Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 133. Finding the Right Person.

It was morning in the <Explorer Association> in Fortuna City. The place was bustling with people, many more than usual. The reason was not because of some kind of event but because of the incredible change that was taking place in the <Golden Sap Forest>.

Most people who came were here for expeditions to the north of Fortuna toward <White Flower Forest> or to the south toward the <Dark Aether Swamp>. 

To the East, Fortuna City had the <Golden Sap Forest>, separated by a small flatland of basically nothing. This flatland started after the forest dominated by Fortuna's presence ended. As a Second Cycle World Tree, Fortuna's roots reached far. 

Finally, to the West, Fortuna City faced a large expanse of wild forest called <Wall Forest>. 

The <Wall Forest> is one of the reasons Fortuna managed to thrive so much in the first place. The overall position of Fortuna on the global map was to the east of the continent. The <Wall Forest> naturally separated their area from powerful creatures that appeared as they went inland. 

The general ruler of this continent was called the <Azure Rose Confederation>. They dominated most of the land thanks to the large alliance of powers that were under their rule. 

Cinderielle looked up from her book, listening as Eila taught them about the general arrangement of the powers. "As explained, the <Azure Rose Confederation> is largely influential in not only our continent but those in the surrounding ones as well. Our World is enormous, separated into 14 Continents. Yet, it is common knowledge that there are three main powers in the World. These are the <Azure Rose Confederation>, <Verdant Sanctity Covenant>, and <Celestial Lotus Empire>."

Cinderielle blinked twice and frowned. Eila's eyes landed on her, and she asked. "Is there something wrong, Cinderielle?" 

Cinderielle hesitated and asked. "Isn't there another global power?"

Eila paused and nodded. "There is. However, they are more of a global terrorist power. Their objectives are unclear, but they are really radical. Their name is <Abyssal Void Nexus>. Similar to the other three global powers, the Nexus has plenty of subordinates and powers spread throughout the entire world. They are quite sneaky, and unless you have the backing of another global power, many don't dare provoke them."

Cinderielle hummed. "I see. Thank you, teacher." 

Eila gave Cinderielle a look and nodded. She added for the rest of the class. "Speaking of that power, the <Void Witherwood Exarchs> that were recently half-exterminated are part of the Nexus. We are unsure how and who did it, but their power has become nothing but a husk of what they were." 

Cinderielle and Verdantia flinched a bit, but not enough for anyone to notice.

Eila walked toward the board and began writing the names of a few powers. "Because of the <Golden Sap Forest's> unexpected evolution, many of the main powers in the surroundings will send their people. Remember that while this continent is dominated by the <Azure Rose Confederation>, there are powers from every power everywhere. While they dominate, the number of neutral powers is big enough to allow a certain distribution all around the world."

Eila wrote a total of ten names and pointed at them one by one. "These are the ones that have influence around our area. The first is naturally our city, <Fortuna City>. Dominated by a mighty World Tree, it is a fortress that's almost impenetrable by any force around us."

"From the <Azure Rose Confederation>, there is the <Ruby Hellebore Sect>, <Midnight Foxglove Sect>, and <Azurebell Heather Sect>."

Cinderielle blinked and thought. 'That last sect… Isn't that the one Eldric is from? Hmm, should I ask where they are located?'

Eila continued. "From the <Verdant Sanctity Covenant>, there are the <Reverent Timber Wardens>, <Sylva Sanctum Exarchs>, and <Arboreal Revelation Hierophants>." 

Cinderielle scratched her cheek; she took too long to think. 'I'll investigate later by myself. Let's listen to class.'

"Then, we have those associated with <Celestial Lotus Empire>. They are <Celestial Cherry Blossom Sect>, <Sacred Water Lily Sect>, and <Whispering Willow Sect>."

Eila paused and looked at the last list. "Finally, we have those associated with the <Abyssal Void Nexus>. Try to have as little interaction with them as possible. Remember that once you join them, the rest of the world will be your enemy. The powers you need to be careful about are <Void Marigold Wardens>, <Void Witherwood Exarchs>, and <Echoing Abyss Harbingers>." 

A person raised their hand, and Eila looked over, tilting her chin to motion him to speak. The man asked. "What about Fortuna City? Who are they associated with?"

Eila commented. "Well, they are associated with the <Azure Rose Confederation>, but the link is quite weak. Many consider <Fortuna City> a free city-state. Mostly independent." 

A woman in the corner of the classroom laughed, and Eila looked over with a frown. "What is so funny, Miss Isolde Stormbringer?"

Isolde had auburn hair and grey eyes, with a fierce and determined countenance. Even while sitting, she looked dominant and overbearing. "Eila Neoflora, aren't you part of the <Azure Rose Confederation>? Does Fortuna City really have a weak link with them? When you are quite literally the head of this city? How does that make sense?" 

Eila paused and looked at her, her face cold. "Miss Isolde, being part of the <Sacred Water Lily Sect> doesn't give you any right to speak as you did."

Isolde hummed and smiled. "I know. I was making an observation. Care to answer my questions?" 

Eila turned around to start clearing the board and spoke. "Don't poke your nose where nobody has asked you to, Miss Isolde. You might get hurt."

Isolde rested her chin on her hand and asked. "Oh? Are you angry that I exposed your facade? How is Lady World Tree Fortuna doing, by the way? Is she creating enough profits?" 

A sylvan in the class smashed her hand on the table. "Don't be disrespectful toward our World Tree, Isolde!"

Isolde chuckled. "Or what?"

Eila pointed at the door and said flatly. "Get out. Come back a month later. If this attitude is not fixed, I will need to call the head of the <Sacred Water Lily Sect> about your attitude."

Isolde stood up and walked outside with confident strides. "I am soo scared~." 

Cinderielle frowned and asked Verdantia, whispering. "What's wrong with her?"

Verdantia commented. "A genius Sylvan from the <Sacred Water Lily Sect>. She is the daughter of one of the top leaders, and she has received quite a lot of information. While she looks rash, she is quite intelligent. It's just that she is too outspoken, so she doesn't have a good reputation. However, she is a…" Verdantia smiled weirdly. "Violently righteous person?" 

Cinderielle didn't know how to take that sentence, but it seemed strangely fitting.

Verdantia sighed. "However, people of those sects would never really attend Fortuna City's Academy. Their education is usually completed in their own sects. After all, it is the best way to hammer a certain set of values into their members. They are not called sects when defining an organization; they are called sects because of their doctrines. Each sect has different values, some with radical thoughts." 

Cinderielle frowned and deduced. "Are they coming here because of <Golden Sap Forest> changes?"

Verdantia nodded. Then, she sighed. "We need to find a reliable Array Master or Runecrafter as soon as possible and return to <Golden Sap City>."

Cinderielle nodded and sighed. "I miss Liu Shu…" 

Verdantia looked forward and nodded. "Me as well."

The class continued until the afternoon, and then both Sylvans walked outside. At the gates, they saw a similarly tall and cool woman waiting for them. Her stormy gray eyes and hair flowed with the natural wind created by her body, giving her a wild and free feeling that made many maidens around her swoon.

Cinderielle shouted while waving her hand. "Tempestria!" 

Tempestria's bored face gained a faint smile as she looked over. "Hey! It took a while."

Verdantia looked around, and seeing the droves of women and men looking their way, she spoke. "Let's change places. There are too many eyes around." 

Tempestria laughed. "Sure." 

Walking into an inn, they reserved a private room and sat around a square table that was growing roots on the ground. They were naturally created, using different types of skills to assimilate nature into society's everyday lifestyle. 

Tempestria spoke. "I found someone. However, they are a tricky person."

The other two raised their eyebrows. Cinderielle asked. "How did you do it?"

Tempestria laughed. "Well, it is someone I met last year while doing my mercenary jobs. I didn't expect her to have opened a shop in Fortuna City so fast! When I went, though, it was completely empty."

Cinderielle asked, flabbergasted. "Are you sure we can trust someone like that?"

Tempestria smiled. "Well, we should be able to. She is quite a reclusive person, but she is talented and has great potential. The only things she lacks are funds and a place to work. Liu Shu's side should be a perfect place for her to develop. Moreover, the only reason she opened a shop is because she lacks money. If not, who knows if she would've come out from her basement? Hahaha."

Verdantia asked, unsure. "What about her personality? Also, you say she… Is she a Sylvan or Human?"

Tempestria picked up the glass of sweet nectar from the table and took a sip. "Neither. She is a beastkin. Specifically, a mothkin." 

Cinderielle was stunned. "Mothkin? Wow, those are extremely rare. How come I've never heard of her? If she is good, she should've been famous."

Tempestria shrugged. "As I said, she is talented but a disaster for everything else. How about we meet with her? Instead of asking me, judge by yourselves. Oh, by the way, she is a talented Runecrafter with knowledge in the array master field."

Verdantia exclaimed. "That's great!" 

The three Sylvans had a meal, and then Tempestria guided them to a secluded place in the city. Looking at the dilapidated wooden house with a hanging piece of wood that had the name of the shop written on it, Cinderielle asked. "Are you sure she hasn't been here for decades?

Tempestria laughed at their stunned expressions. "Well, according to her, this kind of vibe gives her a homely feeling."

Verdantia almost choked on her own saliva. "T-This is on purpose!?" 

Tempestria shrugged. "This shop was built less than a month ago and has had a grand total of 1 customer." Tempestria pointed at herself. "Me." 

The Life and Fire Sylvans looked at the house on the verge of collapse again, flabbergasted. The Wind Sylvan took the lead and opened the door. "Mariane! I came with visitors!" 

Verdantia and Cinderielle heard several things falling over, creating a clutter of noises that made them cringe. A few seconds later, someone burst out from a door at the right, a cloud of dust-like something following her. "Tempestria! Have you invited two whole money bags for me!? Thank you!"

Cinderielle and Verdantia felt their facial muscles spasming, not expecting such a person to live as a hermit. 'What is wrong with this creature!?'

Looking over, however, they were pretty stunned at her exotic yet stunning appearance. 

Mariane was as white as snow, with a very thin layer of beautiful white and fluffy hair covering her body. Her gorgeous, silky, and tight white dress covered her entire body, and it was adorned with yellow stripes and black dots. 

Then, while the woman had long white hair flowing down to her hips, she was covered with two large wings hanging down from her head. The wings were similar to her dress, with a yellow contour and black dots, complementing her overall exotic beauty. 

Her face was much different from that of a humanoid. It was adorned with very large, entirely black, pearly eyes and two hairy antennae sprouting from her forehead. Her facial features were clearly female but somewhat fuzzy, as the white fur covered her face as well. 

They also realized that the dust cloud came from her wings, buzzing in apparent happiness at Tempestria's visit. Yet, instead of causing coughing, when inhaled, it was accompanied by a peculiar yet pleasant scent. 

She also had four arms that ended in non-human dark-colored hands, each of the hands holding a unique tool for Runecrafting. 

Verdantia muttered under her breath. "No wonder Mom told me that Mothkins are almost extinct. Such an exotic beauty must be harshly harvested by evil people with interests."

Cinderielle just exclaimed with a drawn-out "Wow." 

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