen. They are already lustful women, to begin with. With Kyros turning into an incubus those women will be practically throwing themselves to Kyros all day." Mechiel chuckled.

All the men had strange expressions.

Branze and Aron felt a powerful killing intent as the two swiftly changed their expressions.

"I must... acquire that power!" Grugnyr desired.

The women glanced at Grugyrn and shook their heads in disgust.

But most of the men, even those who have someone to be with at night were also thinking the same thing.

Diana and Martha both glared at their man.

"Stupid nephew! How dare he!?"

But the glares and killing intent remained.

"We underestimated his lust and failed to kill any of the three women. We used some of Kyros's blood to create a hex on him so that our powers would be summoned if he kisses someone. When our powers were called, he sensed us and hid from us. He probably thinks that we are trying to control him."

"Yes. He treated us... like enemies." Scarlet clenched her fist.

"Don't be too sad, Scarlet. I believe Kyros made several preparations so that he could deceive himself. This reveals more of his intention to train us. We have gained the advantage over Fate and Destiny. My grandson probably thinks that his awesome granddaddy would be this amazing. So he set up the strongest enemy we could face. Himself!" Mezal laughed.

"He wants us to conquer each other. Interesting." Aron's hand itched with excitement.

"Yes. That's why we would need everyone who can join us in this crusade. So we have to hurry up and look for those portals that can help us jump between regions, or the Emberdons will need to create a means to teleport people with extremely long-ranged portal magic." Mechiel explained.

"We've already found one," Demerus reported.

"There is one near the south part of Airom and it leads us to the northern region of Lowlands. It's the closest to the Highlands yet. The portals are very unique and have been sealed with the power of Oblivion!"

"Oblivion? So that's why it was hard to search for them!"

"Yes. The issue was that people would often 'forget' that place and not think of it existing. It could be right in front of you, but you would forget about it. But, if you coat yourself in Brimstone, you'd be able to move in. But not just any Brimstone. It has to be Histerion's Brimstone." Faye added.

"Good. Then your priority is to search for one of these portals that connect the Highlands. In the Lost Pages, Breveros told us that there are numerous portals all over the land. This was how they were able to swiftly conquer the Planesworld. The moment they made a touchdown on the Lowlands, conquering the north was easy with these portals Every region would have at least one. All of you should find it."

"So you will try to race towards the Midlands and search for Kyros? Do you know where he is now?"

"Yes. Thanks to my memories of the past, I know more about the Midlands and can guess what he is doing. On the eastern extreme of the Midlands is the region known as the Uninvolved Lands. Unlike many kingdoms that stand beyond the Walls that Endured of the Highlands are numerous kingdoms waging war against each other bidding strength and favor from the Highlands. The regions to the East and West are generally neutral. But the Uninvolved Lands are even more extreme. While many kingdoms sought a favor, this region decided to cut off and sever itself, scorning to create ties with the Highlands."

"Oh... So a region that is cut off, eh? No wonder Kyros chose that area"

"It's not among any of the areas that we thought he would go to..." Scarlet sighed.

"You really think you can outsmart him?" Aron chuckled.

"So... let me just get things straight. Lord Kyros is now a Fallen. Cruel, selfish, and arrogant. And I'm guessing Mechiel needs help because Lord Kyros tricked himself into thinking two succubi are after him. This means... We're going to fight Lord Kyros, right?" Hems asked.

"Yes." Branze answered.

"That's the summary..." Mezal added.

Then, there was silence.




"We're doomed, aren't we?" Avary smiled.

"Pretty much." Reptilia sighed.

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