Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos.

Chapter 180. First Arrivals at Golden Sap Town.

The first group that was leading toward the Golden Sap Forest took the caravan with a curious gaze. After all, each caravan had strong Explorers guarding it, which was rare. Such a big movement had not happened since Fortuna City's opening all those years back. 

Of course, the scale was different because Fortuna City was a much bigger event. After all, the tree in the middle was a World Tree. 

Still, towns that had Life Trees were almost as popular for different reasons. Their auras were good enough to enhance the base living quality, and because of their presence, they usually became commercial hubs. 

This time, the first group that arrived was expecting a slight increase in ternary essence density. Instead, when they entered Liu Shu's domain, they got a wall of dense energies covering their body and almost forcing them to take a deep breath to taste the pure and refreshing aura.

A woman who had been looking bored the entire way widened her eyes and asked. "What is this? How can there be such a dense atmosphere in this place? Wasn't this forest a below-Level-10 area until very recently?"

One of the leading explorers who was protecting the caravan said. "The reason that this place evolved in the first place was this surge of energy. Now, seeing Level 10 and above creatures is not that strange. All the beings that were Level 9 had managed to evolve, increasing the overall value of the place by a lot. Then, with the territorial battles occurring here and there, some of the creatures are now at a very high level. The other day, I encountered a Level 14 beast."

A man at the side snorted. "Level 14 is very low. What are you trying to promote here?"

The Explorer smiled. "A future. Remember that the Golden Sap Forest was an area below Level 10 not long ago. A year later, Level 14 beasts are roaming the place." 

The woman's face became pensive. "How many residents can this place hold?"

The Explorer smiled. "This town is still being built up. There are not many houses. However, when you realize what the houses can do, I don't know if you'll want to leave, hahaha." 

The snarky man at the side snorted again. "Boastful. When you say such big words, it is easy for those words to fall on your head, hurting you." 

The Explorer man shrugged. Then, he shouted. "We are now going to see our bodyguards into the depths of the forest. Please, don't freak out! We guarantee the safety of the journey!"

The nearly 20 people in the caravan looked outside curiously and saw a few giant red insects appearing from the forest. One woman shouted. "A-Ant! Kill them!"

"Oh, branches above, we are going to die!"

"Turn the carriage around quickly!"

The Explorer shouted. "Keep calm! These are the protectors!"

Everyone looked at the Explorer with stunned expressions, but when they observed the ants, they saw that they had moved around them, but they didn't act. This surprised many until they saw someone appearing from the forest surrounded by a gentle breeze.

A tiny humanoid creature with beautiful red hair and eyes, wearing a red dress and with milky white skin, flew out of the forest. "Welcome, visitors. I am Clavel. I am a Rose Fairy that's here to welcome you to our <Golden Sap Town>. The ants around us follow my commands, so as long as none of you have evil intentions, there is no need to feel afraid or nervous." 

The people in the carriages blinked twice, surprised at the eloquence of the Rose Fairy in front of them. Clavel smiled prettily, and she said. "Please, if you have any questions, you can always ask me anything. I'll answer to the best of my abilities."

The snarky man asked. "Are we being led to become food?"

Clavel laughed. "I wouldn't dare feed my pretty friends around here with your flesh." Clavel's face became cold as she spat. "I don't want them to have indigestion."

Some people around failed to hold their laughter, blowing some raspberries. The man's face turned red with anger, and he shouted. "Do you want to die, monster!"

Clavel hummed. "You've probably been invited by Lord Wert, and to give him respect, you decided to attend even though you were reluctant, am I wrong?" Clavel smiled. "If you want to continue respecting Lord Wert's investment in the future of this place, you should keep your attitude in check."

Clavel analyzed the man, and seeing that he was Level 8, she moved forward quickly and appeared right in front of him before he could react. 

Everyone else was stunned, feeling their eyes widening. Clavel smiled at the pale-faced man. "Also, I am a monster, as you said, so don't expect me to have a lot of patience." Clavel leaned forward with a cold smile. "I can snap quickly and go rogue, can't I? So~, will you behave?"

The man stuttered, his face dripping with sweat. "I-I'll do so."

Clavel flew away and smiled. "Then, does anyone else have questions that are not insulting?"

A woman asked, curious. "What Level are you, Clavel?"

Clavel laughed. "I thought asking the Level was considered rude in your society."

The woman smiled elegantly. "It might be in ours; I don't know about yours. So, I tried my luck. It's fine if you don't want to answer."

Clavel hummed. "Well, since you are our first guests, I guess I can give you that much of a privilege. I am Level 14, Miss."

The woman asked, surprised. "Are you the Rose Fairy Queen that I've heard about?"

Clavel placed a hand on her mouth and laughed. "Not even close, Miss. I am high-level, but nothing compared to our Queen."

Some people around gasped and murmured. 

"A Level 14 Rose Fairy that's not a chief?"

"That's unheard of. Even Chiefs rarely reached Level 11 or 12 in the past." 

"Her strength was also incredible. Do you think she has breached F Tier and entered E Tier?"

"That's very possible."

Clavel coughed. "Ladies, Misses, Lords, and Sirs, I can hear you." 

The people chuckled, relaxing the atmosphere. The Explorer looked at Clavel with appreciation and then shouted. "Move out! We are almost there!"

Their group started moving, and the people in the carriages looked with faces full of wonder at the ants escorting them. The woman who had been somewhat leading the visitors looked at the snarky man and smiled. "It seems that our decision to take advantage of this situation has become a bit more difficult."

The man rolled his eyes. "They are monsters. There is no way they can fight our experience. Sooner or later, they will become second-class citizens in their own city. After all, who would allow monsters to lead a prosperous city? People will eventually demand a change in leadership. It's only a matter of time."

Back in the Golden Sap City, Flor sat on her chair in the town hall and smirked coldly as Liu Shu transmitted what they were talking about. "It is a matter of time, huh? We'll see about that. Let's welcome the new guests." Flor extended her hand to the side, caressing the <Ant Princess>'s head. "Make sure people know they are not the kings around here, okay baby?"

The Level 19 <Ant Princess> released a burst of profound aura, agreeing with Flor's words.

A few hours later, the caravan carrying the first group arrived at the outer side of the Wall, leaving all of them breathless. The enormous Life Tree that could be seen beyond the massive walls created an imposing image that would make anyone feel respect. It was similar to arriving at Fortuna City, but of course, Fortuna gave a much more impactful sense of respect.

A Sylvan in the group muttered. "That Life Tree is enormous." A Floriculturist man by her side nodded. "Only <Second Energy Cycle> Life Trees reach this type of size. To think that this hasn't even reached the first sub-cycle."

A man at the side asked, confused. "Why do you think so? I can't really feel anything from that big lady."

The Floriculturist spoke. "Life Trees that reach the first Sub Cycle have a… How to explain it… Their presence is more soothing and full of life? This Life Tree gives a much more aggressive aura. Hm… It's difficult to say exactly how they are different." 

The Sylvan muttered. "Aggressive, huh? It's not wrong. I can feel an innate sense of respect towards it." 

Clavel's voice reached them. "We are entering Golden Sap Town! This is very important, so I hope everyone listens closely. To enter and exit the town, you must wait for the walls to open." 

Everyone looked over with confused looks, but instead of explaining, Clavel flew toward the walls. Then, Liu Shu opened them up. The sound of roots moving made the air tremble together with the hearts of the onlookers. 

Someone murmured in pure awe. "Wow."

Clavel waited until Liu Shu stopped widening the entrance so that everyone could fit in, and then, she turned around and smiled widely. "Welcome to <Golden Sap Town>! I hope you have a wonderful stay." 

The Explorer ordered. "Advance! We need to go back and receive the next groups!" Then, he looked at Clavel and smiled. "Great work, Lady Clavel. I hope to see you again soon and take care of another group as expertly!"

Clavel giggled. "I'll try my best. And thank you for your protection. It was reassuring having you around."

The man nodded with a big smile, and then he guided his group away. The ants accompanied the caravan until the entrance, and then, they left to escort more people. 

Once they entered the town, a gorgeous sight entered their eyes. A small forest-like area welcomed them with sparse and tall trees that led toward the middle of the town. In the distance, the elegant and gorgeous Life Tree covered everything in her aura, surrounded by a magnificent flower field.

"This is like a fairy tale town." A man muttered.

Another person agreed. "Everything here looks gorgeous. The air is especially clean while the Ternary Essence density in the air rivals even Fortuna City."

When they entered, another Rose Fairy arrived and presented herself. "Welcome to our town. I am Lorea. I'll be the welcoming director of <Golden Sap Town>. All people who have any questions about the town's layout can always come to me and my workers, and we'll satisfy them." 

She flew over, her youthful and beautiful face full of charm as she gave large leaves with information written on them. The leaves were easy to fold and store without losing the functionality of many types of paper. "These are our original items. They are not better than paper, of course. However, they are easy to harvest and completely nature-friendly."

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