Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 151. Rune Field Deployed! Unexpected Results.


Liu Shu looked over at the loud shout and saw Mariane fall backward onto the grass. "Wow. This was so FUN!"

Liu Shu giggled. "Is the <Rune Field> finished?"

Mariane released a satisfied sigh. "Yes, it is. It took a while, but I've managed to do everything I wanted to do. Unless someone comes and examines you very closely, they shouldn't be able to notice anything. This <Rune Field>, without touching anything, should last until you are Level 24. Of course, as you Level Up, I can retouch it, making it much more durable. Still, when you reach your <Second Energy Cycle>, I bet you'll have very few people to fear around here. Your stats are absurd, and your branches are incredibly powerful stats-wise."

Liu Shu agreed. "They are! Moreover, they level up with me. When I reach Level 25, the entire town will be Level 25!"

Mariane was silent for a few seconds and muttered. "I didn't even realize that…" Mariane sat up and exclaimed. "Wow. That skill that makes the entire town Level Up with you is quite strong, isn't it?"

Liu Shu said proudly. "It is!"

Mariane asked. "By the way, what's your highest-tiered skill? B Rank? A Rank?"

Liu Shu looked at <World Tree Wisdom> for a second and decided that answering this question would not be wise. "Hm~ I won't tell!"

Mariane tilted her head. "Sure, I guess." Then, she sprung up and said excitedly, her face lighting up like a child about to receive a present from their parents. "Let's activate this baby!"

Mariane commented. "Is the [Energy Rune Array Core] we fixed in a safe place?"

Liu Shu looked underground. The core was lodged between her roots and below her body. "Hm~ It is in a safe place!"

Mariane smirked. "Good, then, let's activate it~." she took out a long chisel and hammer and aimed at a rune that was below her feet. She tapped the chisel with the hammer, sending out a wave of Aether Mana that struck the rune, destroying it.

As if a blockage had disappeared, the energy started flowing and illuminating every single rune. While it was beyond dusk and the sky was somewhat dark, the light show that the illuminating runes produced created a glorious sight of wonder and beauty.

Everyone looked over, observing the <Rune Field> come to life.

As it activated, Liu Shu's aura and form gradually changed. The curvaceous trunk that was characteristic of World Trees smoothened out while the Imposing aura that she emitted faded and became part of the surroundings instead. Now, pinpointing the powerful Aura to Liu Shu would be impossible.

That was not all. Because Mariane had used Liu Shu as part of the <Rune Field>, even she, the creator, couldn't see through it, not to mention other Rune Crafters.

Mariane's proud smile suddenly faltered when the energy started flowing in ways she didn't expect. Her facial expression changed, and she quickly flew forward, looking around the runic field. 'What's happening? Why is it not going as planned?'

She could even tell that the runes on Liu Shu's body were changing form and shape. While she knew most of them, some of them were utterly foreign to Mariane.

Seeing Mariane's unnatural reaction, Tempestria, Verdantia, Cinderielle, Flor, and Ignatia quickly approached.

Tempestria asked. "What's wrong?"

Mariane answered frankly, her antennae crossing as if in a frown. "I don't know. The runes are reacting in ways I didn't expect, and runes I've never seen are appearing in Liu Shu's trunk."

Mariane approached part of the trunk and pointed. "These ones here, for example. They emit quite an ancient aura and are clearly guiding the <Rune Field> in directions I didn't plan. This has seemingly created a chain reaction."

Verdantia and Flor spoke simultaneously. "Then, stop it!"

Mariane raised her hand. "Wait. I know you are worried, but the <Rune Field> is not becoming dangerous. These new runes are even… How to say it… They feel beneficial."

Cinderielle commented. "Even then, if it is not what we planned, shouldn't we cut off the energy to the <Rune Field> and redo it later? We can't risk it going wrong! Even if Liu Shu is high-tiered, you are Level 28, Mariane. Your runes and energies can prove to be too much!"

Mariane snorted and spoke coldly, looking at everyone sharply. "Do you think I would let my runes damage a World Tree for pure curiosity? The dangers of killing a World Tree don't only come from retaliation, but the System itself HATES it when non-World-Trees kill World Trees. If I get a title like <Nature's Enemy> or something, I am basically screwed!"

Everyone paused and decided to calm down and listen. Mariane sighed and explained. "I know you are worried because all of you love this Little Darling, and after interacting with her, I've also come to appreciate her. She is definitely different from other World Trees I've met in the past. She feels much more… Present? Involved? And less of an observer."

Mariane pointed at the transforming <Rune Field> and explained. "The runes' transformation pattern is similar to lesser runes becoming greater runes. Meaning the <Rune Field> is evolving by itself. The core Liu Shu gave me was broken, but I fixed it. However, I couldn't really tell its rank. I think it should be a D- or D Rank Core or something. As I said, the Runes I use are E+ and D- Rank. I have yet to learn more advanced ones."

Tempestria asked. "I more or less understand what is happening. Now, why is it happening? Why is the <Rune Field> evolving by itself?"

Mariane shook her head. "Not by itself." Then, she explained. "Liu Shu has learned many things related to <Rune Crafting> from me during the last months. If I am not wrong, Liu Shu is interfering with the energy paths and using her own instinct and knowledge to improve the Runes. The effect is increased energy efficiency, which allows Runes to transform naturally. However, there is one thing that I do not understand yet."

Ignatia commented. "Is it this?"

They followed to where Ignatia was looking at and saw a few of the runes written in the trunk disappearing and the bark healing, leaving behind a pristine new bark devoid of any rune-related marks.

Mariane nodded. "Only after the <Rune Field> is completed should Liu Shu start to heal the runes on her bark. Yet, she is doing so during the activation. This is something I have zero knowledge about. And I mean I have absolutely no idea why or how she is doing this. Modifying a <Rune Field> during its activation is already incredibly difficult. Absorbing or deleting parts of it during the activation? Not even the legendary tales of Rune Crafters I've read mentioned this."

Ignatia asked. "Have there ever been World Tree Rune Crafters in those tales?"

Mariane paused and tried to remember. All the tales flashed through her memories, and she realized. "There are none…"

Flor scratched her hair. "So, a World Tree learning Runic Arts is unprecedented?"

Mariane smiled awkwardly. "Perhaps. I don't know. I just… I didn't expect it to be much different if she learned Rune Crafting." Then, Mariane said with absolute certainty. "Still, I believe from the bottom of my heart that this is an overall good development."

Cinderielle, still feeling a bit lost, asked. "How? There are a few things that I couldn't really follow."

Mariane commented. "As I said, she is modifying and erasing or absorbing runes. Yet, as she does that, the aura this <Rune Field> releases becomes purer and greater. It is as if it is being perfected. I am a good Rune Crafter but far from being the best. Obviously, while this is probably my best <Rune Field> to date, there will be mistakes and non-efficient runes here and there that I missed."

Mariane continued looking at the changes occurring everywhere across the glowing <Rune Field>. "To be honest, just looking at this increases my <Rune Crafter> proficiency. I can feel the movement of energy between them so clearly. It is really fascinating. I can tell you that almost any Rune Crafter would pay their life savings to be here right now."

Flor looked at Mariane's enchanted facial expression and asked, cautious. "You sure you are not doing it for your own good, right?"

Mariane waved her two right arms. "Relax, relax. Even if I was, it's not like you could stop it. But, I can swear that what's happening is good."

Everyone decided to place a vote of trust on her and continued looking closely.

A few moments earlier, when the <Rune Field> was first activated, Liu Shu's mind activated and she saw all the connections created by Mariane interlocking and moving the energy around in incredibly complex patterns. And yet, Liu Shu could feel faulty energy paths that didn't really take advantage of the energy that was being used.

Seeing this, Liu Shu received a notification.

[<Rune Field> affecting main body detected!]

[<Runic Living Wood City> activates!]

Then, Liu Shu's mind completely disconnected from the outside as she focused on the <Rune Field> developing in front of her.

[Analyzing <Rune Field> efficiency… 46%. Do you want to interfere and assimilate the <Rune Field>? The end results will be completely up to your expertise. Both worse and better results are possible.]


There was no hesitation in Liu Shu's voice. She could see everything to such a profound degree that she was 100% sure that she could upgrade this <Rune Field>.


[<World Tree Wisdom> activates. Do you want <World Tree Wisdom (SSS Rank)> Skill to interfere?


Again, Liu Shu answered instantly.

[Wisdom: You can first assimilate and evolve your Runic Knowledge. It will lead to better results, but it will increase the length of the process by 500%.]

'Do it.'

[Wisdom: Using Tianlian Liu Shu's mind power to 90%. Deduction power increased several-fold…]

[Congratulations! <Runic Living Wood City (D- Rank Level MAX)> has Evolved to <Runic Living Wood City (D Rank Level 1)>]

Liu Shu's mind focused on the <Rune Field> and started enhancing and modifying it. When certain runes were finished and perfect, Liu Shu started absorbing them by using <Runic Living Wood City> instead of leaving them.

The <Runic Living Wood City> skill allowed her to engrave runes in anything she controlled or produced, and this obviously included herself. Therefore, when a Rune was improved until she couldn't upgrade it anymore with her current knowledge, she absorbed it into her own body.

As a World Tree with incredible talent, she was constantly learning and evolving as she continued working on it. Combining effects, energy paths, and with her expertise in forming a perfect <Energy Cycle>, Liu Shu's ability to optimize energy circuits and use them was practically unmatched at her level.

After two weeks of constant effort, a message appeared in her mind.

[<World Tree Wisdom> deactivates.]

[<Rune Living Wood City> deactivates.]

[Assimilation Completed.]

[<Coverage Runic Field> and <Energy Rune Array Core (D Rank)> have been assimilated and transformed into the passive skill <Runic Coverage (D- Rank Level 1)>]

<Runic Coverage (D- Rank Level 1[0/31,200])>: You can change your perceived aura and appearance at will. You can also allow anyone you wish to view your real body and image. This skill works like a global illusion toward all those who observe you through any medium.

Liu Shu felt satisfied and internally smiled, feeling tired but happy. 'Done~. Hehe.'

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