Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 536 Enraged Golems

The massive ball of bloodshot towards the air.

Everyone couldn't sense any power from it.

But with everything going on around them, the people could only be wary.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, various angry roars were heard as the Fleshy Golems suddenly emerged from the ground and charged at the survivors with all their might.

Numerous Crown powers suddenly surged out of the area.

The fleshy golems even flew and arced back to deliver a powerful blow as they gained momentum.

The five fingertips were also trembling with even greater might. A huge earthquake was starting as the entire city began to shatter and break, with faults and cracks appearing all over.

"The giant is enraged! That blood is making them go crazy!" A Crown shouted.

"No! Their panicking! There's something in that blood that they cannot resist! Everyone! Fight back! Don't let the enraged charge fool you!" Finally, the queen realized what was happening.

The Crowns and Cardinals cursed and began to fight back or defend.

"Everyone! Allow that blood to fulfill whatever purpose it intends!" The queen shouted.

The massive ball of blood flew and flew over the city and exploded.


The blood ball that had become a thick mist spread and covered the entire city. Every being that took fought against the Fleshy Golems, and the blood coated the Darklings.

As the blood mist spread, the Gigantes and the Antibodies made their attacks.

But the power they wielded suddenly diminished right as they made their attacks!


A Crown defended the Gigantes attack, and he was knocked back. But as he stood up, the cardinals to his side were also thrown back.

"What?! They held back?!"

"They held back! Fight!"

"My blood will prevent the Fleshy golems from killing you! It will attack but cannot kill! Fight on!" Nightwing shouted.

The Cardinals saw that the flesh golems had fearful expressions and began to retreat.

"It's working! Fight on!" The Crowns all began to cheer.

The chants of a fight were heard as they could see an army of mighty Crowns, Cardinals, and Commanders slaying their way through the battlefield.

"Husband! Hold on!" The queen pleaded.

"...The blood! It's healing me! It's taking away the curse from long ago!" The Crown king was amazed as he could feel the various curse being taken away.

Nightwing had sensed two fighters of Fate locked within the land.

"Finally. I can sense over a dozen warriors of Fate! Good!" Nightwing watched as the fighters pushed back and slew more and more darklings.

Cheers were heard as the blood was also causing their wounds to heal, and they managed to repel the darklings and dark lords.

Without the life-threatening attacks of the Flesh golems, everyone could see a significant change.

The more daring ones even charged at the fist launched against them, and the golems would retract their attacks at the last second.

"Focus on the darklings!" The cries of commands were heard as the hordes were being blown back.

"The blood! It's restoring my strength!" More began to laugh happily.

"Don't hold back! They can't kill you! Kill the darklings and push back! The army is coming!" A Crown commanded as he forced an Antibody to retreat.

The antibody quickly dove down to return the body of Bomos.

Many others followed the lead. The massive fingertips began to sink down, but an enraged howl was heard, creating a tremor around the city.

"It's retreating! Those stone beasts are retreating!" A Cardinal cheered.

The queen glanced at her husband.

"Husband... Are you alright?"

"Go! If you fight, you can save more! If you can go over and call that winged man who threw the blood, I could recover."

"I understand. Don't die on me now! We still have hope!"

"I won't! Now go!" The husband smiled.

The queen moved out, revealing her lightning power that began to shoot all over the field.

As the wars pushed back, Nightwing was flying, and Breveros, who could now fly, met him on air.

"The anti-gravity field is gone!"

"Looks like I was right. The flesh golems were focusing their power to set up base here. That's why the golems could easily move out of the ground here! This was its main meal!" Nightwing smiled.

"Should I move now?" Breveros asked.

"Go. Breveros. This Battle will test your luck. Let's see just how bad your bad luck was, and let's see how you can fight without the bad luck! Our sessions have allowed you to be hidden more from Destiny. You're looking like a True Neutral now! Now go and kill those Darklords."

Breveros nodded and flew to the sky.

His spell would summon a tremendous wind so strong and compact that it would be as if a mountain had fallen over the darklings. But as Breveros flew up there, his thoughts began to wander.

He had lived following the techniques and teachings of the Highwind family. But now, his desire to break out of his family's path and the secret rage and disappointments he felt as an outcast stopped him from using that technique.

"It wouldn't work anyway. I need an attack to drill down and attack the Darklords that could hide underground and into the passageways that the flesh golems created. I must cause my wind to be free..." Breveros spoke softly.

"Free? Could I be free?" A strange thought surfaced as some strange, strange power began to whisper to Breveros.

Nightwing could see it. Because he was exposed to Pneuma, he could see a being flying over Breveros.

"What's that?" Nightwing was amazed.

"What's what?" Angelian asked.

"...No one can see that?" Nightwing was confused.

"...I see it," Krysta answered.

"I... don't. What do you see?" Sherah asked curiously.

"Master. I think only the three of us can see that. It's probably... a wind god!" Luigi explained.

"A son of Pneuma!" Nightwing understood.

Breveros saw the form of wind that stood above him.


"Freedom... Do you... want freedom? The wind seeks freedom. We go where we please. We fight where we please. We want to move freely... and we do not ever want to end... By us and through us... do people breathe? We are life... and we will always fight... on the side of life... Warrior of Destiny... Do you wish... to be free?" The strange power asked.

Breveros was in a trance and felt his body harnessing with great power.


"Then arise... Arise and fight... for the Battle against draw near. Arise and break free... from the chains... that bind you. Say my name and call out my power." The form of wind disappeared.

Nightwing, Krysta, and Luigi were amazed at what they saw.

Nightwing became curious as he yearned for the power of the wind. So he extended his hand and closed his eyes.

He then spoke a name.


But nothing happened.

"...Master, that's not his name,"

"Well, he didn't say the name. And I wanted that power! So I had to try something!"

"Idiot. That was probably Pneuma's son."

"Pneumonia!" Nightwing shouted again.

"Right. Because the wind god would definitely be a disease." Luigi sighed.

Breveros glanced at the armies below, and he raised his hand.

"[Xifos Tou Anemous]!"

A massive tornado suddenly took form in Breveros arm.

The wind gathered and continued to swirl, and Breveros wielded a gigantic sword.

"Sword of Anemous..." Nightwing translated.

"Strange. If I'm a time God, why don't I know the name of Anemous?" Luigi wondered.

Immediately, Breveros slashed down.

The tornados moved like a sword, but as they struck the ground, several tornados that acted like tendrils began to shoot out and move.

The wind drew the beasts, and blood began to splatter in the air as the creatures sucked into the vortex were all ripped and sliced apart.

The golems that shot up to fight it were blown away.

Nightwing saw the marvelous attack and could hear the faint whisper speaking through it.

"Nephilim. This power proves it. I was skeptical and unsure at first. But the mystery of Breveros and his uncertain stand as a Destiny Challenger is this... Those who meditate in the wind and find its greatest purpose are those who desire freedom above all. Your lies and deception have pushed this Breveros to desire freedom. In some ways, Breveros is my descendant. He has received power from the lost god who sought freedom, and he stopped being a god and became the wind. My son, Anemous."

The voice of Pneuma whispered to Nightwing. Under the powers of such a gale, Pneuma could finally relay the joyful declaration about Breveros.

The Eldrich servants of Breveros were amazed at the power of their young lord.

They marveled and praised the power, not knowing that what Breveros had gained would amaze even Impyernos.

"Is this alright? Won't Destiny see this?" Krysta asked.

"I doubt it. First of all, no one can see Anemous. He isn't a god anymore. And besides, I used that blood spell to cover this place with my blood to shroud it in mystery. So while Destiny should be able to see it, this Battle will be vague to him, at the very least."

"What do we do now?" Monica asked.

"Let's all fight and gather more darkling corpses. Reginald, come out and play!" Nightwing summoned the hydra, and everyone began to fight.

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