Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 640 To Make a Pill That Heals

640  To Make a Pill That Heals

Goldas looked at the cold pill being offered. He was somewhat hesitant. He knew that many poisons were used and wouldn't have taken it. But now, a respected teacher had appeared and vouched for Emeros!

"...Are you willing to put your honor as a teacher to vouch for Emeros?"

"Teacher Emeros. Please respect the teachers of my academy. Obviously, I will put my license on the line for him." Zwelus smiled as he turned to Emeros.

This teacher had shown great capabilities, and Zwelus knew his energy conversion circles skills were strong. The truth was, he had been looking for an opportunity to aid Emeros! He was confident that even if Emeros failed the upcoming test, Emeros was still bound to find a place in the Floating Continents due to his capabilities.

"Then if the teacher agrees…" Goldas moved and suddenly felt a message talisman tremble.

He approached casually, and in his movements to take and examine the pill, he secretly reached for his message talisman to draw out the message.

"Fire Hand Goldas. We will offer you a hundred pills every year for free, and you will have my support in your tasks. I'm sure you know what to do…" The voice spoke.

The familiar voice alarmed Goldas. This wasn't just the shop owner. It was the Prince! Prince Terenyos of the Fifth Seat! He was one of the top five princes vying for the throne.

With the Prince supporting him, Goldas went ahead to take the pill. He could use the excuse of the pill having poisonous ingredients to affect him and create a reaction.

He took the pill with a severe expression and ate it.

Everyone watched with anticipation as Goldas began to let the pill work its magic in his body.

He could feel a tremendous cold sensation and was startled. It was noticeably different from the former pills he ate. He knew this pill was far more potent than the ones he used.

But he had a deal.

After making a stance of circulation, it was time to sell the act. But before he could pretend to feel sick, a strange pain emerged. It was as if needles were piercing him in numerous places.

"Ahhhh!" Goldas shouted and trembled as he stumbled down.

The pains increased, and they moved on the extremities of his body. Every tip of his fingers, toes, palm, and joints felt great pain.

Everyone was startled at the scene, and even Senior Teacher Zwels panicked and turned to Emeros.

But he saw that Emeros was only smiling.

At once, Goldas felt a nauseating sensation as something was being wrenched out of his stomach.

He sat with a distorted expression and began to cough and spit out balls of pure black.

He stopped and rolled over as the pain moved to his legs.

"Ahhh!" He shouted and shouted and felt that whatever was on his legs was being wrenched out.

"What did you do?!" The shop owner exclaimed and rushed at Emeros.

Alchemist who would accidentally poison or injure their clients were all despised within the kingdom.

And seeing the sudden reaction of Goldas proved that Emeros had acted the fool.

"You fool of an alchemist! What have you done?!" A man shouted.

"He poisoned him! Quick! Physicians! We need physicians!" Another added.

Many onlookers began to shout and blame Emeros for his stupidity.

Cries for physicians were made and soon, a certain Physician decided to take action.

There were many things that he couldn't understand. But what he did know was that Goldas was not poisoned.

At once, he approached Goldas. He was the same physician ordered to assassinate Emeros, and he moved closer to observe Goldas.

Emeros noticed the physician and silently watched the man.

"Hm? That man… He's quite strong." Emeros silently assessed. There was something about the man that had such great power. This man was even stronger than the Principal!

"Hiding his identity? Could he be… from the Continents Above the Sky?" Emeros thought and ignored the many angry shouts.

"Kill the murderer!" A voice cried out as the people began to grow more and more enraged.

Senior Teacher Zwelus noticed that Emeros had a lost and dazed expression, and his heart feared the worst. He had vouched for Emeros, and Emeros had practically killed a man!

"Imperial Guards! Arrest him!" The calls and demands grew louder, and the kingdom guards approached Emeros as the orders increased.

But the physician was amazed at the state of the man.

This wasn't poison!

"What happened? How could such a pill of poison create such a cleansing reaction?" The physician didn't understand how this happened.

The Imperial Guards stood before Emeros with their weapons drawn.

"Do you understand your crimes? Masquerading as some expert and pretending to be an alchemist would have been fine. But a life has been destroyed before us! Fire Hand Golas has been a reputed member of the Mercenary Guards!"

"Masquerading? I am an expert. And an alchemist."

"You have caused Goldas to suffer from irrecoverable wounds!"

"Will the physician confirm it?" Emeros sneered.

"Enough! We have seen much of your stupidity! You are hereby placed under arre-"


A sudden cry was heard.

Everyone turned and saw Goldas standing on his feet. His clothes still had stains of dark, putrid liquid.

He approached Emeros with haste.

Everyone saw Goldas approach and was excited for the show that would appear.

Prince Terenyos had been secretly watching from the window on the fifth floor of the alchemy shop. They sneered as he saw Goldas approach with haste.

Goldas was now in front of Emeros, and he knelt down.

"Great Teacher… How...What happened to me?!" Goldas asked, and everyone nearby was startled.

Zwelus saw the reaction and felt a great relief.

The crowd was shocked at the strange actions of Goldas.

"Heh… It's good you know how to offer proper thanks. You're curious how my medicine managed to heal you?"

"Yes! I feel… strong!"

"This is your true strength. What do you think those black oozing, putrid things you spat out were?" Emeros asked.

"I am uneducated compared to teacher. I do not know." Goldas bowed.

"That was all the filth you have been taking from the pills of this shop. The impure properties remained from the ingredients that made up the pill."

"WHAT?!" Many of the mages shouted in shock at the accusation.

"Lies! How dare you!" The shop owner erupted in rage.

"Arrest him!" The shop owner cried.

"Arrest me? Why not you? Wasn't it your pills that poisoned him?"

"My pills never poisoned him!"

"Then let's see, shall we? Goldas. You undoubtedly feel lighter, correct?"

"...Yes. I felt immense pain, but somehow… I can feel my body surging with power. I feel… as if I've leveled up three or four times! My might is rising!" Goldas began to hold his body, and the Force Energy began to emit a power pulse.

"That's your true strength. You've felt you face a bottleneck in your cultivation, correct?"

"...This! Yes. I was reluctant to admit it... but my powers have been slowly decreasing, and I felt that my training had no effect."

"It had an effect. Your brute energy was constantly growing strong. But your body was plagued with all that darkness. I noticed that in you, and I made a pill that helps you get the temperate power you need to wield fire and heal yourself."

"Teacher... made a pill to heal my secret disease?!" Goldas felt a wave of gratitude.

"But how?" The physician moved closer to ask Emeros.

Emeros turned to the man.

"My dear physician… Can you tell the crowd if there is a disease known as the Black Meridian Embolism?" Emeros asked.

The group saw the physician.

"Second Star Physician of Plenty! That's Master Physician Valler!" One in the crowd recognized the physician.


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