Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 130. Dimensional Summoning. [World Tree Calling].

Two months had gone by since Liu Shu reached Level 11.

During this time, Ignatia had left the nest to find her last target for her mission, while Flor focused on rebuilding the Rose Fairy race.

Thallus was still as "my pace" as ever, doing things slowly. He had managed to reach Level 12 after these two major wars and all this time. However, other than him, the rest of his race continued to be Level 9 tops.

After reaching Level 11, Liu Shu grew five more meters, reaching 65 meters in height. This was quite delightful for her since not only she, but all the town evolved with her.

Speaking of the town, Liu Shu was clueless about the materials she needed to build the houses and other things. 'Hmm… How do I get these items? Those caravan people don't seem like they will come back. Also, it's not possible to plant them in the farmland, right? Hm…'

Looking through her system, her eyes landed on <Enchanted Growth>. 'I haven't used this one to the maximum yet. Now I should have enough to do so… probably… maybe… perhaps?'

Liu Shu looked at her fruits and commented. 'I already have 18 <Energy Cycle Experience Berries>. This should be enough for now, right? So… I'll reduce the production from growing three at the same time to one. This leaves me with… around 500 net positive of energy production?'

The World Tree blinked and focused on <Enchanted Growth>, slowly allowing it to flow outward. The skill was like a gentle breeze that grew and filled every part of Liu Shu's domain. Eventually, her aura reached the corner of her roots, which had expanded to nearly 500 meters away from her body. 'Ohhhh!'

The World Tree's branches rustled happily, and Flor, who was resting on them, almost fell from the movement, prompting her to exclaim. "Woah! Liu Shu, stop moving. Remember that I don't have wings!"

The World Tree instantly stopped, focusing her eyesight on Flor. "Flor! Flor! Flor! Listen! Listen!"

Flor's eyes softened, and she sat up, dangling her good leg and looking down at the now massive tree. "What's wrong, little one?"

Liu Shu giggled. "My <Enchanted Growth> reaches my entire domain!"

Flor's eyebrow raised, and used her good arm to rub her chin. "Really? Then, getting your materials might not be that difficult, Liu Shu."

The World Tree asked, confused. "Why?"

Flor smiled. "Don't you remember? Your <Enchanted Growth> skill managed to increase the base tier of my Rose Fairy race. If the forest around us is affected by it, then materials in the E Rank will start appearing. As long as we get a naturally grown E Rank material and plant it in that farmland of yours, we might be able to grow them."

Liu Shu exclaimed. "Ohhh! Okay, then I will continue using <Enchanted Growth> to the maximum capacity! But not now."

Flor blinked. "Why?"

Liu Shu giggled. "Well, after that battle, I had around 10,000 Experience Points left! So, after these two months, I've gained 3,000 more!"

Flor nodded. "And now you have around 13,000… Hm? How much did you need to Level Up to 12?"

Liu Shu hummed. "Hehehehehehe, 12690~."

Flor blinked. "Oh… Another Level Up? Incredible."

Liu Shu laughed. "Yes! But…" Sounding a bit disappointed, Liu Shu muttered. "After this Level Up, I'll have very little Experience left, so I will take a while to Level Up again."

Flor laughed awkwardly. "The fact that you Leveled Up so quickly is already incredible. Speaking of which, how about tree hunting?"

Liu Shu muttered. "They give too little Experience, but I can do it if I really need experience."

Flor hummed. "I see. Well, I'll leave that decision to you."

Liu Shu commented. "Yeah! Also, also. They are all really obedient! Now, no trees around me are opposed to letting my energy seep into them!"

Flor was confused. "And what does it do?"

Liu Shu giggled happily. "They become mine!"

Flor was even more confused. "Yours? In what sense?"

"Well, when my energy seeps into them, they will become aligned with me. My roots will be perceived as theirs, and they won't oppose my expansion!" Liu Shu continued with an excited tone. "So, so! I will be able to streeeetch my rooooooots!"

Flor laughed. "Well, that's good news."

Inside, though, she was sweating a bit. 'So, a World Tree's energy can afflict a type of brain-washing to make all surrounding trees literally do nothing against the invasion? The more you learn about World Trees, the more I am glad my race is not… Hm? Wait.'

Flor asked, curious. "Liu Shu… Does your energy work the same with the Fairy Roses that we grow around you?"

The World Tree pondered. "While it's not the same, it should have some sort of effect! Why? Is that bad?"

Flor's face became complicated, and looked at her <World Tree's Mother> title. 'Perhaps a bit of influenced loyalty is not bad… I don't really want one rotten Rose Fairy to mess things up.'

Her conflicted emotions were sorted quickly. Her title already gave the Rose Fairies an innate loyalty toward Liu Shu, so being affected by Liu Shu's beneficial aura was not bad.

With that sorted out, Flor asked. "So, when are you going to Level Up?"

Liu Shu hummed. "When Ignatia returns!"

Flor blinked. "Why?"

Liu Shu giggled. "I want Flor to be protected!"

Flor looked at her stumps and sighed. "All right, but they are growing! I might be able to recover my wings and limbs in a year or so!"

Liu Shu humphed. "But you don't have them now! Your Phoer Body Shards have also yet to become as high as they were in the past!"

Flor raised her good arm in surrender. "Okay, okay. My little Liu Shu has the final word."

"Hmph~ As it should be~."

Flor and Liu Shu laughed. Flor asked. "Right, Liu Shu. Have you discovered the maximum range for your roots? You were extending one root to see until where it could reach, right?"

Liu Shu giggled. "Yes! After almost one and a half months of constant digging, I've reached my limits!"

Flor clapped against her thigh. "Very nice! How much? 600 meters? Perhaps, 700?"

"It is currently… 1,560 meters!"

The Rose Fairy Queen almost choked. "How much!?"

Liu Shu said smugly. "One kilometer, five hundred and sixty meters~."

The Rose Fairy Queen blinked a few times and looked into the distance. "That's… far. How much time do you think you will need to stretch all of your root-net system to those limits?"

Liu Shu laughed. "I am going to Level Up soon and growww! So my roots might reach even further!"

"Soon, the entire forest will be under your domain!" Flor laughed.

Liu Shu pondered and asked. "How big is this forest, Flor?"

The Rose Fairy Queen pondered. "Well, in the houses of the Void Witherwood people, there were a few maps. I've left them in the <Lignified Vault>, together with other important items like armor, potions, and weapons. You can probably find it there."

The World Tree muttered. "But… I don't know how to read maps…"

Flor blinked twice and muttered. "Well… Me neither."

Both creatures stayed silent, the nature around them chirping as they reflected on their lack of basic knowledge.

"We have a long way to go, Liu Shu."


Flor smiled and asked. "So, you told me you can summon things now?"

Liu Shu exclaimed. "I CAN! I chose a race called <Arboreal Winged Serpent>! It sounds cool, right!?"

Flor blinked. "You chose a snake as your summon? There weren't more… nature-like things?"

The World Tree said in a pouting tone. "Hmph! This one is nature-likeee, it issss, because it has 'Arboreal' in its nameeeeee! Even the system said soooo!"

Flor laughed at her childish tone. It was even cuter now that Liu Shu's tone was more mature, like an adult acting childish with someone they really trusted. "Okay, okay. My bad, Liu Shu. So, how about you summon one? I want to see the nature-like snake~."

Liu Shu humped. "You are still mocking me! Okay, then! I'll summon one! To do this…" Liu Shu looked at the skill and tried to feel the same way she had with the other skills. "So… I need to move the Anima Energy like this?"

Her Anima Energy began to focus around her and moved toward a point in space a few meters in front of her.

Flor looked at the concentrated spot of Anima Energy with curiosity and surprise. 'According to Liu Shu, this thing is E Ranked, right? Why is the aura so… profound?'

As the Anima Energy concentrated further, the Rose Fairy Queen felt a slight chill. "Liu Shu, is everything okay?" Flor had a bad feeling about it. However, the World Tree had lost herself in the complicated summoning skill.

There were many different methods for summoning creatures. The most common method was to create a "construct-like" being made of pure Anima Energy by concentrating the energy into the shape of a creature to imitate their qualities.

This type of summoning was the most energy-efficient, but the summons were the "weakest" of the methods.

The second method was to actually summon a living being that had a contract with the summoner. These summons were individuals, and their advantage and, simultaneously, the disadvantage was that they were limited by their own potential.

They could overcome the summoner's level and strength, but the energy required to summon them was exponentially higher as the strength between both parties strayed further apart. Verdantia's summons were of this type.

Finally, the third method was the most complicated of them all. It involved the summoner making a contract with an extradimensional being and, similar to the second method, contracting them.

The difference was that such summons grew by themselves, and while their potential was incredibly high, if the summon died in the other dimension, you would be left without it. Of course, another complication was the fact that not all summoners were able to connect with other dimensions to call for creatures from.

Although the third method was by far the best one, as the creatures contracted from the other side could improve in strength tremendously, connecting with other dimensions required incredible amounts of mental strength.

Liu Shu had such an ability as a World Tree, though. After a few minutes, her voice echoed with incredible depth and power.

"<World Tree Calling>."

Flor saw the Anima Energy that had accumulated shoot toward the sky and break it open.


A massive spatial fissure appeared above them, and from it, Flor saw a gargantuan green reptilian eye looking down like a God observing the little ants of the world.

Flor's body was constantly shivering while that godly being observed them from the spatial crack above for a few seconds.

Then, that creature's pupil shrunk to a line, and a pillar of green light fell on top of Liu Shu, enveloping her with an immeasurably strong aura.

[<????? ??????? ???????? Level ???> Has chosen you as its contractor.]

[Due to the Level difference between <World Tree Level 11> and the <????? ??????? ???????? Level ???>, it is impossible to contract it.]

The godly being's eye looked annoyed as if it could read the system message. Then, a pulse of energy came from it and slammed downwards onto the world.

[Sy$%e# Error]

[<????? ??????? ???????? Level ???> Has been contracted!]

[Title Gained! Error! The <??? ????????> title is too powerful. It will be added to <Hidden Titles>]

[Children of <????? ??????? ???????? Level ???> will be summoned in its stead. <Arboreal Winged Serpent Level 11 (E Rank)> Has been summoned!]

The enormous eye looking through the spatial fissure relaxed, looking satisfied, and with a small beam of green energy, a 20-meter-long winged serpent appeared in front of Liu Shu. Its body was covered with brown wood-like scales, while the large wings spanning out from its back were made of green leaves. The green reptilian eyes shone like emeralds.

Then, as the creature materialized, the spatial fissure in the sky closed, and everything returned to normal. Strangely, the rest of the World didn't even notice that a presence far above anything in the World had descended.

Only Flor, who was in physical contact with Liu Shu's main body, managed to see it.

Flor received a message that nearly caused her a stroke.

[You've gazed upon a creature with immeasurable strength and bathed in its energies for a brief moment.]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Tier Up!]

The Rose Fairy Queen almost fainted in shock. 'W-What!?'

However, before she could think of anything else, her body was quickly surrounded by energies, and she became a Level 18 E+ Rank creature.

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