Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 508 Friends With All Sides

Breveros was in constant communication with Bolerax, and the information of all their enemies was made known to Nightwing.

As the planets formed their team, Nightwing already had the list of all the names of those who would be sent to the Planes World.

"Only two women among them... How sad..." Nightwing sighed.

"Like any of them would dare to send powerful female cultivators with an incubus here." Breveros gave Nightwing an annoyed look.

"What else?"

"You've been pressing me with many questions already... If I didn't know any better, you plan to betray us."

"Of course, I'll betray you! I'm friends with all sides. So I'm going to use my powers to make Angelian send a message to the clone of her dear old dad here."

"...What?" Breveros frowned.

"Think about it. I leak information that some of those planets are planning to send a raid party here. They will send a command to the forces of the Middle to guard the locations where they will go with powerful cultivators. Conquerors or Crowns will be there to ambush the incoming alien invasion. I'm sure you're smart brain can follow what I'm getting at."

"I see. We ambush those who ambush the aliens."

"Ambush-ception! Exactly. We can clear out several of the stronger cultivators in the Midland regions, and we will have more freedom! An ambush will force them to bring the bare minimum lest they fear being detected. Which is harder to kill, a Conqueror in his fortress or a Conqueror on the field?" Nightwing chuckled.

"And because of this ambush, we will also give the impression that we already have a sizable force in the Midlands!"

"That's not all. I'll make it look like our target is one of those ancient portals. So they probably know about it anyway. But if we leak information that the said target is in the eastern regions of the Midlands, to that World Wood Tree where the elves stay, we will redirect their forces and focus."

"The question is if this double agent will be believable! If they don't trust her, then this information we leak could bite us back. My brother, the king, will not risk such dangerous and reckless actions."

"Did you tell anyone that I am an Incubus?"

"No. Why?"

"I showed myself to you and your forces when I slew those people in the Black Bog Kingdom. But apart from you, everyone else thinks I am just a vampire. And that means they don't know what methods I used to trick Angelian. Angelian." Nightwing's voice boomed out and echoed around the tower.

The women who served Breveros heard the call and could not help but tremble and long to be called.

Monica and Sherah sighed as Angelian's name was called, and Angelian happily left.

"You summoned me, my love?" Angelian arrived with her eyes of great longing.

"Check what binding I placed on her." Nightwing chuckled.

Breveros held out his hand.

"[Dark Soul Guage]!" He activated the spell and searched for any bindings to her soul.

"What?! None?!" Breveros exclaimed.

"All my women do not have any soul restrictions or binding contracts. That is the true terror of being an Incubus like me." Nightwing smiled.

"I see! We implant a weaker one in her! One that is fading out!"

"Yes. I will pretend not to know of Angelian's true lineage. You see, she was cursed with [De-Heart] and won't even fully trust her father. So, I'll use [De-Heart] as an excuse for Angelian not to tell her secrets to me. I used magic to lock her soul, but since she is of dragon lineage, the restrictions slowly began to fade as her body grew. I will make it look like I fed her highly compatible beasts that spurred her growth."

Breveros listened to the details and could find no flaws.

"This could work..." Breveros smiled.

"Alright. I'll need a device that will allow Angelian to send a message to her father. It has to be of the highest level of secrecy, and others should not hear it to make it seem true. Is there anything in the Midlands that will be like this?"

"Yes. This kingdom's Message Transmitter is capable of sending out. This is one of the reasons we chose this place as our base. It's secure that not even the Highlands can easily intercept it." Breveros answered.

"Alright. I'll send the message to Angelian. We still need to create chaos in the Midlands. So send the army that was supposed to go to the Black Bog Kingdom to head further out to the East."

"Fine... You want to be left alone. So be it. But Nightwing, betray us, and the Greater God Sheolrah will know. My brother is using those foreign planets so that we can afford you betraying us. Do not underestimate us!"

"Why would I betray you?" Nightwing laughed as he left.

Breveros couldn't help but nod, for there was no apparent reason for Nightwing to betray them.

As Breveros left to lead the army, Nightwing found the Message Transmitter room.

Numerous magical devices were in place, and people were doing their reports.

Everyone turned and saw the newest VIP of the kingdom.

Due to Breveros's preparation, all those working were women, and their hearts were instantly swayed at the sight of Nightwing.

"I need to use the Message Transmitter. Please give us some privacy."

"Yes, Lord Nightwing." The women bowed and left.

"I'm surprised you didn't kiss them." Angelian chuckled.

"And drive those succubi angry? No way. Besides, they aren't worth the trouble. You have a dragonic bloodline and high defenses now. So you could resist their attacks, you know?"

"...I would die because I don't think my lips would part if it were to meet again... Let's resolve the issue with your ex-wives, and I can agree to it..." Angelian blushed.

Nightwing chortled as he moved toward the main device.

"Impressive. This is using a channel array to send sounds. It also has numerous encryption to alter the message until the receiver receives the device and the magical codex decrypts it. Rather primitive for its technology but good with all these magical locks. Now for the message..."

"What exactly do you plan, Lord Nightwing?"

"The goal is to defeat as many of Destiny's forces. First, you will speak to your father and set a time to meet. And then, you are to meet with him directly. But in your message, you must ask to have someone to meet him with."


"Princess Listrel Protos Endoxus."

"The princess?"

"Yes. Based on the information that Breveros provided, the actions of Listrel and Lea indicate that they met with me. When Breveros was talking about these two, he spoke of a rather peculiar event where the news and events somehow buried the importance and value of these two. It's as if they were forgotten. I'm sure Kyros had something to do with it. And if Kyros is anything like me, people who meet me can only die or become an ally. Those two are definitely the latter. But I'm sure Kyros would not have the power to make the entire universe forget about them. Mysterion and even Oblivion at our level could not be used like that. So I began to think and tie up the pieces. The key is the Time God Calaminus or Luigi."

"I'm the key?" Luigi suddenly popped up on Nightwing's shoulder.

"Yes. What happens if you time travel? What happens to that timeline? Can your powers create multiple timelines where multiple gods and fallen exist? In that way, wouldn't you be the strongest god who could create numerous timelines and alterations?"

"Of course not."

"That's right. So something happens to that timeline. And the vision I saw of Breveros answered it. It answered many things about Kyros. First, Breveros was in a timeline that was being destroyed. That's why in my vision, Breveros was older and more powerful. But the power he revealed lacked the power of Gods and Fallen. It was as if he had to create and figure out the power outside the blessings and corruptions! So my vision revealed a future, Breveros. One where he is our ally! And it fits. Breveros is too strong that Destiny has to weaken him so that no one can contest Bolerax. That's why there was another Breveros. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Reginald is also like Breveros."

"Me?" Reginald suddenly appeared next to Nightwing in a human form.

"Yes. You are not just a Hydra but an Okto-Khefali. And the reason why you have more heads than eight is that Kyros managed to merge your two different timelines and make each other a separate entity. Both of you are one, but it is also different. If I'm a Trinity, you are a Duality. And with that in mind, I plan to do something that only Kyros and his allies can help. And that is to kill future traitors!"

"So you want me to tell my father and Listrel to gather a group of people who will betray our side in the future? Will they know?"

"The chances of it are high. But even if not, Listrel, who has met Kyros, surely knows about Destiny and Fate. She could probably sense who is of Fate and is of Destiny. I'm sure she'll figure it out. These are surely people of Destiny. And those are the people that I will let Breveros ambush! Angelian, tell your father and Listrel to gather the strongest people in the Midlands. Those that are of Fate and who are our allies, send them to the east. But those who are of Destiny, send them to the landing zones of the aliens!"

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