Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 138. New Residents!

Reaching the Golden Sap Forest from Fortuna City didn't take long. However, as they walked, everyone felt as if their shoes were filled with pins and needles. The woman at the front was huffing and puffing, constantly muttering something. 

Usually, these seasoned Explorers who had gone through several life-and-death situations would not be fazed. Still, when the person complaining was a Second Cycle woman, they all feared that if she snapped, someone would die. 

"That Tempestria girl, what does she mean that they can't come with me? What am I going to do?" The woman at the front, a mothkin with an exotic yet beautiful look, pouted. "Ah! I am going to spank that girl using all four of my arms!" 

Mariane looked behind and saw the group of 20 following her closely and silently. "Hey, why did you decide to do this? I guess you all know where we are going and for what, right?"

One man at the front said. "Lady Verdantia comes from a powerful family. While it is risky, the returns, if we are successful, will set me and even my grandchildren up for success. I think it is worth the risk. If I fail, then I'll die, not much different from the Explorer job."

Mariane blinked and nodded. "I see. I can respect that. What about the rest?"

Different answers came, some more selfish than others, but overall, they could be summarized as them taking a risk for a bright future or die trying. 

Mariane hummed and looked forward. After walking into the forest for a few moments, she noticed the increase in energy in the surroundings, making her smile. "This forest is quite nice, very pure air."

She had never visited the Golden Sap Forest before because it was too low level for her. But contrary to her thoughts, it was quite a nice place. 

After a few hours, they advanced a few kilometers with no beast attacks. One of them was confused. "Isn't this strange?"

A woman at the side sighed. "Hey, we are a group of 20 with quite high levels; I am sure that the beasts that saw us ran away. Even if this place's entry-level has recently been updated in the logs, the flora and fauna inside should take a while to reach the threat level the Explorer Association assigned it."

"Wait." A man stopped everyone and looked around with a frown. "I can feel someone is looking at us." 

Mariane looked around and commented. "Continue walking. Don't attack whatever appears unless it is coming aggressively toward us." 

Her tone was not serious, being relatively light and easy-going. Even then, nobody dared say no. 

After walking forward a few more minutes, a voice reached them. "Wait."

Mariane looked toward the direction the sound came from with a smile. "Hai~, I am Mariane and come in peace~."

From the trees, Marianne saw a small 45-centimeter-tall Rose Fairy appearing. However, she had a natural grandeur that other members of the same species failed to have. 'Oh? A rare evolution of a Rose Fairy? Hmm, according to Tempestria, she should be Flor, right? But… Wasn't this little one Level 14?'


Name: Flor

Level: 18

Aether Mana Shards: 68,969/68,969

Phoer Body Shards 28,318/28,318

Anima Energy Shards: 37,698/37,698


Mariane blinked twice. 'That's not Level 14. Moreover, I can feel that those are her basic stats… What about her buffed state? I can't see it, somehow~. Interesting.' 

Flor frowned. "What do you want from us? You are walking straight, as if you know." 

Marian giggled and walked forward without fear. "I know~ Of course I know~. You are speaking about that little World Tree, right?" 

Mariane's sharp gaze saw Flor's hands twitch, and she smiled. "Want to attack me? Hehe~, that's not good~. Please think a bit before acting, little Rose Fairy." 

Flor's frown deepened. "Who sent you? I can feel a lot of strength from you."

Mariane continued walking forward with a big smile. "Well, does it matter? I want to meet with the World Tree. I and the people behind me are interested in working with her."

Flor's face was tight. "You can't. We don't accept anyone."

Mariane laughed. "Wrong~. You don't accept suspicious people. Well, it is good that you are resisting so much when I asked you about it and I am clearly stronger than you or the hidden person over there~." 

Mariane pointed toward the place Ignatia was hidden, making Flor's face drop. 

"Little Fairy, if I had bad intentions, you wouldn't be safe~. Moreover, your World Tree is not attacking me, right? Can you guess why?" 

Flor blinked, confused. Mariane extended her hand. "Look at this~."

On Mariane's hand, Tempestria's amulet that Liu Shu herself crafted appeared. "Can you see? There are two options now in front of you, Rose Fairy. You trust me, or you distrust me more, thinking that this amulet was stolen. Which one do you choose?"

Flor looked between the amulet and the mothkin a few times. The amulet was covered in a cloth when the mothkin took it out. Moreover, once revealed, it was clearly well preserved. Spotless, even. 

In Flor's opinion, an item that was a war trophy would usually not be taken care of this much. She also realized that Liu Shu didn't appear aggressive, probably because she felt the aura of this amulet. 

Of course, such an attitude felt a bit naive when several Rose Fairies had been captured wearing a few of Liu Shu's amulets. Still, since Liu Shu had a good first impression, Flor decided to trust the World Tree's instincts. 

Similar to the situation with the human caravan, it was a gamble. 

"For now, I'll trust your words. Still, if you do any suspicious actions, we'll respond with a heavy hand."

Mariane nodded. "No problem." Then, she looked toward the left and asked. "Are you going to reveal yourself or not?"

Ignatia's voice reached them. "Not yet~. I want you to be in a place where you are less of a threat first." 

Mariane laughed. "You are acting as if I would try to kill you if I saw you."

Ignatia chuckled as well. "Perhaps you or someone behind you will. See you in Golden Sap Town…" 

Noticing the pause in the sentence, the mothkin answered. "Mariane is my name, mysterious monster." 

"I see… I am Ignatia. Let's hope we have a pleasant interaction." 

The 20 people behind Mariane looked around with serious faces. The trees in the forest were usually massive, reaching tens of meters in height. This made looking through the dense vegetation growing at the bottom of them complicated. Therefore, during the entire conversation, the only ones they could see properly was the Rose Fairy that came forward and a few others that were on the branches, looking at them like predators waiting to pounce. 

Seeing the creatures that would usually attack them without a second thought act so patiently and intelligently was honestly foreign, giving them an uncanny feeling. 

Mariane spoke. "Let's go. We are going to arrive at Golden Sap Town soon." 

All of them closely followed Mariane, and soon, the forest opened up, revealing a massive wooden wall that had several tall and robust-looking trees on it. 

The entire structure, reaching 14 meters in height, gave an imposing and menacing vibe. Flor commented. "We are here. Now, you are in the domain of our World Tree, so if you don't want to be hurt, don't act suspicious." 

Mariane's black eyes flashed with interest and excitement. 'Since I will probably become the head Runecrafter of this place, I will be able to work on reinforcement runes for these things, right? This is so interesting~, my craft will certainly reach a new level!'

After crossing the wall, a relatively barren town welcomed them. What they didn't expect were the two new races that didn't welcome them. 

"Ants!? Why are there so many ants?"

"Aren't those Myconids? I think we should prepare face masks to avoid breathing in their spores!" 

Flor looked back with a frown. "Silence! All monsters here have a certain level of intelligence. They won't attack you randomly. Also, Ignatia, come out already."

"Hahaha~, okay, little Flor, I'll listen to you."

Hearing the steps coming from behind one of the houses, everyone looked over, curious as to what kind of monster would appear. 

Once in their sight, their faces changed, and they became even more horrified than when they saw the many ants. Even Mariane's face tightened. "I didn't want to believe it, but…"

Ignatia looked over, her insect-like, emotionless eyes looking as if they were smiling. "My name is Ignatia, a True Ant Queen~. A pleasure to meet all of you."

One of the 20 behinds took a step back, tripping and falling on their butts. "A-Ant Queen! A humanoid Ant Queen!" 

Mariane's lips arched stiffly. "Wrong. A Level 20 humanoid Ant Queen." Two of her four arms went to her forehead, and she started caressing her antennae in frustration. "Sigh… Little Tempestria really set me up, eh? I was not informed of this." 

Ignatia grinned. "See? If we were outside, some of you might've jumped at me~."

Mariane laughed mirthlessly. "Ignatia, right?"

Ignatia nodded, and Mariane asked. "Are you really sincere toward this place? Or are you biding your time?"

Ignatia smiled, amused. "I have a title called <World Tree Ant Queen>. What do you think?" 

Mariane smiled wryly. "I don't know, that title can be taken two different ways, you know?"

Ignatia laughed, walking toward Flor and hugging her into her ample bosom. "Well, think whatever you want. Little Liu Shu knows I have no bad intentions~. 

"Liu Shu?" Mariane's wings fluttered. "The name of the World Tree over there?"

Suddenly, a voice as gentle as nature and soothing like the sound of a river flowing spread around. "That's indeed my name~. Hello, Mariane and the rest!"

Mariane blinked a few times and looked toward the tall and gorgeous tree. The trunk, which had gained a humanoid female shape, had a pleasant aesthetic form that almost all species would find attractive.

Mariane's eyes glittered, and she quickly flew over with a buzz of her wings. Everyone that was looking couldn't help but be startled at the speed of the mothkin. "You can talk!? Oh, dear. This is so nice! Also, Liu Shu, your voice is so pretty! I heard good things about you from Tempestria, but she sold you short! Hahaha." 

Flor was stunned and quickly flew over with an angered face. "Hey! Can you not do this again!? Do you not understand that you are not yet welcomed here? Who rushes toward the most precious part of the town without a single warning! You are lucky that Liu Shu didn't react, or an all-out war would've broken out here!" 

Mariane blinked twice and coughed. "Sorry. I was too excited."

Flor pointed at her and continued. "You know, I understand that you are strong! However, you can't act as you please! Even if it is not your intention, people will get hurt if you act so unreservedly!" 

Mariane nodded, actually apologetic. "You are right. I should've not rushed forward."

Ignatia interrupted Flor's tirade. "There, there. Nothing happened, so no need to stir the mood more." 

Flor pouted. "Whatever." 

Liu Shu at the side laughed, filling the surroundings with her pleasant laugh. Everyone couldn't help but feel their nerves calming down. Mariane smiled, her opinion of this little place increasing by the second. 

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