Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 472 Into The Trap

Krysta saw herself falling into the abyss. And as she did, her memories were being replayed before her eyes. She saw all her memories play back as if it was forced on her. But the power of Mysterion hid numerous things and other memories were imputed. These memories were messy but the image of the angel appeared.

​ Imputing new memories would be hard, but Nightwing didn't seek perfection but intentionally made gaps in the memory of everyone and only flashes and bits of the visions.

Angelian, Monica, and Sherah also had the same memories imputed on her.

As they were all brought in, the Fallen Spawn fed on their dreams using the power of Mamon.

"[Corruption of Mamon: Dream Eater]!" The power of a voracious hunger devoured everything including dreams. All these dreams were being absorbed and the Fallen Spawn saw it all.

The memories of Krysta, Angelian, Monica, and Sherah all culminated in them falling to their knees as the Angel showed its real form.


Three red-coated men appeared with their crosses as they ran forward and made an awkward hop.

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" The three men shouted.


The vision ended.

The Fallen Spawn's jaw remained open. But it wasn't because he was devouring dreams, but because utter confusion filled his head.

"Spanish Inquisition?" He muttered again in his confusion.

With the Fallen-Spawn confused and delving into all his memories to search for this mysterious phrase, Krysta woke up.

She saw herself next to a beach and couldn't see the sea.

"The beach...?" She glanced and her memories began to return. The power of Mysterion was unsealed and she remembered her true memories.

The memories of Nightwing appeared and the days that were confusing became clear.

"What a terrifying power! If my memories could be altered in, just by a day... who knows what I would miss out on! My brother could be dead and he could have his way with me, and I won't remember!"

Krysta was frightened. She decided to get her brother and flee. If Nightwing could alter her memories she won't be able to know what has been done to her or her brother!

"I can't trust him! What if my memories have already been altered?!" She sped up and began to move.

A hill stood in front of her and she could hear the sounds of battle on the other side.

"It's already starting?!" Krysta cursed and ran up the hill. As she reached the top of the hill, she saw a great battle happening below it.

All the other people who went to the beach were spread out across the land and were fighting hordes of black dog-like beasts with five long spines that would sting like a scorpion extending at its back.

"The Darklings! They're here!" Krysta recognized the same creatures that they fought.

The beast pounced at the men and fought them and while the beast only had a peak Captain strength its numbers were too many!

But what was strange was that none of the people who went inside were fighting at the top of the hill. A series of hills encircled the area and everyone was at the bottom fighting in the valley below.

Unknowingly, the first groups of people that were sent into this world walked right into the trap as the Darklings were buried underground and only rose to attack when everyone was right inside the circle.

A strange trap was deployed and all powers of all forms of flight and hovering abilities were hindered as a strange gravity field appeared! Archers were useless, and mage attacks that would have been launched to cross the distance all would fall down instantly.

"They trapped the forces! What's wrong with these people?! If this place opens every decade or so, why is it that they don't know anything about this place!?" Krysta cursed.

Everyone was forced to fight next to the people who they wanted to kill. And the resulting chaos led to a team of men who were not united.

"That man lied! Our family has nothing to do with the murder of your family!" An orc pleaded as he was being surrounded and stung by the dog-like scorpion beasts.

"Ahhh!" The orc's small wounds began to fester as these beasts were injecting a strange poison that was burning him up!

Despite being a Champion, the Orc succumbed to his wounds and the beasts feasted on his flesh!

The survivors ignored him and grouped according to their alliances. A few groups who were neutral with each other also teamed up and five small groups of people could be seen grouping with each other.


The powers of Commanders began to shoot up. The Champions also fought and began to massacre the beasts nearby and various forms of Force energy and magic were being launched.

But as they fought, Krysta saw the same mistakes that they once made.

"What idiots! I thought they'd been in this world! They should know the dangers of what happens when one of them dies!"

Krysta revealed her power. Swords of magic formed and were imbued with physical form. Magic and Force combined and became a power of their own.


Several swords formed and they gathered great magic.

With a thought, the swords flew with great speed and rained down on the Darklings that were feasting on the slain orc champions.

"You idiots! Form ranks and fights together! Those beasts gain the strength of their kill! If one champion dies and is being feasted on, more champion darklings will rise!" Krysta shouted.

Several men saw Krysta and heard her words.

But despite that, each continued to fight on their own.

"To the lady!" Several voices were heard and a group of men that were together started to rush toward Krysta.

Krysta recognized them to be the corpse puppet that Nightwing created. She was shocked that they moved and acted as if they were alive.

Krysta had no choice but to join them. The battle was too chaotic and if Champion Darklings were to rise, then a wipeout of everyone fighting could happen.

The Magic Swords stabbed out and made a way for Krysta as she rushed towards the Corpse Puppet. Though they were weak, their battle tactics and strategy surpassed everyone else!

She saw the fight and how people were even making cheap shots at the other groups.

Some of the formations began to collapse and Krysta cursed as she saw it. But she was far from the place and her magic swords could not save the fallen.



Soon a boom was heard as a Darkling suddenly transformed into a hulking form similar to a Barbarian!

It released powerful Force energy!

Krysta saw it and realized that the Champion that died was a Ragion!

"No! This is the worst turn of events! Ragion train in powerful Force energy to defend their bodies! We will have Darklings with high defenses!" Krysta cursed as she raced towards the team of Body Snatcher corpse puppets.

"Quick! Move towards the center and help me gather more of those scattered groups!" Krysta ordered.


Several loud explosions were heard as three more massive humanoids with five tails similar to a scorpion's sting stood up.

The creature rushed towards the unsuspecting teams and loud explosions could be heard as the Commanders were forced to act!

"Everyone! Follow that woman's advice!" A Commander shouted.

Many other groups agreed.

"Everyone! Gather into one formation! If someone next to you dies, move them into the circle, and don't let them get eaten! Three to five beasts of the same level may arise if any one of the champions falls! And even your captains will only add to their strength!" Krysta warned.

The groups began to move towards each other and were more united as they soon realized that unless they followed Krysta, they would all die.

"Group together! Kill the champions first!" Krysta ordered and everyone followed.

"I don't care what kind of hatred you have for one another! Right now, we are all food to be fed to these beasts! So group together and fight! We have yet to see a Darklore! These are Commander-level beasts that control this army!" Krysta explained.

Everyone was shocked at Krysta's words.

Soon the team managed to group together. They followed the tactic that the Body Snatchers did and the group managed to improve their fighting.

"My lady, how do you know of these beasts, and why do your power bear similarities to the sword magic of my family?" A Commander approached and asked.

Krysta did her best to control her temper.

"Repeat a lie... and soon it becomes true..." She answered softly.

"There is a lot you do not know of the Saint Sword Family." Krysta answered mysteriously.

"Keep fighting! I'll explain everything after this!" Krysta ordered. But she swore to herself to kill this Commander herself.

The battle raged and raged. And hours passed and more Darklings kept appearing.

The fight intensified and the longer it continued the more confused Krysta was.

"What's going on?!" She cursed.

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