Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 169. Enemy Intentions.

Several groups of people have converged on the <Small White Flower Forest>. The base that the <Void Witherwood Exarch Sect> had was being used as a center of operation. Among all of these people, there was one group that didn't belong to a power that was related to the Nexus people.

While he was not someone with a high level, his background was strong enough to interest the other groups that had gathered here. This man, a very handsome and charismatic guy, spoke with a serious face. "We need to act as fast as possible. The <Explorer Association> has already set up its gaze onto the Golden Sap Forest."

A woman with a common-looking face and slim body spoke, her face looking bored. "Eldric, if the <Explorer Association> truly set their eyes on that city, you would've received a little letter telling you not to poke your bratty nose where it doesn't belong."

Eldric frowned and spat. "If not, then why has Wert moved? Could you please enlighten me, Jolie!"

Jolie looked at Eldric and rolled her eyes. "He is probably acting from personal interest. <Explorer Association Managers> are allowed to open branches at will. However, if something goes wrong, all responsibility falls upon the manager's head. So, Wert is taking quite a big gamble. After all, while he might not be completely sure or have all the details, he must know that we are roaming around and are interested in that place."

Eldric shook his head. "If he really knew what was in that forest, he wouldn't be acting so casual. The <Explorer Association> would've sent a new and more powerful manager to take care of it." 

Jolie looked at Eldric for a few seconds, and then, she turned toward one of the other two men sitting at the table. "Alaric, you've been in charge of the <Void Witherwood Exarch> group since Malachai died. What do you know about the Golden Sap Forest situation?"

Alaric shook his head. "When we first went to take over the Golden Sap Forest, there was a very young World Tree that was leveling up from Level 9 to 10. While the fruits we found were extraordinary, they weren't impressive enough since, during the time we occupied the place, the World Tree only gave fruits two times. With one of the flowers not even starting to transform into the fruit." 

Jolie hummed. "So, the effects of the berries are powerful, but the young World Tree only gives fruits every two to three months; some flowers perhaps need even more time."

While Liu Shu was leveling up, her branches produced the fruits at a normal pace. Remember that the <Nature's Gift> skill had an active that shortened the gestation time sixty days per day. This meant fruits that would take 600 days to gestate would instead take ten days when Liu Shu actively fed them.

Alaric nodded. "That's correct. As the World Tree is now, she is quite useless. Although producing around 1000 Experience Points a year can be considered good, it is not enough for the needs of a small-scale power, not to mention anything more significant."

The last man, who had been silent, spoke. "So, this is more of an investment. No wonder Wert moved by himself. However, if I remember correctly, the ones occupying the town are… peculiar, so to speak. Right, Eldric?"

Eldric nodded. "Yes, Lord Finnian. It is a group of Rose Fairies and Ants that are occupying the place. While I've seen Myconids roaming around, they were not much of a threat. I am honestly confused about how Malachai was defeated or killed by them." 

Alaric agreed. "Yeah. Moreover, no one survived. That's too strange. How can nobody from several hundreds of people be able to escape? Malachai particularly. He was Level 20, and the strongest enemy was a Level 14 Rose Fairy, if I remember correctly."

Jolie blinked and asked, confused. "Then, why did you not go to reclaim it?"

Alaric snorted. "Do you think that rebuilding the <Void Witherwood Exarch Sect> is an easy task? All of us have been busy setting up our bases in strategic positions this last year. Only now did you two bother to come to speak."

Finnian looked at Alaric and spoke with a low tone. "Control your attitude in front of your superiors, boy."

Alaric frowned, but he didn't dare complain. Finnian was, after all, a genuine Level 25—a <Second Energy Cycle> powerhouse. 

While Jolie was not as strong, she was a Level 24 powerhouse that used obscure arts. She had even defeated <Second Energy Cycle> beings before.

Finnian hummed. "Wert is in Sirol City right now, probably planning on who to move there and such. If Wert were in the Golden Sap Forest, our chances would be significantly reduced because I would need to take his attention. He is a strong man." Looking at the map spread on the table, he pointed and said. "Eldric boy will use his flying army to scout ahead of us. Remember to stay at around 500 meters in altitude. World Trees have a lot of trouble reaching that high even when they are Level 20, not to mention a Level 10 young one."

Jolie commented. "How about we slowly approach until we are 700 or so meters away? I doubt a young World Tree like it can reach even 500 meters, not to mention 700." 

Alaric commented. "That's a bit too far, no? Shouldn't we approach to 400 meters?"

Eldric frowned. "700 is good, Alaric. Do not underestimate that World Tree. Her strength must not be low if she can produce such powerful fruits before Level 10. She might even be a D- Tier World Tree."

Finnian looked at Eldric and asked. "That's a bit high for this area. Not even Fortuna is that high-tiered. Are you sure about this?"

Eldric nodded. "My father agreed with this speculation."

Finnian's face relaxed and showed a touch of awe. "If Lord Stormrider thinks so, then he must be right."

Jolie commented, leaning back on her chair. "My <Echoing Abyss Harbinger> group can gather fifteen Level 20+ and two hundred Level 10+. The rest of my troops are busy with important matters like defense, rituals, and other things." 

Finnian looked at Jolie and asked. "Can you deal with the World Tree? Taking into account that it is around D- Rank, its stats will be very high."

Jolie smiled confidently. "Even if her stats are as high as mine, I can handle her. I have many arts that will make the World Tree become nothing but a docile tree."

Eldric spoke. "Lord Finnian, if Lady Jolie is dealing with the World Tree, what will you do in the meantime?"

Finnian spoke calmly. "Killing everybody else. They don't have <Second Energy Cycle> people, right?" 

Eldric shook his head. "None of them are at that level that I know of. Both of the strongest people on their side could not fight Malachai together, so Lord Finnian should be able to slaughter them left and right."

Finnian nodded. "Alaric, you are the weakest of all of us; your numbers have also yet to recover. Therefore, other than you and your elites, I want the rest of your people to be near Sirol City and warn us the second Wert gets out. From Sirol City, Wert should take around two hours or so to arrive, one hour and a half if the Golden Sap Forest is essential for some kind of plan."

Alaric asked. "Lord Finnian, won't there be a few Explorers left behind by Wert? They can be a problem, right?"

"They won't be." Finnian answered confidently. "While those Explorers are strong, my Marigold Warden elites will be enough to keep them in check." Then, he stood up from the chair and ordered. "Send the scouts and get a clear mapping of the area. Avoid conflict as to not alert the enemy. Just act as another Explorer group entering the forest for resources."

Eldric stood up and smiled, his eyes shining with greed. 'Soon. I'll make you mine soon, World Tree.' He stepped outside and mounted his Stormbird. "Set off!" 

A few days later, when Liu Shu finished all her buildings and started looking around, she zoomed in to listen to the conversation of a few groups. Many were not saying anything, but one of those groups got her attention, so she focused on their words. 

"This is so boring…"

Liu Shu was speechless. 'I thought it would be more interesting…'

Another answered sternly. "Hey, don't say that. We are quite lucky."

'Oh? Lucky?' Liu Shu closely heard their words. 

The first person who spoke rolled her eyes. "How so? Here on guard, spying on a few monsters. Is that considered lucky?"


The one who spoke sternly sighed and crouched beside the bored woman. "At least we are not going to the fight. Remember that none of our friends came back the previous time."

'Fighting…? Friends didn't come back?'

The woman looked at him with a disappointed expression. "Did you become a coward or something? How can you say that losing an opportunity to gain those sweet Experience Points is lucky!?" 

'Hmhm~, Experience Points are indeed sweet~.'

The man looked at the woman and shook his head. "Even leader Malachai died-."

Liu Shu remembered and exclaimed. 'That name-!' But, she was interrupted.


Liu Shu was stunned. 'Wow! She can really shout! I wonder if her voice reached all the way here?' 

The man looked at the woman, unfazed. The woman continued, her face reddish from strain. "When I am strong enough, I will kill that power-greedy Alaric and wait until our REAL leader returns!"

The man shook his head and said to the rest. "Let's continue our patrol. Her blaring must've alerted half the forest."

The woman wanted to continue screaming, but when she saw the gazes from the others in the group, she clamped down her teeth and followed while huffing and stomping the ground. 

Liu Shu hummed. 'So… They are bad people…? Hmm…' 

The World Tree couldn't help but notice the increased activity in the forest through her <World Tree Eye>. After all, the change had not been gradual for her. If there were between 30 and 70 people in the forest at all times before, the numbers were triple that now. 'Hmm…' Her gaze landed on the napping Flor and she giggled a bit. 'Flor! Flor! Floooooor! FlorFlorFlorFlor~. FloOoOoOoOoOor!'

The Rose Fairy Queen opened her eyes with annoyance that couldn't hold her pampering gaze. She spoke with a groggy tone. "What's wrong, love? Is it important?"

Liu Shu giggled. 'Yes! Umm… Did Wert send that warning thingy to keep people out of our territory?'

Flor hummed in affirmation, not bothering to move from the comfortable sleeping position on one of Liu Shu's branches. "Mhm. Why?"

Liu Shu asked. 'Well, there are many people that are entering the restricted area and looking around. So, is that a plan from him? The way they are moving is a bit suspicious. They also seem to be related to that bad guy Malachai who hurt you badly.'

Flor felt a twitch of phantom pain on her arm, leg, and wings after hearing that name. The feeling of her limbs being severed was still fresh in her mind. She sat up and spoke. "Well, let's ask the Explorers. If they don't know anything, then we have invaders, Liu Shu."

Liu Shu answered, her voice sounding somewhat eager. 'Okay~.'

Flor smirked to herself. 'She really wants to try her new strength, doesn't she? Cute~.'

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