Ascension of the Silent Guardian

Chapter 29 – The Strength of Tian Ling

Tian Ling soared through the sky on his sword, swiftly moving towards the central palace of the Serene Mist Sect. The wind whipped against his face as he focused on the urgent mission to protect his master. However, mid-flight, he sensed a familiar presence. A faint Qi, barely noticeable.

"This Qi... Yu Meilin?" Tian Ling murmured, frowning. "Why is it so weak?"

Immediately, he accessed the world monitoring panel, his heart racing slightly. Concern grew within him as he opened the display and searched for Yu Meilin's name.

[Your friend Yu Meilin is being attacked by an elder from the Dark Sect. She is gravely injured.]

Tian Ling’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t need to click to view the scene. He could already feel Yu Meilin's Qi weakening. There was no time for hesitation. With a swift, precise movement, he changed his course and headed straight towards the location where he sensed her presence.

"I'll help her quickly, then head directly to the central palace," he thought, eyes focused ahead. "Master... hold on."

Meanwhile, in a desolate field, Yu Meilin struggled to stay on her feet. Her Qi was nearly depleted, and the pain in her body made every breath difficult and agonizing. Her skin was pale, her internal injuries slowly consuming her.

"I... I have no more energy," she whispered to herself, her voice trembling with exhaustion. "My internal organs are severely damaged... I won’t last much longer..."

Before her, Wi Shitian, one of the Dark Sect’s elders, watched with a cruel smile. His grotesque face looked even more menacing beneath his black cloak, exuding a demonic energy that warped the air around him.

"Give up, girl," he mocked, his voice dripping with disdain. "You are a prodigy, I'll admit. Reaching the Core Formation Realm at such a young age is impressive. Submit to me, and I will make you my Dao companion."

His words were laced with venom, each syllable soaked in malice. But Yu Meilin, despite her condition, kept her gaze steady. She would not yield.

"I’d rather die," she replied, her voice trembling but her resolve unshaken. "Than submit to someone like you."

Wi Shitian laughed, a cold, echoing laugh.

"Think carefully, foolish girl," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Your sect will be completely destroyed by the Dark Sect. When that happens, there will be nowhere for you to hide."

Yu Meilin gritted her teeth, her weak body trembling with the effort to remain standing.

"Despicable beings like you..." she spat, her voice filled with contempt. "Sooner or later, you will all fall. It doesn’t matter if it’s not today. Justice will always prevail."

Anger flashed in Wi Shitian’s eyes. He raised his sword, enveloped in a black aura, and advanced with a twisted grin.

"Naive! Blame yourself for your stubbornness!" he roared, striking with all the force of his demonic Qi.

Yu Meilin closed her eyes, knowing she no longer had the strength to resist. Her mind was hazy, her energy completely depleted. Wi Shitian’s blow was about to crush her, but then, a powerful boom echoed across the field.


"A cultivator at the fifth level of the True Soul Realm, bullying a junior? How pathetic," a cold and firm voice resounded.

Tian Ling appeared at the perfect moment, effortlessly dispelling Wi Shitian’s attack with a simple wave of his hand. His figure stood tall and imposing in front of Yu Meilin, protecting her with an unshakable calm.

Wi Shitian instinctively stepped back, his eyes widening in surprise for a moment. But he quickly regained his posture, masking his unease.

"Who are you? A mere cultivator at the first level of the True Soul Realm dares to challenge me?" he sneered, trying to conceal the growing doubt creeping into his mind. "Who is this boy? Our investigations didn’t mention anyone so young with such power..."

"Tian Ling?" Yu Meilin murmured, surprised to see him. Her mind was still clouded by pain. "What are you doing here? Wait, you can’t face him... run!"

But Tian Ling, with a calm and firm expression, looked at her reassuringly.

"Don’t worry," he said softly, though his voice carried an unwavering authority. "Trash like him is no trouble for me. Just rest."

Yu Meilin was in shock. His words sounded so sure, so calm. How could he be so confident in the face of such a powerful enemy?

Wi Shitian, enraged by being ignored, roared in fury.

"How dare you underestimate me, you insolent brat?!" he bellowed, his demonic Qi rising violently around him. "I'll finish you off!"

He leaped towards Tian Ling with a dark, oppressive aura, his killing intent clear. But Tian Ling only let out a soft sigh, almost as if he was bored.

"I have nothing against demonic cultivation," he muttered, raising his hand calmly. "But your energy... is simply revolting."

With a swift and almost casual motion, he slapped Wi Shitian across the face, interrupting his attack and sending the elder flying like a rag doll.

Wi Shitian crashed into the ground, the impact echoing across the field. He coughed up blood, incredulous.

"How... how is this possible?" he stammered, struggling to stand. "You just broke through! How can you be this powerful?"

Tian Ling, now walking slowly toward him, maintained a cold expression. His steps were deliberate, almost as if heralding the inevitable.

"The dead don't need answers," he said in a low tone. "Heavenly Palm."

With a quick gesture, Tian Ling unleashed a devastating wave of Qi. Wi Shitian's body, along with his soul, disintegrated into dust, vanishing as if he had never existed.

Yu Meilin watched the scene in complete shock. The power and skill Tian Ling displayed were beyond her comprehension. "I nearly died resisting that elder... and he couldn’t even withstand a single strike from Tian Ling. The difference between them... it’s absurd."

Tian Ling slowly turned to Yu Meilin, his expression gentle now that the battle had ended.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice calm but filled with concern.

Still dazed, Yu Meilin took a deep breath before responding.

"I... I'm fine. I just need to recover, brother," she said, her voice trembling, but feeling strangely reassured with Tian Ling nearby.

"Good," he replied with a slight nod. "I need to get to the central palace. I sense that Master is in danger. Find Jin Yu and Jiang Zenhai."

"Understood. Be careful, Tian Ling," Yu Meilin said, still recovering from the shock. "The pressure coming from the palace is... extremely powerful."

"I know," he replied simply, before disappearing in a flash of speed, leaving only wind and dust in his wake.

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