Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 145. Thoughts of a World Tree.

When Clavel returned with both berries, Verena looked over with an interested look. She was curious about what kind of berry would warrant the reaction they had. At first glance, the two fruits appeared to have a large concentration of energy, but other than that, they didn't look much different from the rest she had seen. Only the color pattern was different.

Verena hummed. "These ones are the ones you've been hiding?"

Verdantia sighed. "Mom, first analyze them. You look a bit silly when acting like that with two treasures in front of you. You know, like showing music to a wild animal." 

Cinderielle laughed, making Verena snort. "You don't have to be so rude, Little Flower." Then, she looked at them and analyzed them. 

<Energy Cycle Berry (D- Rank)>: Increase the Completion Rate of an energy cycle by 5% up to 60%. You can Ingest 1 per Berry rank.

<Low-Rank Breakthrough Berry (E+ Rank)>: +1 <Sub-Tier>. Max <E Rank>. Any Creature can ingest 1 every 10 years. (Can Ingest Higher Ranked Breakthrough Berries with a 1-month cooldown).

Verena and Branthis both froze, Verena's eyes widening as she was unable to contain her surprise. Mariane nodded. "Right, that's the normal reaction. More so from people of their level."

Tempestria looked at her and asked. "What do you mean?"

Mariane sighed. "For you, that kind of fruit is extremely powerful because it increases your strength by a huge notch. For them who had seen much more of the world, that fruit is extremely powerful because they understand what kind of future can be built with it." 

Mariane added. "Do you know why the super global powers are global powers in the first place? Actually, they are all led by World Trees. These World Trees have different methods of making people loyal, using rewards that are unattainable otherwise. Global superpowers' differences also come from what their World Tree can do."

Tempestria looked at Verena's and hummed. "So, she sees the same potential in Liu Shu?"

Mariane snorted. "Same? The <Delicious Berry> alone is enough to shoot Liu Shu's value as a World Tree to the sky. While other World Trees have ways to give experience, they are limited. Liu Shu is basically an unlimited source of Experience Points. Now, before the second <Energy Cycle>, she is already producing ridiculous berries. Have you thought about what would happen if she reaches… forget the second, what about the third <Energy Cycle>?"

Flor, who had recently gained a lot of intelligence, understood Mariane's implied words and tried to answer. "Does that mean that Liu Shu is a contender that has the potential to participate in the World Stage?"

Mariane smiled. "It seems you are developing quite well intelligence-wise, Rose Fairy. Yes, that's what it means. Liu Shu is a World Class World Tree, so to speak. Not even Fortuna can qualify for that, and she is one of the most powerful World Trees around these lands. Well, she is strong enough at least to have become a little overlord." 

After thinking for a while, Verena said, "Liu Shu, I want to make a deal with you."

Liu Shu asked. "A deal? What kind of deal?"

Verena spoke. "These berries are strong, especially for children who are growing. Using your resources in a measured manner, you can silently increase your strength and surprise everyone. I want to create an alliance between the Liferoot family and you. In exchange, I will provide you with as many books as I can, and I will also try to maintain things as a conflict between the younger generation. With your strength, you won't be bothered by those people as long as you don't slaughter everyone who approaches with bad intentions."

Verena looked at Ignatia and said. "Of course, Ignatia will need to remain hidden most of the time. Have you given birth to new Ant Queens?"

'Hm? Verena doesn't know that my children that can give birth to more ants are called <Ant Princess>? Oho~, perhaps the information about my race is not as thorough as I thought.' Ignatia asked impassibly. "What if I have? What if I haven't?"

Verena explained patiently, understanding Ignatia's reluctance to reveal it. "If you have, you can use those as the reason why there are ants in this city. If you haven't, then try to create one. You should be strong enough to do that. You know how you, not your race, but just you, are seen."

Ignatia didn't answer, so Verena continued talking with Liu Shu. "What do you think?"

Liu Shu hummed and became thoughtful. Everyone in the room stayed silent, waiting for the World Tree's answer. Seconds went by, and eventually, a few minutes passed. 

However, nobody rushed it. They knew that when thinking about something really important, creatures like trees would like to take their time. 

After nearly 30 minutes of silence, Liu Shu's voice spread in the room again. "I refuse!"

Everyone blinked, surprised. Verena asked, confused. "Why? Are the benefits not enough?"

Liu Shu answered with a free and easy tone. "Well, I don't know you. I know that moms are supposed to support their children and such, but I don't know if you are one of those. Also, creating a relationship through benefits is not something I want."

Verena frowned. "Don't all World Trees function with a symbiotic relationship with those living under them?"

Liu Shu answered. "Huh? Who told you that? We, World Trees, just want to expand. There are other creatures in the way of our expansion, and those creatures find things we produce useful. If the usefulness of the things we produce suddenly disappears for any reason, those who had been living off of the World Tree's resources will turn their backs on her and sometimes even go as far as toppling it down."

Verena couldn't answer back.

Liu Shu giggled. "I let the Rose Fairies around me because they took care of me. I allowed Ignatia and her family to be nearby because she never provoked me. I allowed the Myconids to live with me because they are harmless to me. I allowed your daughter and the other Sylvans to be near me because I can feel a deep connection with them. I've allowed Mariane and the other 20 to live under me because Flor made a deal with them that doesn't include me."

The World Tree continued with her usually gentle and calm tone. "You were not allowed near me; instead, you brute-forced your way in using your strength. You felt entitled to enter because you are stronger than me and because you are the mother of someone I consider close. Your intentions might've been good. Your thoughts might be pure. You even stopped yourself from attacking me back. Yet, you are still using your strength and knowledge advantage to get a profitable deal for you."

Liu Shu hummed. "While people are under my canopy, as long as they don't bother me, I don't mind. If someone bothers me, then I will kill them. The same goes for the trees around me; they will be killed if they don't surrender to my expansion. If they do, they are assimilated. I, as a World Tree, want domination of the land. Deals with me are done on the basis that you are an ally of mine, not the opposite. We won't become allies because we do deals with each other."

Everyone stayed silent and with hardened faces as Liu Shu finished. "If you want to make a deal with Flor, who has access to as many of my fruits as she wants, you can. However, I am neither the ally nor friend of anybody here except very few. If I find that someone is doing something I don't like, they will die." 

Verena spoke, her tone severe. "Liu Shu, you are young and don't understand many things. However, you will need to learn to compromise if you want to grow to the heights you truly want."

Liu Shu answered. "Wrong. Compromise means limiting myself. Once I stop spreading my roots in one direction, starting to move them again will be difficult because now they are tied down by chains. If I ally with your Liferoot family now, when my roots arrive at your mansion, I will need to avoid it, right? You won't allow me to get a hold of that land."

This time, it was Branthis who answered. "You are being too overbearing. That is the place I am protecting, you have no business spreading your roots there."

Liu Shu focused on Branthis and hummed. "You are strong. You can protect your place if you are against my roots extending there. That doesn't mean I won't continue trying. My objective is to reach out. That's my desire."

Branthis frowned. "Even if that desire means you will eventually die?"

Liu Shu asked. "Which creature doesn't die? Everyone does, later or sooner, but eventually, death is nothing but the end of someone's or something's try at navigating life. If I perish trying to reach my goal, then I will. If I live and manage to realize them, then I will. I do not want to compromise and get caged in while I yearn for something else."

The World Tree's voice was constant, with no signs of anger or extreme emotions. It was similar to someone speaking about the weather or what they've done throughout the day—casual and easy-going. 

Branthis asked. "Then, what is stopping me from attacking you right now and killing you, stealing your land?"

Liu Shu giggled. "You are strange."

Everyone was puzzled, and Liu Shu asked. "Why are you asking about something you don't want to do? I don't know much about your race, but I know that you are a type of vine, right? You don't have the ability to expand like a tree. You need others to support your existence. Your desire is different from mine. Why threaten with something that you won't do?"

Branthis felt speechless. 'Isn't this tree just Level 13? Why are her thoughts so complex- Wait.'

Branthis asked. "What did you do with that book?"

Everyone looked at the flower pot, and Flor suddenly realized. 'Right, before, she took a while to absorb information because she was low-level and lacked intelligence… Did Liu Shu use that 30-minute pause to absorb the book that Verena gave her?'

Liu Shu's voice reached them. "What did I do? I ate it, of course."

The only ones who knew about that skill were old-timers. Therefore, everyone else was stunned. Verena asked, incredulous. "What do you mean?"

Liu Shu commented. "<World Of Thoughts> is quite an interesting book. It has truly opened my thought process to new options and conclusions. I can understand that I was seeing the world with a narrow mind. Yet, I wasn't really wrong; I was just naive." Liu Shu hummed cutely. "Well, thanks to that, I now understand a few things~. Anyway, Branthis, empty threats are not useful. And, as I said, if you want to get those fruits, don't ask me, ask Flor. I will continue to expand and create, what those under my canopy do is not something I care about unless it involves me…"

However, before she finished that sentence, Liu Shu's mind suddenly flashed with the words she heard the day she received her inheritance. 

[Little one, the path ahead is difficult, but I hope you don't ignore those close and sincere to you in search of greater strength.]

When those words flashed in her mind, Liu Shu added. "...Involves me or anyone I care about."

Verena, who was frowning until a few seconds ago, felt her eyebrows lift in surprise. She was thinking that Liu Shu was just another World Tree, as almost all of them think similarly to Liu Shu. Yet, that last sentence felt different. 

Her thoughts shifted a bit and she patted Branthis. "Enough, husband. Thank you."

Verena looked at Flor and smiled. "Well, let's make a deal then. I guess you want to get things for Liu Shu, and the books we have here are quite nice for her."

Flor blinked several times, not fully understanding what happened. Liu Shu's words felt disrespectful, yet there was a strange caring nature in them. Then, Verena, who seemed about to flip a table, suddenly relaxed and became cheerful. 

It felt like Liu Shu's last sentence cut all the tension in the room, making everyone relax. Ignatia saw her little fairy's confusion and smiled. "I'll explain later, don't worry. Just agree for now."

Flor looked at Ignatia, and trusting her, she nodded. "Okay." Finally, turning toward Verena, she commented. "I agree. Let's talk."

Verena laughed, her face looking relaxed. "Good."

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