Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 519 True Neutral Creation Experiment


"Enemies under us!" The many generals of the army screamed as the ground opened underneath them.

Darklings and red spiders of gigantic forms began to break out of the ground and attack the soldiers.

Almost everyone suddenly moved out to fly, but a strange gravity suddenly appeared.

This was the same power that the Gigantes had. The Bar-Mammon, the Fallen Spawn, had created certain death traps inside the Gigantes, which prohibited flight. This forced those inside to fight the armies of Darklings and Darklords. All that Bomos had to do was alter the position of his body so that those traps would be directly under them.

The intense devouring power that made gravity harsher forced many to plummet down and were attacked by the creatures.

All of a sudden, hundreds died from the ambushes within the army.

Flight was not an option so everyone focused on fighting.

Through the sacrifice of these hundreds, the rest had found their footing and position and began to fight.

Nightwing and the rest began to fight.

Nightwing kept on cursing at the traps and turn of events.

"You stupid Breveros! How unlucky can you be?! These things should never have power! Why the fragment is your luck so ugly?!" Nightwing exclaimed.

Breveros had a very ugly expression. Even the others were looking at Breveros with a strange expressions. But little did they know the power of lies and deception was rippling out and affecting everyone.

No one considered how suspicious Nightwing was, as everyone thought this was all through the bad luck of Breveros. Breveros had also admitted his bad luck and even warned everyone about it!

Within the battlefield, certain people of importance needed to be captured. Nightwing needed them alive so that he could drain their knowledge and memories to learn their powers.

Nightwing had immense knowledge and access to a treasure trove of information. These were all from the books of the Nephilim library. But the Midlands held powers and treasures that exceeded the books, and Nightwing wanted to gather the information for these things and learn the new powers. Nightwing also knew that Kyros's allies would need these.

The different classes that the Midlands had were unavailable to Kyros's allies. This was one of the concerns that Princess Listrel told Angelian, as Listrel had seen the strength of Kyros's allies and knew what they were lacking.

As the chaotic battles occurred, some of the Antibodies of the Gigantes were waiting underground.

They suddenly released their thick energy.

The power of Crowns could be felt from the ground below.

"Damn! It's them! The Stone Kings!" Nightwing made a made-up class as he harnessed his powers.

"Breveros! Your luck better get better! I'll distract those Crowns so they will not reach this area! Command the forces to go into the region! Our losses can be replenished by the survivors inside! Since they betrayed each other and now face a calamity that can exterminate them, they will join us in desperation! My entire team will try to stop the Darkling Kings! My charm can keep them at bay!" Nightwing shouted as he pressed his hand on the ground and pretended to cast a miraculous earth spell.

"Where are you going?!"

"To fix your bad luck! Where else?! Everyone! Move back! I am drawing one of the Stone Kings up here! But there should be over a dozen of them!" Nightwing shouted.

"Dozens of Crowns?!" Another Crown cursed. He thought this skirmish wouldn't be so dangerous that his life would be threatened. But if there are dozens of Crowns,


A massive force shot out like a volcano and caused a ripple of energy that caused nearly half of the army to lose their balance.

A large stony creature, an Antibodies inside the Bomos, rose to the ground. It had the powers of a high-leveled Crown. And it was not just a regular Crown. The energies it released made this Crown, at the very least, a High Crown!

Everyone was shocked at the scene.

"Gotcha!" Nightwing roared and jumped on the Antibody, and numerous powers of great darkness appeared.

He leaped bravely toward the Crown, and a strange power began to appear.

"I have your master's blood! Obey me!" Nightwing shouted as he and the Crown were starting to sink into the massive sinkhole where the Antibody came from.

An energy battle began as the two forces collided and resisted each other.

"Fly, you fools!" Nightwing's voice could be heard as he sank with the Antibody.

"Follow our master!" Monica shouted.

She gathered the teams of the giants, who all thundered and leaped down the hole.

Krysta and her family leaped down and gathered many other groups of Champions and Commanders that had chosen to follow Nightwing.

Sherah also led her team, which also had Ikaros and his forces.

Everyone jumped down, and sounds of a great battle and lights could be seen.

But suddenly, the hole was closing up!

"Don't retreat! Trust in our leader!" Angelian shouted as she flew down the entire area closed up.

All of a sudden, the energies of the Crowns that were rising had suddenly slowed down as muffled explosions could be heard underground.

The armies were relieved at the power and began to fight and kill the hordes of creatures around them.

But all of a sudden, several arms erupted from the ground and grabbed a few of the most powerful Cardinals in the army!

"No!" The shouts and cries echoed as they were suddenly pulled into the ground that opened up.

Then everyone remembered the words that Nightwing spoke.

"Fly, you fools! Nightwing was warning us!" One of the stunned Cardinals cried out in surprise.

"My king! That was my brother! Urge the Crowns to attack and dig a hole!"

"You fool! The land itself has powers that we cannot match! We won't be able to scratch it if the ground resists!" A Crown shouted angrily.

"Everyone! Charge forward!" Breveros ordered as he led the way and attacked forward, and soon the army followed.

The group tore their way forward and slew all the beasts.

The tremors and sounds could be heard from time to time, and some earthly hands would often appear and pull some poor soul. Commanders and Champions would get pulled, but all the Cardinals and above were now guarded against this and would forcibly fly up whenever they sensed the slightest fluctuation. The Cardinals could fly for a few seconds, while the Crown could fly higher and remain in the air for nearly a minute.

But as this army moved ahead, the allies of Nightwing, who jumped down, were stunned to see the sight.


The Gigantes were using the raw force of his hands to concentrate power in a singular point and press down on the back of Nightwing.

"That's the spot..." Nightwing was relaxing as the Gigantes massaged his back.

Ikarod and Grandite Doragan, the two Crowns in Nightwing's armies, were shocked at the warm welcome several Gigantes had at Nightwing.

"This...! I thought we were going to fight!" Ikarod was amazed.

"Fight? Didn't Master Nightwing already speak of this place? He conquered here and even got a Gigantes ally! Why would he be fighting?" Sherah frowned and mocked Ikarod.

"Cornerstone. The Cardinals have been captured. More of those you have marked has been brought down here." A Gigangtes spoke.

The groups were amazed that so many Gigantes stood nearby. Many were Crowns. But some had the power of Cardinals.

"Do you see them, fellas? This is my true army!" Nightwing lied and laughed out, adding fear and respect to everyone.

"I am here to use this army to take over the world! If the Eldrich is weak, I'll take them over too! Do you believe me?!" Nightwing asked.

"Yes!" The forces cheered with excitement.

They had seen miracle after miracle. Finally, in the past week, they who were traitorous with no kingdom to call home are now able to openly walk and march alongside the armies of the kingdoms who wanted them dead.

Nightwing was able to unify the land. He used the Eldrich to strike fear. His charm to force more kingdoms to his fold. And he threatened annihilation and the pampering of the beautiful, powerful women of the land who were drawn by his power.

But it was all simply a part of the plan! They were all just tools to be used.

"Alright. Send the next set of visitors. To my people... As promised, I am here to settle some old score." Nightwing smiled.

Several figures were brought down and earth.

Some were Commanders. Others were Champions. But the people who were brought down were familiar to Nightwing's allies. These people betrayed them when the news of collaborating with the Eldrich was initially leaked to the surrounding kingdoms.

These were the very people that wanted the army of Nightwing dead!

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