Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 544 Return To Slumber

Nightwing sat among his allies within a dark dome. He had to discuss everything that he had experienced and the mysterious disappearance of his other half, which was called 'Kyros.'

Within the dark dome of Mysterion and Oblivion, Nightwing spoke to his true allies, those whom he had called, and revealed everything.

"As part of a trinity, and because of our true mission of fighting against End, there were many... forces that we have to face. Kyros, my other part of this Trinity, had devised a multi-layered plot to prevent the curses from afflicting us. All three of us." Nightwing explained.

Angelian, Krysta, Monica, and Sherah listened.

Krysta's parents were now among the most trusted allies as they had shown great power, and the lost arts of the Sword Saint Family were revealed.

Commander Tyrs, the survivor of the massacre, and Joshua, now on Commander level, listened.

And finally, the Emperor Assassin and Dwarven Meister Strongholden stood by to listen.

Only Mage Commander Estus was not brought in as he was still not ready to learn the truth about Fate and Destiny as it was not yet revealed to him.

Reginald had now recalled his true memory as the Okto-Khefali. It assumed a human form and listened to the explanation that Nightwing had. Among them, he understood the most and was amazed at Kyros and Nightwing's capability.

"That... is quite a tale. You speak of Gods and Fallen that are gods to the gods and fallen, I know!" Eugene was amazed.

"That is the real extent of our battles. Breveros is the one who is supposed to be called to our side. The blessings of Anemous should help him turn from being that of Destiny to a True Neutral. But even then, it's still possible that all of this would fail, and he would return to Destiny. Heck, probably most of what I tried to build would fall. Including all of you." Nightwing frowned.

"This other you... He knew that the curses would return. How?" Krysta asked.

"He's as smart as me, and he had more information. He deliberately hid numerous things from me, including my own abilities. All to prepare and trap me for this! He could not sacrifice his own team, so he released me, knowing that I would build my own. As someone born as an Incubus form, this was my nature and my leaning."

"You're not really an incubus?" Angelian asked.

"Yes. That was part of the lie. I thought that this was my primary form! The trap is very annoying. I'm a bit dumb now, but knowing he trapped me in my prime form plagues me!"

"But why would he trap you? I thought he was part of you?!" Monica asked.

"Haven't you been listening? Nightwing won't agree to this crazy trap! That was the point!" Krysta argued.

"Right. I'm never allowing myself to be the prime target of every curse. Because he is a part of me, he knew I wouldn't agree to this. If the roles were switched, I would have done the same."

"But I don't understand... Do you mean to say that you and Kyros were freed just over a year ago? But only Kyros was awake the entire time, and you had no memory?"

"That's another concept regarding our Trinity. He knew how to awaken and draw me out because this is his power as part of the Mysterion Trinity. The first part of the Mysterion Trinity is to conceal. That is my power. Kyros had another aspect. To reveal."

"To reveal?"

"Yes. He needed to be the first to be born because he was the revelation. The Nephilim was concealed. My power was used to seal the Nephilim and hide it from all the gods and fallen. But for us to be free from the seal, we needed the Kyros. The one that reveals."

"But how did he hide things from you?" Angelian asked.

"Another part of the Mysterion Trinity lent Kyros his power. We call him the Keeper."

"The Keeper? As in, he keeps the secrets?" Krysta asked again.

"Yes. Two parts of the Trinity arranged things for me to bear the curse because I had to conceal it. When I fall into slumber, I will work with the Keeper, who will store and keep the curses. He is also why most of Kyros's memories and powers were not passed on to me. And all of this, I would take the bulk of the curse. Considering I lost to two persons of my Trinity, I find it acceptable. The only person that should be able to beat me is two versions of me. It's annoying, but it makes sense."

"How bad are the curses?"

"All of you could die. Many of the curses can be countered. The most annoying ones are [De-Smart], [De-Wise], and [De-Spacito]. It's cursed by Folly and Pausontai. It's so strong that even though I have the blessings of the Time God Calaminus and a large portion of his soul is in me, it still halved my speed by more than half. I won't stand a chance fighting Crowns again."

"That's cruel! I can't believe he would do such a thing to you!" Sherah cursed.

"...I'm not so sure about that. Honestly, it's better this way." Krysta answered.

"Better?! Krysta! How dare you?! Our master is-"

"No. My daughter is right. These curses could have come at anytime. Had it been at a time more inconvenient than our current situation, Kyros or the Mysterion Trinity would all die."

"Yes. Honestly, I hate it. I don't really blame him. He is right. If the curse is to be hidden... it has to be me. Of course, I would have never agreed to this. If I knew, I'd do everything to twist the things and fight hard against them. But he needed the curse to be sent out early. I even suspect him to be taking a very dark path."

"A dark path?"

"...A path where everyone dies."


"The Mysterion is a power to conceal, keep, and reveal. He could do that with souls. I have to say. I thought that this boy scout wouldn't do such crazy things. But it could be his path."

"He wants all of his allies to die?"

"Including all of you. That's the only way to defeat the biggest curse that afflicted us. The Curse of End."

"A curse sent from End himself! So it's like a death sentence if you are afflicted by it."

"Yes. It's a very nefarious Curse. Even if I seal myself, this curse will still take effect and slowly attack Kyros. But, me sealing myself should buy us enough time to succeed in our current mission and wipe out many of Destiny's forces... This gives us an advantage over what is to follow when the Curse of End takes full effect. It's not just a death sentence..."

"What does this curse of end do?"

"It ends things." Kyros suddenly appeared.

"It ends victories. It ends with success. It even ends life. It's an assurance that whatever we are, we will end. And unlike the other seals, which can be broken, this one can't. It will only end when we end." Kyros explained.

"Done with your little meeting?" Nightwing asked.

"Yes. I updated Listrel with our plans and told them that the curses we managed to escape from had returned. And it's more powerful than ever. So we have to fuse now. The longer you stay awake, the more this curse leaks out."

"...You two still owe me."

"Think of it, that you are Jesus. You are bearing the sins and curses of the world for the good of mankind."

The rest were confused at Kyros's strange words.

"Whatever. But Kyros... Take care of my allies. Treat them as you would with your Coven and the Steele Family."

"...Oh? I didn't expect you to be this sentimental."

"...What can I say? I'm greedy because of Bar-Mammon." Nightwing then turned to his allies.

"Dear friends. I used you. I took you as part of my team for my benefit. But I do care for all of you. It's been fun with you guys. But this is a necessary part of our journey."

The allies of Nightwing bowed, and some even began to shed tears.

"Until I awaken again, we may not see each other for a while. Or... considering this crazy man's plan, he could be planning for your deaths."

"So you're still smart enough to notice that, huh?" Kyros answered with a blank face.

"Do you even have the plan to resurrect them? Soter's power is not enough."

"Nightwing. I survived the Unrecorded Pages and fought against Lanthanou. And we survived the curses of the most powerful gods and fallen. I don't know how, but I assure you, it can happen. And until I find a way to preserve their lives and hide them in Mysterion, I will do my best to keep them alive. But no promises. You know what challenges we face, and you should understand that I'm risking my family as well. The curses of Destiny and their deaths will return."

"I know. Let's get this over with. Wake me up when these curses end."

Kyros flew towards Nightwing, and with a flash of light, they fused.

Nightwing was no more. And Kyros had returned.

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