Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 618 Rising Star Of The Planet

Merovus's loss of holy power was caused by the dark-dependent methods used. And since the monsters were imps, the energy was already dark and thick and needed ways to filter out the energy. Conventional means of absorbing the life energy of a creature and turning it into what were generally called 'experience points' had natural filtering processes.

But the formula that they used was a Dark Dependent one. And this brought a massive amount of dark energy into the body of one who walked as a Paladin.

The light that glowed out of the Paladin was not a good sign. It meant the holy and pure energy cultivated for so long was leaving due to the high darkness. The knight could cultivate as a knight, but the path of a Paladin was practically over. He would have to redo his cultivation as a Paladin.

Emeros had the means to reveal the dark-dependent formula used. Still, it became several times easier, and the effect was far better than Emeros initially hoped for since a Paladin took this energy!

Perment was now the one smiling at Elford and Torman.

"That's not my formula. You claim that I stole from you. That claim is false. But if true, why are you accusing me of creating black magic? I assure you, the energy conversion circle that we practice uses the power of an ancient king in this place. Therefore, it's far more holy than the rest."

"Liar! You… gave us this formula! You are the black magic practitioner!" Elford screamed. He saw the enraged looks of a Count and Baron Merovus. 

Baron Merovus was famed in the region, and although he was a Baron in nobility, everyone knew that his favor to the kingdom was great that he was practically at a Count's level! And they had ended his career as a Paladin!

"Perment! Answer me!" Torman shouted as well.

"This is so pathetic. You all accuse me of stealing your knowledge. But now that it's proven it's Black Magic, you claim that it was you who stole from us! Does that mean you admit that whatever remarkable findings you use were patented by me and my master's findings?" Perment sneered.

"Everyone except Serena and Tyra, remove your clothes and show the marks and engravings. Let's prove to them that we have a heritage of light. And to further prove it, let's use our energy conversion circle to purge the good Paladin of the darkness that infected his soul." Emeros ordered.

Everyone followed and removed.

Meanwhile, Baron Knight Merovus and the Count's expressions changed as they heard the statement of Emeros.

Serena and Tyra didn't remove them as they were women. But Emeros only took advantage of this excuse because Serena's formula was a Dark Dependent.

Everyone's back and the front was shown, and everyone marveled. The energy conversion circles were like tattoos around the front and back.

And Emeros was the center. The engraving letter of Vasilius was there. 

The Prince saw it and was intrigued. He used his eyes, which contained a special power, and could tell that Emeros was the one that held this all. The other pieces could be removed, and it would decrease the effectivity of the circle. But without Emeros, it would fail to function.

"See this letter? It's different from the ones they used. That Dark Dependent formula uses an ancient being, a Fallen Spawn of Greed." Emeros explained.


"Greed of the Fallen Phaulos. It was said in the legends that the evil desires of all mortals manifested through seven creatures. I have to say, though, I am honestly envious of the legacy that Duke Ressongraze and King Vergos have." Emeros smiled.

"Do not associate us with these Baron's folly! They presented this to us and did not inform us that they were playing around with Black Magic!" The king distanced himself from the two.

"Oh? I thought this was… 'the kingdoms' magical theories? So it was just these two? These two who first claimed we stole from them but now claimed they stole from us? How suspicious." Emeros sneered.

The King and the Duke had a very ugly look on his face. They don't know how to refute and can only remain silent. They had to make it look like this was Elford and Torman's invention.

"Young hero, Emeros. Is it true what you said?" Baron Merovus approached and asked.

"Yes. But Milord, I am not doing this for charity. I am here because I want to settle all accounts of my sins. Even if I have brought evidence after evidence to show that what I claim is true, it's still being refuted. If I succeed in giving you a new life to your path, assure me that I can walk out of this place alive, and no bounty will be on my head." Emeros answered.

The King and the Duke were enraged at the words of Emeros, but the Count quickly stepped in.

"If that is all, then we accept. We can invite you to our kingdom if you swear allegiance to me.." The Count offered. He knew a genius when he saw it. He knew that this Emeros and Perment were the true inventors of this magic, and he wanted it for his kingdom.

"Forgive me for being blunt, milord. But I am a freeman. I was once in chains but found them too heavy. So I broke away from them. My stand and purpose in being here is also to break the chains that the king has set on me. For I was a mere slave in the mines before all this." Emeros added.

The Count frowned.

His gracious offer was actually turned down, and it was an insult to his authority!

"However, it would be too presumptive of me to go with you as a freeman. But I think I have a solution. My formula can help lord Merovus to have a purifying power. And while this is good, he would still have to re-cultivate as a Paladin. So, I have another solution. I will show you how to become a Paladin without having to go through the rigorous and difficult restrictions of the light."

"What?!" The Count shouted.

Merovus also had a bewildered expression.

"...Insanity. This scoundrel is only a troublemaker! Such words-"


A white energy gathered on Emeros's hand.


"Holy?! But how!"

"No…! It's not holy! But… this power is…!" Baron Merovus was amazed.

"Instead of gathering holy energy to become your power, I can teach you how to turn your force energy to resemble Holy." Emeros raised his hand.

In the past days of his research, Emeros had revived numerous things that were engraved in his memory. The path of a Force Paladin was deeply engraved in Kyros's memories, for he has trained as one. Through the use of numerous alchemy pills and the energy conversion circle drawn on himself, Emeros was able to train his body to create force energy that the Force Paladin had quickly.

Emeros gathered all of his Force energy.

25 points worth of energy appeared and surprised everyone. No one in the surrounding kingdoms had such an amount of Force!

Even the prince from the Floating Continents was impressed as this was a stat point that was on par with the geniuses of his land!

Emeros turned towards the slain Abner, whose body was halved from the king's attack. Two blocks of ice remained at the side, and this was Emeros's target.

"[Holy Slash]!"


A power of white slashed out and severed one of the blocks. The forced energy was pure and was almost like Holy magic!


The upper part of the ice fell down. 

The room was quiet as they saw it. It was as clear as light. The energy was similar to holy, but those who studied Holy, knew it was not. Yet its power was as strong as Holy!

"I've embarrassed myself. My force energy is quite weak. But I believe you saw the white energy. It's an attempt to turn Force Energy to become holy. This allows knights like you to pursue the path and practice of a knight without having to worry about what to eat, the environment, and so on. Basically, your cultivation will have to focus on increasing Force energy. I can enter your kingdom as… a teacher if that offer is acceptable." Emeros smiled.

"We graciously-"


"Oh no.! My floating throne lost power. I forgot to add more energy to it due to the awesome performance of this great, kingly, paragon genius, hero-child!" The Prince approached and smiled as he shook the hands of Emeros.

The Count was under the massive floating seat and was pushing it up, but his strength could not lift the seat as if some power was pushing and pinning the Count down. He wanted to shout and answer Emeros, but the throne was crushing him down, and he could not speak.

"Young child. What say you if you go to the floating continent? If you stay here, the accusations and hatred you have sown here will chase you even if you hide in another kingdom. You have seen Abner, a hired hand to kill across kingdoms. But no one in the lands above knows of you. I invite you… to be a hired teacher in my academy! Being a guess and freeman in their kingdom is too mundane for the rising star of this planet! So let us go… go to the skies, where you may rise with the greats!" The Prince smiled.

Emeros turned to the prince and bowed. This was the very ending he had hoped to attain. 

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